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  • Kipp Cannon's avatar
    SnglInspiralTable: rename .end_time element to .end · 2f74f30b
    Kipp Cannon authored
    - with the increase of use of the swig wrapping of this type, we are
      encountering problems with incompatibilities between the C structure
      definitions and the contents of XML tables
    - for these types to be compatible with the I/O code in glue, pylal (and
      anything that's been written using that code over the past years), some
      tweaking of GPS time attributes is needed.  generally existing Python
      code expects these table row types to have attributes that match the
      column names found in XML tables, which means, for example, that
      sngl_inspiral table row objects are expected to have .end_time and
      .end_time_ns attributes (both containing integers).  for convenience, the
      row types in glue have had properties added to combine these pairs of
      integers into LIGOTimeGPS objects.
    - this patch makes the adjustments to the SnglInspiralTable type needed for
      the end time to be exported compatibly with the types in glue and pylal.
      the C structure's .end_time element is renamed to .end, and the swig
      wrapping is taught how to emulate the .end_time and .end_time_ns
      attributes of existing Python code.
    - note that the .event_id and .process_id elements of the C structure still
      require work before a swig-wrapped SnglInspiralTable row object can be
      used directly with the glue.ligolw I/O library.
    - refs #2294
    Original: 8fb00f425198665d9f592f068c55282c2393ad70