diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 6116c21666955a7f95d7df57eea9c3f0bfc006db..442184b8fbef25d608ed024f1c49a1b535b9bf36 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ Changes currently on master, but not under a tag.
 - Added method to result to get injection recovery credible levels
 - Added function to generate a pp-plot from many results to core/result.py
 - Fixed a bug which caused `Interferometer.detector_tensor` not to update when `latitude`, `longitude`, `xarm_azimuth`, `yarm_azimuth`, `xarm_tilt`, `yarm_tilt` were updated.
+- Added implementation of the ROQ likelihood. The basis needs to be specified by the user.
 - Extracted time and frequency series behaviour from `WaveformGenerator` and `InterferometerStrainData` and moved it to `series.gw.CoupledTimeAndFrequencySeries`
 ### Changes
diff --git a/bilby/gw/detector.py b/bilby/gw/detector.py
index 5840aec2d5ac6b0d663b74938a43a95e2e75b4aa..38cda74fe96d52d5d5c52aa49fc10c6d7c801bff 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/detector.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/detector.py
@@ -358,8 +358,8 @@ class InterferometerStrainData(object):
         array_like: An array of boolean values
-        return ((self.frequency_array > self.minimum_frequency) &
-                (self.frequency_array < self.maximum_frequency))
+        return ((self.frequency_array >= self.minimum_frequency) &
+                (self.frequency_array <= self.maximum_frequency))
     def alpha(self):
diff --git a/bilby/gw/likelihood.py b/bilby/gw/likelihood.py
index bb531e00cefda6a868f9ad7b37dd7c2df6e6aa24..7791ae4b0f6fcf27797438c32a00957638da6643 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/likelihood.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/likelihood.py
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@ from ..core.prior import Prior, Uniform
 from .detector import InterferometerList
 from .prior import BBHPriorDict
 from .source import lal_binary_black_hole
-from .utils import noise_weighted_inner_product
+from .utils import noise_weighted_inner_product, build_roq_weights, blockwise_dot_product
 from .waveform_generator import WaveformGenerator
+from math import ceil
 class GravitationalWaveTransient(likelihood.Likelihood):
@@ -385,12 +386,194 @@ class BasicGravitationalWaveTransient(likelihood.Likelihood):
         return log_l.real
+class ROQGravitationalWaveTransient(GravitationalWaveTransient):
+    """A reduced order quadrature likelihood object
+    This uses the method described in Smith et al., (2016) Phys. Rev. D 94,
+    044031. A public repository of the ROQ data is available from
+    https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/ROQ_data.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    interferometers: list, bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList
+        A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances - contains the
+        detector data and power spectral densities
+    waveform_generator: `bilby.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator`
+        An object which computes the frequency-domain strain of the signal,
+        given some set of parameters
+    linear_matrix: str, array
+        Either a string point to the file from which to load the linear_matrix
+        array, or the array itself.
+    quadratic_matrix: str, array
+        Either a string point to the file from which to load the quadratic_matrix
+        array, or the array itself.
+    priors: dict, bilby.prior.PriorDict
+        A dictionary of priors containing at least the geocent_time prior
+    """
+    def __init__(self, interferometers, waveform_generator,
+                 linear_matrix, quadratic_matrix, priors):
+        GravitationalWaveTransient.__init__(
+            self, interferometers=interferometers,
+            waveform_generator=waveform_generator, priors=priors)
+        if isinstance(linear_matrix, str):
+            logger.info("Loading linear matrix from {}".format(linear_matrix))
+            linear_matrix = np.load(linear_matrix).T
+        if isinstance(quadratic_matrix, str):
+            logger.info("Loading quadratic_matrix from {}".format(quadratic_matrix))
+            quadratic_matrix = np.load(quadratic_matrix).T
+        self.linear_matrix = linear_matrix
+        self.quadratic_matrix = quadratic_matrix
+        self.time_samples = None
+        self.weights = dict()
+        self._set_weights()
+        self.frequency_nodes_linear =\
+            waveform_generator.waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_linear']
+    def log_likelihood_ratio(self):
+        optimal_snr_squared = 0.
+        matched_filter_snr_squared = 0.
+        indices, in_bounds = self._closest_time_indices(
+            self.parameters['geocent_time'] - self.interferometers.start_time)
+        if not in_bounds:
+            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
+        waveform = self.waveform_generator.frequency_domain_strain(
+            self.parameters)
+        if waveform is None:
+            return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            f_plus = ifo.antenna_response(
+                self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'plus')
+            f_cross = ifo.antenna_response(
+                self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+                self.parameters['geocent_time'], self.parameters['psi'], 'cross')
+            dt = ifo.time_delay_from_geocenter(
+                self.parameters['ra'], self.parameters['dec'],
+                ifo.strain_data.start_time)
+            ifo_time = self.parameters['geocent_time'] + dt - \
+                ifo.strain_data.start_time
+            h_plus_linear = f_plus * waveform['linear']['plus']
+            h_cross_linear = f_cross * waveform['linear']['cross']
+            h_plus_quadratic = f_plus * waveform['quadratic']['plus']
+            h_cross_quadratic = f_cross * waveform['quadratic']['cross']
+            indices, in_bounds = self._closest_time_indices(ifo_time)
+            if not in_bounds:
+                return np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
+            matched_filter_snr_squared_array = np.einsum(
+                'i,ji->j', np.conjugate(h_plus_linear + h_cross_linear),
+                self.weights[ifo.name + '_linear'][indices])
+            matched_filter_snr_squared += interp1d(
+                self.time_samples[indices],
+                matched_filter_snr_squared_array, kind='quadratic')(ifo_time)
+            optimal_snr_squared += \
+                np.vdot(np.abs(h_plus_quadratic + h_cross_quadratic)**2,
+                        self.weights[ifo.name + '_quadratic'])
+        log_l = matched_filter_snr_squared - optimal_snr_squared / 2
+        return log_l.real
+    def _closest_time_indices(self, time):
+        """
+        Get the closest an two neighbouring times
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        time: float
+            Time to check
+        Returns
+        -------
+        indices: list
+            Indices nearest to time.
+        in_bounds: bool
+            Whether the indices are for valid times.
+        """
+        closest = np.argmin(np.absolute(self.time_samples - time))
+        indices = [closest + ii for ii in [-1, 0, 1]]
+        in_bounds = (indices[0] >= 0) & (indices[2] < self.time_samples.size)
+        return indices, in_bounds
+    def _set_weights(self):
+        """
+        Setup the time-dependent ROQ weights.
+        This follows FIXME: Smith et al.
+        The times are chosen to allow all the merger times allows in the time
+        prior.
+        """
+        for ifo in self.interferometers:
+            # only get frequency components up to maximum_frequency
+            self.linear_matrix = \
+                self.linear_matrix[:, :sum(ifo.frequency_mask)]
+            self.quadratic_matrix = \
+                self.quadratic_matrix[:, :sum(ifo.frequency_mask)]
+            # array of relative time shifts to be applied to the data
+            # 0.045s comes from time for GW to traverse the Earth
+            self.time_samples = np.linspace(
+                self.priors['geocent_time'].minimum - 0.045,
+                self.priors['geocent_time'].maximum + 0.045,
+                int(ceil((self.priors['geocent_time'].maximum -
+                          self.priors['geocent_time'].minimum + 0.09) *
+                         ifo.strain_data.sampling_frequency)))
+            self.time_samples -= ifo.strain_data.start_time
+            time_space = self.time_samples[1] - self.time_samples[0]
+            # array to be filled with data, shifted by discrete time_samples
+            tc_shifted_data = np.zeros([
+                len(self.time_samples),
+                len(ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask])], dtype=complex)
+            # shift data to beginning of the prior
+            # increment by the time step
+            shifted_data =\
+                ifo.frequency_domain_strain[ifo.frequency_mask] * \
+                np.exp(2j * np.pi * ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask] *
+                       self.time_samples[0])
+            single_time_shift = np.exp(
+                2j * np.pi * ifo.frequency_array[ifo.frequency_mask] *
+                time_space)
+            for j in range(len(self.time_samples)):
+                tc_shifted_data[j] = shifted_data
+                shifted_data *= single_time_shift
+            # to not kill all computers this minimises the memory usage of the
+            # required inner products
+            max_block_gigabytes = 4
+            max_elements = int((max_block_gigabytes * 2 ** 30) / 8)
+            self.weights[ifo.name + '_linear'] = blockwise_dot_product(
+                tc_shifted_data /
+                ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask],
+                self.linear_matrix, max_elements) * 4 / ifo.strain_data.duration
+            del tc_shifted_data
+            self.weights[ifo.name + '_quadratic'] = build_roq_weights(
+                1 / ifo.power_spectral_density_array[ifo.frequency_mask],
+                self.quadratic_matrix.real, 1 / ifo.strain_data.duration)
 def get_binary_black_hole_likelihood(interferometers):
     """ A rapper to quickly set up a likelihood for BBH parameter estimation
-    interferometers: list
+    interferometers: {bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList, list}
         A list of `bilby.detector.Interferometer` instances, typically the
         output of either `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_open_data`
         or `bilby.detector.get_interferometer_with_fake_noise_and_injection`
diff --git a/bilby/gw/source.py b/bilby/gw/source.py
index 4f2fcd07393c87289b0f38e5f25efc33ae45d2b2..a7ffa14734b65539dc31c10a221d72f9367630d2 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/source.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/source.py
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from .utils import (lalsim_SimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions,
     import lal
+    import lalsimulation as lalsim
 except ImportError:
     logger.warning("You do not have lalsuite installed currently. You will"
                    " not be able to use some of the prebuilt functions.")
@@ -333,3 +334,112 @@ def lal_binary_neutron_star(
     h_cross = h_cross[:len(frequency_array)]
     return {'plus': h_plus, 'cross': h_cross}
+def roq(frequency_array, mass_1, mass_2, luminosity_distance, a_1, tilt_1,
+        phi_12, a_2, tilt_2, phi_jl, iota, phase, **waveform_arguments):
+    """
+    See https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/lalsuite/blob/master/lalsimulation/src/LALSimInspiral.c#L1460
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    frequency_array: np.array
+        This input is ignored for the roq source model
+    mass_1: float
+        The mass of the heavier object in solar masses
+    mass_2: float
+        The mass of the lighter object in solar masses
+    luminosity_distance: float
+        The luminosity distance in megaparsec
+    a_1: float
+        Dimensionless primary spin magnitude
+    tilt_1: float
+        Primary tilt angle
+    phi_12: float
+    a_2: float
+        Dimensionless secondary spin magnitude
+    tilt_2: float
+        Secondary tilt angle
+    phi_jl: float
+    iota: float
+        Orbital inclination
+    phase: float
+        The phase at coalescence
+    Waveform arguments
+    ------------------
+    Non-sampled extra data used in the source model calculation
+    frequency_nodes_linear: np.array
+    frequency_nodes_quadratic: np.array
+    reference_frequency: float
+    version: str
+    Note: for the frequency_nodes_linear and frequency_nodes_quadratic arguments,
+    if using data from https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/ROQ_data, this should be
+    loaded as `np.load(filename).T`.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    waveform_polarizations: dict
+        Dict containing plus and cross modes evaluated at the linear and
+        quadratic frequency nodes.
+    """
+    if mass_2 > mass_1:
+        return None
+    frequency_nodes_linear = waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_linear']
+    frequency_nodes_quadratic = waveform_arguments['frequency_nodes_quadratic']
+    reference_frequency = getattr(waveform_arguments,
+                                  'reference_frequency', 20.0)
+    versions = dict(IMRPhenomPv2=lalsim.IMRPhenomPv2_V)
+    version = versions[getattr(waveform_arguments, 'version', 'IMRPhenomPv2')]
+    luminosity_distance = luminosity_distance * 1e6 * utils.parsec
+    mass_1 = mass_1 * utils.solar_mass
+    mass_2 = mass_2 * utils.solar_mass
+    if tilt_1 == 0 and tilt_2 == 0:
+        spin_1x = 0
+        spin_1y = 0
+        spin_1z = a_1
+        spin_2x = 0
+        spin_2y = 0
+        spin_2z = a_2
+    else:
+        iota, spin_1x, spin_1y, spin_1z, spin_2x, spin_2y, spin_2z = \
+            lalsim.SimInspiralTransformPrecessingNewInitialConditions(
+                iota, phi_jl, tilt_1, tilt_2, phi_12, a_1, a_2, mass_1, mass_2,
+                reference_frequency, phase)
+    chi_1_l, chi_2_l, chi_p, theta_jn, alpha, phase_aligned, zeta =\
+        lalsim.SimIMRPhenomPCalculateModelParametersFromSourceFrame(
+            mass_1, mass_2, reference_frequency, phase, iota, spin_1x,
+            spin_1y, spin_1z, spin_2x, spin_2y, spin_2z, version)
+    waveform_polarizations = dict()
+    h_linear_plus, h_linear_cross = lalsim.SimIMRPhenomPFrequencySequence(
+        frequency_nodes_linear, chi_1_l, chi_2_l, chi_p, theta_jn,
+        mass_1, mass_2, luminosity_distance,
+        alpha, phase_aligned, reference_frequency, version, None)
+    h_quadratic_plus, h_quadratic_cross = lalsim.SimIMRPhenomPFrequencySequence(
+        frequency_nodes_quadratic, chi_1_l, chi_2_l, chi_p, theta_jn,
+        mass_1, mass_2, luminosity_distance,
+        alpha, phase_aligned, reference_frequency, version, None)
+    waveform_polarizations['linear'] = dict(
+        plus=(np.cos(2 * zeta) * h_linear_plus.data.data +
+              np.sin(2 * zeta) * h_linear_cross.data.data),
+        cross=(np.cos(2 * zeta) * h_linear_cross.data.data -
+               np.sin(2 * zeta) * h_linear_plus.data.data))
+    waveform_polarizations['quadratic'] = dict(
+        plus=(np.cos(2 * zeta) * h_quadratic_plus.data.data +
+              np.sin(2 * zeta) * h_quadratic_cross.data.data),
+        cross=(np.cos(2 * zeta) * h_quadratic_cross.data.data -
+               np.sin(2 * zeta) * h_quadratic_plus.data.data))
+    return waveform_polarizations
diff --git a/bilby/gw/utils.py b/bilby/gw/utils.py
index 54c590f5f65682159168a9ac69afc4cfdad0569f..43520d01d6e2736bcf1a1a454ba10b1a374579fc 100644
--- a/bilby/gw/utils.py
+++ b/bilby/gw/utils.py
@@ -632,6 +632,88 @@ def plot_skymap(result, center='120d -40d', nside=512):
     fig.savefig('{}/{}_skymap.png'.format(result.outdir, result.label))
+def build_roq_weights(data, basis, deltaF):
+    """
+    for a data array and reduced basis compute roq weights
+    basis: (reduced basis element)*invV (the inverse Vandermonde matrix)
+    data: data set
+    PSD: detector noise power spectral density (must be same shape as data)
+    deltaF: integration element df
+    """
+    weights = np.dot(data, np.conjugate(basis)) * deltaF * 4.
+    return weights
+def blockwise_dot_product(matrix_a, matrix_b, max_elements=int(2 ** 27),
+                          out=None):
+    """
+    Memory efficient
+    Computes the dot product of two matrices in a block-wise fashion.
+    Only blocks of `matrix_a` with a maximum size of `max_elements` will be
+    processed simultaneously.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    matrix_a, matrix_b: array-like
+        Matrices to be dot producted, matrix_b is complex conjugated.
+    max_elements: int
+        Maximum number of elements to consider simultaneously, should be memory
+        limited.
+    out: array-like
+        Output array
+    Return
+    ------
+    out: array-like
+        Dot producted array
+    """
+    def block_slices(dim_size, block_size):
+        """Generator that yields slice objects for indexing into
+        sequential blocks of an array along a particular axis
+        Useful for blockwise dot
+        """
+        count = 0
+        while True:
+            yield slice(count, count + block_size, 1)
+            count += block_size
+            if count > dim_size:
+                return
+    matrix_b = np.conjugate(matrix_b)
+    m, n = matrix_a.shape
+    n1, o = matrix_b.shape
+    if n1 != n:
+        raise ValueError(
+            'Matrices are not aligned, matrix a has shape ' +
+            '{}, matrix b has shape {}.'.format(matrix_a.shape, matrix_b.shape))
+    if matrix_a.flags.f_contiguous:
+        # prioritize processing as many columns of matrix_a as possible
+        max_cols = max(1, max_elements // m)
+        max_rows = max_elements // max_cols
+    else:
+        # prioritize processing as many rows of matrix_a as possible
+        max_rows = max(1, max_elements // n)
+        max_cols = max_elements // max_rows
+    if out is None:
+        out = np.empty((m, o), dtype=np.result_type(matrix_a, matrix_b))
+    elif out.shape != (m, o):
+        raise ValueError('Output array has incorrect dimensions.')
+    for mm in block_slices(m, max_rows):
+        out[mm, :] = 0
+        for nn in block_slices(n, max_cols):
+            a_block = matrix_a[mm, nn].copy()  # copy to force a read
+            out[mm, :] += np.dot(a_block, matrix_b[nn, :])
+            del a_block
+    return out
 def convert_args_list_to_float(*args_list):
     """ Converts inputs to floats, returns a list in the same order as the input"""
diff --git a/examples/injection_examples/roq_example.py b/examples/injection_examples/roq_example.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cd8475b6c81bc84b4623f37db70a6653026246da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/injection_examples/roq_example.py
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Example of how to use the Reduced Order Quadrature method (see Smith et al.,
+(2016) Phys. Rev. D 94, 044031) for a Binary Black hole simulated signal in
+Gaussian noise.
+This requires files specifying the appropriate basis weights.
+These aren't shipped with Bilby, but are available on LDG clusters and
+from the public repository https://git.ligo.org/lscsoft/ROQ_data.
+from __future__ import division, print_function
+import numpy as np
+import bilby
+outdir = 'outdir'
+label = 'roq'
+# Load in the pieces for the linear part of the ROQ. Note you will need to
+# adjust the filenames here to the correct paths on your machine
+basis_matrix_linear = np.load("B_linear.npy").T
+freq_nodes_linear = np.load("fnodes_linear.npy")
+# Load in the pieces for the quadratic part of the ROQ
+basic_matrix_quadratic = np.load("B_quadratic.npy").T
+freq_nodes_quadratic = np.load("fnodes_quadratic.npy")
+duration = 4
+sampling_frequency = 2048
+injection_parameters = dict(
+    chirp_mass=36., mass_ratio=0.9, a_1=0.4, a_2=0.3, tilt_1=0.0, tilt_2=0.0,
+    phi_12=1.7, phi_jl=0.3, luminosity_distance=1000., iota=0.4, psi=0.659,
+    phase=1.3, geocent_time=1126259642.413, ra=1.375, dec=-1.2108)
+waveform_arguments = dict(waveform_approximant='IMRPhenomPv2',
+                          reference_frequency=20., minimum_frequency=20.)
+waveform_generator = bilby.gw.WaveformGenerator(
+    duration=duration, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency,
+    frequency_domain_source_model=bilby.gw.source.lal_binary_black_hole,
+    waveform_arguments=waveform_arguments,
+    parameter_conversion=bilby.gw.conversion.convert_to_lal_binary_black_hole_parameters)
+ifos = bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList(['H1', 'L1', 'V1'])
+    sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency, duration=duration,
+    start_time=injection_parameters['geocent_time'] - 3)
+                   parameters=injection_parameters)
+# make ROQ waveform generator
+search_waveform_generator = bilby.gw.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator(
+    duration=duration, sampling_frequency=sampling_frequency,
+    frequency_domain_source_model=bilby.gw.source.roq,
+    waveform_arguments=dict(frequency_nodes_linear=freq_nodes_linear,
+                            frequency_nodes_quadratic=freq_nodes_quadratic,
+                            reference_frequency=20., minimum_frequency=20.,
+                            approximant='IMRPhenomPv2'),
+    parameter_conversion=bilby.gw.conversion.convert_to_lal_binary_black_hole_parameters)
+priors = bilby.gw.prior.BBHPriorDict()
+for key in ['a_1', 'a_2', 'tilt_1', 'tilt_2', 'iota', 'phase', 'psi', 'ra',
+            'dec', 'phi_12', 'phi_jl', 'luminosity_distance']:
+    priors[key] = injection_parameters[key]
+priors['chirp_mass'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(
+    15, 40, latex_label='$\\mathcal{M}$')
+priors['mass_ratio'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(0.5, 1, latex_label='$q$')
+priors['geocent_time'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(
+    injection_parameters['geocent_time'] - 0.1,
+    injection_parameters['geocent_time'] + 0.1, latex_label='$t_c$', unit='s')
+likelihood = bilby.gw.likelihood.ROQGravitationalWaveTransient(
+    interferometers=ifos, waveform_generator=search_waveform_generator,
+    linear_matrix=basis_matrix_linear, quadratic_matrix=basic_matrix_quadratic,
+    prior=priors)
+result = bilby.run_sampler(
+    likelihood=likelihood, priors=priors, sampler='dynesty', npoints=500,
+    injection_parameters=injection_parameters, outdir=outdir, label=label)
+# Make a corner plot.
diff --git a/test/gw_likelihood_test.py b/test/gw_likelihood_test.py
index 4215bcf984cf1fb8e3556db54a0b8f91d681cd2b..4d343a04f85526bc71b2a8df6b0a66027c48c433 100644
--- a/test/gw_likelihood_test.py
+++ b/test/gw_likelihood_test.py
@@ -36,14 +36,13 @@ class TestBasicGWTransient(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_noise_log_likelihood(self):
         """Test noise log likelihood matches precomputed value"""
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.likelihood.noise_log_likelihood(),
-                               -4036.1064342687155, 3)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(-4037.0994372143414, self.likelihood.noise_log_likelihood(), 3)
     def test_log_likelihood(self):
         """Test log likelihood matches precomputed value"""
-                               -4054.2229111227016, 3)
+                               -4055.2526551677647, 3)
     def test_log_likelihood_ratio(self):
         """Test log likelihood ratio returns the correct value"""
@@ -106,14 +105,13 @@ class TestGWTransient(unittest.TestCase):
     def test_noise_log_likelihood(self):
         """Test noise log likelihood matches precomputed value"""
-        self.assertAlmostEqual(self.likelihood.noise_log_likelihood(),
-                               -4036.1064342687155, 3)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(-4037.0994372143414, self.likelihood.noise_log_likelihood(), 3)
     def test_log_likelihood(self):
         """Test log likelihood matches precomputed value"""
-                               -4054.2229111227016, 3)
+                               -4055.2526551677647, 3)
     def test_log_likelihood_ratio(self):
         """Test log likelihood ratio returns the correct value"""
@@ -457,6 +455,79 @@ class TestTimePhaseMarginalization(unittest.TestCase):
+class TestROQLikelihood(unittest.TestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.duration = 4
+        self.sampling_frequency = 2048
+        roq_dir = '/roq_basis'
+        linear_matrix_file = "{}/B_linear.npy".format(roq_dir)
+        quadratic_matrix_file = "{}/B_quadratic.npy".format(roq_dir)
+        fnodes_linear_file = "{}/fnodes_linear.npy".format(roq_dir)
+        fnodes_linear = np.load(fnodes_linear_file).T
+        fnodes_quadratic_file = "{}/fnodes_quadratic.npy".format(roq_dir)
+        fnodes_quadratic = np.load(fnodes_quadratic_file).T
+        self.test_parameters = dict(
+            mass_1=36.0, mass_2=36.0, a_1=0.0, a_2=0.0, tilt_1=0.0,
+            tilt_2=0.0, phi_12=1.7, phi_jl=0.3, luminosity_distance=5000.,
+            iota=0.4, psi=0.659, phase=1.3, geocent_time=1.2, ra=1.3, dec=-1.2)
+        ifos = bilby.gw.detector.InterferometerList(['H1'])
+        ifos.set_strain_data_from_power_spectral_densities(
+            sampling_frequency=self.sampling_frequency, duration=self.duration)
+        self.priors = bilby.gw.prior.BBHPriorDict()
+        self.priors['geocent_time'] = bilby.core.prior.Uniform(1.1, 1.3)
+        non_roq_wfg = bilby.gw.WaveformGenerator(
+            duration=self.duration, sampling_frequency=self.sampling_frequency,
+            frequency_domain_source_model=bilby.gw.source.lal_binary_black_hole,
+            waveform_arguments=dict(
+                reference_frequency=20.0, minimum_frequency=20.0,
+                approximant='IMRPhenomPv2'))
+        ifos.inject_signal(
+            parameters=self.test_parameters, waveform_generator=non_roq_wfg)
+        roq_wfg = bilby.gw.waveform_generator.WaveformGenerator(
+            duration=self.duration, sampling_frequency=self.sampling_frequency,
+            frequency_domain_source_model=bilby.gw.source.roq,
+            waveform_arguments=dict(
+                frequency_nodes_linear=fnodes_linear,
+                frequency_nodes_quadratic=fnodes_quadratic,
+                reference_frequency=20., minimum_frequency=20.,
+                approximant='IMRPhenomPv2'))
+        self.non_roq_likelihood = bilby.gw.likelihood.GravitationalWaveTransient(
+            interferometers=ifos, waveform_generator=non_roq_wfg)
+        self.roq_likelihood = bilby.gw.likelihood.ROQGravitationalWaveTransient(
+            interferometers=ifos, waveform_generator=roq_wfg,
+            linear_matrix=linear_matrix_file,
+            quadratic_matrix=quadratic_matrix_file, priors=self.priors)
+        pass
+    def tearDown(self):
+        pass
+    def test_matches_non_roq(self):
+        self.non_roq_likelihood.parameters.update(self.test_parameters)
+        self.roq_likelihood.parameters.update(self.test_parameters)
+        self.assertAlmostEqual(
+            self.non_roq_likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio(),
+            self.roq_likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio(), 0)
+    def test_time_prior_out_of_bounds_returns_zero(self):
+        self.roq_likelihood.parameters.update(self.test_parameters)
+        self.roq_likelihood.parameters['geocent_time'] = -5
+        self.assertEqual(
+            self.roq_likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio(), np.nan_to_num(-np.inf))
 class TestBBHLikelihoodSetUp(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):