LAL SWIG Python tests result in Segmentation fault in Python 3.12
Building the LAL Python bindings with SWIG (4.2.1) result in a Segmentation fault on Python 3.12
See the attached config.log, and test-suite.log.
This can also be seen in in this CI job.
To reproduce
From a clean checkout of lscsoft/lalsuite
# create environment
. $(conda info --base)/etc/profile.d/
sed -i.tmp "s/- python$/- python=3.12/" common/conda/environment.yml
conda env create -n lal-python312 --file common/conda/environment.yml
conda activate lal-python312
# build LAL
./configure \
--disable-all-lal \
--disable-gcc-flags \
--disable-static \
--disable-swig-octave \
--enable-lal \
--enable-python \
--enable-swig-iface \
--enable-swig-python \
2>&1 | tee configure.log
make -j V=1 VERBOSE=1 2>&1 | tee build.log
make check -j -C lal/swig V=1 VERBOSE=1