From 62295f4edbefa174baf9d39fc3a06d7292b16194 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tanner Prestegard <>
Date: Fri, 31 May 2019 15:38:57 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Remove unused management command for ingesting EEL emails

 .../management/commands/       | 324 ------------------
 1 file changed, 324 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 gracedb/events/management/commands/

diff --git a/gracedb/events/management/commands/ b/gracedb/events/management/commands/
deleted file mode 100644
index 361e4e500..000000000
--- a/gracedb/events/management/commands/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-from import BaseCommand
-from ...models import Event, EMBBEventLog
-from ...models import EMGroup
-from ...models import AlternateEmail
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-import json
-import re
-import smtplib
-from email.mime.text import MIMEText
-from email import message_from_string
-from binascii import a2b_qp, a2b_base64
-wierdchars = re.compile(u'[\U00010000-\U0010ffff]')
-No GraceDB user was found matching email: %s
-To proceed, the following actions are recommended:
-For LVC users: Please re-send your EEL using your mail 
-    forwarding address or a LIGO alternate mail address (i.e., an 
-    address from which you can send message to LIGO mailing lists).
-For non-LVC users: If you have not already done so, please log in 
-    to the GraceDB web interface at 
-    This will have the effect of caching your email address, and
-    then you can try re-sending your EEL message. We apologize for 
-    the inconvenience. 
-    Also, please use the email address with which you registered
-    at If you need to use an alternate email 
-    address, we can add it to the system manually. Just send a 
-    message to
-def sendResponse(to, subject, message):
-    print message
-    msg = MIMEText(message)
-    # Allow the 'to' argument to contain either a list (for multiple recipients)
-    # or a string (for a single recipient)
-    if isinstance(to, list):
-        msg['To'] = ','.join(to)
-        to_list = to
-    else:
-        msg['To'] = to
-        to_list = [to]
-    # Remove any addresses to ignore
-    to_list = list(set(to_list) - set(settings.EMBB_IGNORE_ADDRESSES))
-    if not len(to_list):
-        return None
-    from_address = settings.EMBB_MAIL_ADDRESS 
-    msg['From'] = from_address
-    msg['Subject'] = subject
-    s = smtplib.SMTP(settings.EMBB_SMTP_SERVER)
-    s.sendmail(from_address, to_list, msg.as_string())
-    s.quit()
-    return None
-# Given a string and an encoding, return a unicode string with the
-# 6, 9, 66, and 99 characters replaced.
-def get_unicode_and_fix_quotes(s, encoding):
-    rv = u''
-    for char in s:
-        if encoding:
-            uchar = unicode(char, encoding)
-        else:
-            uchar = unicode(char)
-        if ord(uchar) > 127:
-            # Fix 6 and 9
-            if uchar == u'\u2018' or uchar == u'\u2019':
-                uchar = u"'"
-            # Fix 66 and 99
-            if uchar == u'\u201c' or uchar == u'\u201d':
-                uchar = u'"'
-        rv += uchar
-    return rv
-class Command(BaseCommand):
-    help = "I am the email ingester!"
-    def handle(self, *args, **options):
-        self.transcript = 'Started email ingester\n'
-        # must provide a filename
-        if len(args) < 1:
-            self.transcript += 'No filename provided'
-            return sendResponse(settings.EMBB_MAIL_ADMINS, 'embb submission', self.transcript)
-        # The file is understood to contain the raw contents of the email.
-        filename = args[0]
-        try:
-            f = open(filename, 'r')
-            data =
-            f.close()
-            self.transcript += 'Got email with %d characters incl headers\n' % len(data)
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.transcript += 'Could not fetch email file\n' +  str(e)
-            return sendResponse(settings.EMBB_MAIL_ADMINS, 'embb submission', self.transcript)
-        # Try to convert to email object.
-        email_obj = message_from_string(data)
-        # Parse the email and find out who it's from.
-        from_string = email_obj['from']
-        try:
-            # XXX Hacky way to get the stuff between the '<' and the '>'
-            from_address = from_string.split('<')[1].split('>')[0]
-        except:
-            try:
-                from_address = email_obj._unixfrom.split()[1]
-            except Exception, e:
-                self.transcript += 'Problem parsing out sender address\n' + str(e)
-                return sendResponse(settings.EMBB_MAIL_ADMINS, 'embb submission failure', self.transcript)
-        # find the submitter
-        # Look up the sender's address.
-        user = None
-        try:
-            user = User.objects.get(email=from_address)
-        except:
-            pass
-        try: 
-            alt_email = AlternateEmail.objects.get(email=from_address)
-            user = alt_email.user
-            self.transcript += 'Found submitter %s\n' % user.username
-        except:
-            pass
-        if not user:
-            self.transcript += USER_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE % from_address
-            return sendResponse(from_address, 'gracedb user not found', self.transcript)
-        # Get the subject of the email. Use it in the reply
-        subject = email_obj.get('Subject', '')
-        reply_subject = 'Re: ' + subject
-        # Now we want to get the contents of the email.
-        # Get the payload and encoding.
-        encoding = None
-        if email_obj.is_multipart():
-            # Let's look for a plain text part.  If not, throw an error.
-            msg = None
-            for part in email_obj.get_payload():
-                if part.get_content_type() == 'text/plain':
-                    content_transfer_encoding = part.get('Content-Transfer-Encoding', None)
-                    msg = part.get_payload()
-                    try:
-                        encoding = part.get_content_charset()  
-                    except:
-                        pass
-            if not msg:
-                self.transcript += 'We cannot parse your email because it is not plain text.\n'
-                self.transcript += 'Please send plain text emails instead of just HTML.\n'
-                return sendResponse(from_address, reply_subject, self.transcript)
-        else:
-            # not multipart. 
-            msg = email_obj.get_payload()
-            content_transfer_encoding = email_obj.get('Content-Transfer-Encoding', None)
-            try:
-                encoding = email_obj.get_content_charset()
-            except:
-                pass
-        if content_transfer_encoding:
-            if content_transfer_encoding == 'quoted-printable':
-                msg = a2b_qp(msg)
-            elif content_transfer_encoding == 'base64':
-                msg = a2b_base64(msg)
-            else:
-                self.transcript += 'Your message uses an unsupported content transfer encoding.\n'
-                self.transcript += 'Please use quoted-printable or base64.\n'
-                return sendResponse(from_address, reply_subject, self.transcript)
-        # Get a unicode string and fix any quotation marks.
-        msg = get_unicode_and_fix_quotes(msg, encoding)
-        # Get the body of the message and convert to lines.
-        if msg:
-            lines = msg.split('\n')
-        else:
-            lines = []
-        comment = ''
-        dict = {}
-        p = re.compile('[A-Za-z-]+:')
-        inkey = 0
-        key = ''
-        for line in lines:
-            if len(line) > 0:
-                if inkey and line[0].isspace():   # initial space implies continuation
-                    dict[key] += line
-                    continue
-            m = p.match(line)
-            if m:
-                key = line[m.start():m.end()-1]
-                val = line[m.end():].strip()
-                if dict.has_key(key):            # same key again just makes a new line in val
-                    dict[key] += '\n' + val
-                else:
-                    dict[key] = val
-                inkey = 1
-            else:
-                comment += line
-                inkey = 0
-        self.transcript += 'Found %d keys in email\n' % len(dict.keys())
-#        if not dict.has_key('JSON'):
-#            self.transcript += 'Error: no JSON key'
-#            return sendResponse(from_address, dict['SUBJECT'], self.transcript)
-        def getpop(dict, key, default):
-            if dict.has_key(key):
-                return dict.pop(key)
-            else:
-                return default
-        def getTextList(dict, key1, key2, default):
-            val = None
-            if dict.has_key(key1): val = dict[key1]
-            if dict.has_key(key2): val = dict[key2]
-            if val:
-                if isinstance(val, list):
-                    return json.dumps(val)[1:-1]
-                else:
-                    return str(val)
-            else:
-                return default
-# look for the JSON field at the end of the mail
-        extra_dict = {}
-        if dict.has_key('JSON'):
-            try:
-                extra_dict = json.loads(dict['JSON'])
-                self.transcript += 'Found %d keys in JSON\n' % len(extra_dict.keys())
-            except Exception, e:
-                self.transcript += 'Error: Cannot parse JSON: %s\n' % dict['JSON']
-                self.transcript += str(e)
-                return sendResponse(from_address, reply_subject, self.transcript)
-# look for PARAM fields of the form
-# PARAM:  apple=34.2 or appleList=[2,3,4]
-        if dict.has_key('PARAM'):
-            lines = dict['PARAM'].split('\n')
-            for line in lines:
-                tok = line.split('=')
-                if len(tok) == 2:
-                    key = tok[0].strip()
-                    val = tok[1].strip()
-                    extra_dict[key] = val
-# gotta get the Graceid!
-        graceid = getpop(extra_dict, 'graceid', None)   # try to get the graceid from the extra_dict
-        if not graceid and dict.has_key('SUBJECT'):
-            tok = dict['SUBJECT'].split(':')    # look for a second colon in the SUBJECT line
-            graceid = tok[0].strip()
-        if not graceid:
-            self.transcript += 'Cannot locate GraceID in SUBJECT, JSON, or PARAM data'
-            return sendResponse(from_address, reply_subject, self.transcript)
-        try:
-            event = Event.getByGraceid(graceid)
-            self.transcript += 'Found Graceid %s\n' % graceid
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.transcript += 'Error: Cannot find Graceid %s\n' % graceid
-            self.transcript += str(e)
-            return sendResponse(from_address, reply_subject, self.transcript)
-        # create a log entry
-        eel = EMBBEventLog(event=event)
-        eel.event = event
-        eel.submitter = user
-        # Assign a group name
-        group_name = getpop(extra_dict, 'group', None)
-        try:
-            group = EMGroup.objects.get(name=group_name)
-   = group
-            self.transcript += 'Found EMGroup %s\n' % group_name
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.transcript += 'Error: Cannot find EMGroup =%s=\n' % group_name
-            self.transcript += str(e)
-            return sendResponse(from_address, reply_subject, self.transcript)
-        eel.eel_status  = getpop(extra_dict, 'eel_status', 'FO')
-        eel.obs_status  = getpop(extra_dict, 'obs_status', 'TE')
-        eel.footprintID = getpop(extra_dict, 'footprintID', '')
-        eel.waveband    = getpop(extra_dict, 'waveband', 'em.opt')
-        eel.raList          = getTextList(extra_dict, 'ra',       'raList',       '')
-        eel.decList         = getTextList(extra_dict, 'dec',      'decList',      '')
-        eel.raWidthList     = getTextList(extra_dict, 'raWidth',  'raWidthList',  '')
-        eel.decWidthList    = getTextList(extra_dict, 'decWidth', 'decWidthList', '')
-        eel.gpstimeList     = getTextList(extra_dict, 'gpstime',  'gpstimeList',  '')
-        eel.durationList    = getTextList(extra_dict, 'duration', 'durationList', '')
-        eel.validateMakeRects()
-        eel.extra_info_dict = json.dumps(extra_dict)
-        self.transcript += 'Extra_info_dict is %s\n' % eel.extra_info_dict
-        eel.comment = comment
-        try:
-        except Exception as e:
-            self.transcript += 'Error: Could not save EEL\n'
-            self.transcript += str(e)
-            return sendResponse(from_address, reply_subject, self.transcript)
-        self.transcript += 'EEL is successfully saved!'
-        return sendResponse(from_address, reply_subject, self.transcript)