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There are cmake build files in the source tree.

The current effort is to update the daqd and most of the advligorts system to build via cmake.  The main motivations are:
 * we are using autotools wrong
 * to allow full out of source tree builds for daqd (no building in src/gds, or auto tools files generated in src/daqd)
 * to provide a unified build system for most components
 * to allow the use of external tools in development that can consume projects in a cmake world
 * to build named versions of each daq variant (daq_fw, daq_standiop, ...)

At this time the RCG and real time modules are not being converted to cmake.

Building daqd via cmake.  You will need cmake >= 3.0.  The build has been tested with cmake 3.0.2, 3.7.2, 3.9.2.

0. Make sure your PKG_CONFIG_PATH is set right, most packages are discovered
via pkg-config
1. create a build directory
2. change directory to the build directory
3. Make sure that there are package config files available for framecpp & EPICS
4. cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo -DBOOST_ROOT=<path to boost*> <path to advLigoRTS>/
FrameCPP 2.6+ and the standalone_edc uses the boost libraries.  Boost is also hard requirement for the daqd, the edcu, and the run number server.  To install boost see (
You may need to pass a parameter to cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=<boost install prefix> to help cmake find boost.

You can make specific targets in cmake.  One useful command is 'make help' from the build directory.  This lists all the targets that are available. Another method is to go to the appropariate location
in the build directory and do a local make there, it will not rebuild the world.

RelWithDebInfo does a release build with debug.  On gcc this means -O -g.
-j 8 is to do parallel builds with 8 cores.  Replace the 8 with the number of cores on your build box.

The following components will be built:

daqd (if the compiler is new enough)

If you need to install a copy of cmake you can retrieve the source from kitware.

As an example, to install cmake 3.7.2, you may do the following.

1. wget
2. Verify the checksum.  The sha256 checksum of this file is
3. tar -zxf cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz
4. cd cmake-3.7.2
5. make build
6. cd build
7. ../bootstrap --prefix=/opt/cmake-3.7.2
8. make && make install

You can now use cmake as '/opt/cmake-3.7.2/bin/cmake'

The cmake development is primarily done on Debian 10.
The CDS debian repositories are used to provide some of the software.  See the following resources for information in setting up these repositories:

On Debian the following packages are used:

 debhelper (>= 9),

You will may also wish to instll
Open-MX is available in the CDS jessie-restricted repository (Debian 8) or may be built by hand.  For Debian 10 it must be built by hand.
The transport layer to be used with daqd is a modular system based around xmit and recv processes. Currently the following components are used:
local_dc and omx_xmit on the FE computers
omx_recv and dix_xmit on the data concentrator
dix_recv on the daqd machines
Using CDS Pub/Sub and IX Dolphin
local_dc and cps_xmit on the FE computers
cps_recv and dix_xmit on the data concentrator
local_dc reads the individual model shared memory sections and concentrates it into one machine wide share memory block.  Then the *_xmit programs read the shared machine block and transmit the data.  The *_xmit processes receive data from the machines.
local_dc -b local_dc -m 100 -s "x1iop x1model1 x1model2"
 -b name of the local buffer to put the data into
 -m size in MB of the local buffer
 -s list of models to concentrate data from
omx_xmit  -b local_dc -m 100 -e 1 -r 1 -t x1dc0:0
 -b name of the local buffer to read data from
 -m size of the local buffer
 -e local MX endpoint
 -r remote MX endpoint
 -t target device
omx_recv -s 32 -b local_dc -m 100 -d 10
 -s the number of systems to listen for
 -b the name of the local buffer to write data to
 -m the size of the local buffer
 -d number of ms to wait for all the data to arrive
dix_xmit -b local_dc -m 100 -g 0 -p X1:CDS-DIX_
 -b the name of the buffer to read data from
 -m the size of the buffer in MB
 -g the IX memory window/group number to transfer data over
 -p prefix for EPICS debug information
dix_recv -b local_dc -m 100 -g 0
 -b the name of the buffer to write data to
 -m the size of the buffer in MB
 -g the IX memory window/group number to transfer data over
cps_xmit -b local_dc -m 100 -p "tcp://"
 -b the name of the buffer to read data from
 -m the size of the buffer in MB
 -p the publish method, in this example tcp unicast from
cps_recv -b local_dc -m 100 -s "tcp:// tcp://"
 -b the name of the buffer to write data to
 -m the size of the buffer in MB
 -s the systems to retrieve data from
Configuring daqd
Daqd needs to know which mbuf to read from and its size.
set parameter "shmem_input" = "local_dc";
set parameter "shmem_size" = "104857600";

This MUST be set prior to the producer being started, and should just be set before any start ... calls in the daqdrc.


Cds_pub_sub is a new 'plugin based' streamer.  It is in initial testing but will eventually allow replacing local_dc + most
 xmit/recv processes.  Presently it has the following plugins:

Subscription plugins:

rmipc:// -> takes a comma seperated list of buffers and reads from the FE model output.
   ex: rmipc://x1iopsusex_daq,x1susexmodel1_daq
daqm:// -> This reads a mbuf shared memory segment formatted for consumption by the daqd
   ex: daqm://local_dc:100      (the :100 means 100MB [which is the default])
tcp:// -> subscribe to a tcp unicast broadcast (same as cps_recv)
udp:// -> subscribe to a udp broadcast (same as cps_recv)
multi:// -> subscribe to a udp multicast (same as cps_recv)

Publishing plugins

daqm:// -> Output to a mbuf shared memory segment formatted for consumption by the daqd
  ex: daqm://local_dc:100
tcp:// -> publish to a tcp unicast broadcast (same as cps_xmit)
udp:// -> publish to a udp broadcast (same as cps_xmit)
multi:// -> publish to a udp multicast (same as cps_xmit)

Using cds_pub_sub

cds_pub_sub -i "space seperated list of input subscriptions" -o "space separated list output publishers"

Multiple subscriber and publisher types can be used.  So to consume two FE computers via tcp and to publish to local memory and
over the network the following would work.

cds_pub_sub -i "tcp:// tcp://" -o "daqm://local_dc:100 tcp://"