Conda compiler in CIT IGWN environment appears broken
After recent upgrades at CIT, an Conda environment is enabled by default. The C compiler this supplies appears to refuse to link to any libraries outside of Conda, which breaks building LALSuite from source.
Minimal example:
- Remove
and re-login - Configure and build LAL with default options
- In
directory run:
$ /cvmfs/ -o .libs/lal_version version.o ../lib/.libs/ ../lib/support/.libs/ -ldl -lz -lpthread -lrt -lcurl -lcrypto -lhdf5 -lhdf5_hl -lfftw3 -lfftw3f -lgsl -lgslcblas -lcblas -lm -pthread
$ ldd .libs/lal_version | grep liblal => /cvmfs/ (0x00007f2044884000) => /cvmfs/ (0x00007f204463d000)
This should link to the compiled versions of LAL and LALSupport in ../libs
but does not. Confirmed this is still a problem once LAL binaries are installed.
Update: seeing same problem with system compiler and Scratch that; I was looking at the pre-installed executable, once installed it's fine.touch ~/.noigwn
Edited by Karl Wette