From 85ee939ada691a913880e71522f84758742b1be0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Colm Talbot <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2018 02:11:46 -0500
Subject: [PATCH] Refactor samplers

---                       |    1 +                           |    3 +-
 tupak/core/              | 1996 ----------------------------
 tupak/core/sampler/     |  181 +++
 tupak/core/sampler/ |  441 ++++++
 tupak/core/sampler/       |   93 ++
 tupak/core/sampler/      |  367 +++++
 tupak/core/sampler/        |   88 ++
 tupak/core/sampler/       |   96 ++
 tupak/core/sampler/      |   60 +
 tupak/core/sampler/        |  697 ++++++++++
 tupak/core/sampler/  |   68 +
 12 files changed, 2094 insertions(+), 1997 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 tupak/core/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/
 create mode 100644 tupak/core/sampler/

diff --git a/ b/
index 8a578315..074fe417 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ Changes currently on master, but not under a tag.
   `tupak.WaveformGenerator` no longer work. Instead, we need to use
   ``. This was done to keep things cleaner going
   forward (when, for example, there may be multiple wfg's).
+- Samplers reorganised into individual files.
 ## [0.2.1] 2018-07-18
diff --git a/ b/
index 8eaf6904..d1fdf071 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ setup(name='tupak',
-      packages=['tupak', 'tupak.core', '', 'tupak.hyper', 'cli_tupak'],
+      packages=['tupak', 'tupak.core', 'tupak.core.sampler',
+                '', 'tupak.hyper', 'cli_tupak'],
       package_dir={'tupak': 'tupak'},
       package_data={'': ['prior_files/*', 'noise_curves/*.txt',
diff --git a/tupak/core/ b/tupak/core/
deleted file mode 100644
index f45af689..00000000
--- a/tupak/core/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1996 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
-import inspect
-import os
-import sys
-import numpy as np
-import datetime
-import deepdish
-import pandas as pd
-from collections import OrderedDict
-from tupak.core.utils import logger
-from tupak.core.result import Result, read_in_result
-from tupak.core.prior import Prior
-from tupak.core import utils
-import tupak
-class Sampler(object):
-    """ A sampler object to aid in setting up an inference run
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    likelihood: likelihood.Likelihood
-        A  object with a log_l method
-    priors: tupak.core.prior.PriorSet, dict
-        Priors to be used in the search.
-        This has attributes for each parameter to be sampled.
-    external_sampler: str, Sampler, optional
-        A string containing the module name of the sampler or an instance of this class
-    outdir: str, optional
-        Name of the output directory
-    label: str, optional
-        Naming scheme of the output files
-    use_ratio: bool, optional
-        Switch to set whether or not you want to use the log-likelihood ratio or just the log-likelihood
-    plot: bool, optional
-        Switch to set whether or not you want to create traceplots
-    **kwargs: dict
-    Attributes
-    -------
-    likelihood: likelihood.Likelihood
-        A  object with a log_l method
-    priors: tupak.core.prior.PriorSet
-        Priors to be used in the search.
-        This has attributes for each parameter to be sampled.
-    external_sampler: Module
-        An external module containing an implementation of a sampler.
-    outdir: str
-        Name of the output directory
-    label: str
-        Naming scheme of the output files
-    use_ratio: bool
-        Switch to set whether or not you want to use the log-likelihood ratio or just the log-likelihood
-    plot: bool
-        Switch to set whether or not you want to create traceplots
-    result: tupak.core.result.Result
-        Container for the results of the sampling run
-    kwargs: dict
-        Dictionary of keyword arguments that can be used in the external sampler
-    Raises
-    -------
-    TypeError:
-        If external_sampler is neither a string nor an instance of this class
-        If not all likelihood.parameters have been defined
-    ImportError:
-        If the external_sampler string does not refer to a sampler that is installed on this system
-    AttributeError:
-        If some of the priors can't be sampled
-    """
-    def __init__(
-            self, likelihood, priors, external_sampler='dynesty',
-            outdir='outdir', label='label', use_ratio=False, plot=False,
-            **kwargs):
-        self.likelihood = likelihood
-        if isinstance(priors, tupak.prior.PriorSet):
-            self.priors = priors
-        else:
-            self.priors = tupak.prior.PriorSet(priors)
-        self.label = label
-        self.outdir = outdir
-        self.use_ratio = use_ratio
-        self.external_sampler = external_sampler
-        self.external_sampler_function = None
-        self.plot = plot
-        self.__search_parameter_keys = []
-        self.__fixed_parameter_keys = []
-        self._initialise_parameters()
-        self._verify_parameters()
-        self._verify_use_ratio()
-        self.kwargs = kwargs
-        self._check_cached_result()
-        self._log_summary_for_sampler()
-        self.result = self._initialise_result()
-    @property
-    def search_parameter_keys(self):
-        """list: List of parameter keys that are being sampled"""
-        return self.__search_parameter_keys
-    @property
-    def fixed_parameter_keys(self):
-        """list: List of parameter keys that are not being sampled"""
-        return self.__fixed_parameter_keys
-    @property
-    def ndim(self):
-        """int: Number of dimensions of the search parameter space"""
-        return len(self.__search_parameter_keys)
-    @property
-    def kwargs(self):
-        """dict: Container for the **kwargs. Has more sophisticated logic in subclasses"""
-        return self.__kwargs
-    @kwargs.setter
-    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
-        self.__kwargs = kwargs
-    @property
-    def external_sampler(self):
-        """Module: An external sampler module imported to this code."""
-        return self.__external_sampler
-    @external_sampler.setter
-    def external_sampler(self, sampler):
-        if type(sampler) is str:
-            try:
-                self.__external_sampler = __import__(sampler)
-            except ImportError:
-                raise ImportError(
-                    "Sampler {} not installed on this system".format(sampler))
-        elif isinstance(sampler, Sampler):
-            self.__external_sampler = sampler
-        else:
-            raise TypeError('sampler must either be a string referring to built in sampler or a custom made class that '
-                            'inherits from sampler')
-    def _verify_kwargs_against_external_sampler_function(self):
-        """Check if the kwargs are contained in the list of available arguments of the external sampler."""
-        args = inspect.getargspec(self.external_sampler_function).args
-        bad_keys = []
-        for user_input in self.kwargs.keys():
-            if user_input not in args:
-                logger.warning(
-                    "Supplied argument '{}' not an argument of '{}', removing."
-                    .format(user_input, self.external_sampler_function))
-                bad_keys.append(user_input)
-        for key in bad_keys:
-            self.kwargs.pop(key)
-    def _initialise_parameters(self):
-        """
-        Go through the list of priors and add keys to the fixed and search parameter key list depending on whether
-        the respective parameter is fixed.
-        """
-        for key in self.priors:
-            if isinstance(self.priors[key], Prior) \
-                    and self.priors[key].is_fixed is False:
-                self.__search_parameter_keys.append(key)
-            elif isinstance(self.priors[key], Prior) \
-                    and self.priors[key].is_fixed is True:
-                self.likelihood.parameters[key] = \
-                    self.priors[key].sample()
-                self.__fixed_parameter_keys.append(key)
-"Search parameters:")
-        for key in self.__search_parameter_keys:
-  '  {} = {}'.format(key, self.priors[key]))
-        for key in self.__fixed_parameter_keys:
-  '  {} = {}'.format(key, self.priors[key].peak))
-    def _initialise_result(self):
-        """
-        Returns
-        -------
-        tupak.core.result.Result: An initial template for the result
-        """
-        result = Result()
-        result.sampler = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
-        result.search_parameter_keys = self.__search_parameter_keys
-        result.fixed_parameter_keys = self.__fixed_parameter_keys
-        result.parameter_labels = [
-            self.priors[k].latex_label for k in
-            self.__search_parameter_keys]
-        result.parameter_labels_with_unit = [
-            self.priors[k].latex_label_with_unit for k in
-            self.__search_parameter_keys]
-        result.label = self.label
-        result.outdir = self.outdir
-        result.kwargs = self.kwargs
-        return result
-    def _check_if_priors_can_be_sampled(self):
-        """Check if all priors can be sampled properly.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        AttributeError
-            prior can't be sampled.
-        """
-        for key in self.priors:
-            try:
-                self.likelihood.parameters[key] = self.priors[key].sample()
-            except AttributeError as e:
-                logger.warning('Cannot sample from {}, {}'.format(key, e))
-    def _verify_parameters(self):
-        """ Sets initial values for likelihood.parameters.
-        Raises
-        ------
-        TypeError
-            Likelihood can't be evaluated.
-        """
-        self._check_if_priors_can_be_sampled()
-        try:
-            t1 =
-            self.likelihood.log_likelihood()
-            self._log_likelihood_eval_time = (
-       - t1).total_seconds()
-            if self._log_likelihood_eval_time == 0:
-                self._log_likelihood_eval_time = np.nan
-      "Unable to measure single likelihood time")
-            else:
-      "Single likelihood evaluation took {:.3e} s"
-                            .format(self._log_likelihood_eval_time))
-        except TypeError as e:
-            raise TypeError(
-                "Likelihood evaluation failed with message: \n'{}'\n"
-                "Have you specified all the parameters:\n{}"
-                .format(e, self.likelihood.parameters))
-    def _verify_use_ratio(self):
-        """Checks if use_ratio is set. Prints a warning if use_ratio is set but not properly implemented."""
-        self._check_if_priors_can_be_sampled()
-        if self.use_ratio is False:
-            logger.debug("use_ratio set to False")
-            return
-        ratio_is_nan = np.isnan(self.likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio())
-        if self.use_ratio is True and ratio_is_nan:
-            logger.warning(
-                "You have requested to use the loglikelihood_ratio, but it "
-                " returns a NaN")
-        elif self.use_ratio is None and not ratio_is_nan:
-            logger.debug(
-                "use_ratio not spec. but gives valid answer, setting True")
-            self.use_ratio = True
-    def prior_transform(self, theta):
-        """ Prior transform method that is passed into the external sampler.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        theta: list
-            List of sampled values on a unit interval
-        Returns
-        -------
-        list: Properly rescaled sampled values
-        """
-        return self.priors.rescale(self.__search_parameter_keys, theta)
-    def log_prior(self, theta):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        theta: list
-            List of sampled values on a unit interval
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: TODO: Fill in proper explanation of what this is.
-        """
-        return self.priors.ln_prob({key: t for key, t in zip(self.__search_parameter_keys, theta)})
-    def log_likelihood(self, theta):
-        """
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        theta: list
-            List of values for the likelihood parameters
-        Returns
-        -------
-        float: Log-likelihood or log-likelihood-ratio given the current likelihood.parameter values
-        """
-        for i, k in enumerate(self.__search_parameter_keys):
-            self.likelihood.parameters[k] = theta[i]
-        if self.use_ratio:
-            return self.likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio()
-        else:
-            return self.likelihood.log_likelihood()
-    def get_random_draw_from_prior(self):
-        """ Get a random draw from the prior distribution
-        Returns
-        draw: array_like
-            An ndim-length array of values drawn from the prior. Parameters
-            with delta-function (or fixed) priors are not returned
-        """
-        new_sample = self.priors.sample()
-        draw = np.array(list(new_sample[key] for key in self.__search_parameter_keys))
-        self.check_draw(draw)
-        return draw
-    def check_draw(self, draw):
-        """ Checks if the draw will generate an infinite prior or likelihood """
-        if np.isinf(self.log_likelihood(draw)):
-            logger.warning('Prior draw {} has inf likelihood'.format(draw))
-        if np.isinf(self.log_prior(draw)):
-            logger.warning('Prior draw {} has inf prior'.format(draw))
-    def _run_external_sampler(self):
-        """A template method to run in subclasses"""
-        pass
-    def _run_test(self):
-        """
-        TODO: Implement this method
-        Raises
-        -------
-        ValueError: in any case
-        """
-        raise ValueError("Method not yet implemented")
-    def _check_cached_result(self):
-        """ Check if the cached data file exists and can be used """
-        if utils.command_line_args.clean:
-            logger.debug("Command line argument clean given, forcing rerun")
-            self.cached_result = None
-            return
-        try:
-            self.cached_result = read_in_result(self.outdir, self.label)
-        except ValueError:
-            self.cached_result = None
-        if utils.command_line_args.use_cached:
-            logger.debug("Command line argument cached given, no cache check performed")
-            return
-        logger.debug("Checking cached data")
-        if self.cached_result:
-            check_keys = ['search_parameter_keys', 'fixed_parameter_keys',
-                          'kwargs']
-            use_cache = True
-            for key in check_keys:
-                if self.cached_result.check_attribute_match_to_other_object(
-                        key, self) is False:
-                    logger.debug("Cached value {} is unmatched".format(key))
-                    use_cache = False
-            if use_cache is False:
-                self.cached_result = None
-    def _log_summary_for_sampler(self):
-        """Print a summary of the sampler used and its kwargs"""
-        if self.cached_result is None:
-            kwargs_print = self.kwargs.copy()
-            for k in kwargs_print:
-                if type(kwargs_print[k]) in (list, np.ndarray):
-                    array_repr = np.array(kwargs_print[k])
-                    if array_repr.size > 10:
-                        kwargs_print[k] = ('array_like, shape={}'
-                                           .format(array_repr.shape))
-                elif type(kwargs_print[k]) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
-                    kwargs_print[k] = ('DataFrame, shape={}'
-                                       .format(kwargs_print[k].shape))
-  "Using sampler {} with kwargs {}".format(
-                self.__class__.__name__, kwargs_print))
-    def setup_nburn(self):
-        """ Handles calculating nburn, either from a given value or inferred """
-        if type(self.nburn) in [float, int]:
-            self.nburn = int(self.nburn)
-  "Discarding {} steps for burn-in".format(self.nburn))
-        elif self.result.max_autocorrelation_time is None:
-            self.nburn = int(self.burn_in_fraction * self.nsteps)
-  "Autocorrelation time not calculated, discarding {} "
-                        " steps for burn-in".format(self.nburn))
-        else:
-            self.nburn = int(
-                self.burn_in_act * self.result.max_autocorrelation_time)
-  "Discarding {} steps for burn-in, estimated from "
-                        "autocorr".format(self.nburn))
-    def calculate_autocorrelation(self, samples, c=3):
-        """ Uses the `emcee.autocorr` module to estimate the autocorrelation
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        samples: array_like
-            A chain of samples.
-        c: float
-            The minimum number of autocorrelation times needed to trust the
-            estimate (default: `3`). See `emcee.autocorr.integrated_time`.
-        """
-        try:
-            import emcee
-        except ImportError:
-            self.result.max_autocorrelation_time = None
-  "emcee not available, so unable to calculate autocorr time")
-        try:
-            self.result.max_autocorrelation_time = int(np.max(
-                emcee.autocorr.integrated_time(samples, c=c)))
-  "Max autocorr time = {}".format(
-                self.result.max_autocorrelation_time))
-        except emcee.autocorr.AutocorrError as e:
-            self.result.max_autocorrelation_time = None
-  "Unable to calculate autocorr time: {}".format(e))
-class Nestle(Sampler):
-    """tupak wrapper `nestle.Sampler` (
-    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
-    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `nestle.sample`, see documentation for
-    that function for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we list commonly
-    used kwargs and the tupak defaults
-    Keyword Arguments
-   ------------------
-    npoints: int
-        The number of live points, note this can also equivalently be given as
-        one of [nlive, nlives, n_live_points]
-    method: {'classic', 'single', 'multi'} ('multi')
-        Method used to select new points
-    verbose: Bool
-        If true, print information information about the convergence during
-        sampling
-    """
-    @property
-    def kwargs(self):
-        """ Ensures that proper keyword arguments are used for the Nestle sampler.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dict: Keyword arguments used for the Nestle Sampler
-        """
-        return self.__kwargs
-    @kwargs.setter
-    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
-        self.__kwargs = dict(verbose=True, method='multi')
-        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
-        if 'npoints' not in self.__kwargs:
-            for equiv in ['nlive', 'nlives', 'n_live_points']:
-                if equiv in self.__kwargs:
-                    self.__kwargs['npoints'] = self.__kwargs.pop(equiv)
-    def _run_external_sampler(self):
-        """ Runs Nestle sampler with given kwargs and returns the result
-        Returns
-        -------
-        tupak.core.result.Result: Packaged information about the result
-        """
-        nestle = self.external_sampler
-        self.external_sampler_function = nestle.sample
-        if 'verbose' in self.kwargs:
-            if self.kwargs['verbose']:
-                self.kwargs['callback'] = nestle.print_progress
-            self.kwargs.pop('verbose')
-        self._verify_kwargs_against_external_sampler_function()
-        out = self.external_sampler_function(
-            loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood,
-            prior_transform=self.prior_transform,
-            ndim=self.ndim, **self.kwargs)
-        print("")
-        self.result.sampler_output = out
-        self.result.samples = nestle.resample_equal(out.samples, out.weights)
-        self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = out.logl
-        self.result.log_evidence = out.logz
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = out.logzerr
-        return self.result
-    def _run_test(self):
-        """ Runs to test whether the sampler is properly running with the given kwargs without actually running to the
-            end
-        Returns
-        -------
-        tupak.core.result.Result: Dummy container for sampling results.
-        """
-        nestle = self.external_sampler
-        self.external_sampler_function = nestle.sample
-        self.external_sampler_function(
-            loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood,
-            prior_transform=self.prior_transform,
-            ndim=self.ndim, maxiter=2, **self.kwargs)
-        self.result.samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (100, self.ndim))
-        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
-        return self.result
-class Dynesty(Sampler):
-    """tupak wrapper of `dynesty.NestedSampler` (
-    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
-    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `dynesty.NestedSampler`, see
-    documentation for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we
-    list commonly used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
-    Keyword Arguments
-    -----------------
-    npoints: int, (250)
-        The number of live points, note this can also equivalently be given as
-        one of [nlive, nlives, n_live_points]
-    bound: {'none', 'single', 'multi', 'balls', 'cubes'}, ('multi')
-        Method used to select new points
-    sample: {'unif', 'rwalk', 'slice', 'rslice', 'hslice'}, ('rwalk')
-        Method used to sample uniformly within the likelihood constraints,
-        conditioned on the provided bounds
-    walks: int
-        Number of walks taken if using `sample='rwalk'`, defaults to `ndim * 5`
-    dlogz: float, (0.1)
-        Stopping criteria
-    verbose: Bool
-        If true, print information information about the convergence during
-    check_point_delta_t: float (600)
-        The approximate checkpoint period (in seconds). Should the run be
-        interrupted, it can be resumed from the last checkpoint. Set to
-        `None` to turn-off check pointing
-    resume: bool
-        If true, resume run from checkpoint (if available)
-    """
-    @property
-    def kwargs(self):
-        return self.__kwargs
-    @kwargs.setter
-    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
-        # Set some default values
-        self.__kwargs = dict(dlogz=0.1, bound='multi', sample='rwalk',
-                             resume=True, walks=self.ndim * 5, verbose=True,
-                             check_point_delta_t=60 * 10, nlive=250)
-        # Check if nlive was instead given by another name
-        if 'nlive' not in kwargs:
-            for equiv in ['nlives', 'n_live_points', 'npoint', 'npoints']:
-                if equiv in kwargs:
-                    kwargs['nlive'] = kwargs.pop(equiv)
-        # Overwrite default values with user specified values
-        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
-        # Set the update interval
-        if 'update_interval' not in self.__kwargs:
-            self.__kwargs['update_interval'] = int(0.6 * self.__kwargs['nlive'])
-        # Set the checking pointing
-        # If the log_likelihood_eval_time was not able to be calculated
-        # then n_check_point is set to None (no checkpointing)
-        if np.isnan(self._log_likelihood_eval_time):
-            self.__kwargs['n_check_point'] = None
-        # If n_check_point is not already set, set it checkpoint every 10 mins
-        if 'n_check_point' not in self.__kwargs:
-            n_check_point_raw = (self.__kwargs['check_point_delta_t'] /
-                                 self._log_likelihood_eval_time)
-            n_check_point_rnd = int(float("{:1.0g}".format(n_check_point_raw)))
-            self.__kwargs['n_check_point'] = n_check_point_rnd
-    def _print_func(self, results, niter, ncall, dlogz, *args, **kwargs):
-        """ Replacing status update for dynesty.result.print_func """
-        # Extract results at the current iteration.
-        (worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt,
-         logz, logzvar, h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer,
-         eff, delta_logz) = results
-        # Adjusting outputs for printing.
-        if delta_logz > 1e6:
-            delta_logz = np.inf
-        if 0. <= logzvar <= 1e6:
-            logzerr = np.sqrt(logzvar)
-        else:
-            logzerr = np.nan
-        if logz <= -1e6:
-            logz = -np.inf
-        if loglstar <= -1e6:
-            loglstar = -np.inf
-        if self.use_ratio:
-            key = 'logz ratio'
-        else:
-            key = 'logz'
-        # Constructing output.
-        print_str = "\r {}| {}={:6.3f} +/- {:6.3f} | dlogz: {:6.3f} > {:6.3f}".format(
-            niter, key, logz, logzerr, delta_logz, dlogz)
-        # Printing.
-        sys.stderr.write(print_str)
-        sys.stderr.flush()
-    def _run_external_sampler(self):
-        dynesty = self.external_sampler
-        nested_sampler = dynesty.NestedSampler(
-            loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood,
-            prior_transform=self.prior_transform,
-            ndim=self.ndim, **self.kwargs)
-        if self.kwargs['n_check_point']:
-            out = self._run_external_sampler_with_checkpointing(nested_sampler)
-        else:
-            out = self._run_external_sampler_without_checkpointing(nested_sampler)
-        # Flushes the output to force a line break
-        if self.kwargs["verbose"]:
-            print("")
-        # self.result.sampler_output = out
-        weights = np.exp(out['logwt'] - out['logz'][-1])
-        self.result.samples = dynesty.utils.resample_equal(
-            out.samples, weights)
-        self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = out.logl
-        self.result.log_evidence = out.logz[-1]
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = out.logzerr[-1]
-        self.result.nested_samples = pd.DataFrame(
-            out.samples, columns=self.search_parameter_keys)
-        self.result.nested_samples['weights'] = weights
-        if self.plot:
-            self.generate_trace_plots(out)
-        return self.result
-    def _run_external_sampler_without_checkpointing(self, nested_sampler):
-        logger.debug("Running sampler without checkpointing")
-        nested_sampler.run_nested(
-            dlogz=self.kwargs['dlogz'],
-            print_progress=self.kwargs['verbose'],
-            print_func=self._print_func)
-        return nested_sampler.results
-    def _run_external_sampler_with_checkpointing(self, nested_sampler):
-        logger.debug("Running sampler with checkpointing")
-        if self.kwargs['resume']:
-            resume = self.read_saved_state(nested_sampler, continuing=True)
-            if resume:
-      'Resuming from previous run.')
-        old_ncall = nested_sampler.ncall
-        maxcall = self.kwargs['n_check_point']
-        while True:
-            maxcall += self.kwargs['n_check_point']
-            nested_sampler.run_nested(
-                dlogz=self.kwargs['dlogz'],
-                print_progress=self.kwargs['verbose'],
-                print_func=self._print_func, maxcall=maxcall,
-                add_live=False)
-            if nested_sampler.ncall == old_ncall:
-                break
-            old_ncall = nested_sampler.ncall
-            self.write_current_state(nested_sampler)
-        self.read_saved_state(nested_sampler)
-        nested_sampler.run_nested(
-            dlogz=self.kwargs['dlogz'],
-            print_progress=self.kwargs['verbose'],
-            print_func=self._print_func, add_live=True)
-        self._remove_checkpoint()
-        return nested_sampler.results
-    def _remove_checkpoint(self):
-        """Remove checkpointed state"""
-        if os.path.isfile('{}/{}_resume.h5'.format(self.outdir, self.label)):
-            os.remove('{}/{}_resume.h5'.format(self.outdir, self.label))
-    def read_saved_state(self, nested_sampler, continuing=False):
-        """
-        Read a saved state of the sampler to disk.
-        The required information to reconstruct the state of the run is read from an hdf5 file.
-        This currently adds the whole chain to the sampler.
-        We then remove the old checkpoint and write all unnecessary items back to disk.
-        FIXME: Load only the necessary quantities, rather than read/write?
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        nested_sampler: `dynesty.NestedSampler`
-            NestedSampler instance to reconstruct from the saved state.
-        continuing: bool
-            Whether the run is continuing or terminating, if True, the loaded state is mostly
-            written back to disk.
-        """
-        resume_file = '{}/{}_resume.h5'.format(self.outdir, self.label)
-        if os.path.isfile(resume_file):
-            saved_state =
-            nested_sampler.saved_u = list(saved_state['unit_cube_samples'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_v = list(saved_state['physical_samples'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_logl = list(saved_state['sample_likelihoods'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_logvol = list(saved_state['sample_log_volume'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_logwt = list(saved_state['sample_log_weights'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_logz = list(saved_state['cumulative_log_evidence'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_logzvar = list(saved_state['cumulative_log_evidence_error'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_id = list(saved_state['id'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_it = list(saved_state['it'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_nc = list(saved_state['nc'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_boundidx = list(saved_state['boundidx'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_bounditer = list(saved_state['bounditer'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_scale = list(saved_state['scale'])
-            nested_sampler.saved_h = list(saved_state['cumulative_information'])
-            nested_sampler.ncall = saved_state['ncall']
-            nested_sampler.live_logl = list(saved_state['live_logl'])
-   = saved_state['iteration'] + 1
-            nested_sampler.live_u = saved_state['live_u']
-            nested_sampler.live_v = saved_state['live_v']
-            nested_sampler.nlive = saved_state['nlive']
-            nested_sampler.live_bound = saved_state['live_bound']
-            nested_sampler.live_it = saved_state['live_it']
-            nested_sampler.added_live = saved_state['added_live']
-            self._remove_checkpoint()
-            if continuing:
-                self.write_current_state(nested_sampler)
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-    def write_current_state(self, nested_sampler):
-        """
-        Write the current state of the sampler to disk.
-        The required information to reconstruct the state of the run are written to an hdf5 file.
-        All but the most recent removed live point in the chain are removed from the sampler to reduce memory usage.
-        This means it is necessary to not append the first live point to the file if updating a previous checkpoint.
-        Parameters
-        ----------
-        nested_sampler: `dynesty.NestedSampler`
-            NestedSampler to write to disk.
-        """
-        resume_file = '{}/{}_resume.h5'.format(self.outdir, self.label)
-        if os.path.isfile(resume_file):
-            saved_state =
-            current_state = dict(
-                unit_cube_samples=np.vstack([saved_state['unit_cube_samples'], nested_sampler.saved_u[1:]]),
-                physical_samples=np.vstack([saved_state['physical_samples'], nested_sampler.saved_v[1:]]),
-                sample_likelihoods=np.concatenate([saved_state['sample_likelihoods'], nested_sampler.saved_logl[1:]]),
-                sample_log_volume=np.concatenate([saved_state['sample_log_volume'], nested_sampler.saved_logvol[1:]]),
-                sample_log_weights=np.concatenate([saved_state['sample_log_weights'], nested_sampler.saved_logwt[1:]]),
-                cumulative_log_evidence=np.concatenate([saved_state['cumulative_log_evidence'],
-                                                        nested_sampler.saved_logz[1:]]),
-                cumulative_log_evidence_error=np.concatenate([saved_state['cumulative_log_evidence_error'],
-                                                              nested_sampler.saved_logzvar[1:]]),
-                cumulative_information=np.concatenate([saved_state['cumulative_information'],
-                                                       nested_sampler.saved_h[1:]]),
-                id=np.concatenate([saved_state['id'], nested_sampler.saved_id[1:]]),
-                it=np.concatenate([saved_state['it'], nested_sampler.saved_it[1:]]),
-                nc=np.concatenate([saved_state['nc'], nested_sampler.saved_nc[1:]]),
-                boundidx=np.concatenate([saved_state['boundidx'], nested_sampler.saved_boundidx[1:]]),
-                bounditer=np.concatenate([saved_state['bounditer'], nested_sampler.saved_bounditer[1:]]),
-                scale=np.concatenate([saved_state['scale'], nested_sampler.saved_scale[1:]]),
-            )
-        else:
-            current_state = dict(
-                unit_cube_samples=nested_sampler.saved_u,
-                physical_samples=nested_sampler.saved_v,
-                sample_likelihoods=nested_sampler.saved_logl,
-                sample_log_volume=nested_sampler.saved_logvol,
-                sample_log_weights=nested_sampler.saved_logwt,
-                cumulative_log_evidence=nested_sampler.saved_logz,
-                cumulative_log_evidence_error=nested_sampler.saved_logzvar,
-                cumulative_information=nested_sampler.saved_h,
-                id=nested_sampler.saved_id,
-                it=nested_sampler.saved_it,
-                nc=nested_sampler.saved_nc,
-                boundidx=nested_sampler.saved_boundidx,
-                bounditer=nested_sampler.saved_bounditer,
-                scale=nested_sampler.saved_scale,
-            )
-        current_state.update(
-            ncall=nested_sampler.ncall, live_logl=nested_sampler.live_logl, - 1,
-            live_u=nested_sampler.live_u, live_v=nested_sampler.live_v, nlive=nested_sampler.nlive,
-            live_bound=nested_sampler.live_bound, live_it=nested_sampler.live_it, added_live=nested_sampler.added_live
-        )
-        weights = np.exp(current_state['sample_log_weights'] - current_state['cumulative_log_evidence'][-1])
-        current_state['posterior'] = self.external_sampler.utils.resample_equal(
-            np.array(current_state['physical_samples']), weights)
-, current_state)
-        nested_sampler.saved_id = [nested_sampler.saved_id[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_u = [nested_sampler.saved_u[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_v = [nested_sampler.saved_v[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_logl = [nested_sampler.saved_logl[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_logvol = [nested_sampler.saved_logvol[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_logwt = [nested_sampler.saved_logwt[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_logz = [nested_sampler.saved_logz[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_logzvar = [nested_sampler.saved_logzvar[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_h = [nested_sampler.saved_h[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_nc = [nested_sampler.saved_nc[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_boundidx = [nested_sampler.saved_boundidx[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_it = [nested_sampler.saved_it[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_bounditer = [nested_sampler.saved_bounditer[-1]]
-        nested_sampler.saved_scale = [nested_sampler.saved_scale[-1]]
-    def generate_trace_plots(self, dynesty_results):
-        filename = '{}/{}_trace.png'.format(self.outdir, self.label)
-        logger.debug("Writing trace plot to {}".format(filename))
-        from dynesty import plotting as dyplot
-        fig, axes = dyplot.traceplot(dynesty_results,
-                                     labels=self.result.parameter_labels)
-        fig.tight_layout()
-        fig.savefig(filename)
-    def _run_test(self):
-        dynesty = self.external_sampler
-        nested_sampler = dynesty.NestedSampler(
-            loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood,
-            prior_transform=self.prior_transform,
-            ndim=self.ndim, **self.kwargs)
-        nested_sampler.run_nested(
-            dlogz=self.kwargs['dlogz'],
-            print_progress=self.kwargs['verbose'],
-            maxiter=2)
-        self.result.samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (100, self.ndim))
-        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
-        return self.result
-class Pymultinest(Sampler):
-    """tupak wrapper of pymultinest (
-    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
-    `run_sampler` will be propagated to ``, see documentation
-    for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we list commonly
-    used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
-    Keyword Arguments
-    ------------------
-    npoints: int
-        The number of live points, note this can also equivalently be given as
-        one of [nlive, nlives, n_live_points]
-    importance_nested_sampling: bool, (False)
-        If true, use importance nested sampling
-    sampling_efficiency: float or {'parameter', 'model'}, ('parameter')
-        Defines the sampling efficiency
-    verbose: Bool
-        If true, print information information about the convergence during
-    resume: bool
-        If true, resume run from checkpoint (if available)
-    """
-    @property
-    def kwargs(self):
-        return self.__kwargs
-    @kwargs.setter
-    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
-        outputfiles_basename = self.outdir + '/pymultinest_{}/'.format(self.label)
-        utils.check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(outputfiles_basename)
-        self.__kwargs = dict(importance_nested_sampling=False, resume=True,
-                             verbose=True, sampling_efficiency='parameter',
-                             outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
-        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
-        if self.__kwargs['outputfiles_basename'].endswith('/') is False:
-            self.__kwargs['outputfiles_basename'] = '{}/'.format(
-                self.__kwargs['outputfiles_basename'])
-        if 'n_live_points' not in self.__kwargs:
-            for equiv in ['nlive', 'nlives', 'npoints', 'npoint']:
-                if equiv in self.__kwargs:
-                    self.__kwargs['n_live_points'] = self.__kwargs.pop(equiv)
-    def _run_external_sampler(self):
-        pymultinest = self.external_sampler
-        self.external_sampler_function =
-        self._verify_kwargs_against_external_sampler_function()
-        # Note: pymultinest.solve adds some extra steps, but underneath
-        # we are calling - hence why it is used in checking
-        # the arguments.
-        out = pymultinest.solve(
-            LogLikelihood=self.log_likelihood, Prior=self.prior_transform,
-            n_dims=self.ndim, **self.kwargs)
-        self.result.sampler_output = out
-        self.result.samples = out['samples']
-        self.result.log_evidence = out['logZ']
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = out['logZerr']
-        self.result.outputfiles_basename = self.kwargs['outputfiles_basename']
-        return self.result
-class Cpnest(Sampler):
-    """ tupak wrapper of cpnest (
-    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
-    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `cpnest.CPNest`, see documentation
-    for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we list commonly
-    used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
-    Keyword Arguments
-    -----------------
-    npoints: int
-        The number of live points, note this can also equivalently be given as
-        one of [nlive, nlives, n_live_points]
-    seed: int (1234)
-        Initialised random seed
-    Nthreads: int, (1)
-        Number of threads to use
-    maxmcmc: int (1000)
-        The maximum number of MCMC steps to take
-    verbose: Bool
-        If true, print information information about the convergence during
-    """
-    @property
-    def kwargs(self):
-        return self.__kwargs
-    @kwargs.setter
-    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
-        # Check if nlive was instead given by another name
-        if 'Nlive' not in kwargs:
-            for equiv in ['nlives', 'n_live_points', 'npoint', 'npoints',
-                          'nlive']:
-                if equiv in kwargs:
-                    kwargs['Nlive'] = kwargs.pop(equiv)
-        if 'seed' not in kwargs:
-            logger.warning('No seed provided, cpnest will use 1234.')
-        # Set some default values
-        self.__kwargs = dict(verbose=1, Nthreads=1, Nlive=250, maxmcmc=1000)
-        # Overwrite default values with user specified values
-        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
-    def _run_external_sampler(self):
-        cpnest = self.external_sampler
-        import cpnest.model
-        class Model(cpnest.model.Model):
-            """ A wrapper class to pass our log_likelihood into cpnest """
-            def __init__(self, names, bounds):
-                self.names = names
-                self.bounds = bounds
-                self._check_bounds()
-            @staticmethod
-            def log_likelihood(x):
-                theta = [x[n] for n in self.search_parameter_keys]
-                return self.log_likelihood(theta)
-            @staticmethod
-            def log_prior(x):
-                theta = [x[n] for n in self.search_parameter_keys]
-                return self.log_prior(theta)
-            def _check_bounds(self):
-                for bound in self.bounds:
-                    if not all(np.isfinite(bound)):
-                        raise ValueError(
-                            'CPNest requires priors to have finite bounds.')
-        bounds = [[self.priors[key].minimum, self.priors[key].maximum]
-                  for key in self.search_parameter_keys]
-        model = Model(self.search_parameter_keys, bounds)
-        out = cpnest.CPNest(model, output=self.outdir, **self.kwargs)
-        if self.plot:
-            out.plot()
-        # Since the output is not just samples, but log_likelihood as well,
-        # we turn this into a dataframe here. The index [0] here may be wrong
-        self.result.posterior = pd.DataFrame(out.posterior_samples[0])
-        self.result.log_evidence = out.NS.state.logZ
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
-        return self.result
-class Emcee(Sampler):
-    """tupak wrapper emcee (
-    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
-    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `emcee.EnsembleSampler`, see
-    documentation for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we
-    list commonly used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
-    Keyword Arguments
-    -----------------
-    nwalkers: int, (100)
-        The number of walkers
-    nsteps: int, (100)
-        The number of steps
-    nburn: int (None)
-        If given, the fixed number of steps to discard as burn-in. Else,
-        nburn is estimated from the autocorrelation time
-    burn_in_fraction: float, (0.25)
-        The fraction of steps to discard as burn-in in the event that the
-        autocorrelation time cannot be calculated
-    burn_in_act: float
-        The number of autocorrelation times to discard as burn-in
-    a: float (2)
-        The proposal scale factor
-    """
-    def _run_external_sampler(self):
-        self.nwalkers = self.kwargs.get('nwalkers', 100)
-        self.nsteps = self.kwargs.get('nsteps', 100)
-        self.nburn = self.kwargs.get('nburn', None)
-        self.burn_in_fraction = self.kwargs.get('burn_in_fraction', 0.25)
-        self.burn_in_act = self.kwargs.get('burn_in_act', 3)
-        a = self.kwargs.get('a', 2)
-        emcee = self.external_sampler
-        tqdm = utils.get_progress_bar(self.kwargs.pop('tqdm', 'tqdm'))
-        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(
-            nwalkers=self.nwalkers, dim=self.ndim, lnpostfn=self.lnpostfn,
-            a=a)
-        if 'pos0' in self.kwargs:
-            logger.debug("Using given initial positions for walkers")
-            pos0 = self.kwargs['pos0']
-            if type(pos0) == pd.core.frame.DataFrame:
-                pos0 = pos0[self.search_parameter_keys].values
-            elif type(pos0) in (list, np.ndarray):
-                pos0 = np.squeeze(self.kwargs['pos0'])
-            if pos0.shape != (self.nwalkers, self.ndim):
-                raise ValueError(
-                    'Input pos0 should be of shape ndim, nwalkers')
-            logger.debug("Checking input pos0")
-            for draw in pos0:
-                self.check_draw(draw)
-        else:
-            logger.debug("Generating initial walker positions from prior")
-            pos0 = [self.get_random_draw_from_prior()
-                    for _ in range(self.nwalkers)]
-        for _ in tqdm(
-                sampler.sample(pos0, iterations=self.nsteps), total=self.nsteps):
-            pass
-        self.result.sampler_output = np.nan
-        self.calculate_autocorrelation(sampler.chain[:, :, :].reshape((-1, self.ndim)))
-        self.setup_nburn()
-        self.result.nburn = self.nburn
-        self.result.samples = sampler.chain[:, self.nburn:, :].reshape(
-            (-1, self.ndim))
-        self.result.walkers = sampler.chain[:, :, :]
-        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
-        return self.result
-    def lnpostfn(self, theta):
-        p = self.log_prior(theta)
-        if np.isinf(p):
-            return -np.inf
-        else:
-            return self.log_likelihood(theta) + p
-class Ptemcee(Emcee):
-    """tupak wrapper ptemcee (
-    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
-    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `ptemcee.Sampler`, see
-    documentation for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we
-    list commonly used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
-    Keyword Arguments
-    -----------------
-    nwalkers: int, (100)
-        The number of walkers
-    nsteps: int, (100)
-        The number of steps to take
-    nburn: int (50)
-        The fixed number of steps to discard as burn-in
-    ntemps: int (2)
-        The number of temperatures used by ptemcee
-    """
-    def _run_external_sampler(self):
-        self.ntemps = self.kwargs.pop('ntemps', 2)
-        self.nwalkers = self.kwargs.pop('nwalkers', 100)
-        self.nsteps = self.kwargs.pop('nsteps', 100)
-        self.nburn = self.kwargs.pop('nburn', 50)
-        ptemcee = self.external_sampler
-        tqdm = utils.get_progress_bar(self.kwargs.pop('tqdm', 'tqdm'))
-        sampler = ptemcee.Sampler(
-            ntemps=self.ntemps, nwalkers=self.nwalkers, dim=self.ndim,
-            logl=self.log_likelihood, logp=self.log_prior,
-            **self.kwargs)
-        pos0 = [[self.get_random_draw_from_prior()
-                 for _ in range(self.nwalkers)]
-                for _ in range(self.ntemps)]
-        for _ in tqdm(
-                sampler.sample(pos0, iterations=self.nsteps, adapt=True),
-                total=self.nsteps):
-            pass
-        self.result.nburn = self.nburn
-        self.result.sampler_output = np.nan
-        self.result.samples = sampler.chain[0, :, self.nburn:, :].reshape(
-            (-1, self.ndim))
-        self.result.walkers = sampler.chain[0, :, :, :]
-        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
-"Max autocorr time = {}"
-                    .format(np.max(sampler.get_autocorr_time())))
-"Tswap frac = {}"
-                    .format(sampler.tswap_acceptance_fraction))
-        return self.result
-class Pymc3(Sampler):
-    """ tupak wrapper of the PyMC3 sampler (
-    All keyword arguments (i.e., the kwargs) passed to `run_sampler` will be
-    propapated to `pymc3.sample` where appropriate, see documentation for that
-    class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we list commonly used
-    kwargs and the tupak, or where appropriate, PyMC3 defaults.
-    Keyword Arguments
-    -----------------
-    draws: int, (1000)
-        The number of sample draws from the posterior per chain.
-    chains: int, (2)
-        The number of independent MCMC chains to run.
-    cores: int, (1)
-        The number of CPU cores to use.
-    tune: int, (500)
-        The number of tuning (or burn-in) samples per chain.
-    discard_tuned_samples: bool, True
-        Set whether to automatically discard the tuning samples from the final
-        chains.
-    step: str, dict
-        Provide a step method name, or dictionary of step method names keyed to
-        particular variable names (these are case insensitive). If no method is
-        provided for any particular variable then PyMC3 will automatically
-        decide upon a default, with the first option being the NUTS sampler.
-        The currently allowed methods are 'NUTS', 'HamiltonianMC',
-        'Metropolis', 'BinaryMetropolis', 'BinaryGibbsMetropolis', 'Slice', and
-        'CategoricalGibbsMetropolis'. Note: you cannot provide a PyMC3 step
-        method function itself here as it is outside of the model context
-        manager.
-    nuts_kwargs: dict
-        Keyword arguments for the NUTS sampler.
-    step_kwargs: dict
-        Options for steps methods other than NUTS. The dictionary is keyed on
-        lowercase step method names with values being dictionaries of keywords
-        for the given step method.
-    """
-    def _verify_parameters(self):
-        """
-        Change `_verify_parameters()` to just pass, i.e., don't try and
-        evaluate the likelihood for PyMC3.
-        """
-        pass
-    def _verify_use_ratio(self):
-        """
-        Change `_verify_use_ratio() to just pass.
-        """
-        pass
-    def _initialise_parameters(self):
-        """
-        Change `_initialise_parameters()`, so that it does call the `sample`
-        method in the Prior class.
-        """
-        self.__search_parameter_keys = []
-        self.__fixed_parameter_keys = []
-        for key in self.priors:
-            if isinstance(self.priors[key], Prior) \
-                    and self.priors[key].is_fixed is False:
-                self.__search_parameter_keys.append(key)
-            elif isinstance(self.priors[key], Prior) \
-                    and self.priors[key].is_fixed is True:
-                self.__fixed_parameter_keys.append(key)
-"Search parameters:")
-        for key in self.__search_parameter_keys:
-  '  {} = {}'.format(key, self.priors[key]))
-        for key in self.__fixed_parameter_keys:
-  '  {} = {}'.format(key, self.priors[key].peak))
-    def _initialise_result(self):
-        """
-        Initialise results within Pymc3 subclass.
-        """
-        result = Result()
-        result.sampler = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
-        result.search_parameter_keys = self.__search_parameter_keys
-        result.fixed_parameter_keys = self.__fixed_parameter_keys
-        result.parameter_labels = [
-            self.priors[k].latex_label for k in
-            self.__search_parameter_keys]
-        result.label = self.label
-        result.outdir = self.outdir
-        result.kwargs = self.kwargs
-        return result
-    @property
-    def kwargs(self):
-        """ Ensures that proper keyword arguments are used for the Pymc3 sampler.
-        Returns
-        -------
-        dict: Keyword arguments used for the Nestle Sampler
-        """
-        return self.__kwargs
-    @kwargs.setter
-    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
-        self.__kwargs = dict()
-        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
-        # set some defaults
-        # set the number of draws
-        self.draws = 1000 if 'draws' not in self.__kwargs else self.__kwargs.pop('draws')
-        if 'chains' not in self.__kwargs:
-            self.__kwargs['chains'] = 2
-            self.chains = self.__kwargs['chains']
-        if 'cores' not in self.__kwargs:
-            self.__kwargs['cores'] = 1
-    def setup_prior_mapping(self):
-        """
-        Set the mapping between predefined tupak priors and the equivalent
-        PyMC3 distributions.
-        """
-        prior_map = {}
-        self.prior_map = prior_map
-        # predefined PyMC3 distributions
-        prior_map['Gaussian'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Normal',
-            'argmap': {'mu': 'mu', 'sigma': 'sd'}}
-        prior_map['TruncatedGaussian'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'TruncatedNormal',
-            'argmap': {'mu': 'mu',
-                       'sigma': 'sd',
-                       'minimum': 'lower',
-                       'maximum': 'upper'}}
-        prior_map['HalfGaussian'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'HalfNormal',
-            'argmap': {'sigma': 'sd'}}
-        prior_map['Uniform'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Uniform',
-            'argmap': {'minimum': 'lower',
-                       'maximum': 'upper'}}
-        prior_map['LogNormal'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Lognormal',
-            'argmap': {'mu': 'mu',
-                       'sigma': 'sd'}}
-        prior_map['Exponential'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Exponential',
-            'argmap': {'mu': 'lam'},
-            'argtransform': {'mu': lambda mu: 1. / mu}}
-        prior_map['StudentT'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'StudentT',
-            'argmap': {'df': 'nu',
-                       'mu': 'mu',
-                       'scale': 'sd'}}
-        prior_map['Beta'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Beta',
-            'argmap': {'alpha': 'alpha',
-                       'beta': 'beta'}}
-        prior_map['Logistic'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Logistic',
-            'argmap': {'mu': 'mu',
-                       'scale': 's'}}
-        prior_map['Cauchy'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Cauchy',
-            'argmap': {'alpha': 'alpha',
-                       'beta': 'beta'}}
-        prior_map['Gamma'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Gamma',
-            'argmap': {'k': 'alpha',
-                       'theta': 'beta'},
-            'argtransform': {'theta': lambda theta: 1. / theta}}
-        prior_map['ChiSquared'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'ChiSquared',
-            'argmap': {'nu': 'nu'}}
-        prior_map['Interped'] = {
-            'pymc3': 'Interpolated',
-            'argmap': {'xx': 'x_points',
-                       'yy': 'pdf_points'}}
-        prior_map['Normal'] = prior_map['Gaussian']
-        prior_map['TruncatedNormal'] = prior_map['TruncatedGaussian']
-        prior_map['HalfNormal'] = prior_map['HalfGaussian']
-        prior_map['LogGaussian'] = prior_map['LogNormal']
-        prior_map['Lorentzian'] = prior_map['Cauchy']
-        prior_map['FromFile'] = prior_map['Interped']
-        # GW specific priors
-        prior_map['UniformComovingVolume'] = prior_map['Interped']
-        # internally defined mappings for tupak priors
-        prior_map['DeltaFunction'] = {'internal': self._deltafunction_prior}
-        prior_map['Sine'] = {'internal': self._sine_prior}
-        prior_map['Cosine'] = {'internal': self._cosine_prior}
-        prior_map['PowerLaw'] = {'internal': self._powerlaw_prior}
-        prior_map['LogUniform'] = {'internal': self._powerlaw_prior}
-    def _deltafunction_prior(self, key, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Map the tupak delta function prior to a single value for PyMC3.
-        """
-        from tupak.core.prior import DeltaFunction
-        # check prior is a DeltaFunction
-        if isinstance(self.priors[key], DeltaFunction):
-            return self.priors[key].peak
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Prior for '{}' is not a DeltaFunction".format(key))
-    def _sine_prior(self, key):
-        """
-        Map the tupak Sine prior to a PyMC3 style function
-        """
-        from tupak.core.prior import Sine
-        # check prior is a Sine
-        if isinstance(self.priors[key], Sine):
-            pymc3 = self.external_sampler
-            try:
-                import theano.tensor as tt
-                from pymc3.theanof import floatX
-            except ImportError:
-                raise ImportError("You must have Theano installed to use PyMC3")
-            class Pymc3Sine(pymc3.Continuous):
-                def __init__(self, lower=0., upper=np.pi):
-                    if lower >= upper:
-                        raise ValueError("Lower bound is above upper bound!")
-                    # set the mode
-                    self.lower = lower = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(lower))
-                    self.upper = upper = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(upper))
-                    self.norm = (tt.cos(lower) - tt.cos(upper))
-                    self.mean = (
-                        tt.sin(upper) + lower * tt.cos(lower) - tt.sin(lower) -
-                        upper * tt.cos(upper)) / self.norm
-                    transform = pymc3.distributions.transforms.interval(lower, upper)
-                    super(Pymc3Sine, self).__init__(transform=transform)
-                def logp(self, value):
-                    upper = self.upper
-                    lower = self.lower
-                    return pymc3.distributions.dist_math.bound(
-                        tt.log(tt.sin(value) / self.norm),
-                        lower <= value, value <= upper)
-            return Pymc3Sine(key, lower=self.priors[key].minimum, upper=self.priors[key].maximum)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Prior for '{}' is not a Sine".format(key))
-    def _cosine_prior(self, key):
-        """
-        Map the tupak Cosine prior to a PyMC3 style function
-        """
-        from tupak.core.prior import Cosine
-        # check prior is a Cosine
-        if isinstance(self.priors[key], Cosine):
-            pymc3 = self.external_sampler
-            # import theano
-            try:
-                import theano.tensor as tt
-                from pymc3.theanof import floatX
-            except ImportError:
-                raise ImportError("You must have Theano installed to use PyMC3")
-            class Pymc3Cosine(pymc3.Continuous):
-                def __init__(self, lower=-np.pi / 2., upper=np.pi / 2.):
-                    if lower >= upper:
-                        raise ValueError("Lower bound is above upper bound!")
-                    self.lower = lower = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(lower))
-                    self.upper = upper = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(upper))
-                    self.norm = (tt.sin(upper) - tt.sin(lower))
-                    self.mean = (
-                        upper * tt.sin(upper) + tt.cos(upper) -
-                        lower * tt.sin(lower) - tt.cos(lower)) / self.norm
-                    transform = pymc3.distributions.transforms.interval(lower, upper)
-                    super(Pymc3Cosine, self).__init__(transform=transform)
-                def logp(self, value):
-                    upper = self.upper
-                    lower = self.lower
-                    return pymc3.distributions.dist_math.bound(
-                        tt.log(tt.cos(value) / self.norm),
-                        lower <= value, value <= upper)
-            return Pymc3Cosine(key, lower=self.priors[key].minimum, upper=self.priors[key].maximum)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Prior for '{}' is not a Cosine".format(key))
-    def _powerlaw_prior(self, key):
-        """
-        Map the tupak PowerLaw prior to a PyMC3 style function
-        """
-        from tupak.core.prior import PowerLaw
-        # check prior is a PowerLaw
-        if isinstance(self.priors[key], PowerLaw):
-            pymc3 = self.external_sampler
-            # check power law is set
-            if not hasattr(self.priors[key], 'alpha'):
-                raise AttributeError("No 'alpha' attribute set for PowerLaw prior")
-            # import theano
-            try:
-                import theano.tensor as tt
-                from pymc3.theanof import floatX
-            except ImportError:
-                raise ImportError("You must have Theano installed to use PyMC3")
-            if self.priors[key].alpha < -1.:
-                # use Pareto distribution
-                palpha = -(1. + self.priors[key].alpha)
-                return pymc3.Bound(pymc3.Pareto, upper=self.priors[key].minimum)(key, alpha=palpha, m=self.priors[key].maximum)
-            else:
-                class Pymc3PowerLaw(pymc3.Continuous):
-                    def __init__(self, lower, upper, alpha, testval=1):
-                        falpha = alpha
-                        self.lower = lower = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(lower))
-                        self.upper = upper = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(upper))
-                        self.alpha = alpha = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(alpha))
-                        if falpha == -1:
-                            self.norm = 1. / (tt.log(self.upper / self.lower))
-                        else:
-                            beta = (1. + self.alpha)
-                            self.norm = 1. / (beta * (tt.pow(self.upper, beta) -
-                                                      tt.pow(self.lower, beta)))
-                        transform = pymc3.distributions.transforms.interval(lower, upper)
-                        super(Pymc3PowerLaw, self).__init__(transform=transform, testval=testval)
-                    def logp(self, value):
-                        upper = self.upper
-                        lower = self.lower
-                        alpha = self.alpha
-                        return pymc3.distributions.dist_math.bound(
-                            alpha * tt.log(value) + tt.log(self.norm),
-                            lower <= value, value <= upper)
-                return Pymc3PowerLaw(key, lower=self.priors[key].minimum, upper=self.priors[key].maximum, alpha=self.priors[key].alpha)
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("Prior for '{}' is not a Power Law".format(key))
-    def _run_external_sampler(self):
-        pymc3 = self.external_sampler
-        # set the step method
-        from pymc3.sampling import STEP_METHODS
-        step_methods = {m.__name__.lower(): m.__name__ for m in STEP_METHODS}
-        if 'step' in self.__kwargs:
-            self.step_method = self.__kwargs.pop('step')
-            # 'step' could be a dictionary of methods for different parameters, so check for this
-            if isinstance(self.step_method, (dict, OrderedDict)):
-                for key in self.step_method:
-                    if key not in self.__search_parameter_keys:
-                        raise ValueError("Setting a step method for an unknown parameter '{}'".format(key))
-                    else:
-                        if self.step_method[key].lower() not in step_methods:
-                            raise ValueError("Using invalid step method '{}'".format(self.step_method[key]))
-            else:
-                self.step_method = self.step_method.lower()
-                if self.step_method not in step_methods:
-                    raise ValueError("Using invalid step method '{}'".format(self.step_method))
-        else:
-            self.step_method = None
-        # initialise the PyMC3 model
-        self.pymc3_model = pymc3.Model()
-        # set the prior
-        self.set_prior()
-        # set the step method
-        if isinstance(self.step_method, (dict, OrderedDict)):
-            # create list of step methods (any not given will default to NUTS)
-            sm = []
-            with self.pymc3_model:
-                for key in self.step_method:
-                    curmethod = self.step_method[key].lower()
-                    sm.append(pymc3.__dict__[step_methods[curmethod]]([self.pymc3_priors[key]]))
-        else:
-            sm = None if self.step_method is None else pymc3.__dict__[step_methods[self.step_method]]()
-        # if a custom log_likelihood function requires a `sampler` argument
-        # then use that log_likelihood function, with the assumption that it
-        # takes in a Pymc3 Sampler, with a pymc3_model attribute, and defines
-        # the likelihood within that context manager
-        likeargs = inspect.getargspec(self.likelihood.log_likelihood).args
-        if 'sampler' in likeargs:
-            self.likelihood.log_likelihood(sampler=self)
-        else:
-            # set the likelihood function from predefined functions
-            self.set_likelihood()
-        with self.pymc3_model:
-            # perform the sampling
-            trace = pymc3.sample(self.draws, step=sm, **self.kwargs)
-        nparams = len([key for key in self.priors.keys() if self.priors[key].__class__.__name__ != 'DeltaFunction'])
-        nsamples = len(trace) * self.chains
-        self.result.samples = np.zeros((nsamples, nparams))
-        count = 0
-        for key in self.priors.keys():
-            if self.priors[key].__class__.__name__ != 'DeltaFunction':  # ignore DeltaFunction variables
-                self.result.samples[:, count] = trace[key]
-                count += 1
-        self.result.sampler_output = np.nan
-        self.calculate_autocorrelation(self.result.samples)
-        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
-        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
-        return self.result
-    def set_prior(self):
-        """
-        Set the PyMC3 prior distributions.
-        """
-        self.setup_prior_mapping()
-        self.pymc3_priors = OrderedDict()
-        pymc3 = self.external_sampler
-        # set the parameter prior distributions (in the model context manager)
-        with self.pymc3_model:
-            for key in self.priors:
-                # if the prior contains ln_prob method that takes a 'sampler' argument
-                # then try using that
-                lnprobargs = inspect.getargspec(self.priors[key].ln_prob).args
-                if 'sampler' in lnprobargs:
-                    try:
-                        self.pymc3_priors[key] = self.priors[key].ln_prob(sampler=self)
-                    except RuntimeError:
-                        raise RuntimeError(("Problem setting PyMC3 prior for ",
-                                            "'{}'".format(key)))
-                else:
-                    # use Prior distribution name
-                    distname = self.priors[key].__class__.__name__
-                    if distname in self.prior_map:
-                        # check if we have a predefined PyMC3 distribution
-                        if 'pymc3' in self.prior_map[distname] and 'argmap' in self.prior_map[distname]:
-                            # check the required arguments for the PyMC3 distribution
-                            pymc3distname = self.prior_map[distname]['pymc3']
-                            if pymc3distname not in pymc3.__dict__:
-                                raise ValueError("Prior '{}' is not a known PyMC3 distribution.".format(pymc3distname))
-                            reqargs = inspect.getargspec(pymc3.__dict__[pymc3distname].__init__).args[1:]
-                            # set keyword arguments
-                            priorkwargs = {}
-                            for (targ, parg) in self.prior_map[distname]['argmap'].items():
-                                if hasattr(self.priors[key], targ):
-                                    if parg in reqargs:
-                                        if 'argtransform' in self.prior_map[distname]:
-                                            if targ in self.prior_map[distname]['argtransform']:
-                                                tfunc = self.prior_map[distname]['argtransform'][targ]
-                                            else:
-                                                def tfunc(x):
-                                                    return x
-                                        else:
-                                            def tfunc(x):
-                                                return x
-                                        priorkwargs[parg] = tfunc(getattr(self.priors[key], targ))
-                                    else:
-                                        raise ValueError("Unknown argument {}".format(parg))
-                                else:
-                                    if parg in reqargs:
-                                        priorkwargs[parg] = None
-                            self.pymc3_priors[key] = pymc3.__dict__[pymc3distname](key, **priorkwargs)
-                        elif 'internal' in self.prior_map[distname]:
-                            self.pymc3_priors[key] = self.prior_map[distname]['internal'](key)
-                        else:
-                            raise ValueError("Prior '{}' is not a known distribution.".format(distname))
-                    else:
-                        raise ValueError("Prior '{}' is not a known distribution.".format(distname))
-    def set_likelihood(self):
-        """
-        Convert any tupak likelihoods to PyMC3 distributions.
-        """
-        try:
-            import theano  # noqa
-            import theano.tensor as tt
-            from theano.compile.ops import as_op  # noqa
-        except ImportError:
-            raise ImportError("Could not import theano")
-        from tupak.core.likelihood import GaussianLikelihood, PoissonLikelihood, ExponentialLikelihood, StudentTLikelihood
-        from import BasicGravitationalWaveTransient, GravitationalWaveTransient
-        # create theano Op for the log likelihood if not using a predefined model
-        class LogLike(tt.Op):
-            itypes = [tt.dvector]
-            otypes = [tt.dscalar]
-            def __init__(self, parameters, loglike, priors):
-                self.parameters = parameters
-                self.likelihood = loglike
-                self.priors = priors
-                # set the fixed parameters
-                for key in self.priors.keys():
-                    if isinstance(self.priors[key], float):
-                        self.likelihood.parameters[key] = self.priors[key]
-                self.logpgrad = LogLikeGrad(self.parameters, self.likelihood, self.priors)
-            def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
-                theta, = inputs
-                for i, key in enumerate(self.parameters):
-                    self.likelihood.parameters[key] = theta[i]
-                outputs[0][0] = np.array(self.likelihood.log_likelihood())
-            def grad(self, inputs, g):
-                theta, = inputs
-                return [g[0] * self.logpgrad(theta)]
-        # create theano Op for calculating the gradient of the log likelihood
-        class LogLikeGrad(tt.Op):
-            itypes = [tt.dvector]
-            otypes = [tt.dvector]
-            def __init__(self, parameters, loglike, priors):
-                self.parameters = parameters
-                self.Nparams = len(parameters)
-                self.likelihood = loglike
-                self.priors = priors
-                # set the fixed parameters
-                for key in self.priors.keys():
-                    if isinstance(self.priors[key], float):
-                        self.likelihood.parameters[key] = self.priors[key]
-            def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
-                theta, = inputs
-                # define version of likelihood function to pass to derivative function
-                def lnlike(values):
-                    for i, key in enumerate(self.parameters):
-                        self.likelihood.parameters[key] = values[i]
-                    return self.likelihood.log_likelihood()
-                # calculate gradients
-                grads = utils.derivatives(theta, lnlike, abseps=1e-5, mineps=1e-12, reltol=1e-2)
-                outputs[0][0] = grads
-        pymc3 = self.external_sampler
-        with self.pymc3_model:
-            #  check if it is a predefined likelhood function
-            if isinstance(self.likelihood, GaussianLikelihood):
-                # check required attributes exist
-                if (not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'sigma') or
-                    not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'x') or
-                    not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'y')):
-                    raise ValueError("Gaussian Likelihood does not have all the correct attributes!")
-                if 'sigma' in self.pymc3_priors:
-                    # if sigma is suppled use that value
-                    if self.likelihood.sigma is None:
-                        self.likelihood.sigma = self.pymc3_priors.pop('sigma')
-                    else:
-                        del self.pymc3_priors['sigma']
-                for key in self.pymc3_priors:
-                    if key not in self.likelihood.function_keys:
-                        raise ValueError("Prior key '{}' is not a function key!".format(key))
-                model = self.likelihood.func(self.likelihood.x, **self.pymc3_priors)
-                # set the distribution
-                pymc3.Normal('likelihood', mu=model, sd=self.likelihood.sigma,
-                             observed=self.likelihood.y)
-            elif isinstance(self.likelihood, PoissonLikelihood):
-                # check required attributes exist
-                if (not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'x') or
-                    not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'y')):
-                    raise ValueError("Poisson Likelihood does not have all the correct attributes!")
-                for key in self.pymc3_priors:
-                    if key not in self.likelihood.function_keys:
-                        raise ValueError("Prior key '{}' is not a function key!".format(key))
-                # get rate function
-                model = self.likelihood.func(self.likelihood.x, **self.pymc3_priors)
-                # set the distribution
-                pymc3.Poisson('likelihood', mu=model, observed=self.likelihood.y)
-            elif isinstance(self.likelihood, ExponentialLikelihood):
-                # check required attributes exist
-                if (not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'x') or
-                    not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'y')):
-                    raise ValueError("Exponential Likelihood does not have all the correct attributes!")
-                for key in self.pymc3_priors:
-                    if key not in self.likelihood.function_keys:
-                        raise ValueError("Prior key '{}' is not a function key!".format(key))
-                # get mean function
-                model = self.likelihood.func(self.likelihood.x, **self.pymc3_priors)
-                # set the distribution
-                pymc3.Exponential('likelihood', lam=1. / model, observed=self.likelihood.y)
-            elif isinstance(self.likelihood, StudentTLikelihood):
-                # check required attributes exist
-                if (not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'x') or
-                    not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'y') or
-                    not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'nu') or
-                    not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'sigma')):
-                    raise ValueError("StudentT Likelihood does not have all the correct attributes!")
-                if 'nu' in self.pymc3_priors:
-                    # if nu is suppled use that value
-                    if is None:
-               = self.pymc3_priors.pop('nu')
-                    else:
-                        del self.pymc3_priors['nu']
-                for key in self.pymc3_priors:
-                    if key not in self.likelihood.function_keys:
-                        raise ValueError("Prior key '{}' is not a function key!".format(key))
-                model = self.likelihood.func(self.likelihood.x, **self.pymc3_priors)
-                # set the distribution
-                pymc3.StudentT('likelihood',, mu=model, sd=self.likelihood.sigma, observed=self.likelihood.y)
-            elif isinstance(self.likelihood, (GravitationalWaveTransient, BasicGravitationalWaveTransient)):
-                # set theano Op - pass __search_parameter_keys, which only contains non-fixed variables
-                logl = LogLike(self.__search_parameter_keys, self.likelihood, self.pymc3_priors)
-                parameters = OrderedDict()
-                for key in self.__search_parameter_keys:
-                    try:
-                        parameters[key] = self.pymc3_priors[key]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        raise KeyError("Unknown key '{}' when setting GravitationalWaveTransient likelihood".format(key))
-                # convert to theano tensor variable
-                values = tt.as_tensor_variable(list(parameters.values()))
-                pymc3.DensityDist('likelihood', lambda v: logl(v), observed={'v': values})
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("Unknown likelihood has been provided")
-def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
-                sampler='dynesty', use_ratio=None, injection_parameters=None,
-                conversion_function=None, plot=False, default_priors_file=None,
-                clean=None, meta_data=None, save=True, **kwargs):
-    """
-    The primary interface to easy parameter estimation
-    Parameters
-    ----------
-    likelihood: `tupak.Likelihood`
-        A `Likelihood` instance
-    priors: `tupak.PriorSet`
-        A PriorSet/dictionary of the priors for each parameter - missing parameters will
-        use default priors, if None, all priors will be default
-    label: str
-        Name for the run, used in output files
-    outdir: str
-        A string used in defining output files
-    sampler: str
-        The name of the sampler to use - see
-        `tupak.sampler.get_implemented_samplers()` for a list of available
-        samplers
-    use_ratio: bool (False)
-        If True, use the likelihood's log_likelihood_ratio, rather than just
-        the log_likelihood.
-    injection_parameters: dict
-        A dictionary of injection parameters used in creating the data (if
-        using simulated data). Appended to the result object and saved.
-    plot: bool
-        If true, generate a corner plot and, if applicable diagnostic plots
-    conversion_function: function, optional
-        Function to apply to posterior to generate additional parameters.
-    default_priors_file: str
-        If given, a file containing the default priors; otherwise defaults to
-        the tupak defaults for a binary black hole.
-    clean: bool
-        If given, override the command line interface `clean` option.
-    meta_data: dict
-        If given, adds the key-value pairs to the 'results' object before
-        saving. For example, if `meta_data={dtype: 'signal'}`. Warning: in case
-        of conflict with keys saved by tupak, the meta_data keys will be
-        overwritten.
-    save: bool
-        If true, save the priors and results to disk.
-    **kwargs:
-        All kwargs are passed directly to the samplers `run` function
-    Returns
-    -------
-    result
-        An object containing the results
-    """
-    if clean:
-        utils.command_line_args.clean = clean
-    implemented_samplers = get_implemented_samplers()
-    if priors is None:
-        priors = dict()
-    if type(priors) in [dict, OrderedDict]:
-        priors = tupak.core.prior.PriorSet(priors)
-    elif isinstance(priors, tupak.core.prior.PriorSet):
-        pass
-    else:
-        raise ValueError("Input priors not understood")
-    priors.fill_priors(likelihood, default_priors_file=default_priors_file)
-    if save:
-        priors.write_to_file(outdir, label)
-    if implemented_samplers.__contains__(sampler.title()):
-        sampler_class = globals()[sampler.title()]
-        sampler = sampler_class(likelihood, priors=priors, external_sampler=sampler, outdir=outdir,
-                                label=label, use_ratio=use_ratio, plot=plot,
-                                **kwargs)
-        if sampler.cached_result:
-            logger.warning("Using cached result")
-            return sampler.cached_result
-        start_time =
-        if utils.command_line_args.test:
-            result = sampler._run_test()
-        else:
-            result = sampler._run_external_sampler()
-        if type(meta_data) == dict:
-            result.update(meta_data)
-        end_time =
-        result.sampling_time = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds()
-'Sampling time: {}'.format(end_time - start_time))
-        if sampler.use_ratio:
-            result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood()
-            result.log_bayes_factor = result.log_evidence
-            result.log_evidence = result.log_bayes_factor + result.log_noise_evidence
-        else:
-            if likelihood.noise_log_likelihood() is not np.nan:
-                result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood()
-                result.log_bayes_factor = result.log_evidence - result.log_noise_evidence
-        if injection_parameters is not None:
-            result.injection_parameters = injection_parameters
-            if conversion_function is not None:
-                result.injection_parameters = conversion_function(result.injection_parameters)
-        result.fixed_parameter_keys = sampler.fixed_parameter_keys
-        result.samples_to_posterior(likelihood=likelihood, priors=priors,
-                                    conversion_function=conversion_function)
-        result.kwargs = sampler.kwargs
-        if save:
-            result.save_to_file()
-  "Results saved to {}/".format(outdir))
-        if plot:
-            result.plot_corner()
-"Summary of results:\n{}".format(result))
-        return result
-    else:
-        raise ValueError(
-            "Sampler {} not yet implemented".format(sampler))
-def get_implemented_samplers():
-    """ Does some introspection magic to figure out which samplers have been implemented yet.
-    Returns
-    -------
-    list: A list of strings with the names of the implemented samplers
-    """
-    implemented_samplers = []
-    for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__]):
-        # Don't add non-sampler classes from the list
-        if name in ['OrderedDict', 'Prior', 'Result']:
-            continue
-        if inspect.isclass(obj):
-            implemented_samplers.append(obj.__name__)
-    return implemented_samplers
-if utils.command_line_args.sampler_help:
-    sampler = utils.command_line_args.sampler_help
-    implemented_samplers = get_implemented_samplers()
-    if implemented_samplers.__contains__(sampler.title()):
-        sampler_class = globals()[sampler.title()]
-        print('Help for sampler "{}":'.format(sampler))
-        print(sampler_class.__doc__)
-    else:
-        if sampler == "None":
-            print('For help with a specific sampler, call sampler-help with '
-                  'the name of the sampler')
-        else:
-            print('Requested sampler {} not implemented'.format(sampler))
-        print('Available samplers = {}'.format(implemented_samplers))
-    sys.exit()
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12d961b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+import inspect
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+import datetime
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from ..utils import command_line_args, logger
+from ..prior import PriorSet
+from .base_sampler import Sampler
+from .cpnest import Cpnest
+from .dynesty import Dynesty
+from .emcee import Emcee
+from .nestle import Nestle
+from .ptemcee import Ptemcee
+from .pymultinest import Pymultinest
+implemented_samplers = {
+    'cpnest': Cpnest, 'dynesty': Dynesty, 'emcee': Emcee, 'nestle': Nestle,
+    'ptemcee': Ptemcee, 'pymultinest': Pymultinest}
+if command_line_args.sampler_help:
+    from . import implemented_samplers
+    sampler = command_line_args.sampler_help
+    if sampler in implemented_samplers:
+        sampler_class = implemented_samplers[sampler]
+        print('Help for sampler "{}":'.format(sampler))
+        print(sampler_class.__doc__)
+    else:
+        if sampler == "None":
+            print('For help with a specific sampler, call sampler-help with '
+                  'the name of the sampler')
+        else:
+            print('Requested sampler {} not implemented'.format(sampler))
+        print('Available samplers = {}'.format(implemented_samplers))
+    sys.exit()
+def run_sampler(likelihood, priors=None, label='label', outdir='outdir',
+                sampler='dynesty', use_ratio=None, injection_parameters=None,
+                conversion_function=None, plot=False, default_priors_file=None,
+                clean=None, meta_data=None, save=True, **kwargs):
+    """
+    The primary interface to easy parameter estimation
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    likelihood: `tupak.Likelihood`
+        A `Likelihood` instance
+    priors: `tupak.PriorSet`
+        A PriorSet/dictionary of the priors for each parameter - missing
+        parameters will use default priors, if None, all priors will be default
+    label: str
+        Name for the run, used in output files
+    outdir: str
+        A string used in defining output files
+    sampler: str, Sampler
+        The name of the sampler to use - see
+        `tupak.sampler.get_implemented_samplers()` for a list of available
+        samplers.
+        Alternatively a Sampler object can be passed
+    use_ratio: bool (False)
+        If True, use the likelihood's log_likelihood_ratio, rather than just
+        the log_likelihood.
+    injection_parameters: dict
+        A dictionary of injection parameters used in creating the data (if
+        using simulated data). Appended to the result object and saved.
+    plot: bool
+        If true, generate a corner plot and, if applicable diagnostic plots
+    conversion_function: function, optional
+        Function to apply to posterior to generate additional parameters.
+    default_priors_file: str
+        If given, a file containing the default priors; otherwise defaults to
+        the tupak defaults for a binary black hole.
+    clean: bool
+        If given, override the command line interface `clean` option.
+    meta_data: dict
+        If given, adds the key-value pairs to the 'results' object before
+        saving. For example, if `meta_data={dtype: 'signal'}`. Warning: in case
+        of conflict with keys saved by tupak, the meta_data keys will be
+        overwritten.
+    save: bool
+        If true, save the priors and results to disk.
+    **kwargs:
+        All kwargs are passed directly to the samplers `run` function
+    Returns
+    -------
+    result
+        An object containing the results
+    """
+    if clean:
+        command_line_args.clean = clean
+    from . import implemented_samplers
+    if priors is None:
+        priors = dict()
+    if type(priors) in [dict, OrderedDict]:
+        priors = PriorSet(priors)
+    elif isinstance(priors, PriorSet):
+        pass
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("Input priors not understood")
+    priors.fill_priors(likelihood, default_priors_file=default_priors_file)
+    if save:
+        priors.write_to_file(outdir, label)
+    if isinstance(sampler, Sampler):
+        pass
+    elif isinstance(sampler, str):
+        if sampler.lower() in implemented_samplers:
+            sampler_class = implemented_samplers[sampler.lower()]
+            sampler = sampler_class(
+                likelihood, priors=priors, external_sampler=sampler,
+                outdir=outdir, label=label, use_ratio=use_ratio, plot=plot,
+                **kwargs)
+        else:
+            print(implemented_samplers)
+            raise ValueError(
+                "Sampler {} not yet implemented".format(sampler))
+    elif inspect.isclass(sampler):
+        sampler = sampler(
+            likelihood, priors=priors, external_sampler=sampler,
+            outdir=outdir, label=label, use_ratio=use_ratio, plot=plot,
+            **kwargs)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(
+            "Provided sampler should be a Sampler object or name of a known "
+            "sampler: {}.".format(', '.join(implemented_samplers.keys())))
+    if sampler.cached_result:
+        logger.warning("Using cached result")
+        return sampler.cached_result
+    start_time =
+    if command_line_args.test:
+        result = sampler._run_test()
+    else:
+        result = sampler._run_external_sampler()
+    if type(meta_data) == dict:
+        result.update(meta_data)
+    end_time =
+    result.sampling_time = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds()
+'Sampling time: {}'.format(end_time - start_time))
+    if sampler.use_ratio:
+        result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood()
+        result.log_bayes_factor = result.log_evidence
+        result.log_evidence = \
+            result.log_bayes_factor + result.log_noise_evidence
+    else:
+        if likelihood.noise_log_likelihood() is not np.nan:
+            result.log_noise_evidence = likelihood.noise_log_likelihood()
+            result.log_bayes_factor = \
+                result.log_evidence - result.log_noise_evidence
+    if injection_parameters is not None:
+        result.injection_parameters = injection_parameters
+        if conversion_function is not None:
+            result.injection_parameters = conversion_function(
+                result.injection_parameters)
+    result.fixed_parameter_keys = sampler.fixed_parameter_keys
+    result.samples_to_posterior(likelihood=likelihood, priors=priors,
+                                conversion_function=conversion_function)
+    result.kwargs = sampler.kwargs
+    if save:
+        result.save_to_file()
+"Results saved to {}/".format(outdir))
+    if plot:
+        result.plot_corner()
+"Summary of results:\n{}".format(result))
+    return result
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..21c071a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+import inspect
+import datetime
+import numpy as np
+from pandas import DataFrame
+from ..utils import logger, command_line_args
+from ..prior import Prior, PriorSet
+from ..result import Result, read_in_result
+class Sampler(object):
+    """ A sampler object to aid in setting up an inference run
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    likelihood: likelihood.Likelihood
+        A  object with a log_l method
+    priors: tupak.core.prior.PriorSet, dict
+        Priors to be used in the search.
+        This has attributes for each parameter to be sampled.
+    external_sampler: str, Sampler, optional
+        A string containing the module name of the sampler or an instance of
+        this class
+    outdir: str, optional
+        Name of the output directory
+    label: str, optional
+        Naming scheme of the output files
+    use_ratio: bool, optional
+        Switch to set whether or not you want to use the log-likelihood ratio
+        or just the log-likelihood
+    plot: bool, optional
+        Switch to set whether or not you want to create traceplots
+    **kwargs: dict
+    Attributes
+    -------
+    likelihood: likelihood.Likelihood
+        A  object with a log_l method
+    priors: tupak.core.prior.PriorSet
+        Priors to be used in the search.
+        This has attributes for each parameter to be sampled.
+    external_sampler: Module
+        An external module containing an implementation of a sampler.
+    outdir: str
+        Name of the output directory
+    label: str
+        Naming scheme of the output files
+    use_ratio: bool
+        Switch to set whether or not you want to use the log-likelihood ratio
+        or just the log-likelihood
+    plot: bool
+        Switch to set whether or not you want to create traceplots
+    result: tupak.core.result.Result
+        Container for the results of the sampling run
+    kwargs: dict
+        Dictionary of keyword arguments that can be used in the external sampler
+    Raises
+    -------
+    TypeError:
+        If external_sampler is neither a string nor an instance of this class
+        If not all likelihood.parameters have been defined
+    ImportError:
+        If the external_sampler string does not refer to a sampler that is
+        installed on this system
+    AttributeError:
+        If some of the priors can't be sampled
+    """
+    def __init__(
+            self, likelihood, priors, external_sampler='dynesty',
+            outdir='outdir', label='label', use_ratio=False, plot=False,
+            **kwargs):
+        self.likelihood = likelihood
+        if isinstance(priors, PriorSet):
+            self.priors = priors
+        else:
+            self.priors = PriorSet(priors)
+        self.label = label
+        self.outdir = outdir
+        self.use_ratio = use_ratio
+        self.external_sampler = external_sampler
+        self.external_sampler_function = None
+        self.plot = plot
+        self.__search_parameter_keys = []
+        self.__fixed_parameter_keys = []
+        self._initialise_parameters()
+        self._verify_parameters()
+        self._verify_use_ratio()
+        self.kwargs = kwargs
+        self._check_cached_result()
+        self._log_summary_for_sampler()
+        self.result = self._initialise_result()
+    @property
+    def search_parameter_keys(self):
+        """list: List of parameter keys that are being sampled"""
+        return self.__search_parameter_keys
+    @property
+    def fixed_parameter_keys(self):
+        """list: List of parameter keys that are not being sampled"""
+        return self.__fixed_parameter_keys
+    @property
+    def ndim(self):
+        """int: Number of dimensions of the search parameter space"""
+        return len(self.__search_parameter_keys)
+    @property
+    def kwargs(self):
+        """
+        dict: Container for the **kwargs. Has more sophisticated
+        logic in subclasses
+        """
+        return self.__kwargs
+    @kwargs.setter
+    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
+        self.__kwargs = kwargs
+    @property
+    def external_sampler(self):
+        """Module: An external sampler module imported to this code."""
+        return self.__external_sampler
+    @external_sampler.setter
+    def external_sampler(self, sampler):
+        if type(sampler) is str:
+            try:
+                self.__external_sampler = __import__(sampler)
+            except ImportError:
+                raise ImportError(
+                    "Sampler {} not installed on this system".format(sampler))
+        elif isinstance(sampler, Sampler):
+            self.__external_sampler = sampler
+        else:
+            raise TypeError('sampler must either be a string referring to '
+                            'built in sampler or a custom made class that '
+                            'inherits from sampler')
+    def _verify_kwargs_against_external_sampler_function(self):
+        """
+        Check if the kwargs are contained in the list of available arguments
+        of the external sampler.
+        """
+        args = inspect.getargspec(self.external_sampler_function).args
+        bad_keys = []
+        for user_input in self.kwargs.keys():
+            if user_input not in args:
+                logger.warning(
+                    "Supplied argument '{}' not an argument of '{}', removing."
+                    .format(user_input, self.external_sampler_function))
+                bad_keys.append(user_input)
+        for key in bad_keys:
+            self.kwargs.pop(key)
+    def _initialise_parameters(self):
+        """
+        Go through the list of priors and add keys to the fixed and search
+        parameter key list depending on whether
+        the respective parameter is fixed.
+        """
+        for key in self.priors:
+            if isinstance(self.priors[key], Prior) \
+                    and self.priors[key].is_fixed is False:
+                self.__search_parameter_keys.append(key)
+            elif isinstance(self.priors[key], Prior) \
+                    and self.priors[key].is_fixed is True:
+                self.likelihood.parameters[key] = \
+                    self.priors[key].sample()
+                self.__fixed_parameter_keys.append(key)
+"Search parameters:")
+        for key in self.__search_parameter_keys:
+  '  {} = {}'.format(key, self.priors[key]))
+        for key in self.__fixed_parameter_keys:
+  '  {} = {}'.format(key, self.priors[key].peak))
+    def _initialise_result(self):
+        """
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tupak.core.result.Result: An initial template for the result
+        """
+        result = Result()
+        result.sampler = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
+        result.search_parameter_keys = self.__search_parameter_keys
+        result.fixed_parameter_keys = self.__fixed_parameter_keys
+        result.parameter_labels = [
+            self.priors[k].latex_label for k in
+            self.__search_parameter_keys]
+        result.parameter_labels_with_unit = [
+            self.priors[k].latex_label_with_unit for k in
+            self.__search_parameter_keys]
+        result.label = self.label
+        result.outdir = self.outdir
+        result.kwargs = self.kwargs
+        return result
+    def _check_if_priors_can_be_sampled(self):
+        """Check if all priors can be sampled properly.
+        Raises
+        ------
+        AttributeError
+            prior can't be sampled.
+        """
+        for key in self.priors:
+            try:
+                self.likelihood.parameters[key] = self.priors[key].sample()
+            except AttributeError as e:
+                logger.warning('Cannot sample from {}, {}'.format(key, e))
+    def _verify_parameters(self):
+        """ Sets initial values for likelihood.parameters.
+        Raises
+        ------
+        TypeError
+            Likelihood can't be evaluated.
+        """
+        self._check_if_priors_can_be_sampled()
+        try:
+            t1 =
+            self.likelihood.log_likelihood()
+            self._log_likelihood_eval_time = (
+       - t1).total_seconds()
+            if self._log_likelihood_eval_time == 0:
+                self._log_likelihood_eval_time = np.nan
+      "Unable to measure single likelihood time")
+            else:
+      "Single likelihood evaluation took {:.3e} s"
+                            .format(self._log_likelihood_eval_time))
+        except TypeError as e:
+            raise TypeError(
+                "Likelihood evaluation failed with message: \n'{}'\n"
+                "Have you specified all the parameters:\n{}"
+                .format(e, self.likelihood.parameters))
+    def _verify_use_ratio(self):
+        """
+        Checks if use_ratio is set. Prints a warning if use_ratio is set but
+        not properly implemented.
+        """
+        self._check_if_priors_can_be_sampled()
+        if self.use_ratio is False:
+            logger.debug("use_ratio set to False")
+            return
+        ratio_is_nan = np.isnan(self.likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio())
+        if self.use_ratio is True and ratio_is_nan:
+            logger.warning(
+                "You have requested to use the loglikelihood_ratio, but it "
+                " returns a NaN")
+        elif self.use_ratio is None and not ratio_is_nan:
+            logger.debug(
+                "use_ratio not spec. but gives valid answer, setting True")
+            self.use_ratio = True
+    def prior_transform(self, theta):
+        """ Prior transform method that is passed into the external sampler.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        theta: list
+            List of sampled values on a unit interval
+        Returns
+        -------
+        list: Properly rescaled sampled values
+        """
+        return self.priors.rescale(self.__search_parameter_keys, theta)
+    def log_prior(self, theta):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        theta: list
+            List of sampled values on a unit interval
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: TODO: Fill in proper explanation of what this is.
+        """
+        return self.priors.ln_prob({
+            key: t for key, t in zip(self.__search_parameter_keys, theta)})
+    def log_likelihood(self, theta):
+        """
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        theta: list
+            List of values for the likelihood parameters
+        Returns
+        -------
+        float: Log-likelihood or log-likelihood-ratio given the current
+            likelihood.parameter values
+        """
+        for i, k in enumerate(self.__search_parameter_keys):
+            self.likelihood.parameters[k] = theta[i]
+        if self.use_ratio:
+            return self.likelihood.log_likelihood_ratio()
+        else:
+            return self.likelihood.log_likelihood()
+    def get_random_draw_from_prior(self):
+        """ Get a random draw from the prior distribution
+        Returns
+        draw: array_like
+            An ndim-length array of values drawn from the prior. Parameters
+            with delta-function (or fixed) priors are not returned
+        """
+        new_sample = self.priors.sample()
+        draw = np.array(list(new_sample[key]
+                             for key in self.__search_parameter_keys))
+        self.check_draw(draw)
+        return draw
+    def check_draw(self, draw):
+        """ Checks if the draw will generate an infinite prior or likelihood """
+        if np.isinf(self.log_likelihood(draw)):
+            logger.warning('Prior draw {} has inf likelihood'.format(draw))
+        if np.isinf(self.log_prior(draw)):
+            logger.warning('Prior draw {} has inf prior'.format(draw))
+    def _run_external_sampler(self):
+        """A template method to run in subclasses"""
+        pass
+    def _run_test(self):
+        """
+        TODO: Implement this method
+        Raises
+        -------
+        ValueError: in any case
+        """
+        raise ValueError("Method not yet implemented")
+    def _check_cached_result(self):
+        """ Check if the cached data file exists and can be used """
+        if command_line_args.clean:
+            logger.debug("Command line argument clean given, forcing rerun")
+            self.cached_result = None
+            return
+        try:
+            self.cached_result = read_in_result(self.outdir, self.label)
+        except ValueError:
+            self.cached_result = None
+        if command_line_args.use_cached:
+            logger.debug(
+                "Command line argument cached given, no cache check performed")
+            return
+        logger.debug("Checking cached data")
+        if self.cached_result:
+            check_keys = ['search_parameter_keys', 'fixed_parameter_keys',
+                          'kwargs']
+            use_cache = True
+            for key in check_keys:
+                if self.cached_result.check_attribute_match_to_other_object(
+                        key, self) is False:
+                    logger.debug("Cached value {} is unmatched".format(key))
+                    use_cache = False
+            if use_cache is False:
+                self.cached_result = None
+    def _log_summary_for_sampler(self):
+        """Print a summary of the sampler used and its kwargs"""
+        if self.cached_result is None:
+            kwargs_print = self.kwargs.copy()
+            for k in kwargs_print:
+                if type(kwargs_print[k]) in (list, np.ndarray):
+                    array_repr = np.array(kwargs_print[k])
+                    if array_repr.size > 10:
+                        kwargs_print[k] = ('array_like, shape={}'
+                                           .format(array_repr.shape))
+                elif type(kwargs_print[k]) == DataFrame:
+                    kwargs_print[k] = ('DataFrame, shape={}'
+                                       .format(kwargs_print[k].shape))
+  "Using sampler {} with kwargs {}".format(
+                self.__class__.__name__, kwargs_print))
+    def setup_nburn(self):
+        """ Handles calculating nburn, either from a given value or inferred """
+        if type(self.nburn) in [float, int]:
+            self.nburn = int(self.nburn)
+  "Discarding {} steps for burn-in".format(self.nburn))
+        elif self.result.max_autocorrelation_time is None:
+            self.nburn = int(self.burn_in_fraction * self.nsteps)
+  "Autocorrelation time not calculated, discarding {} "
+                        " steps for burn-in".format(self.nburn))
+        else:
+            self.nburn = int(
+                self.burn_in_act * self.result.max_autocorrelation_time)
+  "Discarding {} steps for burn-in, estimated from "
+                        "autocorr".format(self.nburn))
+    def calculate_autocorrelation(self, samples, c=3):
+        """ Uses the `emcee.autocorr` module to estimate the autocorrelation
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        samples: array_like
+            A chain of samples.
+        c: float
+            The minimum number of autocorrelation times needed to trust the
+            estimate (default: `3`). See `emcee.autocorr.integrated_time`.
+        """
+        try:
+            import emcee
+        except ImportError:
+            self.result.max_autocorrelation_time = None
+                "emcee not available, so unable to calculate autocorr time")
+        try:
+            self.result.max_autocorrelation_time = int(np.max(
+                emcee.autocorr.integrated_time(samples, c=c)))
+  "Max autocorr time = {}".format(
+                self.result.max_autocorrelation_time))
+        except emcee.autocorr.AutocorrError as e:
+            self.result.max_autocorrelation_time = None
+  "Unable to calculate autocorr time: {}".format(e))
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..905235ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import numpy as np
+from pandas import DataFrame
+from ..utils import logger
+from .base_sampler import Sampler
+class Cpnest(Sampler):
+    """ tupak wrapper of cpnest (
+    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
+    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `cpnest.CPNest`, see documentation
+    for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we list commonly
+    used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
+    Keyword Arguments
+    -----------------
+    npoints: int
+        The number of live points, note this can also equivalently be given as
+        one of [nlive, nlives, n_live_points]
+    seed: int (1234)
+        Initialised random seed
+    Nthreads: int, (1)
+        Number of threads to use
+    maxmcmc: int (1000)
+        The maximum number of MCMC steps to take
+    verbose: Bool
+        If true, print information information about the convergence during
+    """
+    @property
+    def kwargs(self):
+        return self.__kwargs
+    @kwargs.setter
+    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
+        # Check if nlive was instead given by another name
+        if 'Nlive' not in kwargs:
+            for equiv in ['nlives', 'n_live_points', 'npoint', 'npoints',
+                          'nlive']:
+                if equiv in kwargs:
+                    kwargs['Nlive'] = kwargs.pop(equiv)
+        if 'seed' not in kwargs:
+            logger.warning('No seed provided, cpnest will use 1234.')
+        # Set some default values
+        self.__kwargs = dict(verbose=1, Nthreads=1, Nlive=250, maxmcmc=1000)
+        # Overwrite default values with user specified values
+        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
+    def _run_external_sampler(self):
+        cpnest = self.external_sampler
+        import cpnest.model
+        class Model(cpnest.model.Model):
+            """ A wrapper class to pass our log_likelihood into cpnest """
+            def __init__(self, names, bounds):
+                self.names = names
+                self.bounds = bounds
+                self._check_bounds()
+            @staticmethod
+            def log_likelihood(x):
+                theta = [x[n] for n in self.search_parameter_keys]
+                return self.log_likelihood(theta)
+            @staticmethod
+            def log_prior(x):
+                theta = [x[n] for n in self.search_parameter_keys]
+                return self.log_prior(theta)
+            def _check_bounds(self):
+                for bound in self.bounds:
+                    if not all(np.isfinite(bound)):
+                        raise ValueError(
+                            'CPNest requires priors to have finite bounds.')
+        bounds = [[self.priors[key].minimum, self.priors[key].maximum]
+                  for key in self.search_parameter_keys]
+        model = Model(self.search_parameter_keys, bounds)
+        out = cpnest.CPNest(model, output=self.outdir, **self.kwargs)
+        if self.plot:
+            out.plot()
+        # Since the output is not just samples, but log_likelihood as well,
+        # we turn this into a dataframe here. The index [0] here may be wrong
+        self.result.posterior = DataFrame(out.posterior_samples[0])
+        self.result.log_evidence = out.NS.state.logZ
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
+        return self.result
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ada5d3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import numpy as np
+from pandas import DataFrame
+from import load, save
+from ..utils import logger
+from .base_sampler import Sampler
+class Dynesty(Sampler):
+    """
+    tupak wrapper of `dynesty.NestedSampler`
+    (
+    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
+    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `dynesty.NestedSampler`, see
+    documentation for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we
+    list commonly used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
+    Keyword Arguments
+    -----------------
+    npoints: int, (250)
+        The number of live points, note this can also equivalently be given as
+        one of [nlive, nlives, n_live_points]
+    bound: {'none', 'single', 'multi', 'balls', 'cubes'}, ('multi')
+        Method used to select new points
+    sample: {'unif', 'rwalk', 'slice', 'rslice', 'hslice'}, ('rwalk')
+        Method used to sample uniformly within the likelihood constraints,
+        conditioned on the provided bounds
+    walks: int
+        Number of walks taken if using `sample='rwalk'`, defaults to `ndim * 5`
+    dlogz: float, (0.1)
+        Stopping criteria
+    verbose: Bool
+        If true, print information information about the convergence during
+    check_point_delta_t: float (600)
+        The approximate checkpoint period (in seconds). Should the run be
+        interrupted, it can be resumed from the last checkpoint. Set to
+        `None` to turn-off check pointing
+    resume: bool
+        If true, resume run from checkpoint (if available)
+    """
+    @property
+    def kwargs(self):
+        return self.__kwargs
+    @kwargs.setter
+    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
+        # Set some default values
+        self.__kwargs = dict(dlogz=0.1, bound='multi', sample='rwalk',
+                             resume=True, walks=self.ndim * 5, verbose=True,
+                             check_point_delta_t=60 * 10, nlive=250)
+        # Check if nlive was instead given by another name
+        if 'nlive' not in kwargs:
+            for equiv in ['nlives', 'n_live_points', 'npoint', 'npoints']:
+                if equiv in kwargs:
+                    kwargs['nlive'] = kwargs.pop(equiv)
+        # Overwrite default values with user specified values
+        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
+        # Set the update interval
+        if 'update_interval' not in self.__kwargs:
+            self.__kwargs['update_interval'] = int(0.6 * self.__kwargs['nlive'])
+        # Set the checking pointing
+        # If the log_likelihood_eval_time was not able to be calculated
+        # then n_check_point is set to None (no checkpointing)
+        if np.isnan(self._log_likelihood_eval_time):
+            self.__kwargs['n_check_point'] = None
+        # If n_check_point is not already set, set it checkpoint every 10 mins
+        if 'n_check_point' not in self.__kwargs:
+            n_check_point_raw = (self.__kwargs['check_point_delta_t'] /
+                                 self._log_likelihood_eval_time)
+            n_check_point_rnd = int(float("{:1.0g}".format(n_check_point_raw)))
+            self.__kwargs['n_check_point'] = n_check_point_rnd
+    def _print_func(self, results, niter, ncall, dlogz, *args, **kwargs):
+        """ Replacing status update for dynesty.result.print_func """
+        # Extract results at the current iteration.
+        (worst, ustar, vstar, loglstar, logvol, logwt,
+         logz, logzvar, h, nc, worst_it, boundidx, bounditer,
+         eff, delta_logz) = results
+        # Adjusting outputs for printing.
+        if delta_logz > 1e6:
+            delta_logz = np.inf
+        if 0. <= logzvar <= 1e6:
+            logzerr = np.sqrt(logzvar)
+        else:
+            logzerr = np.nan
+        if logz <= -1e6:
+            logz = -np.inf
+        if loglstar <= -1e6:
+            loglstar = -np.inf
+        if self.use_ratio:
+            key = 'logz ratio'
+        else:
+            key = 'logz'
+        # Constructing output.
+        raw_string = "\r {}| {}={:6.3f} +/- {:6.3f} | dlogz: {:6.3f} > {:6.3f}"
+        print_str = raw_string.format(
+            niter, key, logz, logzerr, delta_logz, dlogz)
+        # Printing.
+        sys.stderr.write(print_str)
+        sys.stderr.flush()
+    def _run_external_sampler(self):
+        dynesty = self.external_sampler
+        sampler = dynesty.NestedSampler(
+            loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood,
+            prior_transform=self.prior_transform,
+            ndim=self.ndim, **self.kwargs)
+        if self.kwargs['n_check_point']:
+            out = self._run_external_sampler_with_checkpointing(sampler)
+        else:
+            out = self._run_external_sampler_without_checkpointing(sampler)
+        # Flushes the output to force a line break
+        if self.kwargs["verbose"]:
+            print("")
+        # self.result.sampler_output = out
+        weights = np.exp(out['logwt'] - out['logz'][-1])
+        self.result.samples = dynesty.utils.resample_equal(
+            out.samples, weights)
+        self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = out.logl
+        self.result.log_evidence = out.logz[-1]
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = out.logzerr[-1]
+        self.result.nested_samples = DataFrame(
+            out.samples, columns=self.search_parameter_keys)
+        self.result.nested_samples['weights'] = weights
+        if self.plot:
+            self.generate_trace_plots(out)
+        return self.result
+    def _run_external_sampler_without_checkpointing(self, nested_sampler):
+        logger.debug("Running sampler without checkpointing")
+        nested_sampler.run_nested(
+            dlogz=self.kwargs['dlogz'],
+            print_progress=self.kwargs['verbose'],
+            print_func=self._print_func)
+        return nested_sampler.results
+    def _run_external_sampler_with_checkpointing(self, nested_sampler):
+        logger.debug("Running sampler with checkpointing")
+        if self.kwargs['resume']:
+            resume = self.read_saved_state(nested_sampler, continuing=True)
+            if resume:
+      'Resuming from previous run.')
+        old_ncall = nested_sampler.ncall
+        maxcall = self.kwargs['n_check_point']
+        while True:
+            maxcall += self.kwargs['n_check_point']
+            nested_sampler.run_nested(
+                dlogz=self.kwargs['dlogz'],
+                print_progress=self.kwargs['verbose'],
+                print_func=self._print_func, maxcall=maxcall,
+                add_live=False)
+            if nested_sampler.ncall == old_ncall:
+                break
+            old_ncall = nested_sampler.ncall
+            self.write_current_state(nested_sampler)
+        self.read_saved_state(nested_sampler)
+        nested_sampler.run_nested(
+            dlogz=self.kwargs['dlogz'],
+            print_progress=self.kwargs['verbose'],
+            print_func=self._print_func, add_live=True)
+        self._remove_checkpoint()
+        return nested_sampler.results
+    def _remove_checkpoint(self):
+        """Remove checkpointed state"""
+        if os.path.isfile('{}/{}_resume.h5'.format(self.outdir, self.label)):
+            os.remove('{}/{}_resume.h5'.format(self.outdir, self.label))
+    def read_saved_state(self, sampler, continuing=False):
+        """
+        Read a saved state of the sampler to disk.
+        The required information to reconstruct the state of the run is read
+        from an hdf5 file.
+        This currently adds the whole chain to the sampler.
+        We then remove the old checkpoint and write all unnecessary items back
+        to disk.
+        FIXME: Load only the necessary quantities, rather than read/write?
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sampler: `dynesty.NestedSampler`
+            NestedSampler instance to reconstruct from the saved state.
+        continuing: bool
+            Whether the run is continuing or terminating, if True, the loaded
+            state is mostly written back to disk.
+        """
+        resume_file = '{}/{}_resume.h5'.format(self.outdir, self.label)
+        if os.path.isfile(resume_file):
+            saved = load(resume_file)
+            sampler.saved_u = list(saved['unit_cube_samples'])
+            sampler.saved_v = list(saved['physical_samples'])
+            sampler.saved_logl = list(saved['sample_likelihoods'])
+            sampler.saved_logvol = list(saved['sample_log_volume'])
+            sampler.saved_logwt = list(saved['sample_log_weights'])
+            sampler.saved_logz = list(saved['cumulative_log_evidence'])
+            sampler.saved_logzvar = list(saved['cumulative_log_evidence_error'])
+            sampler.saved_id = list(saved['id'])
+            sampler.saved_it = list(saved['it'])
+            sampler.saved_nc = list(saved['nc'])
+            sampler.saved_boundidx = list(saved['boundidx'])
+            sampler.saved_bounditer = list(saved['bounditer'])
+            sampler.saved_scale = list(saved['scale'])
+            sampler.saved_h = list(saved['cumulative_information'])
+            sampler.ncall = saved['ncall']
+            sampler.live_logl = list(saved['live_logl'])
+   = saved['iteration'] + 1
+            sampler.live_u = saved['live_u']
+            sampler.live_v = saved['live_v']
+            sampler.nlive = saved['nlive']
+            sampler.live_bound = saved['live_bound']
+            sampler.live_it = saved['live_it']
+            sampler.added_live = saved['added_live']
+            self._remove_checkpoint()
+            if continuing:
+                self.write_current_state(sampler)
+            return True
+        else:
+            return False
+    def write_current_state(self, sampler):
+        """
+        Write the current state of the sampler to disk.
+        The required information to reconstruct the state of the run are written
+        to an hdf5 file.
+        All but the most recent removed live point in the chain are removed from
+        the sampler to reduce memory usage.
+        This means it is necessary to not append the first live point to the
+        file if updating a previous checkpoint.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        sampler: `dynesty.NestedSampler`
+            NestedSampler to write to disk.
+        """
+        resume_file = '{}/{}_resume.h5'.format(self.outdir, self.label)
+        if os.path.isfile(resume_file):
+            saved = load(resume_file)
+            current_state = dict(
+                unit_cube_samples=np.vstack([
+                    saved['unit_cube_samples'], sampler.saved_u[1:]]),
+                physical_samples=np.vstack([
+                    saved['physical_samples'], sampler.saved_v[1:]]),
+                sample_likelihoods=np.concatenate([
+                    saved['sample_likelihoods'], sampler.saved_logl[1:]]),
+                sample_log_volume=np.concatenate([
+                    saved['sample_log_volume'], sampler.saved_logvol[1:]]),
+                sample_log_weights=np.concatenate([
+                    saved['sample_log_weights'], sampler.saved_logwt[1:]]),
+                cumulative_log_evidence=np.concatenate([
+                    saved['cumulative_log_evidence'], sampler.saved_logz[1:]]),
+                cumulative_log_evidence_error=np.concatenate([
+                    saved['cumulative_log_evidence_error'],
+                    sampler.saved_logzvar[1:]]),
+                cumulative_information=np.concatenate([
+                    saved['cumulative_information'], sampler.saved_h[1:]]),
+                id=np.concatenate([saved['id'], sampler.saved_id[1:]]),
+                it=np.concatenate([saved['it'], sampler.saved_it[1:]]),
+                nc=np.concatenate([saved['nc'], sampler.saved_nc[1:]]),
+                boundidx=np.concatenate([
+                    saved['boundidx'], sampler.saved_boundidx[1:]]),
+                bounditer=np.concatenate([
+                    saved['bounditer'], sampler.saved_bounditer[1:]]),
+                scale=np.concatenate([saved['scale'], sampler.saved_scale[1:]]),
+            )
+        else:
+            current_state = dict(
+                unit_cube_samples=sampler.saved_u,
+                physical_samples=sampler.saved_v,
+                sample_likelihoods=sampler.saved_logl,
+                sample_log_volume=sampler.saved_logvol,
+                sample_log_weights=sampler.saved_logwt,
+                cumulative_log_evidence=sampler.saved_logz,
+                cumulative_log_evidence_error=sampler.saved_logzvar,
+                cumulative_information=sampler.saved_h,
+                id=sampler.saved_id,
+                it=sampler.saved_it,
+                nc=sampler.saved_nc,
+                boundidx=sampler.saved_boundidx,
+                bounditer=sampler.saved_bounditer,
+                scale=sampler.saved_scale,
+            )
+        current_state.update(
+            ncall=sampler.ncall, live_logl=sampler.live_logl,
+   - 1, live_u=sampler.live_u,
+            live_v=sampler.live_v, nlive=sampler.nlive,
+            live_bound=sampler.live_bound, live_it=sampler.live_it,
+            added_live=sampler.added_live
+        )
+        weights = np.exp(current_state['sample_log_weights'] -
+                         current_state['cumulative_log_evidence'][-1])
+        current_state['posterior'] = self.external_sampler.utils.resample_equal(
+            np.array(current_state['physical_samples']), weights)
+        save(resume_file, current_state)
+        sampler.saved_id = [sampler.saved_id[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_u = [sampler.saved_u[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_v = [sampler.saved_v[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_logl = [sampler.saved_logl[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_logvol = [sampler.saved_logvol[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_logwt = [sampler.saved_logwt[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_logz = [sampler.saved_logz[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_logzvar = [sampler.saved_logzvar[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_h = [sampler.saved_h[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_nc = [sampler.saved_nc[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_boundidx = [sampler.saved_boundidx[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_it = [sampler.saved_it[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_bounditer = [sampler.saved_bounditer[-1]]
+        sampler.saved_scale = [sampler.saved_scale[-1]]
+    def generate_trace_plots(self, dynesty_results):
+        filename = '{}/{}_trace.png'.format(self.outdir, self.label)
+        logger.debug("Writing trace plot to {}".format(filename))
+        from dynesty import plotting as dyplot
+        fig, axes = dyplot.traceplot(dynesty_results,
+                                     labels=self.result.parameter_labels)
+        fig.tight_layout()
+        fig.savefig(filename)
+    def _run_test(self):
+        dynesty = self.external_sampler
+        nested_sampler = dynesty.NestedSampler(
+            loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood,
+            prior_transform=self.prior_transform,
+            ndim=self.ndim, **self.kwargs)
+        nested_sampler.run_nested(
+            dlogz=self.kwargs['dlogz'],
+            print_progress=self.kwargs['verbose'],
+            maxiter=2)
+        self.result.samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (100, self.ndim))
+        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
+        return self.result
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cd99dfc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+import numpy as np
+from pandas import DataFrame
+from ..utils import logger, get_progress_bar
+from .base_sampler import Sampler
+class Emcee(Sampler):
+    """tupak wrapper emcee (
+    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
+    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `emcee.EnsembleSampler`, see
+    documentation for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we
+    list commonly used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
+    Keyword Arguments
+    -----------------
+    nwalkers: int, (100)
+        The number of walkers
+    nsteps: int, (100)
+        The number of steps
+    nburn: int (None)
+        If given, the fixed number of steps to discard as burn-in. Else,
+        nburn is estimated from the autocorrelation time
+    burn_in_fraction: float, (0.25)
+        The fraction of steps to discard as burn-in in the event that the
+        autocorrelation time cannot be calculated
+    burn_in_act: float
+        The number of autocorrelation times to discard as burn-in
+    a: float (2)
+        The proposal scale factor
+    """
+    def _run_external_sampler(self):
+        self.nwalkers = self.kwargs.get('nwalkers', 100)
+        self.nsteps = self.kwargs.get('nsteps', 100)
+        self.nburn = self.kwargs.get('nburn', None)
+        self.burn_in_fraction = self.kwargs.get('burn_in_fraction', 0.25)
+        self.burn_in_act = self.kwargs.get('burn_in_act', 3)
+        a = self.kwargs.get('a', 2)
+        emcee = self.external_sampler
+        tqdm = get_progress_bar(self.kwargs.pop('tqdm', 'tqdm'))
+        sampler = emcee.EnsembleSampler(
+            nwalkers=self.nwalkers, dim=self.ndim, lnpostfn=self.lnpostfn,
+            a=a)
+        if 'pos0' in self.kwargs:
+            logger.debug("Using given initial positions for walkers")
+            pos0 = self.kwargs['pos0']
+            if isinstance(pos0, DataFrame):
+                pos0 = pos0[self.search_parameter_keys].values
+            elif type(pos0) in (list, np.ndarray):
+                pos0 = np.squeeze(self.kwargs['pos0'])
+            if pos0.shape != (self.nwalkers, self.ndim):
+                raise ValueError(
+                    'Input pos0 should be of shape ndim, nwalkers')
+            logger.debug("Checking input pos0")
+            for draw in pos0:
+                self.check_draw(draw)
+        else:
+            logger.debug("Generating initial walker positions from prior")
+            pos0 = [self.get_random_draw_from_prior()
+                    for _ in range(self.nwalkers)]
+        for _ in tqdm(sampler.sample(pos0, iterations=self.nsteps),
+                      total=self.nsteps):
+            pass
+        self.result.sampler_output = np.nan
+        self.calculate_autocorrelation(sampler.chain.reshape((-1, self.ndim)))
+        self.setup_nburn()
+        self.result.nburn = self.nburn
+        self.result.samples = sampler.chain[:, self.nburn:, :].reshape(
+            (-1, self.ndim))
+        self.result.walkers = sampler.chain
+        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
+        return self.result
+    def lnpostfn(self, theta):
+        p = self.log_prior(theta)
+        if np.isinf(p):
+            return -np.inf
+        else:
+            return self.log_likelihood(theta) + p
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4d6cd8a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+import numpy as np
+from .base_sampler import Sampler
+class Nestle(Sampler):
+    """tupak wrapper `nestle.Sampler` (
+    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
+    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `nestle.sample`, see documentation for
+    that function for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we list commonly
+    used kwargs and the tupak defaults
+    Keyword Arguments
+   ------------------
+    npoints: int
+        The number of live points, note this can also equivalently be given as
+        one of [nlive, nlives, n_live_points]
+    method: {'classic', 'single', 'multi'} ('multi')
+        Method used to select new points
+    verbose: Bool
+        If true, print information information about the convergence during
+        sampling
+    """
+    @property
+    def kwargs(self):
+        """
+        Ensures that proper keyword arguments are used for the Nestle sampler.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict: Keyword arguments used for the Nestle Sampler
+        """
+        return self.__kwargs
+    @kwargs.setter
+    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
+        self.__kwargs = dict(verbose=True, method='multi')
+        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
+        if 'npoints' not in self.__kwargs:
+            for equiv in ['nlive', 'nlives', 'n_live_points']:
+                if equiv in self.__kwargs:
+                    self.__kwargs['npoints'] = self.__kwargs.pop(equiv)
+    def _run_external_sampler(self):
+        """ Runs Nestle sampler with given kwargs and returns the result
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tupak.core.result.Result: Packaged information about the result
+        """
+        nestle = self.external_sampler
+        self.external_sampler_function = nestle.sample
+        if 'verbose' in self.kwargs:
+            if self.kwargs['verbose']:
+                self.kwargs['callback'] = nestle.print_progress
+            self.kwargs.pop('verbose')
+        self._verify_kwargs_against_external_sampler_function()
+        out = self.external_sampler_function(
+            loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood,
+            prior_transform=self.prior_transform,
+            ndim=self.ndim, **self.kwargs)
+        print("")
+        self.result.sampler_output = out
+        self.result.samples = nestle.resample_equal(out.samples, out.weights)
+        self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = out.logl
+        self.result.log_evidence = out.logz
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = out.logzerr
+        return self.result
+    def _run_test(self):
+        """
+        Runs to test whether the sampler is properly running with the given
+        kwargs without actually running to the end
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tupak.core.result.Result: Dummy container for sampling results.
+        """
+        nestle = self.external_sampler
+        self.external_sampler_function = nestle.sample
+        self.external_sampler_function(
+            loglikelihood=self.log_likelihood,
+            prior_transform=self.prior_transform,
+            ndim=self.ndim, maxiter=2, **self.kwargs)
+        self.result.samples = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (100, self.ndim))
+        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
+        return self.result
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c2f0997b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+import numpy as np
+from ..utils import get_progress_bar, logger
+from . import Emcee
+class Ptemcee(Emcee):
+    """tupak wrapper ptemcee (
+    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
+    `run_sampler` will be propagated to `ptemcee.Sampler`, see
+    documentation for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we
+    list commonly used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
+    Keyword Arguments
+    -----------------
+    nwalkers: int, (100)
+        The number of walkers
+    nsteps: int, (100)
+        The number of steps to take
+    nburn: int (50)
+        The fixed number of steps to discard as burn-in
+    ntemps: int (2)
+        The number of temperatures used by ptemcee
+    """
+    def _run_external_sampler(self):
+        self.ntemps = self.kwargs.pop('ntemps', 2)
+        self.nwalkers = self.kwargs.pop('nwalkers', 100)
+        self.nsteps = self.kwargs.pop('nsteps', 100)
+        self.nburn = self.kwargs.pop('nburn', 50)
+        ptemcee = self.external_sampler
+        tqdm = get_progress_bar(self.kwargs.pop('tqdm', 'tqdm'))
+        sampler = ptemcee.Sampler(
+            ntemps=self.ntemps, nwalkers=self.nwalkers, dim=self.ndim,
+            logl=self.log_likelihood, logp=self.log_prior,
+            **self.kwargs)
+        pos0 = [[self.get_random_draw_from_prior()
+                 for _ in range(self.nwalkers)]
+                for _ in range(self.ntemps)]
+        for _ in tqdm(
+                sampler.sample(pos0, iterations=self.nsteps, adapt=True),
+                total=self.nsteps):
+            pass
+        self.result.nburn = self.nburn
+        self.result.sampler_output = np.nan
+        self.result.samples = sampler.chain[0, :, self.nburn:, :].reshape(
+            (-1, self.ndim))
+        self.result.walkers = sampler.chain[0, :, :, :]
+        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
+"Max autocorr time = {}"
+                    .format(np.max(sampler.get_autocorr_time())))
+"Tswap frac = {}"
+                    .format(sampler.tswap_acceptance_fraction))
+        return self.result
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e80c23c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,697 @@
+from collections import OrderedDict
+import inspect
+import numpy as np
+from pymc3.sampling import STEP_METHODS
+from ..utils import derivatives, logger
+from ..prior import Prior
+from ..result import Result
+from .base_sampler import Sampler
+class Pymc3(Sampler):
+    """ tupak wrapper of the PyMC3 sampler (
+    All keyword arguments (i.e., the kwargs) passed to `run_sampler` will be
+    propapated to `pymc3.sample` where appropriate, see documentation for that
+    class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we list commonly used
+    kwargs and the tupak, or where appropriate, PyMC3 defaults.
+    Keyword Arguments
+    -----------------
+    draws: int, (1000)
+        The number of sample draws from the posterior per chain.
+    chains: int, (2)
+        The number of independent MCMC chains to run.
+    cores: int, (1)
+        The number of CPU cores to use.
+    tune: int, (500)
+        The number of tuning (or burn-in) samples per chain.
+    discard_tuned_samples: bool, True
+        Set whether to automatically discard the tuning samples from the final
+        chains.
+    step: str, dict
+        Provide a step method name, or dictionary of step method names keyed to
+        particular variable names (these are case insensitive). If no method is
+        provided for any particular variable then PyMC3 will automatically
+        decide upon a default, with the first option being the NUTS sampler.
+        The currently allowed methods are 'NUTS', 'HamiltonianMC',
+        'Metropolis', 'BinaryMetropolis', 'BinaryGibbsMetropolis', 'Slice', and
+        'CategoricalGibbsMetropolis'. Note: you cannot provide a PyMC3 step
+        method function itself here as it is outside of the model context
+        manager.
+    nuts_kwargs: dict
+        Keyword arguments for the NUTS sampler.
+    step_kwargs: dict
+        Options for steps methods other than NUTS. The dictionary is keyed on
+        lowercase step method names with values being dictionaries of keywords
+        for the given step method.
+    """
+    def _verify_parameters(self):
+        """
+        Change `_verify_parameters()` to just pass, i.e., don't try and
+        evaluate the likelihood for PyMC3.
+        """
+        pass
+    def _verify_use_ratio(self):
+        """
+        Change `_verify_use_ratio() to just pass.
+        """
+        pass
+    def _initialise_parameters(self):
+        """
+        Change `_initialise_parameters()`, so that it does call the `sample`
+        method in the Prior class.
+        """
+        self.__search_parameter_keys = []
+        self.__fixed_parameter_keys = []
+        for key in self.priors:
+            if isinstance(self.priors[key], Prior) \
+                    and self.priors[key].is_fixed is False:
+                self.__search_parameter_keys.append(key)
+            elif isinstance(self.priors[key], Prior) \
+                    and self.priors[key].is_fixed is True:
+                self.__fixed_parameter_keys.append(key)
+"Search parameters:")
+        for key in self.__search_parameter_keys:
+  '  {} = {}'.format(key, self.priors[key]))
+        for key in self.__fixed_parameter_keys:
+  '  {} = {}'.format(key, self.priors[key].peak))
+    def _initialise_result(self):
+        """
+        Initialise results within Pymc3 subclass.
+        """
+        result = Result()
+        result.sampler = self.__class__.__name__.lower()
+        result.search_parameter_keys = self.__search_parameter_keys
+        result.fixed_parameter_keys = self.__fixed_parameter_keys
+        result.parameter_labels = [
+            self.priors[k].latex_label for k in
+            self.__search_parameter_keys]
+        result.label = self.label
+        result.outdir = self.outdir
+        result.kwargs = self.kwargs
+        return result
+    @property
+    def kwargs(self):
+        """ Ensures that proper keyword arguments are used for the Pymc3 sampler.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict: Keyword arguments used for the Nestle Sampler
+        """
+        return self.__kwargs
+    @kwargs.setter
+    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
+        self.__kwargs = dict()
+        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
+        # set some defaults
+        # set the number of draws
+        self.draws = 1000 if 'draws' not in self.__kwargs else self.__kwargs.pop('draws')
+        if 'chains' not in self.__kwargs:
+            self.__kwargs['chains'] = 2
+            self.chains = self.__kwargs['chains']
+        if 'cores' not in self.__kwargs:
+            self.__kwargs['cores'] = 1
+    def setup_prior_mapping(self):
+        """
+        Set the mapping between predefined tupak priors and the equivalent
+        PyMC3 distributions.
+        """
+        prior_map = {}
+        self.prior_map = prior_map
+        # predefined PyMC3 distributions
+        prior_map['Gaussian'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Normal',
+            'argmap': {'mu': 'mu', 'sigma': 'sd'}}
+        prior_map['TruncatedGaussian'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'TruncatedNormal',
+            'argmap': {'mu': 'mu',
+                       'sigma': 'sd',
+                       'minimum': 'lower',
+                       'maximum': 'upper'}}
+        prior_map['HalfGaussian'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'HalfNormal',
+            'argmap': {'sigma': 'sd'}}
+        prior_map['Uniform'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Uniform',
+            'argmap': {'minimum': 'lower',
+                       'maximum': 'upper'}}
+        prior_map['LogNormal'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Lognormal',
+            'argmap': {'mu': 'mu',
+                       'sigma': 'sd'}}
+        prior_map['Exponential'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Exponential',
+            'argmap': {'mu': 'lam'},
+            'argtransform': {'mu': lambda mu: 1. / mu}}
+        prior_map['StudentT'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'StudentT',
+            'argmap': {'df': 'nu',
+                       'mu': 'mu',
+                       'scale': 'sd'}}
+        prior_map['Beta'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Beta',
+            'argmap': {'alpha': 'alpha',
+                       'beta': 'beta'}}
+        prior_map['Logistic'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Logistic',
+            'argmap': {'mu': 'mu',
+                       'scale': 's'}}
+        prior_map['Cauchy'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Cauchy',
+            'argmap': {'alpha': 'alpha',
+                       'beta': 'beta'}}
+        prior_map['Gamma'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Gamma',
+            'argmap': {'k': 'alpha',
+                       'theta': 'beta'},
+            'argtransform': {'theta': lambda theta: 1. / theta}}
+        prior_map['ChiSquared'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'ChiSquared',
+            'argmap': {'nu': 'nu'}}
+        prior_map['Interped'] = {
+            'pymc3': 'Interpolated',
+            'argmap': {'xx': 'x_points',
+                       'yy': 'pdf_points'}}
+        prior_map['Normal'] = prior_map['Gaussian']
+        prior_map['TruncatedNormal'] = prior_map['TruncatedGaussian']
+        prior_map['HalfNormal'] = prior_map['HalfGaussian']
+        prior_map['LogGaussian'] = prior_map['LogNormal']
+        prior_map['Lorentzian'] = prior_map['Cauchy']
+        prior_map['FromFile'] = prior_map['Interped']
+        # GW specific priors
+        prior_map['UniformComovingVolume'] = prior_map['Interped']
+        # internally defined mappings for tupak priors
+        prior_map['DeltaFunction'] = {'internal': self._deltafunction_prior}
+        prior_map['Sine'] = {'internal': self._sine_prior}
+        prior_map['Cosine'] = {'internal': self._cosine_prior}
+        prior_map['PowerLaw'] = {'internal': self._powerlaw_prior}
+        prior_map['LogUniform'] = {'internal': self._powerlaw_prior}
+    def _deltafunction_prior(self, key, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Map the tupak delta function prior to a single value for PyMC3.
+        """
+        from tupak.core.prior import DeltaFunction
+        # check prior is a DeltaFunction
+        if isinstance(self.priors[key], DeltaFunction):
+            return self.priors[key].peak
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Prior for '{}' is not a DeltaFunction".format(key))
+    def _sine_prior(self, key):
+        """
+        Map the tupak Sine prior to a PyMC3 style function
+        """
+        from tupak.core.prior import Sine
+        # check prior is a Sine
+        if isinstance(self.priors[key], Sine):
+            pymc3 = self.external_sampler
+            try:
+                import theano.tensor as tt
+                from pymc3.theanof import floatX
+            except ImportError:
+                raise ImportError("You must have Theano installed to use PyMC3")
+            class Pymc3Sine(pymc3.Continuous):
+                def __init__(self, lower=0., upper=np.pi):
+                    if lower >= upper:
+                        raise ValueError("Lower bound is above upper bound!")
+                    # set the mode
+                    self.lower = lower = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(lower))
+                    self.upper = upper = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(upper))
+                    self.norm = (tt.cos(lower) - tt.cos(upper))
+                    self.mean =\
+                        (tt.sin(upper) + lower * tt.cos(lower) -
+                         tt.sin(lower) - upper * tt.cos(upper)) / self.norm
+                    transform = pymc3.distributions.transforms.interval(lower,
+                                                                        upper)
+                    super(Pymc3Sine, self).__init__(transform=transform)
+                def logp(self, value):
+                    upper = self.upper
+                    lower = self.lower
+                    return pymc3.distributions.dist_math.bound(
+                        tt.log(tt.sin(value) / self.norm),
+                        lower <= value, value <= upper)
+            return Pymc3Sine(key, lower=self.priors[key].minimum,
+                             upper=self.priors[key].maximum)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Prior for '{}' is not a Sine".format(key))
+    def _cosine_prior(self, key):
+        """
+        Map the tupak Cosine prior to a PyMC3 style function
+        """
+        from tupak.core.prior import Cosine
+        # check prior is a Cosine
+        if isinstance(self.priors[key], Cosine):
+            pymc3 = self.external_sampler
+            # import theano
+            try:
+                import theano.tensor as tt
+                from pymc3.theanof import floatX
+            except ImportError:
+                raise ImportError("You must have Theano installed to use PyMC3")
+            class Pymc3Cosine(pymc3.Continuous):
+                def __init__(self, lower=-np.pi / 2., upper=np.pi / 2.):
+                    if lower >= upper:
+                        raise ValueError("Lower bound is above upper bound!")
+                    self.lower = lower = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(lower))
+                    self.upper = upper = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(upper))
+                    self.norm = (tt.sin(upper) - tt.sin(lower))
+                    self.mean =\
+                        (upper * tt.sin(upper) + tt.cos(upper) -
+                         lower * tt.sin(lower) - tt.cos(lower)) / self.norm
+                    transform = pymc3.distributions.transforms.interval(lower,
+                                                                        upper)
+                    super(Pymc3Cosine, self).__init__(transform=transform)
+                def logp(self, value):
+                    upper = self.upper
+                    lower = self.lower
+                    return pymc3.distributions.dist_math.bound(
+                        tt.log(tt.cos(value) / self.norm),
+                        lower <= value, value <= upper)
+            return Pymc3Cosine(key, lower=self.priors[key].minimum,
+                               upper=self.priors[key].maximum)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Prior for '{}' is not a Cosine".format(key))
+    def _powerlaw_prior(self, key):
+        """
+        Map the tupak PowerLaw prior to a PyMC3 style function
+        """
+        from tupak.core.prior import PowerLaw
+        # check prior is a PowerLaw
+        if isinstance(self.priors[key], PowerLaw):
+            pymc3 = self.external_sampler
+            # check power law is set
+            if not hasattr(self.priors[key], 'alpha'):
+                raise AttributeError("No 'alpha' attribute set for PowerLaw prior")
+            # import theano
+            try:
+                import theano.tensor as tt
+                from pymc3.theanof import floatX
+            except ImportError:
+                raise ImportError("You must have Theano installed to use PyMC3")
+            if self.priors[key].alpha < -1.:
+                # use Pareto distribution
+                palpha = -(1. + self.priors[key].alpha)
+                return pymc3.Bound(
+                    pymc3.Pareto, upper=self.priors[key].minimum)(
+                        key, alpha=palpha, m=self.priors[key].maximum)
+            else:
+                class Pymc3PowerLaw(pymc3.Continuous):
+                    def __init__(self, lower, upper, alpha, testval=1):
+                        falpha = alpha
+                        self.lower = lower = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(lower))
+                        self.upper = upper = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(upper))
+                        self.alpha = alpha = tt.as_tensor_variable(floatX(alpha))
+                        if falpha == -1:
+                            self.norm = 1. / (tt.log(self.upper / self.lower))
+                        else:
+                            beta = (1. + self.alpha)
+                            self.norm = 1. / (beta * (tt.pow(self.upper, beta) -
+                                                      tt.pow(self.lower, beta)))
+                        transform = pymc3.distributions.transforms.interval(
+                            lower, upper)
+                        super(Pymc3PowerLaw, self).__init__(
+                            transform=transform, testval=testval)
+                    def logp(self, value):
+                        upper = self.upper
+                        lower = self.lower
+                        alpha = self.alpha
+                        return pymc3.distributions.dist_math.bound(
+                            alpha * tt.log(value) + tt.log(self.norm),
+                            lower <= value, value <= upper)
+                return Pymc3PowerLaw(key, lower=self.priors[key].minimum,
+                                     upper=self.priors[key].maximum,
+                                     alpha=self.priors[key].alpha)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Prior for '{}' is not a Power Law".format(key))
+    def _run_external_sampler(self):
+        pymc3 = self.external_sampler
+        # set the step method
+        step_methods = {m.__name__.lower(): m.__name__ for m in STEP_METHODS}
+        if 'step' in self.__kwargs:
+            self.step_method = self.__kwargs.pop('step')
+            # 'step' could be a dictionary of methods for different parameters,
+            # so check for this
+            if isinstance(self.step_method, (dict, OrderedDict)):
+                for key in self.step_method:
+                    if key not in self.__search_parameter_keys:
+                        raise ValueError("Setting a step method for an unknown parameter '{}'".format(key))
+                    else:
+                        if self.step_method[key].lower() not in step_methods:
+                            raise ValueError("Using invalid step method '{}'".format(self.step_method[key]))
+            else:
+                self.step_method = self.step_method.lower()
+                if self.step_method not in step_methods:
+                    raise ValueError("Using invalid step method '{}'".format(self.step_method))
+        else:
+            self.step_method = None
+        # initialise the PyMC3 model
+        self.pymc3_model = pymc3.Model()
+        # set the prior
+        self.set_prior()
+        # set the step method
+        if isinstance(self.step_method, (dict, OrderedDict)):
+            # create list of step methods (any not given will default to NUTS)
+            sm = []
+            with self.pymc3_model:
+                for key in self.step_method:
+                    curmethod = self.step_method[key].lower()
+                    sm.append(pymc3.__dict__[step_methods[curmethod]]([self.pymc3_priors[key]]))
+        else:
+            sm = None if self.step_method is None else pymc3.__dict__[step_methods[self.step_method]]()
+        # if a custom log_likelihood function requires a `sampler` argument
+        # then use that log_likelihood function, with the assumption that it
+        # takes in a Pymc3 Sampler, with a pymc3_model attribute, and defines
+        # the likelihood within that context manager
+        likeargs = inspect.getargspec(self.likelihood.log_likelihood).args
+        if 'sampler' in likeargs:
+            self.likelihood.log_likelihood(sampler=self)
+        else:
+            # set the likelihood function from predefined functions
+            self.set_likelihood()
+        with self.pymc3_model:
+            # perform the sampling
+            trace = pymc3.sample(self.draws, step=sm, **self.kwargs)
+        nparams = len([key for key in self.priors.keys() if self.priors[key].__class__.__name__ != 'DeltaFunction'])
+        nsamples = len(trace) * self.chains
+        self.result.samples = np.zeros((nsamples, nparams))
+        count = 0
+        for key in self.priors.keys():
+            if self.priors[key].__class__.__name__ != 'DeltaFunction':  # ignore DeltaFunction variables
+                self.result.samples[:, count] = trace[key]
+                count += 1
+        self.result.sampler_output = np.nan
+        self.calculate_autocorrelation(self.result.samples)
+        self.result.log_evidence = np.nan
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.nan
+        return self.result
+    def set_prior(self):
+        """
+        Set the PyMC3 prior distributions.
+        """
+        self.setup_prior_mapping()
+        self.pymc3_priors = OrderedDict()
+        pymc3 = self.external_sampler
+        # set the parameter prior distributions (in the model context manager)
+        with self.pymc3_model:
+            for key in self.priors:
+                # if the prior contains ln_prob method that takes a 'sampler' argument
+                # then try using that
+                lnprobargs = inspect.getargspec(self.priors[key].ln_prob).args
+                if 'sampler' in lnprobargs:
+                    try:
+                        self.pymc3_priors[key] = self.priors[key].ln_prob(sampler=self)
+                    except RuntimeError:
+                        raise RuntimeError(("Problem setting PyMC3 prior for ",
+                                            "'{}'".format(key)))
+                else:
+                    # use Prior distribution name
+                    distname = self.priors[key].__class__.__name__
+                    if distname in self.prior_map:
+                        # check if we have a predefined PyMC3 distribution
+                        if 'pymc3' in self.prior_map[distname] and 'argmap' in self.prior_map[distname]:
+                            # check the required arguments for the PyMC3 distribution
+                            pymc3distname = self.prior_map[distname]['pymc3']
+                            if pymc3distname not in pymc3.__dict__:
+                                raise ValueError("Prior '{}' is not a known PyMC3 distribution.".format(pymc3distname))
+                            reqargs = inspect.getargspec(pymc3.__dict__[pymc3distname].__init__).args[1:]
+                            # set keyword arguments
+                            priorkwargs = {}
+                            for (targ, parg) in self.prior_map[distname]['argmap'].items():
+                                if hasattr(self.priors[key], targ):
+                                    if parg in reqargs:
+                                        if 'argtransform' in self.prior_map[distname]:
+                                            if targ in self.prior_map[distname]['argtransform']:
+                                                tfunc = self.prior_map[distname]['argtransform'][targ]
+                                            else:
+                                                def tfunc(x):
+                                                    return x
+                                        else:
+                                            def tfunc(x):
+                                                return x
+                                        priorkwargs[parg] = tfunc(getattr(self.priors[key], targ))
+                                    else:
+                                        raise ValueError("Unknown argument {}".format(parg))
+                                else:
+                                    if parg in reqargs:
+                                        priorkwargs[parg] = None
+                            self.pymc3_priors[key] = pymc3.__dict__[pymc3distname](key, **priorkwargs)
+                        elif 'internal' in self.prior_map[distname]:
+                            self.pymc3_priors[key] = self.prior_map[distname]['internal'](key)
+                        else:
+                            raise ValueError("Prior '{}' is not a known distribution.".format(distname))
+                    else:
+                        raise ValueError("Prior '{}' is not a known distribution.".format(distname))
+    def set_likelihood(self):
+        """
+        Convert any tupak likelihoods to PyMC3 distributions.
+        """
+        try:
+            import theano  # noqa
+            import theano.tensor as tt
+            from theano.compile.ops import as_op  # noqa
+        except ImportError:
+            raise ImportError("Could not import theano")
+        from tupak.core.likelihood import GaussianLikelihood, PoissonLikelihood, ExponentialLikelihood, StudentTLikelihood
+        from import BasicGravitationalWaveTransient, GravitationalWaveTransient
+        # create theano Op for the log likelihood if not using a predefined model
+        class LogLike(tt.Op):
+            itypes = [tt.dvector]
+            otypes = [tt.dscalar]
+            def __init__(self, parameters, loglike, priors):
+                self.parameters = parameters
+                self.likelihood = loglike
+                self.priors = priors
+                # set the fixed parameters
+                for key in self.priors.keys():
+                    if isinstance(self.priors[key], float):
+                        self.likelihood.parameters[key] = self.priors[key]
+                self.logpgrad = LogLikeGrad(self.parameters, self.likelihood, self.priors)
+            def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
+                theta, = inputs
+                for i, key in enumerate(self.parameters):
+                    self.likelihood.parameters[key] = theta[i]
+                outputs[0][0] = np.array(self.likelihood.log_likelihood())
+            def grad(self, inputs, g):
+                theta, = inputs
+                return [g[0] * self.logpgrad(theta)]
+        # create theano Op for calculating the gradient of the log likelihood
+        class LogLikeGrad(tt.Op):
+            itypes = [tt.dvector]
+            otypes = [tt.dvector]
+            def __init__(self, parameters, loglike, priors):
+                self.parameters = parameters
+                self.Nparams = len(parameters)
+                self.likelihood = loglike
+                self.priors = priors
+                # set the fixed parameters
+                for key in self.priors.keys():
+                    if isinstance(self.priors[key], float):
+                        self.likelihood.parameters[key] = self.priors[key]
+            def perform(self, node, inputs, outputs):
+                theta, = inputs
+                # define version of likelihood function to pass to derivative function
+                def lnlike(values):
+                    for i, key in enumerate(self.parameters):
+                        self.likelihood.parameters[key] = values[i]
+                    return self.likelihood.log_likelihood()
+                # calculate gradients
+                grads = derivatives(theta, lnlike, abseps=1e-5, mineps=1e-12, reltol=1e-2)
+                outputs[0][0] = grads
+        pymc3 = self.external_sampler
+        with self.pymc3_model:
+            #  check if it is a predefined likelhood function
+            if isinstance(self.likelihood, GaussianLikelihood):
+                # check required attributes exist
+                if (not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'sigma') or
+                        not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'x') or
+                        not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'y')):
+                    raise ValueError("Gaussian Likelihood does not have all the correct attributes!")
+                if 'sigma' in self.pymc3_priors:
+                    # if sigma is suppled use that value
+                    if self.likelihood.sigma is None:
+                        self.likelihood.sigma = self.pymc3_priors.pop('sigma')
+                    else:
+                        del self.pymc3_priors['sigma']
+                for key in self.pymc3_priors:
+                    if key not in self.likelihood.function_keys:
+                        raise ValueError("Prior key '{}' is not a function key!".format(key))
+                model = self.likelihood.func(self.likelihood.x, **self.pymc3_priors)
+                # set the distribution
+                pymc3.Normal('likelihood', mu=model, sd=self.likelihood.sigma,
+                             observed=self.likelihood.y)
+            elif isinstance(self.likelihood, PoissonLikelihood):
+                # check required attributes exist
+                if (not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'x') or
+                        not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'y')):
+                    raise ValueError("Poisson Likelihood does not have all the correct attributes!")
+                for key in self.pymc3_priors:
+                    if key not in self.likelihood.function_keys:
+                        raise ValueError("Prior key '{}' is not a function key!".format(key))
+                # get rate function
+                model = self.likelihood.func(self.likelihood.x, **self.pymc3_priors)
+                # set the distribution
+                pymc3.Poisson('likelihood', mu=model, observed=self.likelihood.y)
+            elif isinstance(self.likelihood, ExponentialLikelihood):
+                # check required attributes exist
+                if (not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'x') or
+                        not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'y')):
+                    raise ValueError("Exponential Likelihood does not have all the correct attributes!")
+                for key in self.pymc3_priors:
+                    if key not in self.likelihood.function_keys:
+                        raise ValueError("Prior key '{}' is not a function key!".format(key))
+                # get mean function
+                model = self.likelihood.func(self.likelihood.x, **self.pymc3_priors)
+                # set the distribution
+                pymc3.Exponential('likelihood', lam=1. / model, observed=self.likelihood.y)
+            elif isinstance(self.likelihood, StudentTLikelihood):
+                # check required attributes exist
+                if (not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'x') or
+                        not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'y') or
+                        not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'nu') or
+                        not hasattr(self.likelihood, 'sigma')):
+                    raise ValueError("StudentT Likelihood does not have all the correct attributes!")
+                if 'nu' in self.pymc3_priors:
+                    # if nu is suppled use that value
+                    if is None:
+               = self.pymc3_priors.pop('nu')
+                    else:
+                        del self.pymc3_priors['nu']
+                for key in self.pymc3_priors:
+                    if key not in self.likelihood.function_keys:
+                        raise ValueError("Prior key '{}' is not a function key!".format(key))
+                model = self.likelihood.func(self.likelihood.x, **self.pymc3_priors)
+                # set the distribution
+                pymc3.StudentT('likelihood',, mu=model, sd=self.likelihood.sigma, observed=self.likelihood.y)
+            elif isinstance(self.likelihood, (GravitationalWaveTransient, BasicGravitationalWaveTransient)):
+                # set theano Op - pass __search_parameter_keys, which only contains non-fixed variables
+                logl = LogLike(self.__search_parameter_keys, self.likelihood, self.pymc3_priors)
+                parameters = OrderedDict()
+                for key in self.__search_parameter_keys:
+                    try:
+                        parameters[key] = self.pymc3_priors[key]
+                    except KeyError:
+                        raise KeyError("Unknown key '{}' when setting GravitationalWaveTransient likelihood".format(key))
+                # convert to theano tensor variable
+                values = tt.as_tensor_variable(list(parameters.values()))
+                pymc3.DensityDist('likelihood', lambda v: logl(v), observed={'v': values})
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("Unknown likelihood has been provided")
diff --git a/tupak/core/sampler/ b/tupak/core/sampler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4791b27e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tupak/core/sampler/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+from ..utils import check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir
+from .base_sampler import Sampler
+class Pymultinest(Sampler):
+    """
+    tupak wrapper of pymultinest
+    (
+    All positional and keyword arguments (i.e., the args and kwargs) passed to
+    `run_sampler` will be propagated to ``, see documentation
+    for that class for further help. Under Keyword Arguments, we list commonly
+    used kwargs and the tupak defaults.
+    Keyword Arguments
+    ------------------
+    npoints: int
+        The number of live points, note this can also equivalently be given as
+        one of [nlive, nlives, n_live_points]
+    importance_nested_sampling: bool, (False)
+        If true, use importance nested sampling
+    sampling_efficiency: float or {'parameter', 'model'}, ('parameter')
+        Defines the sampling efficiency
+    verbose: Bool
+        If true, print information information about the convergence during
+    resume: bool
+        If true, resume run from checkpoint (if available)
+    """
+    @property
+    def kwargs(self):
+        return self.__kwargs
+    @kwargs.setter
+    def kwargs(self, kwargs):
+        outputfiles_basename =\
+            self.outdir + '/pymultinest_{}/'.format(self.label)
+        check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(outputfiles_basename)
+        self.__kwargs = dict(importance_nested_sampling=False, resume=True,
+                             verbose=True, sampling_efficiency='parameter',
+                             outputfiles_basename=outputfiles_basename)
+        self.__kwargs.update(kwargs)
+        if self.__kwargs['outputfiles_basename'].endswith('/') is False:
+            self.__kwargs['outputfiles_basename'] = '{}/'.format(
+                self.__kwargs['outputfiles_basename'])
+        if 'n_live_points' not in self.__kwargs:
+            for equiv in ['nlive', 'nlives', 'npoints', 'npoint']:
+                if equiv in self.__kwargs:
+                    self.__kwargs['n_live_points'] = self.__kwargs.pop(equiv)
+    def _run_external_sampler(self):
+        pymultinest = self.external_sampler
+        self.external_sampler_function =
+        self._verify_kwargs_against_external_sampler_function()
+        # Note: pymultinest.solve adds some extra steps, but underneath
+        # we are calling - hence why it is used in checking
+        # the arguments.
+        out = pymultinest.solve(
+            LogLikelihood=self.log_likelihood, Prior=self.prior_transform,
+            n_dims=self.ndim, **self.kwargs)
+        self.result.sampler_output = out
+        self.result.samples = out['samples']
+        self.result.log_evidence = out['logZ']
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = out['logZerr']
+        self.result.outputfiles_basename = self.kwargs['outputfiles_basename']
+        return self.result