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tconv.c 19.8 KiB
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/*                                                         		*/
/* Module Name: tconv							*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: prvides functions to convert TAI and UTC;	*/
/* and functions to handle TAI (international atomic time)		*/
/*                                                         		*/

/* Header File List: */

/* VxWorks */
#include <vxWorks.h>
#include <inetLib.h>
#include <timers.h>

#if defined( PROCESSOR_BAJA47 ) && defined( _USE_POSIX_TIMER )
#define IOBASE 0xb0000000
#define DS1286_BASE ( IOBASE + 0x0f010600 )
#define DS1286_INTERVAL 8
#include <drv/rtc/ds1286.h>

#if !defined( _USE_POSIX_TIMER )

#include <sys/byteorder.h>

#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "tconv.h"
#include <stdio.h>

/* define some time constants */
#define SECS_PER_HOUR ( 60 * 60 )
#define SECS_PER_DAY ( SECS_PER_HOUR * 24 )
#define ISLEAP( year )                                                         \
    ( ( year ) % 4 == 0 && ( ( year ) % 100 != 0 || ( year ) % 400 == 0 ) )
#define LEAPS_THRU_END_OF( y ) ( ( y ) / 4 - ( y ) / 100 + ( y ) / 400 )

/* defines conversion coefficients between TAI and UTC */
#define OFFS_YEAR 1972
#define OFFS_LEAP 10
#define OFFS_TAI ( ( ( 72 - 58 ) * 365 + 3 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + OFFS_LEAP )
#define OFFS_WDAY 6 /*  January 1, 1972 was a Saturday */

/* How many days come before each month (0-12) */
static const unsigned short int mon_yday[ 2 ][ 13 ] = {
    { 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 },
    { 0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335, 366 }

/* This table contains every TAI second which is a leap second
   the second argument is the correction to apply, relative to
   Jan. 1, 1972. The 10sec difference at Jan. 1, 1972 is already
   included in OFFS_TAI. If a leap second has to be removed its
   TAI has to be the second just prior to the occurance of the leap.
   There must one entry for every added leap second.
   This list has to be in ascending order of time. */

static size_t num_leaps = 22;
static leap_t leaps[ 100 ] = {
    { OFFS_TAI + 182 * SECS_PER_DAY, +1 }, /* Jul. 1, 1972 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 365 + 1 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 1, +2 }, /* Jan. 1, 1973 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 2 * 365 + 1 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 2, +3 }, /* Jan. 1, 1974 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 3 * 365 + 1 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 3, +4 }, /* Jan. 1, 1975 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 4 * 365 + 1 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 4, +5 }, /* Jan. 1, 1976 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 5 * 365 + 2 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 5, +6 }, /* Jan. 1, 1977 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 6 * 365 + 2 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 6, +7 }, /* Jan. 1, 1978 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 7 * 365 + 2 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 7, +8 }, /* Jan. 1, 1979 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 8 * 365 + 2 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 8, +9 }, /* Jan. 1, 1980 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 9 * 365 + 3 + 181 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 9,
      +10 }, /* Jul. 1, 1981 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 10 * 365 + 3 + 181 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 10,
      +11 }, /* Jul. 1, 1982 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 11 * 365 + 3 + 181 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 11,
      +12 }, /* Jul. 1, 1983 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 13 * 365 + 4 + 181 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 12,
      +13 }, /* Jul. 1, 1985 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 16 * 365 + 4 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 13, +14 }, /* Jan. 1, 1988 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 18 * 365 + 5 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 14, +15 }, /* Jan. 1, 1990 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 19 * 365 + 5 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 15, +16 }, /* Jan. 1, 1991 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 20 * 365 + 5 + 182 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 16,
      +17 }, /* Jul. 1, 1992 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 21 * 365 + 6 + 181 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 17,
      +18 }, /* Jul. 1, 1993 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 22 * 365 + 6 + 181 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 18,
      +19 }, /* Jul. 1, 1994 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 24 * 365 + 6 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 19, +20 }, /* Jan. 1, 1996 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 25 * 365 + 7 + 181 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 20,
      +21 }, /* Jul. 1, 1997 */
    { OFFS_TAI + ( 27 * 365 + 7 ) * SECS_PER_DAY + 21, +22 }
}; /* Jan. 1, 1999 */

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: TAItoUTC					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: converts TAI to UTC				*/
/* 									*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments: taisec_t t, utc_t* utc_ptr			*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: utc_t* or NULL when failed			*/
/*                                                         		*/
TAItoUTC( taisec_t t, utc_t* utc_ptr )
    long                      tt; /* seconds since Jan. 1, OFFS_YEAR */
    long int                  leap_correction;
    int                       leap_extra_secs;
    long int                  days;
    long int                  rem;
    long int                  y;
    register int              i;
    const unsigned short int* ip;

    t += TAIatGPSzero;
    if ( ( utc_ptr == NULL ) || ( t < OFFS_TAI ) )
        return NULL;

    /* find the last leap second correction transition time before t */
    i = num_leaps;
    } while ( ( i >= 0 ) && ( t < leaps[ i ].transition ) );

    /* apply leap correction.  */
    if ( i < 0 )
        /* before 1st leap second */
        leap_correction = 0;
        leap_extra_secs = 0;
        leap_correction = leaps[ i ].change;

        /* exactly at transition time ?  */
        if ( ( t == leaps[ i ].transition ) &&
             ( ( ( i == 0 ) && ( leaps[ i ].change > 0 ) ) ||
               ( leaps[ i ].change > leaps[ i - 1 ].change ) ) )
            leap_extra_secs = 1; /* sec = 60 */
            /* more than one leap second ? */
            while (
                ( i > 0 ) &&
                ( leaps[ i ].transition == leaps[ i - 1 ].transition + 1 ) &&
                ( leaps[ i ].change == leaps[ i - 1 ].change + 1 ) )

    /* calculate utc from TAI */
    tt = t - OFFS_TAI - leap_correction;
    /* first separate days from the rest */
    days = tt / SECS_PER_DAY;
    rem = tt % SECS_PER_DAY;
    while ( rem < 0 )
        rem += SECS_PER_DAY;
    while ( rem >= SECS_PER_DAY )
        rem -= SECS_PER_DAY;

    /* fill in hours, minutes, sec */
    utc_ptr->tm_hour = rem / SECS_PER_HOUR;
    rem %= SECS_PER_HOUR;
    utc_ptr->tm_min = rem / 60;
    utc_ptr->tm_sec = rem % 60;

    /* fill in week day */
    utc_ptr->tm_wday = ( OFFS_WDAY + days ) % 7;
    if ( utc_ptr->tm_wday < 0 )
        utc_ptr->tm_wday += 7;

    /* calculate year */
    y = OFFS_YEAR;
    while ( ( days < 0 ) || ( days >= ( ISLEAP( y ) ? 366 : 365 ) ) )
        /* Guess a corrected year, assuming 365 days per year.  */
        long int yg = y + days / 365 - ( days % 365 < 0 );

        /* Adjust DAYS and Y to match the guessed year.  */
        days -= ( ( yg - y ) * 365 + LEAPS_THRU_END_OF( yg - 1 ) -
                  LEAPS_THRU_END_OF( y - 1 ) );
        y = yg;

    /* fill in year, days of year */
    utc_ptr->tm_year = y - 1900;
    utc_ptr->tm_yday = days;

    /* fill in month and day of month */
    ip = mon_yday[ ISLEAP( y ) ];
    for ( y = 11; days < ip[ y ]; --y )
    days -= ip[ y ];
    utc_ptr->tm_mon = y;
    utc_ptr->tm_mday = days + 1;

    /* adjust extra seconds when leap occures */
    utc_ptr->tm_sec += leap_extra_secs;

    return utc_ptr;

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: TAIntoUTC					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: converts TAI to UTC				*/
/* 									*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments: tainsec_t t, utc_t* utc_ptr			*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: utc_t* or NULL when failed			*/
/*                                                         		*/
TAIntoUTC( tainsec_t t, utc_t* utc_ptr )
    taisec_t tai;

    if ( ( tai = TAIsec( t, NULL ) ) == 0 )
        return NULL;
    return TAItoUTC( tai, utc_ptr );

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: UTCtoTAI					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: converts UTC to TAI				*/
/* 									*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments: const utc_t* utc_ptr				*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: taisec_t or 0 when failed				*/
/*                                                         		*/
UTCtoTAI( const utc_t* utc_ptr )
    int      mon_remainder;
    int      mon_years;
    int      year;
    int      ydays;
    int      days;
    taisec_t tai;
    int      leap_correction;
    int      leap_extra_secs;
    int      i;

    if ( utc_ptr == NULL )
        return 0;

    /* Ensure that month is in range */
    mon_remainder = utc_ptr->tm_mon % 12;
    mon_years = utc_ptr->tm_mon / 12;
    if ( mon_remainder < 0 )
        mon_remainder += 12;
    /* caluclate year and days in year */
    year = ( utc_ptr->tm_year + mon_years ) + 1900;
    ydays = mon_yday[ ISLEAP( year ) ][ mon_remainder ] + utc_ptr->tm_mday - 1;
    /* calculate days since OFFS_YEAR */
    days = ydays + 365 * ( year - OFFS_YEAR ) + LEAPS_THRU_END_OF( year - 1 ) -
    if ( days < 0 )
        return 0;

    /* calculate TAI neglecting leap seconds */
    tai = ( (taisec_t)days ) * SECS_PER_DAY + OFFS_TAI +
        utc_ptr->tm_hour * SECS_PER_HOUR + utc_ptr->tm_min * 60 +
    /* correct for leap seconds */
    leap_extra_secs = ( utc_ptr->tm_sec > 59 ) ? ( utc_ptr->tm_sec - 59 ) : 0;
    leap_correction = 0;
    i = 0;
    while ( ( i < num_leaps ) &&
            ( ( ( leap_extra_secs > 0 ) && /* handles leap seconds */
                ( tai + leap_correction - leap_extra_secs >
                  leaps[ i ].transition ) ) ||
              ( ( leap_extra_secs == 0 ) && /* handles non-leap seconds */
                ( tai + leap_correction >= leaps[ i ].transition ) ) ) )
        leap_correction = leaps[ i ].change;
    return ( tai + leap_correction ) - TAIatGPSzero;

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: UTCtoTAIn					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: converts UTC to TAI				*/
/* 									*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments: const utc_t* utc_ptr				*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: tainsec_t or 0 when failed			*/
/*                                                         		*/
UTCtoTAIn( const utc_t* utc_ptr )
    tai_t t;

    t.tai = UTCtoTAI( utc_ptr );
    if ( t.tai == 0 )
        return 0;
    t.nsec = 0;
    return TAInsec( &t );

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: TAInow					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: returns the current TAI			*/
/* 									*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments:	void						*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: tainsec_t 					*/
/*                                                         		*/
TAInow( void )
    /* can be implementation dependent */

    /* use current time returned by time.h, uses POSIX */
    struct tm       utc;
    struct timespec now;
    tai_t           tai;

    /* for Bajas initialize the posix clock with the on-board
       real-time clock (DS1286 chip) */
#if defined( OS_VXWORKS ) && defined( PROCESSOR_BAJA47 ) &&                    \
    defined( _USE_POSIX_TIMER )
#define sysBcdToBin( bcd ) ( ( ( ( bcd ) >> 4 ) * 10 ) + ( (bcd)&0xf ) )
        static _initRTC = 0;
        /* sysRtcGet (&utc); */
        if ( _initRTC == 0 )
            /* latch the time via the transfer enable bit */
            /* this does not stop the clock */
            *DS1286_CR &= ~DS1286_CR_TE;
            now.tv_nsec = 10000000 * sysBcdToBin( *DS1286_MSEC );
            utc.tm_sec = sysBcdToBin( *DS1286_SEC );
            utc.tm_min = sysBcdToBin( *DS1286_MIN );
            utc.tm_hour = sysBcdToBin( *DS1286_HOURS );
            utc.tm_mday = sysBcdToBin( *DS1286_DATE );
            utc.tm_mon = sysBcdToBin( *DS1286_MONTH & 0x3f ) - 1;
            utc.tm_year = sysBcdToBin( *DS1286_YEAR );
            if ( utc.tm_year < 96 )
                utc.tm_year += 100;
            /* unlatch the time */
            *DS1286_CR |= DS1286_CR_TE;
            /* initialze POSIX timer */
            now.tv_sec = mktime( &utc );
            clock_settime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &now );
#if defined( OS_VXWORKS ) && !defined( _USE_POSIX_TIMER )
    /* VMESYNCCLOCK stuff here */
    return (tainsec_t)gpsTimeNow( _GPS_BOARD_ID );
    if ( clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &now ) != 0 )
        return 0;
    /* gmtime_r returns int on VxWorks and
       a ptr to the 2nd arg on UNIX */
    if ( gmtime_r( &now.tv_sec, &utc ) != 0 )
        return 0;
    if ( gmtime_r( &now.tv_sec, &utc ) == NULL )
        return 0;
    tai.tai = UTCtoTAI( &utc );
    tai.nsec = now.tv_nsec;
    return TAInsec( &tai );

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: TAInsec					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: converts between tai_t and TAInsec 		*/
/* 									*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments:	tai_t* t					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: tainsec_t						*/
/*                                                         		*/
TAInsec( const tai_t* t )
    if ( t == NULL )
        return 0;
    return _ONESEC * (tainsec_t)t->tai + (tainsec_t)t->nsec;

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: TAIsec					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: converts from TAInsec to TAIsec and		*/
/* tai_t (if tai != NULL)						*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments:	const tainsec_t t, tai_t* tai			*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: taisec_t						*/
/*                                                         		*/
TAIsec( tainsec_t t, tai_t* tai )
    tai_t t0;

    t0.tai = ( taisec_t )( t / _ONESEC );
    t0.nsec = ( taisec_t )( t % _ONESEC );
    if ( tai != NULL )
        *tai = t0;
    /* round to next second */
    if ( t0.nsec < 500000000L )
        return t0.tai;
        return t0.tai + 1;

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: htonTAI					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: converts TAI to network byte order		*/
/* 									*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments:	tainsec_t t, char* buf (needs 8 bytes)		*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: char* to buf or NULL if failed			*/
/*                                                         		*/
htonTAI( tainsec_t t, char* buf )
    tai_t tai;

    if ( ( buf == NULL ) || ( TAIsec( t, &tai ) == 0 ) )
        return NULL;
    tai.tai = htonl( tai.tai );
    tai.nsec = htonl( tai.nsec );
    memcpy( buf, &tai, sizeof( tai_t ) );
    return buf;

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: ntohTAI					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: converts TAI from network byte order		*/
/* 									*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments:	const char* buf (reads 8 bytes)			*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: tainsec_t	or 0 if failed				*/
/*                                                         		*/
ntohTAI( const char* buf )
    tai_t tai;

    if ( buf == NULL )
        return 0;
    memcpy( &tai, buf, sizeof( tai_t ) );
    tai.tai = ntohl( tai.tai );
    tai.nsec = ntohl( tai.nsec );
    return TAInsec( &tai );

/*                                                         		*/
/* External Procedure Name: getNextLeap					*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Description: returns the next leap second			*/
/* only looks for leaps > t						*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Arguments:	taisec_t t, struct leap* nextleap		*/
/*                                                         		*/
/* Procedure Returns: struct leap* (or NULL when no leap left 		*/
/*                                                         		*/
getNextLeap( taisec_t t, leap_t* nextleap )
    int i;

    if ( nextleap == NULL )
        return NULL;

    /* determine last index in leap table with transition <= t */
    i = 0;
    while ( ( i < num_leaps ) && ( ( (taisec_t)leaps[ i ].transition ) <= t ) )

    /* return next leap if exists */
    if ( i < num_leaps )
        *nextleap = leaps[ i ];
        nextleap->change += OFFS_LEAP;
        return nextleap;
        nextleap->transition = 0;
        nextleap->change = 0;
        return NULL;