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Anuj Mishra requested to merge dev into main

Review Tasks

Scripts to review from GWMAT.

Script Parts to review Purpose Comment Review Status Class-wise functions to review:

(I). py_lgw.lensed_wf_gen: all functions of this class.

(II). py_lgw.GW_analysis
- jframe_to_l0frame()
- l0frame_to_jframe()
- match_wfs_fd()
- match_wfs_td()
Utils package to inject WFs.
Example script available at ex_n1_py_lgw_examples.ipynb. We will only use UL_4D recovery model using serial method for IMuSE. So only the following parts need to be reviewed:

(I.) FF_computation.CBC_parms_domain: all functions of this class.

(II.) FF_computation.FF_UL_4D_aligned_spin:
- gen_seed_prm_UL_4D
- ul_wf_gen_fd
- objective_func_UL_4D

other functions:
- inject_microlensed_signal: function to inject a microlensed signal due to an intervening isolated point-lens. This is a proxy function for now, as we will later do injections using amplification factors corresponding to microlenses embedded in a macro-potential.
- random_gen_from_powerlaw
- sort_desc
- compute_fitting_factor: Main function to compute the fitting factor.
For a test injection + recovery: see L925-955
Fitting factor computation
Example script available at ex_n2_FF_comp_example.ipynb
Edited by Anuj Mishra

Merge request reports
