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source files and example notebooks updated

Anuj Mishra requested to merge devs into main

Review Tasks

The following scripts from GWMAT will be used for the IMuSE pipeline.

Script Parts to review Purpose Comment Review Status Class-wise functions to review:

(I). py_lgw.lensed_wf_gen: all functions of this class.

(II). py_lgw.GW_analysis
- jframe_to_l0frame()
- l0frame_to_jframe()
- match_wfs_fd()
- match_wfs_td()
Utils package to inject WFs.
Example script available at ex_n1_py_lgw_examples.ipynb. We will only use UL_4D recovery model using serial method for IMuSE. So only the following parts need to be reviewed:

(I.) FF_computation.CBC_parms_domain: all functions of this class.

(II.) FF_computation.FF_UL_4D_aligned_spin:
- gen_seed_prm_UL_4D
- ul_wf_gen_fd
- objective_func_UL_4D

other functions:
- inject_microlensed_signal: function to inject a microlensed signal due to an intervening isolated point-lens. This is a proxy function for now, as we will later do injections using amplification factors corresponding to microlenses embedded in a macro-potential.
- random_gen_from_powerlaw
- sort_desc
- compute_fitting_factor: Main function to compute the fitting factor.
For a test injection + recovery: see L925-955
Fitting factor computation
Example script available at ex_n2_FF_comp_example.ipynb

Merge request reports
