nds2 server not honoring the gpstime field when querying channel lists
From @joseph-areeda:
I've noticed a change in nds_query so that it no longer allows us to list channels available ata specific time.
LDVW uses this feature to flag channels as currently available.
An example:
$ nds_query -n nds.ligo.caltech.edu -l -s 1418544018 L1:TCS-ETMX_HWS_CHAMBERTEMPERATURESENSORA Number of channels received = 1 Channel Rate chan_type L1:TCS-ETMX_HWS_CHAMBERTEMPERATURESENSORA 16 raw real_4
The last time presented is:
$ nds2_channel_source -n nds.ligo.caltech.edu -a L1:TCS-ETMX_HWS_CHAMBERTEMPERATURESENSORA L-L1_R:1327795200-1328039936 1:21 PM
Am I missing something? Should I create a ticket?