diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/__init__.py b/bilby/core/sampler/__init__.py
index 548ddb9448111c253d3035718b448be7a60a4e6c..0fa5d9d5f25aa0dff890f3dc7a682de822d52ba4 100644
--- a/bilby/core/sampler/__init__.py
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/__init__.py
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ from .pymc3 import Pymc3
 from .pymultinest import Pymultinest
 from .ultranest import Ultranest
 from .fake_sampler import FakeSampler
+from .dnest4 import DNest4
 from . import proposal
@@ -27,7 +28,7 @@ IMPLEMENTED_SAMPLERS = {
     'emcee': Emcee, 'kombine': Kombine, 'nestle': Nestle, 'ptemcee': Ptemcee,
     'ptmcmcsampler': PTMCMCSampler, 'pymc3': Pymc3, 'pymultinest': Pymultinest,
     'pypolychord': PyPolyChord, 'ultranest': Ultranest,
-    'fake_sampler': FakeSampler}
+    'fake_sampler': FakeSampler, 'dnest4': DNest4}
 if command_line_args.sampler_help:
     sampler = command_line_args.sampler_help
diff --git a/bilby/core/sampler/dnest4.py b/bilby/core/sampler/dnest4.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a623635fd6807d4e7d43c330b8f39a6648af3604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bilby/core/sampler/dnest4.py
@@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import os
+import tempfile
+import shutil
+import distutils.dir_util
+import signal
+import time
+import datetime
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from ..utils import check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir, logger
+from .base_sampler import NestedSampler
+class _DNest4Model(object):
+    def __init__(self, log_likelihood_func, from_prior_func, widths, centers, highs, lows):
+        """Initialize the DNest4 model.
+        Args:
+            log_likelihood_func (function): The loglikelihood function to use
+                during the Nested Sampling run.
+            from_prior_func (function): The function to use when randomly
+                selecting parameter vectors from the prior space.
+            widths (numpy.array): The approximate widths of the prior
+                distrbutions.
+            centers (numpy.array): The approximate center points of the prior
+                distributions.
+        """
+        self._log_likelihood = log_likelihood_func
+        self._from_prior = from_prior_func
+        self._widths = widths
+        self._centers = centers
+        self._highs = highs
+        self._lows = lows
+        self._n_dim = len(widths)
+        return
+    def log_likelihood(self, coords):
+        """The model's log_likelihood function"""
+        return self._log_likelihood(coords)
+    def from_prior(self):
+        """The model's function to select random points from the prior space."""
+        return self._from_prior()
+    def perturb(self, coords):
+        """The perturb function to perform Monte Carlo trial moves."""
+        idx = np.random.randint(self._n_dim)
+        coords[idx] += (self._widths[idx] * (np.random.uniform(size=1) - 0.5))
+        cw = self._widths[idx]
+        cc = self._centers[idx]
+        coords[idx] = self.wrap(coords[idx], (cc - 0.5 * cw), cc + 0.5 * cw)
+        return 0.0
+    def wrap(self, x, a, b):
+        assert b > a
+        return (x - a) % (b - a) + a
+class DNest4(NestedSampler):
+    """
+    Bilby wrapper of DNest4
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    TBD
+    Other Parameters
+    ----------------
+    num_particles: int
+        The number of points to use in the Nested Sampling active population.
+    max_num_levels: int
+        The max number of diffusive likelihood levels that DNest4 should initialize
+        during the Diffusive Nested Sampling run.
+    backend: str
+        The python DNest4 backend for storing the output.
+        Options are: 'memory' and 'csv'. If 'memory' the
+        DNest4 outputs are stored in memory during the run. If 'csv' the
+        DNest4 outputs are written out to filse with a CSV format during
+        the run.
+    num_steps: int
+        The number of MCMC iterations to run
+    new_level_interval: int
+        The number of moves to run before creating a new diffusive likelihood level
+    lam: float
+        Set the backtracking scale length
+    beta: float
+        Set the strength of effect to force the histogram to equal bin counts
+    seed: int
+        Set the seed for the C++ random number generator
+    verbose: Bool
+        If True, prints information during run
+    TO DO: add equivalent args for num_particles (nlive, etc.)
+    Add sampling time functions
+    """
+    default_kwargs = dict(
+        max_num_levels=20,
+        num_steps=500,  # Number of iterations
+        new_level_interval=10000,
+        num_per_step=10000,
+        thread_steps=1,
+        num_particles=1000,
+        lam=10.0,
+        beta=100,
+        seed=None,
+        verbose=True,
+        outputfiles_basename=None,
+        # backend_callback=None,  # for checkpointing in dnest5
+        backend='memory',  # csv is currently bugged right now
+        # could change max_num_levels based on snr
+    )
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        likelihood,
+        priors,
+        outdir="outdir",
+        label="label",
+        use_ratio=False,
+        plot=False,
+        exit_code=77,
+        skip_import_verification=False,
+        temporary_directory=True,
+        resume=True,
+        **kwargs
+    ):
+        super(DNest4, self).__init__(
+            likelihood=likelihood,
+            priors=priors,
+            outdir=outdir,
+            label=label,
+            use_ratio=use_ratio,
+            plot=plot,
+            skip_import_verification=skip_import_verification,
+            exit_code=exit_code,
+            **kwargs
+        )
+        self.num_particles = self.kwargs["num_particles"]
+        self.max_num_levels = self.kwargs["max_num_levels"]
+        self._verbose = self.kwargs["verbose"]
+        self._backend = self.kwargs["backend"]
+        self.use_temporary_directory = temporary_directory
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.write_current_state_and_exit)
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.write_current_state_and_exit)
+        signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.write_current_state_and_exit)
+        # Get the estimates of the prior distributions' widths and centers.
+        widths = []
+        centers = []
+        highs = []
+        lows = []
+        samples = self.priors.sample(size=10000)
+        for key in self.search_parameter_keys:
+            pts = samples[key]
+            low = pts.min()
+            high = pts.max()
+            width = high - low
+            center = (high + low) / 2.0
+            widths.append(width)
+            centers.append(center)
+            highs.append(high)
+            lows.append(low)
+        self._widths = np.array(widths)
+        self._centers = np.array(centers)
+        self._highs = np.array(highs)
+        self._lows = np.array(lows)
+        self._from_prior = self.get_random_draw_from_prior
+        self._dnest4_model = _DNest4Model(self.log_likelihood, self._from_prior, self._widths,
+                                          self._centers, self._highs, self._lows)
+    def _set_backend(self):
+        import dnest4
+        if self._backend == 'csv':
+            # for CSVBackend, which is output data to disk
+            backend = dnest4.backends.CSVBackend("{}/dnest4{}/".format(self.outdir, self.label), sep=" ")
+            # change to original
+        else:
+            # for the MemoryBackend, which is output data to memory
+            backend = dnest4.backends.MemoryBackend()
+        return backend
+    def _set_dnest4_kwargs(self):
+        dnest4_keys = ["num_steps", "new_level_interval", "lam", "beta", "seed"]
+        self.dnest4_kwargs = {key: self.kwargs[key] for key in dnest4_keys}
+        return self.dnest4_kwargs
+    def run_sampler(self):
+        import dnest4
+        self._set_dnest4_kwargs()
+        backend = self._set_backend()
+        self._verify_kwargs_against_default_kwargs()
+        self._setup_run_directory()
+        self._check_and_load_sampling_time_file()
+        self.start_time = time.time()
+        self.sampler = dnest4.DNest4Sampler(self._dnest4_model, backend=backend)
+        out = self.sampler.sample(self.max_num_levels,
+                                  num_particles=self.num_particles,
+                                  **self.dnest4_kwargs)
+        for i, sample in enumerate(out):
+            if self._verbose and ((i + 1) % 100 == 0):
+                stats = self.sampler.postprocess()
+                logger.info("Iteration: {0} log(Z): {1}".format(i + 1, stats['log_Z']))
+        self._calculate_and_save_sampling_time()
+        self._clean_up_run_directory()
+        stats = self.sampler.postprocess(resample=1)
+        self.result.log_evidence = stats['log_Z']
+        self._information = stats['H']
+        self.result.log_evidence_err = np.sqrt(self._information / self.num_particles)
+        if self._backend == 'memory':
+            self._last_live_sample_info = pd.DataFrame(self.sampler.backend.sample_info[-1])
+            self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = self._last_live_sample_info['log_likelihood']
+            self.result.samples = np.array(self.sampler.backend.posterior_samples)
+            print("here")
+            print(self.sampler.backend.posterior_samples)
+            print(self.result.samples)
+        else:
+            sample_info_path = './' + self.kwargs["outputfiles_basename"] + '/sample_info.txt'
+            sample_info = np.genfromtxt(sample_info_path, comments='#', names=True)
+            self.result.log_likelihood_evaluations = sample_info['log_likelihood']
+            self.result.samples = np.array(self.sampler.backend.posterior_samples)
+        self.result.sampler_output = out
+        self.result.outputfiles_basename = self.outputfiles_basename
+        self.result.sampling_time = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.total_sampling_time)
+        self.calc_likelihood_count()
+        return self.result
+    def _translate_kwargs(self, kwargs):
+        if 'num_steps' not in kwargs:
+            for equiv in self.walks_equiv_kwargs:
+                if equiv in kwargs:
+                    kwargs['num_steps'] = kwargs.pop(equiv)
+    def _verify_kwargs_against_default_kwargs(self):
+        self.outputfiles_basename = self.kwargs.pop("outputfiles_basename", None)
+        # if self.kwargs['backend_callback'] is None:
+        #     self.kwargs['backend_callback'] = self._backend_callback
+        NestedSampler._verify_kwargs_against_default_kwargs(self)
+    # def _backend_callback(self, *args, **kwargs):
+    #     if self.use_temporary_directory:
+    #         self._copy_temporary_directory_contents_to_proper_path()
+    #     self._calculate_and_save_sampling_time()
+    def _setup_run_directory(self):
+        """
+        If using a temporary directory, the output directory is moved to the
+        temporary directory.
+        """
+        if self.use_temporary_directory:
+            temporary_outputfiles_basename = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory().name
+            self.temporary_outputfiles_basename = temporary_outputfiles_basename
+            if os.path.exists(self.outputfiles_basename):
+                distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(self.outputfiles_basename, self.temporary_outputfiles_basename)
+            check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(temporary_outputfiles_basename)
+            self.kwargs["outputfiles_basename"] = self.temporary_outputfiles_basename
+            logger.info("Using temporary file {}".format(temporary_outputfiles_basename))
+        else:
+            check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(self.outputfiles_basename)
+            self.kwargs["outputfiles_basename"] = self.outpuxtfiles_basename
+            logger.info("Using output file {}".format(self.outputfiles_basename))
+    def _check_and_load_sampling_time_file(self):
+        self.time_file_path = self.kwargs["outputfiles_basename"] + '/sampling_time.dat'
+        if os.path.exists(self.time_file_path):
+            with open(self.time_file_path, 'r') as time_file:
+                self.total_sampling_time = float(time_file.readline())
+        else:
+            self.total_sampling_time = 0
+    def _calculate_and_save_sampling_time(self):
+        current_time = time.time()
+        new_sampling_time = current_time - self.start_time
+        self.total_sampling_time += new_sampling_time
+        with open(self.time_file_path, 'w') as time_file:
+            time_file.write(str(self.total_sampling_time))
+        self.start_time = current_time
+    def _clean_up_run_directory(self):
+        if self.use_temporary_directory:
+            self._move_temporary_directory_to_proper_path()
+            self.kwargs["outputfiles_basename"] = self.outputfiles_basename
+    @property
+    def outputfiles_basename(self):
+        return self._outputfiles_basename
+    @outputfiles_basename.setter
+    def outputfiles_basename(self, outputfiles_basename):
+        if outputfiles_basename is None:
+            outputfiles_basename = "{}/dnest4{}/".format(self.outdir, self.label)
+        if not outputfiles_basename.endswith("/"):
+            outputfiles_basename += "/"
+        check_directory_exists_and_if_not_mkdir(self.outdir)
+        self._outputfiles_basename = outputfiles_basename
+    @property
+    def temporary_outputfiles_basename(self):
+        return self._temporary_outputfiles_basename
+    @temporary_outputfiles_basename.setter
+    def temporary_outputfiles_basename(self, temporary_outputfiles_basename):
+        if not temporary_outputfiles_basename.endswith("/"):
+            temporary_outputfiles_basename = "{}/".format(
+                temporary_outputfiles_basename
+            )
+        self._temporary_outputfiles_basename = temporary_outputfiles_basename
+        if os.path.exists(self.outputfiles_basename):
+            shutil.copytree(
+                self.outputfiles_basename, self.temporary_outputfiles_basename
+            )
+    def write_current_state_and_exit(self, signum=None, frame=None):
+        """ Write current state and exit on exit_code """
+        logger.info(
+            "Run interrupted by signal {}: checkpoint and exit on {}".format(
+                signum, self.exit_code
+            )
+        )
+        self._calculate_and_save_sampling_time()
+        if self.use_temporary_directory:
+            self._move_temporary_directory_to_proper_path()
+        os._exit(self.exit_code)
+    def _move_temporary_directory_to_proper_path(self):
+        """
+        Move the temporary back to the proper path
+        Anything in the proper path at this point is removed including links
+        """
+        self._copy_temporary_directory_contents_to_proper_path()
+        shutil.rmtree(self.temporary_outputfiles_basename)
+    def _copy_temporary_directory_contents_to_proper_path(self):
+        """
+        Copy the temporary back to the proper path.
+        Do not delete the temporary directory.
+        """
+        logger.info(
+            "Overwriting {} with {}".format(
+                self.outputfiles_basename, self.temporary_outputfiles_basename
+            )
+        )
+        if self.outputfiles_basename.endswith('/'):
+            outputfiles_basename_stripped = self.outputfiles_basename[:-1]
+        else:
+            outputfiles_basename_stripped = self.outputfiles_basename
+        distutils.dir_util.copy_tree(self.temporary_outputfiles_basename, outputfiles_basename_stripped)
diff --git a/docs/samplers.txt b/docs/samplers.txt
index fbbeff4c75d4e84c63b18521b3fd295886fad09c..9ec78dd04c7140d51c5d3bda87b40130e1a3d5f0 100644
--- a/docs/samplers.txt
+++ b/docs/samplers.txt
@@ -89,6 +89,11 @@ UltraNest
 .. autoclass:: bilby.core.sampler.ultranest.Ultranest
+.. autoclass:: bilby.core.sampler.dnest4.Dnest4
 MCMC samplers
diff --git a/sampler_requirements.txt b/sampler_requirements.txt
index 88d479844ce4f69c1c4e4bdb7d8961f5f39b8d03..06a065393d711783bbd43dbb1e3a7ccc8b8b9560 100644
--- a/sampler_requirements.txt
+++ b/sampler_requirements.txt
@@ -8,3 +8,4 @@ pymc3>=3.6; python_version > '3.4'
\ No newline at end of file