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Line subtraction data dropout fix

Aaron Viets requested to merge (removed):line-sub-data-dropout-fix into main

This merge request fixes an issue noted in this aLOG. The subtraction failures shown here were caused by raw data dropouts in the PCALX frequency and amplitude channels (L1:CAL-PCALX_PCALOSC[N]_OSC_FREQ and L1:CAL-PCALX_PCALOSC[N]_OSC_SINGAIN for N in [1, 9]). The missing data was filled in with zeros by the gstlal calibration pipeline, as is done with most input channels. The fix is to instead fill these channels with the most recent values contained in those channels. The below spectrograms were produced offline from archived raw data. Before the fix: L1_GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_NOLINES_spectrogram_10-1000Hz_1400024564-1336_beforefix100 After the fix: L1_GDS-CALIB_STRAIN_NOLINES_spectrogram_10-1000Hz_1400024564-1336_afterfix100

Merge request reports