import sys import time from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from django.core.mail import send_mail from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse, get_script_prefix def issueAlert(event, location): issueXMPPAlert(event, location) issueEmailAlert(event, location) def issueEmailAlert(event, location): subject = "[gracedb] %s event. ID: %s" % (event.get_analysisType_display(), event.graceid()) message = """ New Event %s / %s GRACEID: %s Info: %s Data: %s TWiki: %s Submitter: %s Original Data: %s """ message %= (, event.get_analysisType_display(), event.graceid(), 'https://'+Site.objects.get_current().domain+ reverse("view", args=[event.graceid()]), event.weburl(), event.wikiurl(),, location) fromaddress = settings.ALERT_EMAIL_FROM to = settings.ALERT_EMAIL_TO send_mail(subject, message, fromaddress, to) def issueXMPPAlert(event, location): # XXX awful! if event.analysisType != 'MBTA' and != 'Test': return env = {} env["PYTHONPATH"] = ":".join(sys.path) if event.analysisType == 'MBTA' and == 'CBC': nodename = "cbc_mbta_online" else: nodename = "%s_%s"% (, event.get_analysisType_display()) nodename = nodename.lower() null = open('/dev/null','w') p = Popen( ["lvalert_send", "--username=gracedb", "--password=w4k3upal1ve", "--file=-", "--node=%s" % nodename, ], executable="/opt/lscsoft/glue/bin/lvalert_send", stdin=PIPE, stdout=null, stderr=STDOUT, env=env) msg = createPayload(event.graceid(), location) p.stdin.write(msg) p.stdin.close() for i in range(1,10): res = p.poll() if res == None: time.sleep(1) else: break #def issueAlertX(event, location): # username = "gracedb" # server = "" # resource = "sender" # password = "w4k3upal1ve" # node = "cbc_mbta_online" # voevent = createPayload(event.graceid(), location) # # myjid=JID(username+"@"+server+"/"+resource) # recpt=JID("pubsub."+server) # # s=MyClient(jid=myjid, password=password, recpt=recpt) # s.connect() # s.send_myevent(voevent, node) # s.loop(1) def createPayload (uid, filename): template = """<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <!DOCTYPE LIGO_LW SYSTEM ""> <LIGO_LW> <Table Name="LVAlert:table"> <Column Type="lstring" Name="LVAlert:uid"/> <Column Type="lstring" Name="LVAlert:file"/> <Stream Name="LVAlert:table" Type="Local" Delimiter=","> "%(uid)s","%(filename)s" </Stream> </Table> </LIGO_LW> """ return template % { 'uid': uid, 'filename': filename } ## pubsub import must come first because it overloads part of the ## StanzaProcessor class #from glue.lvalert import pubsub # #from pyxmpp.all import JID, TLSSettings #from pyxmpp.jabber.all import Client # # #class MyClient(Client): # def __init__(self, jid, password, recpt): # # if bare JID is provided add a resource -- it is required # if not jid.resource: # jid=JID(jid.node, jid.domain, "sender") # self.myrecpt = recpt # # # we require a TLS connection # t=TLSSettings(require=True,verify_peer=False) # # # setup client with provided connection information # # and identity data # Client.__init__(self, jid, password, \ # auth_methods=["sasl:GSSAPI","sasl:PLAIN"], tls_settings=t) # # def stream_state_changed(self,state,arg): # """This one is called when the state of stream connecting the component # to a server changes. This will usually be used to let the user # know what is going on.""" # pass # # def session_started(self): #, \ # self.pspl.generic_result,self.pspl.create_error,\ # self.pspl.create_timeout) # # # def idle(self): # if and self.session_established: # self.disconnect() # time.sleep(2) # # def post_disconnect(self): # raise Disconnected # # def send_myevent(self, voevent, node): # self.pspl=pubsub.PubSub(from_jid = self.jid, to_jid = self.myrecpt, stream = self, stanza_type="get") # self.pspl.publish(voevent,node) # vi: sts=4 et sw=4