From 4a190f602d970b81bc86cb47d8460d354880ef92 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Brian Moe <>
Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 17:58:54 -0600
Subject: [PATCH] Added hide-able query help text.  Removed some date/time
 ambiguity from the text query.

 gracedb/                       | 29 +++++++++-----
 templates/gracedb/event_list.html      | 16 ++++++++
 templates/gracedb/query.html           | 38 +++++++++++-------
 templates/gracedb/query_help_frag.html | 54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 templates/gracedb/query_help_frag.html

diff --git a/gracedb/ b/gracedb/
index 359702db5..d326b3f6f 100644
--- a/gracedb/
+++ b/gracedb/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
 from nltime import nlTimeExpression as nltime_
 nltime = nltime_.setParseAction(lambda toks: toks["calculatedTime"])
+import time, datetime
 import models
 from django.db.models import Q
@@ -58,7 +59,8 @@ gpsQ = gpsQ.setParseAction(maybeRange("gpstime"))
 # Analysis Groups
 groupNames = [ for group in models.Group.objects.all()]
 group = Or(map(CaselessLiteral, groupNames)).setName("analysis group name")
-groupList = delimitedList(group, delim='|').setName("analysis group list")
+#groupList = delimitedList(group, delim='|').setName("analysis group list")
+groupList = OneOrMore(group).setName("analysis group list")
 groupQ = (Optional(Suppress(Keyword("group:"))) + groupList)
 groupQ = groupQ.setParseAction(lambda toks: ("group", Q(group__name__in=toks.asList())))
@@ -85,8 +87,23 @@ hidQ = Optional(Suppress(Keyword("hid:"))) + (hid^hidRange)
 hidQ = hidQ.setParseAction(maybeRange("hid", dbname="id"))
 # Created times
 nltimeRange = nltime + Suppress("..") + nltime
-createdQ = Optional(Suppress(Keyword("created:"))) + (nltime^nltimeRange)
+def doTime(tok):
+    x = datetime.datetime(*(map(int, tok)))
+    return x
+dash = Suppress('-')
+colon = Suppress(':')
+date_ = Regex(r'\d{4}') + dash +  Regex(r'\d{2}') + dash +  Regex(r'\d{2}')
+dt = date_ + Optional(Regex(r'\d{2}')+colon+Regex(r'\d{2}')+
+                Optional(colon+Regex(r'\d{2}')))
+dtrange = dt + Suppress("..") + dt
+createdQ = Optional(Suppress(Keyword("created:"))) + (nltime^nltimeRange^dt^dtrange)
 createdQ = createdQ.setParseAction(maybeRange("created"))
@@ -107,14 +124,8 @@ labelQ_ = operatorPrecedence(label,
 labelQ = labelQ_.copy().setParseAction(lambda toks: ("label", toks[0]))
-# Date/Time
-# XXX Not yet included... requires conversion to gps.
-dateTime = Regex(r'\d{4}/\d{2}/\d{2}(-\d{2}:\d{2}(:\d{2})?( ?[A-Z]{3,4})?)?')
-dateQ = (Optional(Suppress(Keyword("date:"))) + dateTime).\
-        setParseAction(doDate)
-q = (gidQ | hidQ | atypeQ | groupQ | gpsQ | labelQ | createdQ).setName("query term")
+q = (gidQ | hidQ | atypeQ | groupQ | labelQ | createdQ | gpsQ).setName("query term")
 def parseQuery(s):
diff --git a/templates/gracedb/event_list.html b/templates/gracedb/event_list.html
index 927124b99..169706f0d 100644
--- a/templates/gracedb/event_list.html
+++ b/templates/gracedb/event_list.html
@@ -5,6 +5,21 @@
 {% block heading %}{{ title }}{% endblock %}
 {% block pageid %}search{% endblock %}
+{% block jscript %}
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+    <!--
+        function toggle_visibility(id) {
+           var e = document.getElementById(id);
+           if( == 'block')
+     = 'none';
+           else
+     = 'block';
+        }
+    //-->
+    </script>
+{% endblock %}
 {% block content %}
 <p>{{ message }}</p>
@@ -12,6 +27,7 @@
     <form action="{{ formAction }}"method="POST">
         {{ form.as_table }} <a href="{{queryLink}}">Link</a>
+    {% include "gracedb/query_help_frag.html" %}
 {% endif %}
 {% if object_list.count %}
diff --git a/templates/gracedb/query.html b/templates/gracedb/query.html
index e6cd88a3a..0c2d57335 100644
--- a/templates/gracedb/query.html
+++ b/templates/gracedb/query.html
@@ -4,26 +4,34 @@
 {% block heading %}Search{% endblock %}
 {% block pageid %}search{% endblock %}
+{% block jscript %}
+    <script type="text/javascript">
+    <!--
+        function toggle_visibility(id) {
+           var e = document.getElementById(id);
+           if( == 'block')
+     = 'none';
+           else
+     = 'block';
+        }
+    //-->
+    </script>
+{% endblock %}
 {% block content %}
-<dt>Hints on querying:</dt>
-  <ul>
-    <li>Limit results to a set of groups or analysis types by typing group or analysis type names.</li>
-    <li>Limit results to GPS times or time ranges by typing a GPS time or range, eg <code>941367090..941418534</code> or <code>941418534</code>.</li>
-    <li>Limit results to a range of graceids, <code>G0770..G0900</code>.</li>
-    <li>Limit results to events with certain labels, eg <code>LUMIN_GO</code> or <code>DQV</code>.</li>
-  </ul>
 <form method="POST">
-    <table>
-        {{ form.as_table }}
-        <tr><td></td><td><input type="Submit"/></td></tr>
-    </table>
+  <table>
+    {{ form.as_table }}
+    <tr><td></td><td><input type="Submit"/></td></tr>
+    <tr><td></td>
+        <td>{% include "gracedb/query_help_frag.html" %}</td>
+    </tr>
+  </table>
+<!-- Old style Query -->
 {% if form2 %}
 <h4>Simple Query</h4>
diff --git a/templates/gracedb/query_help_frag.html b/templates/gracedb/query_help_frag.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10e9e8952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/gracedb/query_help_frag.html
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+<a onClick="toggle_visibility('hints');">Hints on querying:</a>
+<div id="hints" style="display: none;">
+ <h5>By GPS Time</h5>
+  Specifiy an exact GPS time, or a range.
+  Integers will be assumed to be GPS times, making the <code>gpstime:</code>
+  keyword optional.
+  <ul style="blank">
+     <li><code>999999000..999999999</code></li>
+     <li><code>gpstime: 999999999</code></li>
+     <li><code>gpstime: 999999000..999999999</code></li>
+  </ul>
+ <h5>By Creation Time</h5>
+  Creation time may be indicated by an exact time or a range.  Date/times are
+  in the format <code>2009-10-20 13:00:00</code>.  If the time is omitted, it
+  is assumed to be <code>00:00:00</code>.  Dates may also consist of certain
+  variants of English-like phrases.
+  The <code>created:</code> keyword is (generally) optional.
+  <ul>
+     <li><code>created: 2009-10-08 .. 2009-12-04 16:00:00</code></li>
+     <li><code></code></li>
+     <li><code></code></li>
+     <li><code>created: 1 week ago .. now</code></li>
+  </ul>
+ <h5>By Graceid</h5>
+  GraceIds can be specified either individually, or as a range.
+  The <code>gid:</code> keyword is optional.
+  <ul>
+   <li>gid: G2011</li>
+   <li>G2011..G3000</li>
+   <li>G2011 G2032 G2033</li>
+  </ul>
+ <h5>By Group and Analysis Type</h5>
+  The <code>group:</code> and <code>type:</code> keywords are optional.  Group and analysis type names are case-insensitive.  Note that events in the Test group will not be shown unless explicitly requested.
+  <ul>
+   <li>CBC Burst</li>
+   <li>Inspiral CWB</li>
+   <li>group: Test type: cwb</li>
+   <li>Burst Omega</li>
+  </ul>
+ <h5>By Label</h5>
+  You may request only events that have a certain label.  The <code>label:</code> keyword
+  is optional.  Note that specifying multiple labels is an "OR" operation.  More complex
+  expressiveness is on the 'todo' list.
+  <ul>
+   <li>label: INJ</li>
+   <li>DQV LUMIN_GO</li>
+  </ul>