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#// \page feCodeGen
#// Documentation for - Controls parsing of Matlab files and code generation.
#// \n\n This script is invoked by the auto generated build/src/epics/util/Makefile. \n\n\n
use File::Path;
use Cwd;
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
require "lib/";
#// - Model file name with .mdl extension \n
#// - Output file name (from Makefile, this is same name without .mdl extension.\n
#// Remaining arguments listed in code are optional and not normally used by RCG Makefile. \n\n
# Normal call from Makefile is just first two args.
#// \b PRODUCTS: \n
#// - C code
#// - C source file <em> (build/src/fe/model_name/model_name.c)</em>, representing user model parts and processing sequence.\n
#// - C code Makefile <em>(build/fe/model_name/Makefile)</em>. \n
#// - Header file <em>(build/src/include/model_name/model_name.h)</em>, containing data passing structure between real-time code and EPICS sequencer code. \n
#// - EPICS channel list <em>(build/src/epics/fmseq/model_name)</em>, to be used later by <em></em> to produce EPICS products. Included in this file: \n
#// - List of all filter modules \n
#// - List of all EPICS channel names and types. \n
#// - List of extra test points ie those not associated with Filter modules. \n
#// - EPICS state code Makefile <em>(build/config/Makefile.model_nameepics) </em>
#// - File containing list of all code source files <em>(build/src/epics/util/sources.model_name)</em> \n
#// - File containing list of all DAQ channels and rates <em>(build/src/epics/fmseq/model_name_daq)</em>.
#// - NOTE: Opened here, but actually written to by <em>lib/</em>
#// - Foton IIR filter definition file <em>(build/build/model_nameepics/config/MODEL_NAME.txt)</em>
#// - Various common MEDM screen files, including:
#// - MODEL_NAME_GDS_TP.adl: Contains primary runtime diags, including timing, networks, DAQ.
#// - This code calls sub in <em>lib/</em> to actually produce the MEDM file.
#// - MODEL_NAME_DAC_MONITOR_num.adl: Outputs from DAC modules, directly from the main sequencer code.
#// - This code calls sub in <em>lib/</em> or <em>lib/</em> to actually produce the MEDM files.
#// - MODEL_NAME_MONITOR_ADCnum.adl: Inputs to all ADC channels used by the model.
#// - This code calls sub in <em>lib/</em> to actually produce the MEDM files.
#// - MODEL_NAME_MATRIXNAME.adl: Inputs from matrix elements.
#// - This code calls sub in <em></em> to actually produce the MEDM files.
#// - MODEL_NAME_FILTERNAME.adl: Interface for Filter modules.
#// - This code calls sub in <em>/lib/</em> to actually produce the MEDM files.
#// - Parser diagnostics file <em>(build/epics/util/diags.txt)</em>, which lists all parts and their connections after model parsing.
#// <b>BASIC CODE SEQUENCE:</b>: \n
die "Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME <MDL file> <Output file name> [<DCUID number>] [<ifo>] [<speed>]\n\t" . "ifo is (e.g.) H1, M1; speed is 2K, 16K, 32K or 64K\n"
if (@ARGV != 2 && @ARGV != 3 && @ARGV != 4 && @ARGV != 5);
#Setup current working directory and pointer to RCG source directory.
$currWorkDir = &Cwd::cwd();
$rcg_src_dir = $ENV{"RCG_SRC_DIR"};