diff --git a/gracedb/api/v1/superevents/urls.py b/gracedb/api/v1/superevents/urls.py
index e16f02ba545fa4725f1af6a58bf7717f312986db..a7e18bb38e4c33a3b395ed10547682e2506e9d0c 100644
--- a/gracedb/api/v1/superevents/urls.py
+++ b/gracedb/api/v1/superevents/urls.py
@@ -97,8 +97,7 @@ suburlpatterns = [
     # Permissions list and creation
     url(r'permissions/$', SupereventGroupObjectPermissionViewSet.as_view(
         {'get': 'list'}), name='superevent-permission-list'),
-    # Permissions modification (expose/hide superevent). Has to come before
-    # permissions detail, otherwise .+ wildcard will match it first.
+    # Permissions modification (expose/hide superevent).
         SupereventGroupObjectPermissionViewSet.as_view({'post': 'modify'}),
diff --git a/gracedb/core/middleware/api.py b/gracedb/core/middleware/api.py
index 71411c41dd9b3182522d31a34a279c85afb4e588..96332a6ff8165eb3e3070cb31a2d87858e2cb7ce 100644
--- a/gracedb/core/middleware/api.py
+++ b/gracedb/core/middleware/api.py
@@ -22,10 +22,8 @@ class CliExceptionMiddleware(MiddlewareMixin):
 class ClientVersionMiddleware(object):
-    Middleware class which checks the user's IP against a list of IPs
-    corresponding to instrument control rooms.  If the user appears to be
-    in a control room, we add them to the corresponding control room group
-    for the duration of the request.
+    Middleware class which checks the version of gracedb-client for
+    compatibility with the server.
     client_string = 'gracedb-client'
     error_messages = {