package CDS::medmGenGdsTp;
use Exporter;
@ISA = ('Exporter');
require "lib/";
#// \file medmGenGdsTp.dox
#// \brief Documentation for
#// \n
#// \subpage devguidercg2 "<<-- Parts Library"
#// \n
sub createGdsMedm
my ($medmDir,$mdlName,$ifo,$dcuid,$medmTarget,$scriptTarget,$scriptArgs,$adcCnt,$dacCnt,$iopModel,$ioptype,$daq_prefix,$dac,$adc) = @_;
# Define colors to be sent to screen gen.
my %ecolors = ( "white" => "0",
"black" => "14",
"red" => "20",
"green" => "60",
"blue" => "54",
"brown" => "34",
"gray" => "2",
"ltblue" => "50",
"mdblue" => "42",
"dacblue" => "44",
"yellow" => "55",
"warning" => "31"
my @adctype = @{ $adc };
my @dactype = @{ $dac };
my $fname = "$mdlName\_GDS_TP.adl";
Rolf Bork
print "creating file $medmDir\/$fname \n";
open(OUTMEDM, ">$medmDir/$fname") || die "cannot open $medmDir/$fname for writing ";
my $xpos = 0; my $ypos = 0; my $width = 800; my $height = 350;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata = ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenFile") -> ($medmDir,$fname,$width,$height);
# ************* Create Banner ******************************************************************************
# Put blue rectangle banner at top of screen
$height = 22;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{blue},"","","");
Rolf Bork
# Put blue rectangle banner at bottom of screen
$xpos = 0; $ypos = 327; $width = 800; $height = 22;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{blue},"","","");
$xpos = 270; $ypos = 4; $width = 200; $height = 15;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$mdlName\_GDS_TP",$ecolors{white});
# Add time string to banner
$xpos = 570; $ypos = 4; $width = 200; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_STRING",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
# Create STATE WORD Status Section ***************************************************************************
$xpos = 11; $ypos = 24; $width = 539; $height = 43;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{black},"","","");
$xpos = 157; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 14;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"FE",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 185; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 14;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"TIM",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 213; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 14;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"ADC",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 239; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DAC",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 265; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DAQ",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 292; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"IPC",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 318; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"AWG",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 346; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DK",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 373; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"EXC",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 400; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"OVF",$ecolors{white});
Rolf Bork
$xpos = 429; $ypos = 26; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"CFC",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 78; $ypos = 47; $width = 60; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"STATE WORD",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 152; $ypos = 47; $width = 218; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_STATE_WORD","0","7",$ecolors{red},$ecolors{green});
$xpos = 369; $ypos = 47; $width = 28; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_STATE_WORD","8","8",$ecolors{blue},$ecolors{green});
Rolf Bork
$xpos = 396; $ypos = 47; $width = 56; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_STATE_WORD","9","10",$ecolors{warning},$ecolors{green});
# ************* Create Background **************************************************************************
# Add Background rectangles
$xpos = 11; $ypos = 69; $width = 775; $height = 255;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{gray},"","","");
$xpos = 555; $ypos = 24; $width = 230; $height = 43;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{gray},"","","");
$xpos = 11; $ypos = 69; $width = 775; $height = 18;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{blue},"","","");
$xpos = 15; $ypos = 93; $width = 182; $height = 225;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{yellow},"","","");
$xpos = 201; $ypos = 93; $width = 170; $height = 225;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{yellow},"","","");
$xpos = 375; $ypos = 93; $width = 175; $height = 225;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{yellow},"","","");
$xpos = 555; $ypos = 93; $width = 215; $height = 80;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{yellow},"","","");
Rolf Bork
$xpos = 555; $ypos = 184; $width = 215; $height = 70;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{yellow},"","","");
$xpos = 555; $ypos = 268; $width = 215; $height = 50;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{yellow},"","","");
# File loading
$xpos = 575; $ypos = 72; $width = 170; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"CONFIGURATION FILES",$ecolors{white});
# BURT STUFF ******************************************************************************************************
# Add BURT related display
$xpos = 562; $ypos = 106; $width = 160; $height = 18;
$relDisp = "$medmTarget\/$mdlNamelc\/$mdlName\_SDF_TABLE.adl";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRelDisp") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$relDisp,$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"SDF TABLE");
$xpos = 733; $ypos = 94; $width = 24; $height = 12;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DIFFS",$ecolors{black});
# Add Guardian setpoint error Counter Monitor
$xpos = 725; $ypos = 108; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_SDF_DIFF_CNT",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
$xpos = 562; $ypos = 128; $width = 200; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_SDF_LOADED",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
$xpos = 562; $ypos = 147; $width = 200; $height = 18;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_SDF_RELOAD_TIME",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
$xpos = 210; $ypos = 117; $width = 153; $height = 18;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{blue},"","","");
$xpos = 384; $ypos = 200; $width = 158; $height = 18;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{blue},"","","");
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{black},"","","");
# ADD RED FE running alarm block
$xpos = 15; $ypos = 91; $width = 182; $height = 74; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "(a&1)==1";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{red},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_STATE_WORD");
# ************* Create Main Status Banner *********************************************************************
# ADD Blinking FE running indicator
$xpos = 21; $ypos = 70; $width = 12; $height = 16; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "(a&1)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{ltblue},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_DIAG");
# ADD FE status indicator
Rolf Bork
$xpos = 480; $ypos = 330; $width = 240; $height = 17;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_MSG_FESTAT",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
$xpos = 45; $ypos = 72; $width = 120; $height = 15;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"TIMING STATUS",$ecolors{white});
# Add i/o status label
$xpos = 254; $ypos = 72; $width = 69; $height = 15;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"I/O STATUS",$ecolors{white});
# Add DAQ status label
$xpos = 429; $ypos = 72; $width = 69; $height = 15;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DAQ STATUS",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 507; $ypos = 72; $width = 25; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:DAQ-FEC_$dcuid\_DCU_ID",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
# ************* Create Timing Info Block *********************************************************************
# Add CPU Meter
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenMeter") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_CPU_METER",$ecolors{ltblue},$ecolors{mdblue});
# Add DIAG RESET button
$xpos = 679; $ypos = 46; $width = 100; $height = 18;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenMessage") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DIAG_RESET",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"Diag Reset","1");
# Add GPS Time label
$xpos = 580; $ypos = 29; $width = 69; $height = 15;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"GPS Time",$ecolors{black});
# Add GPS Time Monitor
$xpos = 680; $ypos = 26; $width = 100; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_DIAG",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
# Add Sync Source label
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"Sync Source",$ecolors{black});
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextDyn") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"PCIeNet",$ecolors{green},"A&1","$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_ERR");
# Add 1PPS Sync Monitor
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextDyn") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"1PPS",$ecolors{green},"A&2","$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_ERR");
# Add TDS Sync Monitor
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextDyn") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"TDS",$ecolors{green},"A&4","$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_ERR");
# Add IOP Sync Monitor
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextDyn") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"IOP",$ecolors{green},"A&8","$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_ERR");
# Add internal timer Sync Monitor
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextDyn") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"TIMER",$ecolors{green},"A&16","$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_ERR");
# Add NO SYNC Alaram Monitor
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextDyn") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"ExtClk",$ecolors{green},"(A&255) == 0","$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TIME_ERR");
# Following only for IOP
if($iopModel == 1 and $ioptype == 0 )
$yoffset = 0;
} else {
$yoffset = 17;
$xpos = 76; $ypos = 170 + $yoffset; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"USER",$ecolors{black});
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"TOTAL",$ecolors{black});
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"MAX",$ecolors{black});
# Add cpu max time label
$xpos = 18; $ypos = 186 + $yoffset; $width = 50; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"CPU",$ecolors{black});
$xpos = 76; $ypos = 186 + $yoffset; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_USR_TIME",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
# Add CPU Time Monitor
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_CPU_METER",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
# Add CPU Time Max Monitor
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_CPU_METER_MAX",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
$xpos = 18; $ypos = 221 + $yoffset; $width = 50; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"UPTIME",$ecolors{black});
$xpos = 76; $ypos = 205 + $yoffset; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DAY",$ecolors{black});
$xpos = 117;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"HOUR",$ecolors{black});
$xpos = 157;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"MIN",$ecolors{black});
$xpos = 76; $ypos = 221 + $yoffset; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_UPTIME_DAY",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"static");
$xpos = 117;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_UPTIME_HOUR",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"static");
$xpos = 157;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_UPTIME_MINUTE",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"static");
# Add More Info related display link
$xpos = 18; $ypos = 326; $width = 125; $height = 25;
$mdlNamelc = lc($mdlName);
$relDisp = "$medmTarget\/$mdlNamelc\/$mdlName\_FE_STATS.adl";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRelDisp") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$relDisp,$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"More Info ");
# Following only for IOP
if($iopModel == 1 and $ioptype == 0 )
# Add ADC Duotone Diag label
$xpos = 18; $ypos = 246; $width = 50; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DT/IRIG",$ecolors{black});
# Add ADC Duotone Monitor
$xpos = 75; $ypos = 246; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DUOTONE_TIME",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
$xpos = 115; $ypos = 246; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IRIGB_TIME",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
# Add DAC Duotone Diag label
$xpos = 18; $ypos = 268; $width = 50; $height = 15;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DT DAC",$ecolors{black});
# Add DAC Duotone Monitor
$xpos = 75; $ypos = 293; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DUOTONE_TIME_DAC",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
$xpos = 18; $ypos = 284; $width = 50; $height = 35;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenChoice") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DACDT_ENABLE",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue});
# ************* Create I/O Status Info Block *****************************************************************
# Add Overflow counter reset
$xpos = 210; $ypos = 93; $width = 70; $height = 18;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenMessage") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_OVERFLOW_RESET",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"OVERFLOWS","1");
# Add Overflow Counter Monitor
$xpos = 282; $ypos = 95; $width = 80; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_ACCUM_OVERFLOW",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
# Add IPC Monitor related display
$xpos = 210; $ypos = 117; $width = 85; $height = 18;
$mdlNamelc = lc($mdlName);
$relDisp = "$medmTarget\/$mdlNamelc\/$mdlName\_IPC_STATUS.adl";
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRelDisp") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$relDisp,$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"RT NET STAT");
# Add IPC Status Monitor
$xpos = 310; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "(a&1)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{red},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 322; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "(a&2)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{red},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 334; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "(a&4)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{red},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 346; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "(a&8)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{red},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 310; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "!(a&1) && (a&16)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{warning},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 322; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "!(a&2) && (a&32)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{warning},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 334; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "!(a&4) && (a&64)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{warning},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 346; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "!(a&8) && (a&128)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{warning},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 310; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "!(a&1) && !(a&16)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{green},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 322; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "!(a&2) && !(a&32)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{green},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 334; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "!(a&4) && !(a&64)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{green},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
$xpos = 346; $ypos = 118; $width = 10; $height = 15; $vis = "calc"; $calc = "!(a&8) && !(a&128)";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{green},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_IPC_STAT");
# Add Coeff Reload
Rolf Bork
$xpos = 562; $ypos = 190; $width = 200; $height = 18;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenMessage") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_LOAD_NEW_COEFF",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"COEFF LOAD","1");
# Add Coeff load time Monitor
Rolf Bork
$xpos = 562; $ypos = 210; $width = 200; $height = 18;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_MSG",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
# Add Coeff Msg2 Monitor
$xpos = 562; $ypos = 230; $width = 160; $height = 18;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_MSG2",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
$xpos = 722; $ypos = 230; $width = 40; $height = 18;
$arg = "/opt/rtcds/";
$fileCmd = $scriptTarget . " &";
# $medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenShellCmd") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{black},$ecolors{yellow},1,"Diff","Coeff Diff","xterm -e view",$scriptTarget," &");
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenShellCmd") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{black},$ecolors{yellow},1,"Diff","Coeff Diff","xterm -e view",$fileCmd);
# ************* Create DAQ Status Info Block *****************************************************************
# Add DAQ Status label
$xpos = 425; $ypos = 94; $width = 110; $height = 12;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"Status CPS SUM",$ecolors{black});
# Add DAQ Status label
$xpos = 387; $ypos = 113; $width = 24; $height = 12;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"DC",$ecolors{black});
# Add DAQ Status Monitor
$xpos = 407; $ypos = 112; $width = 14; $height = 15; $vis = "if zero"; $calc = "";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{green},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:DAQ-$daq_prefix\_$mdlName\_STATUS");
$xpos = 407; $ypos = 112; $width = 14; $height = 15; $vis = "if not zero"; $calc = "";
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRectangle") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$ecolors{red},$vis,$calc,"$ifo\:DAQ-$daq_prefix\_$mdlName\_STATUS");
# Add DAQ Status label
$xpos = 387; $ypos = 146; $width = 24; $height = 12;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"FE",$ecolors{black});
$xpos = 407; $ypos = 145; $width = 14; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_FB_NET_STATUS","0","1",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
# Add DAQ Status label
$xpos = 407; $ypos = 131; $width = 110; $height = 12;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height," NET CHN DRATE TRATE",$ecolors{black});
# Add DAQ DC chan count Monitor
$xpos = 424; $ypos = 112; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:DAQ-$daq_prefix\_$mdlName\_STATUS",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm","hexadecimal");
# Add DAQ DC CRC Error Monitor
$xpos = 464; $ypos = 112; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:DAQ-$daq_prefix\_$mdlName\_CRC_CPS",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
# Add DAQ DC CRC Error Sum Monitor
$xpos = 504; $ypos = 112; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:DAQ-$daq_prefix\_$mdlName\_CRC_SUM",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
# Add DAQ chan count Monitor
$xpos = 424; $ypos = 145; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:DAQ-FEC_$dcuid\_CHAN_CNT",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
$xpos = 424; $ypos = 165; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:DAQ-FEC_$dcuid\_EPICS_CHAN_CNT",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
# Add DAQ + TP chan counter Monitor
$xpos = 464; $ypos = 145; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:DAQ-FEC_$dcuid\_TOTAL",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
# Add DAQ chan data rate Monitor
$xpos = 504; $ypos = 145; $width = 35; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAQ_BYTE_COUNT",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
$xpos = 562; $ypos = 274; $width = 200; $height = 18;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenMessage") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:DAQ-FEC_$dcuid\_LOAD_CONFIG",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"DAQ LOAD","1");
# Add DAQ load time Monitor
$xpos = 562; $ypos = 294; $width = 200; $height = 18;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_MSGDAQ",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
$xpos = 386; $ypos = 202; $width = 80; $height = 12;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"Test Points",$ecolors{white});
$xpos = 497; $ypos = 202; $width = 20; $height = 12;
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenText") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"AWG",$ecolors{white});
# Add TP Counter Monitor
$xpos = 467; $ypos = 202; $width = 20; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_TP_CNT",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"alarm");
$xpos = 525; $ypos = 201; $width = 10; $height = 15;
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_AWGTPMAN_STAT","0","0",$ecolors{red},$ecolors{green});
# Add Individual TP channel number monitors
$xpos = 384; $ypos = 221; $width = 50; $height = 15;
for(my $ii=0;$ii<5;$ii++)
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_GDS_MON_$ii",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_GDS_MON_$ii",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
for(my $ii=10;$ii<15;$ii++)
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenTextMon") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_GDS_MON_$ii",$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"static");
$ypos += 18;
# ****************** ADD ADC / DAC related disp *******************************************************************
my $totalCards = 0;
$mdlNamelc = lc($mdlName);
$xpos = 205; $ypos = 200; $width = 40; $height = 20;
$bxpos = 255; $bypos = 201; $bwidth = 21; $bheight = 18;
if($iopModel == 1) {
$bxpos = 255; $bypos = 201; $bwidth = 28; $bheight = 18;
$relDisp = "$medmTarget\/$mdlNamelc\/$mdlName\_MONITOR_ADC$ii.adl";
print "adctype = $adctype[$ii] \n";
if($adctype[$ii] eq "GSC_16AI64SSA" ) {
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRelDisp") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$relDisp,$ecolors{white},$ecolors{brown},"A$::adcCardNum[$ii]");
} else {
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRelDisp") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$relDisp,$ecolors{white},$ecolors{black},"A$::adcCardNum[$ii]");
if($iopModel == 1) {
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,$bwidth,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_ADC_STAT_$ii","0","3",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
} else {
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,$bwidth,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_ADC_STAT_$ii","0","2",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
$ypos += 22;
$bypos += 22;
$totalCards ++;
if(($totalCards % 5) == 0) {
$xpos = 290;
$bxpos = 340;
$bwidth = 28;
$b1width = 14;
$relDisp = "$medmTarget\/$mdlNamelc\/$mdlName\_DAC_MONITOR_$ii.adl";
if($dactype[$ii] eq "GSC_18AO8" ) {
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRelDisp") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$relDisp,$ecolors{white},$ecolors{dacblue},"D$::dacCardNum[$ii]");
if($iopModel == 1)
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,$bwidth,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAC_STAT_$ii","0","4",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,$b1width,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAC_STAT_$ii","1","2",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
} elsif($dactype[$ii] eq "GSC_20AO8" ) {
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRelDisp") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$relDisp,$ecolors{black},$ecolors{ltblue},"D$::dacCardNum[$ii]");
if($iopModel == 1)
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,$bwidth,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAC_STAT_$ii","0","4",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,$b1width,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAC_STAT_$ii","1","2",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
Rolf Bork
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenRelDisp") -> ($xpos,$ypos,$width,$height,$relDisp,$ecolors{white},$ecolors{blue},"D$::dacCardNum[$ii]");
if($iopModel == 1 and $ioptype != 4)
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,$bwidth,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAC_STAT_$ii","0","3",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
} elsif($iopModel == 1 and $ioptype == 4)
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,21,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAC_STAT_$ii","0","2",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos2,$bypos,5,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAC_STAT_$ii","7","7",$ecolors{red},$ecolors{green});
$medmdata .= ("CDS::medmGen::medmGenByte") -> ($bxpos,$bypos,$b1width,$bheight,"$ifo\:FEC-$dcuid\_DAC_STAT_$ii","1","2",$ecolors{green},$ecolors{red});
$ypos += 22;
$bypos += 22;
$totalCards ++;
if(($totalCards % 5) == 0) {
$xpos = 295;
Rolf Bork
print OUTMEDM "$medmdata \n";
close OUTMEDM;