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Various Feature Dev. & Debugging

John Sullivan requested to merge jack-dev into master

BW Analysis

  • Glitch cleaned frames development (onsource: some fixing still needed via issues with frame transfer).
  • Begin simulated offsource background (TGR review completion) - need simulated onsource residuals and making sure we're using the correct sim. PSD's per standards of TGR review/MDC's.
  • Deprecating in further merge: Draft addition of MDC waveform addition to REAL strain for onsource residuals. Tricky to do in real data (whitening, adding whitened MDC WF, subtracting ML, unwhitening again for BW onsource residuals run - as it stands).
    • This was for injecting a simulated signal (MDC cache) into a segment of real, clean data.
    • Should be more straightforward to make a "residuals signal" and pass that as an MDC cache to a simulated onsource BW run in that case.


  • Updated hveto segment download bot to use the same shell instance for its whole trip to each detector site (2 instances).


  • Rolled back srate/bayesline_median_psd flag to operate based on srate_max (discussions ongoing about how to determine srate for this).
  • Fix chains/threads configuring to use 20 chains and 1,2,4, or 5 threads.


  • Add "good [completed] run counts" in and; needs testing for basic incorporation into
  • Add run name to header of webpage
Edited by John Sullivan

Merge request reports
