Several changes to fix line subtraction when lines turn on and off
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23- Aaron Viets authored
- Stop subtracting signal when lines are off - Don't use GstController for line subtraction updates due to detection of secular changes in TFs - Simpler measurement of secular change in line subtraction TFs - lal_insertgap: new property open intervals to allow bad-data-intervals to be open or closed intervals - Distinguish between zeros and missing data in line witness channels - lal_property: fix for occasional segfaults - lal_smoothkappas: Use property reset_times instead of reset. - lal_stdev: Use property reset_times instead of reset. - lal_asd: allow for negative fft overlap. - gstlal_compute_strain: Option to use a line subtraction gate value, as opposed to a threshold, so that values larger than those that indicate lock (e. g., corresponding to calibration measurement times), can induce gating.