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keyerror in FIR filter generation during report generation

This bugfix addresses the error below in which the key run isn't found as part of the FIRFilterFileGeneration object. I reckon this is related to the newly implemented self.exclude_from_filters array in

INFO | generating GDS filters...                                                                                       After 1085 iterations, the RMS error of the DPSS window is approximately 4.097014e-13 of what it was originally.
After 869 iterations, the RMS error of the DPSS window is approximately 8.209088e-18 of what it was originally.
After 1395 iterations, the RMS error of the DPSS window is approximately 1.078663e-12 of what it was originally.
After 869 iterations, the RMS error of the DPSS window is approximately 8.209088e-18 of what it was originally.        Traceback (most recent call last):                                                                                       File "/var/opt/conda/base/envs/cds-testing/lib/python3.10/", line 196, in _run_module_as_main                    return _run_code(code, main_globals, None,        
  File "/var/opt/conda/base/envs/cds-testing/lib/python3.10/", line 86, in _run_code                               exec(code, run_globals)                                                                                              File "/ligo/home/louis.dartez/repos/pydarm/pydarm/", line 80, in <module>                                     main()                                                                                                               File "/ligo/home/louis.dartez/repos/pydarm/pydarm/", line 74, in main
  File "/ligo/home/louis.dartez/repos/pydarm/pydarm/cmd/", line 1751, in main
    fig_gds_filt = gds_filter_generation(report)
  File "/ligo/home/louis.dartez/repos/pydarm/pydarm/cmd/", line 1375, in gds_filter_generation
  File "/ligo/home/louis.dartez/repos/pydarm/pydarm/", line 1071, in GDS
    self._save_filters_file(output_filename, output_dir, exclude_list=self.exclude_from_filters)
  File "/ligo/home/louis.dartez/repos/pydarm/pydarm/", line 665, in _save_filters_file
KeyError: 'run'

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