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  • Kipp Cannon's avatar
    remove unused variables from .pc files · 593eaa45
    Kipp Cannon authored
    - for some reason that I don't understand the .pc files contain a number of variable definitions that are not required by pkg-config.  the configure script sets two of these of these unused variables to values that, in turn, depend on other variable definitions that are not included in the .pc file and are not expanded at configure time.  this causes pkg-config to report an undefined variable error, and makes software that links to lal impossible to compile if pkg-config is relied upon to supply compiler and linker falgs.
    - the cause of the problem is an incompatibility between some versions of the AM_PATH_PYTHON script and some versions of autoconf/automake/autosomething.  the bug has been reported in numerous forums for example and I believe it has been fixed upstream, however it is not fixed in lalsuite and/or the versions of the build tools installed on some user's computers, and it likely won't be for some time.
    - one option would be to figure out how to get lalsuite's build scripts to work around the problem ... or ... just remove the offending variables from the .pc files because they aren't used for anything.
    - this patch does the latter.