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net_writer.hh 16.4 KiB
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#include "daqd.hh"

/// Request processing. New net writer is created for each
/// new data request.
class net_writer_c : public s_link
    pthread_mutex_t bm;
    lock( void )
        pthread_mutex_lock( &bm );
    unlock( void )
        pthread_mutex_unlock( &bm );
    class locker;
    friend class net_writer_c::locker;
    class locker
        net_writer_c* dp;

        locker( net_writer_c* objp )
            ( dp = objp )->lock( );
        ~locker( )
            dp->unlock( );
    // This lock is used in the transient producer and consumer
    // to sync the access to the circular buffer with its destruction
    pthread_mutex_t tl;
    class transiency_locker;
    transiency_lock( void )
        pthread_mutex_lock( &tl );
    transiency_unlock( void )
        pthread_mutex_unlock( &tl );
    friend class net_writer_c::transiency_locker;
    class transiency_locker
        net_writer_c* dp;

        transiency_locker( net_writer_c* objp )
            ( dp = objp )->transiency_lock( );
        ~transiency_locker( )
            dp->transiency_unlock( );
#if defined( NO_BROADCAST )
    static const int broadcast = 0;
    typedef struct
        bool  inUse;
        char* data;
    } radio_buffer;

    int             broadcast;
    char*           mcast_interface;
    diag::frameSend radio;
#if defined( DATA_CONCENTRATOR )
    // Broadcasting at 16Hz needs smaller buffers
    static const int radio_buf_len = 6 * 1024 * 1024;
    static const int radio_buf_num = 300;
    // Testpoint broadcaster, using different port
    diag::frameSend radio_tp;
    static const int radio_buf_len = 64 * 1024 * 1024;
    static const int radio_buf_num = 20;
    radio_buffer    radio_bufs[ radio_buf_num ];
#if defined( USE_BROADCAST ) || defined( DATA_CONCENTRATOR )
    // concentrator is using next two ports for its broadcast
    static const int concentrator_broadcast_port = diag::frameXmitPort + 1;
    static const int concentrator_broadcast_port_tp = diag::frameXmitPort + 2;
    // Scattered data vector type for data decimation
    struct dec_put_vec
        unsigned long vec_idx;
        unsigned long vec_len;
        unsigned int  vec_rate;
        unsigned int  vec_bps;

        slow_writer = 0,
        frame_writer = 1,
        fast_writer = 2,
        name_writer = 3
    } writer_type;

    net_writer_c( int nid )
        : num_channels( 0 ), shutdown_now( 0 ), buffptr( 0 ), block_size( 0 ),
          transmission_block_size( 0 ), transient( 0 ), pvec_len( 0 ),
          dec_vec_len( 0 ), writer_type( slow_writer ), seq_num( 0 ),
          channels( 0 ), pvec( 0 ), dec_vec( 0 ), s_link( nid )
          broadcast( 0 ), mcast_interface( 0 ), radio( radio_buf_num - 1 )
#if defined( DATA_CONCENTRATOR )
          radio_tp( radio_buf_num - 1 )
          decimation_requested( false ), need_send_reconfig_block( false ),
          no_averaging( false )
        offline.seconds_per_sample = 1;
        pthread_mutex_init( &bm, NULL );
        pthread_mutex_init( &tl, NULL );
        for ( int i = 0; i < radio_buf_num; i++ )
            radio_bufs[ i ].data = 0;
            radio_bufs[ i ].inUse = false;
        for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
            pvec16th[ i ] = 0;
    ~net_writer_c( )
        DEBUG1( cerr << "net writer deleted\n" << endl );
        pthread_mutex_destroy( &bm );
        pthread_mutex_destroy( &tl );
        free_vars( );

    //  pthread_mutex_t lock;

    int cnum; /* Consumer number */

    free_vars( )
        for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
            if ( pvec16th[ i ] )
                free( pvec16th[ i ] );
            pvec16th[ i ] = 0;
        if ( channels )
            free( channels );
        channels = 0;
        if ( pvec )
            free( pvec );
        pvec = 0;
        if ( dec_vec )
            free( dec_vec );
        dec_vec = 0;

    vars_fine( )
        bool r = true;
        for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
            r &= (bool)( pvec16th[ i ] );
        r &= (bool)channels;
        r &= (bool)pvec;
        return r & (bool)dec_vec;

    alloc_vars( unsigned int maxchan )
        channels =
            (long_channel_t*)malloc( sizeof( long_channel_t ) * maxchan );
        pvec =
            (struct put_vec*)malloc( sizeof( struct put_vec ) * maxchan * 2 );
        dec_vec = (struct dec_put_vec*)malloc( sizeof( struct dec_put_vec ) *
                                               maxchan );
        for ( int i = 0; i < 16; i++ )
            pvec16th[ i ] = (struct put_vec*)malloc( sizeof( struct put_vec ) *
                                                     maxchan * 2 );
        if ( !vars_fine( ) )
            free_vars( );
            return false;
            return true;

    int             num_channels; ///< Size of "channels" array below
    long_channel_t* channels; ///< Data channels to send

    int pvec_len; ///< Number of elements in `pvec'/`pvec16th'
    // :IMPORTANT: max chan num times two
    struct put_vec* pvec; ///< Put vector prepared for `put_nowait_scattered()'
                          ///< operation in producer
    // :IMPORTANT: max chan num times two
    struct put_vec*
        pvec16th[ 16 ]; ///< Put vector prepared for `put_nowait_scattered()'
                        ///< operation in the fast producer

    int                 dec_vec_len; ///< Number of elements in `dec_vec'
    struct dec_put_vec* dec_vec; ///< Scattered vector used for data decimation

    int block_size; ///< net-writer data block size (sum of the sizes of the
                    ///< configured channels)
    // size of the network transmission block (could be less than `block_size'
    // if there are decimated channels
    int transmission_block_size;

    bool decimation_requested;

    averaging( short* v, int num )
        assert( num > 0 && num < SHRT_MAX );
        long res = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
            res += v[ i ];

        return (short)( res / num );

    averaging( int* v, int num )
        assert( num > 0 && num < SHRT_MAX );
        long long res = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
            res += v[ i ];

        return (int)( res / num );

    averaging( float* v, int num )
        assert( num > 0 && num < SHRT_MAX );
        double res = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
            res += v[ i ];

        return (float)( res / num );

    averaging( double* v, int num )
        assert( num > 0 && num < SHRT_MAX );
        long double res = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < num; i++ )
            res += v[ i ];

        return (double)( res / num );

    circ_buffer* buffptr;
    circ_buffer* source_buffptr; ///< Data feed
    filesys_c*   fsd; ///< Time to filename map to get data from files

    pthread_t producer_tid;
    pthread_t consumer_tid;

     * Socket address, internet style.
    struct sockaddr_in {
            short	sin_family;
            u_short	sin_port;
            struct	in_addr sin_addr;
            char	sin_zero[8];

    struct sockaddr_in srvr_addr; ///< Data connection address
    int                fileno; ///< Data connection socket file descriptor
    int                connect_srvr_addr(
                       int ); ///< Connect to `srvr_addr' and set `fileno' socket
    int set_send_buf_size( int, int );
    disconnect_srvr_addr( )
        int res = 0;
        if ( fileno != -1 )
            system_log( 1, "connection closed on fd=%d", fileno );
            res = close( fileno );
            fileno = -1;
        return res;
    int send_reconfig_block( int* status_ptr,
                             bool units_change,
                             bool status_change );
    int start_net_writer(
        ostream*, int, int, circ_buffer*, filesys_c*, time_t, time_t, int );
    int kill_net_writer( );
    void* producer( );
    static void*
    producer_static( void* a )
        return ( (net_writer_c*)a )->producer( );
    void* consumer( );
    static void*
    consumer_static( void* a )
            locker mon( (net_writer_c*)a );
        if ( ( (net_writer_c*)a )
                     DAQD_LENGTH_UNKNOWN ) ) // Send realtime data stream
                                             // indicator
            return NULL;
        return ( (net_writer_c*)a )->consumer( );
    void* transient_producer( );
    static void*
    transient_producer_static( void* a )
        return ( (net_writer_c*)a )->transient_producer( );
    void* transient_consumer( );
    static void*
    transient_consumer_static( void* a )
            locker mon( (net_writer_c*)a );
        return ( (net_writer_c*)a )->transient_consumer( );

    static void*
    frame_consumer_static( void* a )
            locker mon( (net_writer_c*)a );
        return ( (net_writer_c*)a )->send_frames( );

    destroy( void )
        this->~net_writer_c( );
        free( (void*)this );

    int transient; ///< Set if this producer doesn't send data online

      Data used by transient net-writer. This sort of net-writer sends off-line
      data to the client. This data is for certain period. Period is set by
      `start net-writer <gps> <delta> ... ' command or `start net-writer
      <delta>' command.

      In the following structure `gps' and `delta' store parameters of `start
      net-writer' command.

      `start_net_writer' starts network writer producer thread which takes some
      data out of the main circular buffer and puts it in the network writer
      circular buffer. This data is for some perioad of time. This period is
      indicated by `bstart' and `blast'. Namely, `bstart' is the timestamp of
      the first available data block and `blast' is the timestamp of the last.

      The consumer thread will use this data to find out where to get the data
      from: some of the data will be coming from the frame files and some from
      the network writer circular buffer.
        time_t gps;
        time_t delta;
        time_t bstart;
        time_t blast;
            seconds_per_sample; // set to the period of one minute trend sample
                                // for the minute trend; set to one otherwise
        int no_time_check; // set when time check should be bypassed, i.e.
                           // unknown channel names present in the request
    } offline;

    int seq_num;

    bool need_send_reconfig_block;

    /// Is set by 'downsample' parameter to 'start net-writer' command
    bool no_averaging;

    /// Send some data to the client
    int send_to_client( char*         data,
                        unsigned long len,
                        unsigned long gps = 0,
                        int           period = 0,
                        int           tp = 0 );

    /// Send ACK to the client + net-writer ID
    send_positive_response( )
        int  res;
        char sbuf[ 9 ];

        // :TODO: must fix the net-writer ID
        sprintf( sbuf, "%08x", (unsigned int)0 );
        if ( !( res = send_to_client( S_DAQD_OK, 4 ) ) )
            return send_to_client( sbuf, 8 );
        return res;

    /// Send to the client transmission header (indicator of how many data
    /// blocks wil follow)
    send_client_header( unsigned int blocks )
        //    blocks = htonl (blocks);
        blocks = htonl( !!blocks ); // 1 for off-line; 0 for online
        return send_to_client( (char*)&blocks, sizeof( unsigned int ) );

    /// The time period is given by `offline.gps' and `'
    int   send_files( void );
    int   send_raw_files( void );
    void* send_frames( void );

    /// Send data transmission trailer
    send_trailer( )
        unsigned int header[ 5 ];

        // size of the transmission block (zero) minus size of this length word
        header[ 0 ] = htonl( 4 * sizeof( unsigned int ) );
        header[ 1 ] = htonl( 0 );
        header[ 2 ] = htonl( 0 );
        header[ 3 ] = htonl( 0 );
        header[ 4 ] = htonl( 0 );

        if ( send_to_client( (char*)&header, 5 * sizeof( unsigned int ) ) )
            return -1;

        DEBUG1( cerr << "net writer trailer sent" << endl );

        return 0;

    /// Determine IP address given socket file descriptor
    /// Returns IP on success (similar to inet_addr(3N)), `-1' on failure
    static int
    ip_fd( int fd )
        struct sockaddr_in paddr;
        socklen_t          paddr_len = sizeof( paddr );

        if ( getpeername( fd, (struct sockaddr*)&paddr, &paddr_len ) < 0 )
            return -1;

        return (int)paddr.sin_addr.s_addr;

    static struct in_addr
    ip_fd_in_addr( int fd )
        struct in_addr ia;
        ia.s_addr = ip_fd( fd );
        return ia;

    static char*
    ip_fd_ntoa( int fd, char* buf )
        char* istr = net_writer_c::inet_ntoa( ip_fd_in_addr( fd ), buf );
        //    istr = ((int) istr) != 0? istr: "unknown";
        return istr;
    /// This is here to substitute unrealiable system's inet_ntoa() function
    /// There were memory leaks detected inside of it by Purify
    static char*
    inet_ntoa( struct in_addr in, char* buf )
        unsigned char bt[ 4 ];
        memcpy( bt, (const void*)&in.s_addr, 4 );
        sprintf( buf, "%u.%u.%u.%u", bt[ 0 ], bt[ 1 ], bt[ 2 ], bt[ 3 ] );
        return buf;
    /// Match `str' against the regular expression to see if
    /// this is a valid IP address. If not try to resolv `str' into the IP
    /// address.
    static int
    get_inet_addr( char* str )
        // See if the string is IP address
        if ( !daqd_c::is_valid_ip_address( str ) )
            int             error;
            struct hostent* hp;
            int             ret;
            struct hostent  hent;
            char            buf[ 2048 ];

            // Try to resolve name into IP address
#if 0
       int gethostbyname_r(const char *name,
         struct hostent *ret, char *buf, size_t buflen,
         struct hostent **result, int *h_errnop);

            if ( gethostbyname_r( str, &hent, buf, 2048, &hp, &error ) )
                return -1;
            (void)memcpy( &ret, *hent.h_addr_list, sizeof( ret ) );
            return ret;
            return inet_addr( str );
    /// Get IP address from the string in format `'
    /// Returns IP (value of inet_addr(3N)) on success, `-1' if failed.
    /// Fails if there is no IP address in the `str' or if `inet_addr()' failed.
    /// Data in the string `str' must not be in the static storage.
    static int
    ip_str( char* str )
        char* nc = str - 1;

        // `:' separates IP address from the port number
        int res;
        if ( nc = strchr( str, ':' ) )
            *nc = 0; // Substitute `:' on `\000' for an instant, shouldn't be a
                     // problem
            res = get_inet_addr( str );
            *nc = ':';
        else // Consider whole string an IP address if there is no `:' in it
            res = get_inet_addr( str );

        return res;
    /// Get port number from the string in the format `'
    static int
    port_str( char* str )
        char* nc;
        if ( nc = strchr( str, ':' ) )
            return htons( atoi( nc + 1 ) );
        return htons( atoi( str ) );
    int  shutdown_now;
    void shutdown_net_writer( );
    shutdown_buffer( )
        circ_buffer* oldb;

        oldb = buffptr;
        buffptr = 0;
        oldb->~circ_buffer( );
        free( (void*)oldb );
        shutdown_now = 0;