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moduleLoadCommon.c 5.84 KiB
/// @file moduleLoadCommon.c
/// @brief File contains common routines for moduleLoadIop.c and
/// moduleLoadApp.c.`
print_io_info( CDS_HARDWARE* cdsp )
int ii, jj, kk;
jj = 0;
#ifndef USER_SPACE
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":startup time is %ld\n",
current_time_fe( ) );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":cpu clock %u\n", cpu_khz );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":EPICSM at 0x%lx\n",
(unsigned long)_epics_shm );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IPC at 0x%lx\n",
(unsigned long)_ipc_shm );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IOMEM at 0x%lx size 0x%lx\n",
( (unsigned long)_ipc_shm + 0x4000 ),
sizeof( IO_MEM_DATA ) );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":DAQSM at 0x%lx\n",
(unsigned long)_daq_shm );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":configured to use %d cards\n",
cdsp->cards );
kk = 0;
printf( "******************************************************************"
"*********\n" );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d ADC cards found\n",
cdsp->adcCount );
for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsp->adcCount; ii++ )
if ( cdsp->adcType[ ii ] == GSC_18AISS6C )
printf( "\tADC %d is a GSC_18AISS6C module\n", ii );
printf( "\t\tChannels = 6 \n" );
printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
( cdsp->adcConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
if ( cdsp->adcType[ ii ] == GSC_16AI64SSA )
printf( "\tADC %d is a GSC_16AI64SSA module\n", ii );
if ( ( cdsp->adcConfig[ ii ] & 0x10000 ) > 0 )
jj = 32;
jj = 64;
printf( "\t\tChannels = %d \n", jj );
printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
( cdsp->adcConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
printf( "******************************************************************"
"*********\n" );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DAC cards found\n",
cdsp->dacCount );
for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsp->dacCount; ii++ )
if ( cdsp->dacType[ ii ] == GSC_18AO8 )
printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_18AO8 module\n", ii );
if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ ii ] == GSC_20AO8 )
printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_20AO8 module\n", ii );
printf( "\t\tFirmware Revision: %d\n",
( cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xffff ) );
if ( cdsp->dacType[ ii ] == GSC_16AO16 )
printf( "\tDAC %d is a GSC_16AO16 module\n", ii );
if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x10000 ) == 0x10000 )
jj = 8;
if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x20000 ) == 0x20000 )
jj = 12;
if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x30000 ) == 0x30000 )
jj = 16;
printf( "\t\tChannels = %d \n", jj );
if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x0000 )
printf( "\t\tFilters = None\n" );
if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x40000 )
printf( "\t\tFilters = 10kHz\n" );
if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xC0000 ) == 0x80000 )
printf( "\t\tFilters = 100kHz\n" );
if ( ( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0x100000 ) == 0x100000 )
printf( "\t\tOutput Type = Differential\n" );
printf( "\t\tFirmware Rev = %d \n\n",
( cdsp->dacConfig[ ii ] & 0xfff ) );
kk += cdsp->dioCount;
printf( "******************************************************************"
"*********\n" );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DIO cards found\n",
cdsp->dioCount );
printf( "******************************************************************"
"*********\n" );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d IIRO-8 Isolated DIO cards found\n",
cdsp->iiroDioCount );
printf( "******************************************************************"
"*********\n" );
":%d IIRO-16 Isolated DIO cards found\n",
cdsp->iiroDio1Count );
printf( "******************************************************************"
"*********\n" );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec 32ch PCIe DO cards found\n",
cdsp->cDo32lCount );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec PCIe DIO1616 cards found\n",
cdsp->cDio1616lCount );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d Contec PCIe DIO6464 cards found\n",
cdsp->cDio6464lCount );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d DO cards found\n", cdsp->doCount );
":Total of %d I/O modules found and mapped\n",
kk );
printf( "******************************************************************"
"*********\n" );
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":%d RFM cards found\n",
cdsp->rfmCount );
for ( ii = 0; ii < cdsp->rfmCount; ii++ )
printf( "\tRFM %d is a VMIC_%x module with Node ID %d\n",
cdsp->rfmType[ ii ],
cdsp->rfmConfig[ ii ] );
printf( "address is 0x%lx\n", cdsp->pci_rfm[ ii ] );
printf( "******************************************************************"
"*********\n" );
if ( cdsp->gps )
printf( "" SYSTEM_NAME_STRING_LOWER ":IRIG-B card found %d\n",
cdsp->gpsType );
printf( "**************************************************************"
"*************\n" );