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Draft: Add Power Law + Dip + Break Model

Amanda Farah requested to merge amanda.farah/gwpopulation_pipe:master into master

Current changes:

  • add PDB model (with power law pairing and independent pairing) as models g and h
  • take in m1 and m2 as parameters instead of m1 and mass ratio
  • change priors and injection draw probability accordingly
  • some edits in to accommodate m1 and m2 sampling
  • request specific GPUs on LDAS
  • normalize in post-processing for PDB models


  • analysis, collection, plotting: allow switch between m1 and m2 vs m1 and mass ratio, for different parameterizations
    • apparently Colm is already doing this so I just have to wait for his push and make sure the priors are still good
  • plotting: add options for p(m) for pairing function models

**Note: **This MR has some changes that I cannot test until I some fixes are merged into upstream (specifically, the backend imports). I can wait until those changes are available and test them on my fork, but I wanted to make this MR so that you could see what types of changes are coming :)

Merge request reports
