Added a simple function to plot all kinds of input.
Added a simple plot method within the DARM model.
Added a residuals plot function (a two panel one).
Had to modify BodePlots a little but not too much.
Some example graphs are given here: (With the appropriate earlier definitions)
Command: D1.plot(filename='plot_example_critique_1.pdf', label=['H1'])
produces: plot_example_critique_1.pdf
Command: pydarm.plot.critique(D1, D2, label=['Normal model D1', 'Crazy model D2'], filename='plot_example_critique_2.pdf', ifo='H1', ugf_start=10, ugf_end=100)
produces: plot_example_critique_2.pdf
Command: pydarm.plot.critique(D1, plot_selection='olg', label=['OLG'], filename='plot_example_just_olg.pdf')
produces: plot_example_just_olg.pdf
The above can actually be produced also for example by: D1.plot(plot_selection='olg', label=['OLG'])
Command: pydarm.plot.plot(test_tuple2, freq, D1.compute_darm_olg(freq), freq, D1.compute_darm_olg(freq)*2, measurement_tuple, title='Test Plot', label=['2 tuple', '1+1', '1+1', '4 tuple'], style='example.mplstyle', filename='plot_example_multiinputs.pdf')
produces: plot_example_multiinputs.pdf
Command: pydarm.plot.residuals(freq, -tf, measurement_tuple[0], measurement_tuple[1], measurement_tuple[3], mag_min=0.8, mag_max=1.2, phase_min=-5, phase_max=5, filename='plot_example_residuals.pdf', plot_input=True, show=False)
produces: plot_example_residuals.pdf
produces: plot_example_residuals_input.pdf
The latter is the input data and model that you are comparing. It is plotted only if you ask plot_input=True.