diff --git a/gracedb/alert.py b/gracedb/alert.py
index 4e244792bf680743bd146bffbad829c7a7afd326..a422cf371803fd00729329698aa42e4268e6842f 100644
--- a/gracedb/alert.py
+++ b/gracedb/alert.py
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ from django.conf import settings
 import json
 import logging
-#from hashlib import sha1
-#from ligo.overseer.client import send_to_overseer
-#from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
+from hashlib import sha1
+from ligo.overseer.client import send_to_overseer
+from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
 log = logging.getLogger('gracedb.alert')
@@ -150,23 +150,24 @@ def issueXMPPAlert(event, location, alert_type="new", description="", serialized
     msg = json.dumps(lva_data)
     log.debug("issueXMPPAlert: writing message %s" % msg)
-#    manager = Manager()
+    manager = Manager()
     for server in settings.ALERT_XMPP_SERVERS:
+        port = settings.LVALERT_OVERSEER_PORTS[server]
         for nodename in nodenames:
-#        # Calculate unique message_id and log
-#        message_id = sha1(nodename + msg).hexdigest()
-#        log.info("issueXMPPAlert: sending %s to node %s" % (message_id, nodename))
-#        rdict = manager.dict()
-#        msg_dict = {'node_name': nodename, 'message': msg, 'action': 'push'}
-#        p = Process(target=send_to_overseer, args=(msg_dict, rdict, log, True))
-#        p.start()
-#        p.join()
-#        if rdict.get('success', None):
-#            continue
+            # Calculate unique message_id and log
+            message_id = sha1(nodename + msg).hexdigest()
+            log.info("issueXMPPAlert: sending %s to node %s on %s" % (message_id, nodename, server))
+            rdict = manager.dict()
+            msg_dict = {'node_name': nodename, 'message': msg, 'action': 'push'}
+            p = Process(target=send_to_overseer, args=(msg_dict, rdict, log, True, port))
+            p.start()
+            p.join()
+            if rdict.get('success', None):
+                continue
             # If not success, we need to do this the old way.
             log.info("issueXMPPAlert: failover to lvalert_send") 
diff --git a/settings/branson.py b/settings/branson.py
index 6d1c15a8c1988fd289c4293b688b7c5aa85e6e0c..0843ed9a0fe56ecf0f5728e6d044da7c222ea154 100644
--- a/settings/branson.py
+++ b/settings/branson.py
@@ -37,9 +37,14 @@ ALERT_TEST_EMAIL_FROM = "Dev Test Alert <root@moe.phys.uwm.edu>"
     "Branson Stephens <branson@gravity.phys.uwm.edu>",
-ALERT_XMPP_SERVER = "jabber.phys.uwm.edu",
-ALERT_XMPP_SERVERS = ["jabber.phys.uwm.edu",]
-LVALERT_SEND_EXECUTABLE = '/home/branson/djangoenv/bin/lvalert_send'
+ALERT_XMPP_SERVERS = ["lvalert-test.cgca.uwm.edu",]
+LVALERT_SEND_EXECUTABLE = '/usr/bin/lvalert_send'
+# For each lvalert server, a separate instance of the lvalert_overseer
+# must be running and listening on a distinct port. 
+    'lvalert-test.cgca.uwm.edu': 8001,
 EMBB_MAIL_ADDRESS = 'branson@moe.phys.uwm.edu'
 EMBB_SMTP_SERVER = 'localhost'
diff --git a/settings/default.py b/settings/default.py
index eb9ef95360c229fcabe183a117742bbc171537e1..3bf8e1fa5bd33d77b0f98ea0236a671288186f35 100644
--- a/settings/default.py
+++ b/settings/default.py
@@ -30,6 +30,12 @@ ALERT_TEST_EMAIL_TO = [
 ALERT_XMPP_SERVERS = ["lvalert.cgca.uwm.edu"]
 LVALERT_SEND_EXECUTABLE = '/usr/bin/lvalert_send'
+# For each lvalert server, a separate instance of the lvalert_overseer
+# must be running and listening on a distinct port. 
+    'lvalert.cgca.uwm.edu': 8000,
 EMBB_MAIL_ADDRESS = 'embb@gracedb.ligo.org'
 EMBB_SMTP_SERVER = 'localhost'
 EMBB_MAIL_ADMINS = ['branson@gravity.phys.uwm.edu','roy.williams@ligo.org',]
diff --git a/settings/roy.py b/settings/roy.py
index 0a549f3c541d498e9d907944a558b879e3215c78..549bc52f789ae9bd631e87a63342531cea6ca4c2 100644
--- a/settings/roy.py
+++ b/settings/roy.py
@@ -41,10 +41,15 @@ ALERT_TEST_EMAIL_TO = [
     "Roy Williams <roy@caltech.edu>",
-ALERT_XMPP_SERVER = 'jabber.phys.uwm.edu'
-ALERT_XMPP_SERVERS = ['jabber.phys.uwm.edu',]
+ALERT_XMPP_SERVERS = ['lvalert-test.cgca.uwm.edu',]
 LVALERT_SEND_EXECUTABLE = '/usr/bin/lvalert_send'
+# For each lvalert server, a separate instance of the lvalert_overseer
+# must be running and listening on a distinct port. 
+    'lvalert-test.cgca.uwm.edu': 8001,
 EMBB_MAIL_ADDRESS = 'embb@embb-dev.ligo.caltech.edu'
 EMBB_SMTP_SERVER = 'acrux.ligo.caltech.edu'
 EMBB_MAIL_ADMINS = ['roy.williams@ligo.org',]