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/* - Main daqd source code file */

#include <config.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <signal.h>

#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#ifndef DAQD_CPP11
#error DAQD_CPP11 must be defined
#include <unordered_map>

#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>

#include "framecpp/Common/MD5SumFilter.hh"
#include "run_number_client.hh"
#include "daqmap.h"
extern "C" {
#include "crc.h"
#include "param.h"

using namespace std;

#include "circ.hh"
#include ""
#include "FlexLexer.h"
#include "channel.hh"
#include "daqc.h"
#include "daqd.hh"
#include "sing_list.hh"
#include "net_writer.hh"
#include "thread_launcher.hh"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "epics_pvs.hh"

/// Helper function to deal with the archive channels.
daqd_c::configure_archive_channels( char* archive_name,
                                    char* file_name,
                                    char* f1 )
    archive_c* arc = 0;
    // Find archive
    for ( s_link* clink = archive.first( ); clink; clink = clink->next( ) )
        archive_c* a = (archive_c*)clink;
        if ( !strcmp( a->fsd.get_path( ), archive_name ) )
            arc = a;
    if ( !arc )
        return DAQD_NOT_FOUND;

    // Read config file
    int res = arc->load_config( file_name );
    if ( res == 0 && f1 )
        res = arc->load_old_config( f1 );
    return res ? DAQD_NOT_FOUND : DAQD_OK;

/// Remove an archive from the list of known archives
/// :TODO: have to use locking here to avoid deleteing "live" archives
daqd_c::delete_archive( char* name )
    for ( s_link* clink = archive.first( ); clink; clink = clink->next( ) )
        archive_c* a = (archive_c*)clink;
        if ( !strcmp( a->fsd.get_path( ), name ) )
            archive.remove( clink );
            return DAQD_OK;
    return DAQD_NOT_FOUND;

/// Create new archive if it's not created already
/// Set archive's prefix, suffix, number of Data dirs; scan archive file names
daqd_c::scan_archive( char* name, char* prefix, char* suffix, int ndirs )
    archive_c* arc = 0;
    for ( s_link* clink = archive.first( ); clink; clink = clink->next( ) )
        archive_c* a = (archive_c*)clink;
        if ( !strcmp( a->fsd.get_path( ), name ) )
            arc = a;

    if ( !arc )
        void* mptr = malloc( sizeof( archive_c ) );
        if ( !mptr )
            return DAQD_MALLOC;
        archive.insert( arc = new ( mptr ) archive_c( ) );

    return arc->scan( name, prefix, suffix, ndirs );

/// Update file directory info for the archive
/// Called when new file is written into the archive by an external archive
/// writer
daqd_c::update_archive( char*         name,
                        unsigned long gps,
                        unsigned long dt,
                        unsigned int  dir_num )
    archive_c* arc = 0;
    for ( s_link* clink = archive.first( ); clink; clink = clink->next( ) )
        archive_c* a = (archive_c*)clink;
        if ( !strcmp( a->fsd.get_path( ), name ) )
            arc = a;
    if ( !arc )
        return DAQD_NOT_FOUND;
    int res = arc->fsd.update_dir( gps, 0, dt, dir_num );
    if ( res )
        return DAQD_MALLOC;
        return DAQD_OK;

extern void* interpreter_no_prompt( void* );
int          shutdown_server( );

/// Server shutdown flag
bool server_is_shutting_down = false;

daqd_c daqd; ///< root object

/// Is set to the program's executable name during run time
char* programname;

/// Mutual exclusion on Frames library calls
pthread_mutex_t framelib_lock;

#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Controls volume of the debugging messages that is printed out
int _debug = 10;

/// Controls volume of log messages
int _log_level;

//#include "../../src/drv/param.c"

struct cmp_struct
    operator( )( char* a, char* b )
        return !strcmp( a, b );

/// Sort on IFO number and DCU id
/// Do not change channel order within a DCU
chan_dcu_eq( const void* a, const void* b )
    unsigned int dcu1, dcu2;
    dcu1 = ( (channel_t*)a )->dcu_id + DCU_COUNT * ( (channel_t*)a )->ifoid;
    dcu2 = ( (channel_t*)b )->dcu_id + DCU_COUNT * ( (channel_t*)b )->ifoid;
    if ( dcu1 == dcu2 )
        return ( (channel_t*)a )->seq_num - ( (channel_t*)b )->seq_num;
        return dcu1 - dcu2;

/// DCU id of the current configuration file (ini file)
int ini_file_dcu_id = 0;

/// Broadcast channel configuration callback function.
bcstConfigCallback( char* name, struct CHAN_PARAM* parm, void* user )
    printf( "Broadcast channel %s configured\n", name );
    daqd.broadcast_set.insert( name );
    return 1;

/// Remove spaces in place
RemoveSpaces( char* source )
    char* i = source;
    char* j = source;
    while ( *j != 0 )
        *i = *j++;
        if ( *i != ' ' )
    *i = 0;

/// Configure data channel info from config files
daqd_c::configure_channels_files( )
    // See if we have configured broadcast channel file
    // where the set of channels to broadcast to the DMT is specified
    if ( "" ) )
        unsigned long crc = 0;
        if ( 0 ==
             parseConfigFile( (char*)broadcast_config.c_str( ),
                              0 ) )
            printf( "Failed to parse broadcast config file %s\n",
                    broadcast_config.c_str( ) );
            return 1;

    // error message buffer
    char errmsgbuf[ 80 ];

    // File names are specified in `master_config' file
    FILE* mcf = NULL;
    mcf = fopen( master_config.c_str( ), "r" );
    if ( mcf == NULL )
        strerror_r( errno, errmsgbuf, sizeof( errmsgbuf ) );
        system_log( 1,
                    "failed to open `%s' for reading: %s",
                    master_config.c_str( ),
                    errmsgbuf );
        return 1;

    num_channels = 0;
    num_active_channels = 0;
    num_science_channels = 0;
    memset( channels, 0, sizeof( channels[ 0 ] ) * daqd_c::max_channels );

    for ( ;; )
        unsigned long crc = 0;
        int   chanConfigCallback( char*, struct CHAN_PARAM*, void* user );
        int   testpoint = 0;
        char  buf[ 1024 ];
        char* c = fgets( buf, 1024, mcf );
        if ( feof( mcf ) )
        if ( *buf == '#' )
        RemoveSpaces( buf );
        if ( strlen( buf ) > 0 )
            if ( buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] == '\n' )
                buf[ strlen( buf ) - 1 ] = 0;
        if ( strlen( buf ) == 0 )

        if ( strlen( buf ) > 4 )
            testpoint = !strcmp( buf + strlen( buf ) - 4, ".par" );

        ini_file_dcu_id = 0;
        if ( 0 ==
             parseConfigFile( buf, &crc, chanConfigCallback, testpoint, 0, 0 ) )
            printf( "Failed to parse config file %s\n", buf );
            return 1;
        // DEBUG(1, cerr << "Channel config: dcu " <<
        // daqd.channels[daqd.num_channels - 1].dcu_id << " crc=0x" << hex <<
        // crc
        // << dec << endl); printf("%s has dcuid=%d\n", buf, ini_file_dcu_id);
        if ( daqd.num_channels )
            daqd.dcuConfigCRC[ daqd.channels[ daqd.num_channels - 1 ].ifoid ]
                             [ daqd.channels[ daqd.num_channels - 1 ].dcu_id ] =

        if ( ini_file_dcu_id > 0 && ini_file_dcu_id < DCU_COUNT )
            // only set DCU name if this is an INI file (*.ini)
            if ( !strcmp( buf + strlen( buf ) - 4, ".ini" ) )
                char* slp = strrchr( buf, '/' );
                if ( slp )
                    slp += 3;
                    buf[ strlen( buf ) - 4 ] = 0;
                    sprintf( daqd.dcuName[ ini_file_dcu_id ], "%.31s", slp );
                        daqd.fullDcuName[ ini_file_dcu_id ], "%.31s", slp - 2 );

                    extern char epicsDcuName[ DCU_COUNT ][ 40 ];
                        epicsDcuName[ ini_file_dcu_id ], "%.39s", slp - 2 );

                    buf[ strlen( buf ) - 4 ] = '.';
    fclose( mcf );

    // See if we have duplicate names

        std::unordered_map< char*, int > m;

        for ( int i = 0; i < daqd.num_channels; i++ )
            if ( m[ daqd.channels[ i ].name ] )
                system_log( 1,
                            "Fatal error: channel `%s' is duplicated %d",
                            daqd.channels[ i ].name,
                            m[ daqd.channels[ i ].name ] );
                return 1;
            m[ daqd.channels[ i ].name ] = i;

    /* Sort channels on the IFO ID and then on DCU ID */
    qsort( daqd.channels,
           sizeof( daqd.channels[ 0 ] ),
           chan_dcu_eq );

    /* Update sequence number */
    for ( int i = 0; i < daqd.num_channels; i++ )
        daqd.channels[ i ].seq_num = i;

    /* Epics display */
        int chan_count_total = daqd.num_channels -
            daqd.num_gds_channel_aliases - daqd.num_epics_channels;
        PV::set_pv( PV::PV_TOTAL_CHANS, chan_count_total );

        int chan_count_science = daqd.num_science_channels -
            daqd.num_gds_channel_aliases - daqd.num_epics_channels;
        PV::set_pv( PV::PV_SCIENCE_TOTAL_CHANS, chan_count_science );
    system_log( 1, "finished configuring data channels" );
    return 0;

/// Channel configuration callback function.
chanConfigCallback( char* channel_name, struct CHAN_PARAM* params, void* user )
    if ( daqd.num_channels >= daqd_c::max_channels )
            1, "Too many channels. Hard limit is %d", daqd_c::max_channels );
        return 0;

    channel_t* ccd = &daqd.channels[ daqd.num_channels++ ];
    ccd->seq_num = daqd.num_channels - 1;
    ccd->id = 0;
    if ( params->dcuid >= DCU_COUNT || params->dcuid < 0 )
            1, "channel `%s' has bad DCU id %d", ccd->name, params->dcuid );
        return 0;
    ccd->dcu_id = params->dcuid;
    ini_file_dcu_id = params->dcuid;

    if ( params->ifoid == 0 || params->ifoid == 1 )
        ccd->ifoid = 0; // The 4K Ifo
        ccd->ifoid = 1; // The 2K Ifo

    // We use rm id now to set the system
    ccd->tp_node = params->rmid;
    // printf("channel %s has node id %d\n", channel_name, ccd -> tp_node);

    strncpy( ccd->name, channel_name, channel_t::channel_name_max_len - 1 );
    ccd->name[ channel_t::channel_name_max_len - 1 ] = 0;
    ccd->chNum = params->chnnum;
    ccd->bps = daqd_c::data_type_size( params->datatype );
    ccd->data_type = (daq_data_t)params->datatype;
    ccd->sample_rate = params->datarate;

    //  ccd -> rm_offset = bsw(dinfo -> dataOffset) + sizeof (int);
    //  ccd -> rm_block_size = bsw(mmap -> dataBlockSize);

    // Activate channels for saving into full frames
    // Do not save 1 Hz slow channels
    ccd->active = 0;
    if ( ccd->sample_rate > 1 )
        ccd->active = params->acquire;
    if ( ccd->active )
        if ( ccd->active & 2 )

    // 1Hz channels will be acquired at 16Hz
    if ( ccd->sample_rate == 1 )
        ccd->sample_rate = 16;

    ccd->group_num = 0;

    //  ccd -> rm_dinfo = (dataInfoStr *) dinfo;
    // GDS_CHANNEL --> 1
    // GDS_ALIAS   --> 2
    // If channel (test point) number is specified, then this is an alias
    // channel
    if ( IS_TP_DCU( ccd->dcu_id ) )
        ccd->gds = params->testpoint ? 2 : 1;
    // printf("channel %s has gds=%d\n", ccd -> name, ccd -> gds);

    // GDS channels not trended
    if ( IS_GDS_ALIAS( *ccd ) || IS_GDS_SIGNAL( *ccd ) )
        ccd->trend = 0;
        ccd->trend = ccd->active; // Trend all active channels;

    if ( IS_GDS_ALIAS( *ccd ) )
        ccd->active = 0;
        if ( IS_GDS_SIGNAL( *ccd ) )

    // assign conversion data
    ccd->signal_gain = params->gain;
    ccd->signal_slope = params->slope;
    ccd->signal_offset = params->offset;
        ccd->signal_units, params->units, channel_t::engr_unit_max_len - 1 );
    ccd->signal_units[ channel_t::engr_unit_max_len - 1 ] = 0;

    // set DCU rate
    extern int default_dcu_rate;
    daqd.dcuRate[ ccd->ifoid ][ ccd->dcu_id ] = default_dcu_rate;
    // printf("dcu %d rate %d\n", ccd -> dcu_id, default_dcu_rate);
    return 1;

daqd_c::update_configuration_number( const char* source_address )
    if ( _configuration_number != 0 || !source_address )
    if ( num_channels == 0 )

    FrameCPP::Common::MD5Sum check_sum;

    channel_t* cur = channels;
    channel_t* end = channels + num_channels;
    for ( ; cur < end; ++cur )

        check_sum.Update( &( cur->chNum ), sizeof( cur->chNum ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->seq_num ), sizeof( cur->seq_num ) );
        size_t name_len = strnlen( cur->name, channel_t::channel_name_max_len );
        check_sum.Update( cur->name, sizeof( name_len ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->sample_rate ), sizeof( cur->sample_rate ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->active ), sizeof( cur->active ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->trend ), sizeof( cur->trend ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->group_num ), sizeof( cur->group_num ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->bps ), sizeof( cur->bps ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->dcu_id ), sizeof( cur->dcu_id ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->data_type ), sizeof( cur->data_type ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->signal_gain ), sizeof( cur->signal_gain ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->signal_slope ), sizeof( cur->signal_slope ) );
        check_sum.Update( &( cur->signal_offset ),
                          sizeof( cur->signal_offset ) );
        size_t unit_len =
            strnlen( cur->signal_units, channel_t::engr_unit_max_len );
        check_sum.Update( cur->signal_units, sizeof( unit_len ) );
    check_sum.Finalize( );

    std::ostringstream ss;
    ss << check_sum;
    std::string hash = ss.str( );

    _configuration_number =
        daqd_run_number::get_run_number( source_address, hash );
        0, "configuration/run number = %d", (int)_configuration_number );
    PV::set_pv( PV::PV_CONFIGURATION_NUMBER, _configuration_number );

/// Linear search for a channel group name in channel_groups array.
daqd_c::find_channel_group( const char* channel_name )
    for ( int i = 0; i < num_channel_groups; i++ )
        if ( !strncasecmp( channel_groups[ i ].name,
                           strlen( channel_groups[ i ].name ) ) )
            return channel_groups[ i ].num;
    return 0;

/// Create full resolution frame object.
daqd_c::full_frame( int                frame_length_seconds,
                    int                science,
                    adc_data_ptr_type& dptr )
    unsigned long nchans = 0;

    if ( science )
        nchans = num_science_channels;
        nchans = num_active_channels;
    FrameCPP::Version::FrAdcData* adc =
        new FrameCPP::Version::FrAdcData[ nchans ];
    FrameCPP::Version::FrameH::rawData_type rawData =
            new FrameCPP::Version::FrRawData );
    ldas_frame_h_type frame;
    FrameCPP::Version::FrHistory history(
        "", 0, "framebuilder, framecpp-" + string( LDAS_VERSION ) );
    FrameCPP::Version::FrHistory history(
        "", 0, "framebuilder, framecpp-" + string( FRAMECPP_VERSION ) );
    FrameCPP::Version::FrHistory history(
        "", 0, "framebuilder, framecpp-unknown" );
    FrameCPP::Version::FrDetector detector = daqd.getDetector1( );

    // Create frame
        frame = ldas_frame_h_type( new FrameCPP::Version::FrameH(
            configuration_number( ), // run number ??? buffpt -r> block_prop
                                     // (nb) ->;
            1, // frame number
            FrameCPP::Version::GPSTime( 0, 0 ),
            0, // leap seconds
            frame_length_seconds // dt
            ) );
        frame->RefDetectProc( ).append( detector );

        // Append second detector if it is defined
        if ( daqd.detector_name1.length( ) > 0 )
            FrameCPP::Version::FrDetector detector1 = daqd.getDetector2( );
            frame->RefDetectProc( ).append( detector1 );

        frame->SetRawData( rawData );
        frame->RefHistory( ).append( history );
    catch ( bad_alloc )
        system_log( 1, "Couldn't create full frame" );
        // shutdown_server ();
        // return NULL;
        abort( );

    // Create ADCs
        // Fast channels
        unsigned int cur_chn = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < num_channels; i++ )
            // Skip chanels we don't want to save
            if ( science ? 0 == ( channels[ i ].active & 2 )
                         : !channels[ i ].active )

            FrameCPP::Version::FrAdcData adc = FrameCPP::Version::FrAdcData(
                std::string( channels[ i ].name ),
                channels[ i ].group_num,
                i, // channel ???
                CHAR_BIT * channels[ i ].bps,
                channels[ i ].sample_rate,
                channels[ i ].signal_offset,
                channels[ i ].signal_slope,
                std::string( channels[ i ].signal_units ),
                channels[ i ].data_type == _32bit_complex
                    ? channels[ i ].signal_gain
                    : .0, /* Freq shift */
                .0 ); /* heterodyning phase in radians */

            if ( channels[ i ].sample_rate > 16 )
                /* Append ADC AUX vector to store 16 status words per second */
                FrameCPP::Version::Dimension aux_dims[ 1 ] = {
                        16 * frame_length_seconds, 1. / 16, "" )
                FrameCPP::Version::FrVect* aux_vect =
                    new FrameCPP::Version::FrVect(
                        new INT_2S[ 16 * frame_length_seconds ],
                        "" );
                adc.RefAux( ).append( *aux_vect );

            /* Append ADC data vector */
            INT_4U nx = channels[ i ].sample_rate * frame_length_seconds;
            FrameCPP::Version::Dimension dims[ 1 ] = {
                    nx, 1. / channels[ i ].sample_rate, "time" )
            FrameCPP::Version::FrVect* vect;
            switch ( channels[ i ].data_type )
            case _32bit_complex:
                vect = new FrameCPP::Version::FrVect(
                    std::string( channels[ i ].name ),
                    new COMPLEX_8[ nx ],
                    std::string( channels[ i ].signal_units ) );
            case _64bit_double:
                vect = new FrameCPP::Version::FrVect(
                    std::string( channels[ i ].name ),
                    new REAL_8[ nx ],
                    std::string( channels[ i ].signal_units ) );
            case _32bit_float:
                vect = new FrameCPP::Version::FrVect(
                    std::string( channels[ i ].name ),
                    new REAL_4[ nx ],
                    std::string( channels[ i ].signal_units ) );
            case _32bit_integer:
                vect = new FrameCPP::Version::FrVect(
                    std::string( channels[ i ].name ),
                    new INT_4S[ nx ],
                    std::string( channels[ i ].signal_units ) );
            case _32bit_uint:
                vect = new FrameCPP::Version::FrVect(
                    std::string( channels[ i ].name ),
                    new INT_4U[ nx ],
                    std::string( channels[ i ].signal_units ) );
            case _64bit_integer:
                abort( );
                vect = new FrameCPP::Version::FrVect(
                    std::string( channels[ i ].name ),
                    new INT_2S[ nx ],
                    channels[ i ].signal_units );
            adc.RefData( ).append( *vect );
            frame->GetRawData( )->RefFirstAdc( ).append( adc );
            unsigned char* dptr_fast_data = frame->GetRawData( )
                                                ->RefFirstAdc( )[ cur_chn ]
                                                ->RefData( )[ 0 ]
                                                ->GetData( )
                                                .get( );
            INT_2U* dptr_aux_data = 0;
            if ( channels[ i ].sample_rate > 16 )
                dptr_aux_data = (INT_2U*)frame->GetRawData( )
                                    ->RefFirstAdc( )[ cur_chn ]
                                    ->RefAux( )[ 0 ]
                                    ->GetData( )
                                    .get( );
            dptr.push_back( pair< unsigned char*, INT_2U* >( dptr_fast_data,
                                                             dptr_aux_data ) );
    catch ( bad_alloc )
        system_log( 1, "Couldn't create ADC channel data" );
        // delete frame;
        //    shutdown_server ();
        // return NULL;
        abort( );

    return frame;

/// IO Thread for the full resolution frame saver
/// This is the thread that does the actual writing
daqd_c::framer_io( shared_frame_work_queue_ptr _work_queue, int science )
    const int STATE_NORMAL = 0;
    const int STATE_WRITING = 1;
    const int STATE_BROADCAST = 2;
    bool      shmem_bcast_frame = true;

    shmem_bcast_frame = parameters( ).get< int >( "GDS_BROADCAST", 0 ) == 1;

    if ( science )
        daqd_c::set_thread_priority( "Science frame saver IO",
                                     SCIENCE_SAVER_IO_CPUAFFINITY );
        daqd_c::set_thread_priority( "Frame saver IO",
                                     FULL_SAVER_IO_CPUAFFINITY );
    enum PV::PV_NAME epics_state_var =
        ( science ? PV::PV_SCIENCE_FW_STATE : PV::PV_RAW_FW_STATE );

    PV::set_pv( epics_state_var, STATE_NORMAL );
    for ( long frame_cntr = 0;; frame_cntr++ )
        framer_buf* cur_buf = _work_queue->get_from_queue( 1 );

        DEBUG( 1,
               cerr << "About to write " << ( science ? "science" : "full" )
                    << " frame @" << cur_buf->gps << endl );
        if ( science )
            cur_buf->dir_num = science_fsd.getDirFileNames( cur_buf->gps,
                                                            blocks_per_frame );
            cur_buf->dir_num = fsd.getDirFileNames( cur_buf->gps,
                                                    blocks_per_frame );

        int fd = creat( cur_buf->_tmpf, 0644 );
        if ( fd < 0 )
                "Couldn't open full frame file `%s' for writing; errno %d",
                errno );
            if ( science )
                science_fsd.report_lost_frame( );
                fsd.report_lost_frame( );
            set_fault( );
            close( fd );

                PV::set_pv( epics_state_var, STATE_WRITING );
                time_t t = 0;
                    FrameCPP::Common::MD5SumFilter            md5filter;
                    FrameCPP::Common::FrameBuffer< filebuf >* obuf =
                        new FrameCPP::Common::FrameBuffer< std::filebuf >(
                            std::ios::out );
                    obuf->open( cur_buf->_tmpf,
                                std::ios::out | std::ios::binary );
                    obuf->FilterAdd( &md5filter );
                    FrameCPP::Common::OFrameStream ofs( obuf );
                    ofs.SetCheckSumFile( FrameCPP::Common::CheckSum::CRC );
                    DEBUG( 1, cerr << "Begin WriteFrame()" << endl );
                    t = time( 0 );
                        // FrameCPP::Version::FrVect::GZIP, 1,
                            ? FrameCPP::FrVect::RAW
                            : FrameCPP::FrVect::ZERO_SUPPRESS_OTHERWISE_GZIP,
                        // FrameCPP::Compression::MODE_ZERO_SUPPRESS_SHORT,
                        // FrameCPP::Version::FrVect::DEFAULT_GZIP_LEVEL, /* 6
                        // */
                        FrameCPP::Common::CheckSum::CRC );

                    ofs.Close( );
                    obuf->close( );
                    md5filter.Finalize( );

                        ( science ? daqd_c::science_frame : daqd_c::raw_frame ),
                        md5filter );

                    PV::set_pv( ( science ? PV::PV_SCIENCE_FRAME_CHECK_SUM_TRUNC
                                          : PV::PV_FRAME_CHECK_SUM_TRUNC ),
                                *reinterpret_cast< const unsigned int* >(
                                    md5filter.Value( ) ) );
                t = time( 0 ) - t;
                PV::set_pv( epics_state_var, STATE_NORMAL );
                DEBUG( 1,
                       cerr << ( science ? "Science" : "Full" )
                            << " frame done in " << t << " seconds" << endl );
                /* Record frame write time */
                if ( science )
                    PV::set_pv( PV::PV_SCIENCE_FRAME_WRITE_SEC, t );
                    PV::set_pv( PV::PV_FRAME_WRITE_SEC, t );
                if ( rename( cur_buf->_tmpf, cur_buf->tmpf ) )
                    system_log( 1, "failed to rename file; errno %d", errno );
                    if ( science )
                        science_fsd.report_lost_frame( );
                        fsd.report_lost_frame( );
                    set_fault( );

                    DEBUG( 3,
                           cerr << "frame " << frame_cntr << "("
                                << cur_buf->frame_number << ") is written out"
                                << endl );
                    // Successful frame write
                    if ( science )
                            cur_buf->dir_num );
                        fsd.update_dir( cur_buf->gps,
                                        cur_buf->dir_num );

                    // Report frame size to the Epics world
                    fd = open( cur_buf->tmpf, O_RDONLY );
                    if ( fd == -1 )
                        system_log( 1, "failed to open file; errno %d", errno );
                        exit( 1 );
                    struct stat sb;
                    if ( fstat( fd, &sb ) == -1 )
                            1, "failed to fstat file; errno %d", errno );
                        exit( 1 );
                    if ( science )
                        PV::set_pv( PV::PV_SCIENCE_FRAME_SIZE, sb.st_size );
                        PV::set_pv( PV::PV_FRAME_SIZE, sb.st_size );
                    close( fd );

                // Update the EPICS_SAVED value
                if ( !science )
                    PV::set_pv( PV::PV_CHANS_SAVED, cur_buf->nac );
                    PV::set_pv( PV::PV_SCIENCE_CHANS_SAVED, cur_buf->nac );

                if ( shmem_bcast_frame )
                    // We are compiled to be a DMT broadcaster
                    fd = open( cur_buf->tmpf, O_RDONLY );
                    if ( fd == -1 )
                        system_log( 1, "failed to open file; errno %d", errno );
                        exit( 1 );
                    struct stat sb;
                    if ( fstat( fd, &sb ) == -1 )
                            1, "failed to fstat file; errno %d", errno );
                        exit( 1 );
                    void* addr =
                        mmap( NULL, sb.st_size, PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0 );
                    if ( addr == MAP_FAILED )
                            1, "failed to fstat file; errno %d", errno );
                        exit( 1 );

                    net_writer_c* nw = (net_writer_c*)net_writers.first( );
                    assert( nw );
                    assert( nw->broadcast );

                    PV::set_pv( epics_state_var, STATE_BROADCAST );
                    if ( nw->send_to_client( (char*)addr,
                                             b1->block_period( ) ) )
                        system_log( 1, "failed to broadcast data frame" );
                        exit( 1 );
                    PV::set_pv( epics_state_var, STATE_NORMAL );
                    munmap( addr, sb.st_size );
                    close( fd );
                    unlink( cur_buf->tmpf );
            } /*catch (...) {
         system_log(1, "failed to write full frame out");
         fsd.report_lost_frame ();
         set_fault ();

        if ( !science )
            /* Epics display: full res data look back size in seconds */
            PV::set_pv( PV::PV_LOOKBACK_FULL, fsd.get_max( ) - fsd.get_min( ) );

        if ( science )
            /* Epics display: current full frame saving directory */
            PV::set_pv( PV::PV_LOOKBACK_DIR, science_fsd.get_cur_dir( ) );
        _work_queue->add_to_queue( 0, cur_buf );
    return NULL;

/// Full resolution frame saving thread.
daqd_c::framer( int science )
    const int        STATE_NORMAL = 0;
    const int        STATE_PROCESSING = 1;
    enum PV::PV_NAME epics_state_var =
    enum PV::PV_NAME epics_sec_var =
        ( science ? PV::PV_SCIENCE_FW_DATA_SEC : PV::PV_RAW_FW_DATA_SEC );

    auto _work_queue = std::make_shared< framer_work_queue >( );
    work_queue::aborter< framer_work_queue > queue_closer_( *_work_queue );

    unsigned long nac = 0; // Number of active channels
    long          frame_cntr;
    int           nb;
    if ( frames_per_file != 1 )
        printf( "Not supported frames_per_file=%d\n", frames_per_file );
        abort( );

    if ( science )
        system_log( 1, "Start up science mode frame writer\n" );

    // create buffers for the queue
    for ( int i = 0; i < 2; ++i )
        auto_ptr< framer_buf > _buf( new framer_buf );
        _buf->frame_file_length_seconds = frames_per_file * blocks_per_frame;
        _buf->dir_num = -1;
        _buf->frame = full_frame( blocks_per_frame, science, _buf->dptr );

        if ( !( _buf->frame ) )
            // Have to free all already allocated ADC structures at this point
            // to avoid memory leaks, if not shutting down here
            shutdown_server( );
            return NULL;
        _work_queue->add_to_queue( 0, _buf.get( ) );
        _buf.release( );

    // error message buffer
    char errmsgbuf[ 80 ];

    // Startup the IO thread
        DEBUG( 4,
               cerr << "starting " << ( science ? "science" : "full" )
                    << " framer IO thread" << endl );
        pthread_attr_t attr;
        pthread_attr_init( &attr );
        pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr, daqd.thread_stack_size );
        pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM );

        int err = launch_pthread( science_frame_saver_io_tid,
                                  [this, _work_queue, science]( ) mutable {
                                      this->framer_io( std::move( _work_queue ),
                                                       science );
                                  } );

        if ( err )
            pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
            system_log( 1,
                        "pthread_create() err=%d while creating %s IO thread",
                        ( science ? "science" : "full" ) );
            exit( 1 );
        pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );

    // Set thread parameters. Make sure this is done after starting the io
    // threads.
    if ( science )
        daqd_c::set_thread_priority( "Science frame saver",
                                     SCIENCE_SAVER_CPUAFFINITY );
        daqd_c::set_thread_priority( "Full frame saver",
                                     FULL_SAVER_CPUAFFINITY );

    // done creating a frame
    if ( !science )
        sem_post( &frame_saver_sem );
        sem_post( &frame_saver_sem );
        sem_post( &science_frame_saver_sem );
        sem_post( &science_frame_saver_sem );

    // Store data in the frame
    // write frame files

    unsigned long status_ptr = block_size -
        17 * sizeof( int ) *
            num_channels; // Index to the start of signal status memory area

    bool skip_done = false;
    for ( frame_cntr = 0;; frame_cntr++ )
        framer_buf*   cur_buf = _work_queue->get_from_queue( 0 );
        int           eof_flag = 0;
        unsigned long fast_data_crc = 0;
        unsigned long fast_data_length = 0;
        time_t        frame_start;
        unsigned int  run;
        time_t        gps, gps_n;
        int           altzone, leap_seconds;
        struct tm     tms;

        time_t tdata = time( 0 );
        PV::set_pv( epics_state_var, STATE_PROCESSING );

        /* Accumulate frame adc data */
        for ( int i = 0; i < 1 /*frames_per_file */; i++ )
            for ( int bnum = 0; bnum < blocks_per_frame; bnum++ )
                int cnum = science ? daqd.science_cnum : daqd.cnum;
                nb = b1->get( cnum );
                    circ_buffer_block_t* prop;
                    char*                buf;

                    prop = b1->block_prop( nb );

                    // restart waiting for GPS MOD fileDt
                    if ( !skip_done )
                    { // do it only first time
                        while ( prop->prop.gps %
                                ( frames_per_file * blocks_per_frame ) )
                            b1->unlock( cnum );
                            nb = b1->get( cnum );
                            prop = b1->block_prop( nb );
                        skip_done = true;

                    buf = b1->block_ptr( nb );
                    if ( !prop->bytes )
                        b1->unlock( cnum );
                        eof_flag = 1;
                        DEBUG1( cerr << "framer EOF" << endl );
                        if ( !( i || bnum ) )
                            run = prop->;
                            gps = prop->prop.gps;
                            gps_n = prop->prop.gps_n;
                            altzone = prop->prop.altzone;
                            leap_seconds = prop->prop.leap_seconds;

                            //		    frame_start = prop -> timestamp;
                            frame_start = gps;
                            // Frame number is based upon the cycle counter
                            cur_buf->frame_number = prop->prop.cycle / 16 /
                                ( frames_per_file * blocks_per_frame );

                        nac = 0;

                        // Put data into the ADC structures
                        for ( int j = 0; j < num_channels; j++ )
                            if ( channels[ j ].active )
                                if ( science )
                                    // Science mode frames are indicated by the
                                    // second bit
                                    if ( channels[ j ].active & 2 )
                                        continue; // Skip it, it is
                                                  // commissioning only
                                continue; // Skip it, it is not active
                            unsigned char* fast_adc_ptr =
                                cur_buf->dptr[ nac ].first;

                            memcpy( fast_adc_ptr + bnum * channels[ j ].bytes,
                                    buf + channels[ j ].offset,
                                    channels[ j ].bytes );
                            // Status is ORed blocks_per_frame times
#define memor2( dest, tgt )                                                    \
    *( (unsigned char*)( dest ) ) |= *( (unsigned char*)( tgt ) );             \
    *( ( (unsigned char*)( dest ) ) + 1 ) |=                                   \
        *( ( (unsigned char*)( tgt ) ) + 1 );

                            // A pointer to 16 status words for this second
                            char* stptr = buf + status_ptr +
                                17 * sizeof( int ) * channels[ j ].seq_num;

                            unsigned short data_valid = 0;
                            // This converts integer status into short
                            memor2( &data_valid, stptr );

                            // Reset data valid to zero in the begining of a
                            // second
                            if ( !bnum )
                                cur_buf->frame->GetRawData( )
                                    ->RefFirstAdc( )[ nac ]
                                    ->SetDataValid( 0 );

                            // Assign data valid if not zero, so once it gets
                            // set it sticks for the duration of a second
                            if ( data_valid )
                                cur_buf->frame->GetRawData( )
                                    ->RefFirstAdc( )[ nac ]
                                    ->SetDataValid( data_valid );
                            data_valid = cur_buf->frame->GetRawData( )
                                             ->RefFirstAdc( )[ nac ]
                                             ->GetDataValid( );

                            /* Calculate CRC on fast data only */
                            /* Do not calculate CRC on bad data */
                            if ( channels[ j ].sample_rate > 16 &&
                                 data_valid == 0 )
                                fast_data_crc =
                                    crc_ptr( buf + channels[ j ].offset,
                                             channels[ j ].bytes,
                                             fast_data_crc );
                                fast_data_length += channels[ j ].bytes;

                            INT_2U* aux_data_valid_ptr =
                                cur_buf->dptr[ nac ].second;
                            if ( aux_data_valid_ptr )
                                stptr += 4;
                                for ( int k = 0; k < 16; k++ )
                                    memset( aux_data_valid_ptr + k + bnum * 16,
                                            sizeof( INT_2U ) );
                                    memor2( aux_data_valid_ptr + k + bnum * 16,
                                            stptr + 4 * k );
#undef memor2

                        //		cerr << "saver; block " << nb << " bytes
                        //<< prop -> bytes << endl;
                b1->unlock( cnum );

        /* finish CRC calculation for the fast data */

        /* Send fast data CRC to Epics for display and checking */
        PV::set_pv( PV::PV_FAST_DATA_CRC,
                    crc_len( fast_data_length, fast_data_crc ) );

        if ( eof_flag )

        gmtime_r( &frame_start, &tms );

        // FIXME have a function to set them all at once:
        // fw -> setFrameVars (frame_cntr, gps, gps_n, leap_seconds, altzone);
          inline void setFrameFileAttributes(INT_4S run, INT_4U frameNumber,
                                             INT_4U dqual, INT_4U gps, INT_2U
          gpsInc, INT_4U gpsn, INT_2U leapS, INT_4S localTime)

        cur_buf->frame->SetGTime( FrameCPP::Version::GPSTime( gps, gps_n ) );
        // frame -> SetULeapS(leap_seconds);

        DEBUG( 1,
               cerr << "adding frame @ " << gps << " to "
                    << ( science ? "science" : "full" ) << " frame queue"
                    << endl );

        cur_buf->gps = gps;
        cur_buf->gps_n = gps_n;
        cur_buf->nac = nac;

        _work_queue->add_to_queue( 1, cur_buf );
        cur_buf = 0;
        PV::set_pv( epics_state_var, STATE_NORMAL );
        PV::set_pv( epics_sec_var, (int)( time( 0 ) - tdata ) );

    return NULL;

daqd_c::queue_frame_checksum( const char*                     frame_filename,
                              daqd_c::frame_type              type,
                              FrameCPP::Common::MD5SumFilter& md5sum )
    if ( !frame_filename )

    raii::lock_guard< pthread_mutex_t > lock( _checksum_lock );
    if ( !_checksum_file_transform_initted )
        std::string        src, dest;
        daqd_c::frame_type frame_types[] = {
        dest = parameters( ).get( "full_frame_checksum_dir", "" );
        if ( !dest.empty( ) )
            _string_pair p( fsd.get_path( ), dest );
                _path_transform::value_type( daqd_c::raw_frame, p ) );
        dest = parameters( ).get( "science_frame_checksum_dir", "" );
        if ( !dest.empty( ) )
            _string_pair p( science_fsd.get_path( ), dest );
                _path_transform::value_type( daqd_c::science_frame, p ) );
        dest = parameters( ).get( "minute_trend_frame_checksum_dir", "" );
        if ( !dest.empty( ) )
            _string_pair p( trender.minute_fsd.get_path( ), dest );
                _path_transform::value_type( daqd_c::minute_trend_frame, p ) );
        dest = parameters( ).get( "trend_frame_checksum_dir", "" );
        if ( !dest.empty( ) )
            _string_pair p( trender.fsd.get_path( ), dest );
                _path_transform::value_type( daqd_c::second_trend_frame, p ) );
        _checksum_file_transform_initted = true;

    _path_transform::iterator cur = _checksum_file_transform.find( type );
    if ( cur == _checksum_file_transform.end( ) )

    const static std::string md5( ".md5" );
    std::string              filename( frame_filename );
    std::string::size_type   dot = filename.rfind( '.' );
    std::string::size_type   slash = filename.rfind( '/' );
    // if there is an extension, don't count a leading '.' for the extension
    if ( dot != std::string::npos && dot != 0 &&
         ( slash == std::string::npos || slash < dot - 1 ) )
        // erase the extension
        filename.erase( dot );
    // add .md5
    filename += md5;

    if ( cur->second.second != "" &&
         cur->second.first.size( ) < filename.size( ) )
        filename =
            cur->second.second + filename.substr( cur->second.first.size( ) );
    std::ostringstream os;
    os << md5sum;
    _checksum_queue.push_back( std::make_pair( filename, os.str( ) ) );

daqd_c::dequeue_frame_checksum( std::string& filename, std::string& checksum )
    raii::lock_guard< pthread_mutex_t > lock( _checksum_lock );
    if ( _checksum_queue.empty( ) )
        return false;
    filename = _checksum_queue.front( ).first;
    checksum = _checksum_queue.front( ).second;
    _checksum_queue.pop_front( );
    return true;

// Allocate and initialize main circular buffer.
daqd_c::start_main( int pmain_buffer_size, ostream* yyout )
    locker mon( this );

    if ( b1 )
        *yyout << "main is already running" << endl;
        return 1;

    main_buffer_size = pmain_buffer_size;

    // If not using GPS defined directories, don't start if number of
    // directories not set
    if ( !filesys_c::gps_time_dirs )
        if ( !fsd.get_num_dirs( ) )
            *yyout << "set the number of directories before running main"
                   << endl;
            return 1;

    void* mptr = malloc( sizeof( circ_buffer ) );
    if ( !mptr )
        *yyout << "couldn't construct main circular buffer, memory exhausted"
               << endl;
        return 1;

    // FIXME: This buffer is never freed
    b1 = new ( mptr ) circ_buffer( 0, main_buffer_size, block_size );
    if ( !( b1->buffer_ptr( ) ) )
        b1->~circ_buffer( );
        free( (void*)b1 );
        *yyout << "main couldn't allocate buffer data blocks, memory exhausted"
               << endl;
        return 1;

    /* Epics display (Kb/Sec) */

        unsigned int data_rate = 0;
        // Want to have the size of DAQ data only
        for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) // Ifo number
            for ( int j = 0; j < DCU_COUNT; j++ )
                data_rate += dcuDAQsize[ i ][ j ];
        data_rate *= 16;
        data_rate /= 1024; // make it kilobytes
        PV::set_pv( PV::PV_DATA_RATE, data_rate );
    /* Epics display: memory buffer look back */
    PV::set_pv( PV::PV_LOOKBACK_RAM, main_buffer_size );

    return 0;

/// Start Epics IOC server. This one serves the daqd status Epics channels.
daqd_c::start_epics_server( ostream* yyout,
                            char*    prefix,
                            char*    prefix1,
                            char*    prefix2 )
    // error message buffer
    char           errmsgbuf[ 80 ];
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_attr_init( &attr );
    pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr, daqd.thread_stack_size );
    pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM );
    //  pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
    int err_no;
    epics1.prefix = prefix;
    epics1.prefix1 = prefix1;
    if ( prefix2 )
        epics1.prefix2 = prefix2;
    if ( err_no = pthread_create( &epics1.tid,
                                  (void* (*)(void*))epics1.epics_static,
                                  (void*)&epics1 ) )
        strerror_r( err_no, errmsgbuf, sizeof( errmsgbuf ) );
        pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
        system_log( 1, "Epics pthread_create() err=%s", errmsgbuf );
        return 1;
    pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
    DEBUG( 2,
           cerr << "Epics server thread created; tid=" << epics1.tid << endl );
    epics1.running = 1;
    return 0;

/// Start the producer thread. Its purpose is to extract the data from the
/// receiver buffers and put it into the main circular buffer.
daqd_c::start_producer( ostream* yyout )
    // error message buffer
    char           errmsgbuf[ 80 ];
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    pthread_attr_init( &attr );
    pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr, daqd.thread_stack_size );
    pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM );
    //  pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);

    int err_no;
    if ( err_no =
             pthread_create( &producer1.tid,
                             (void* (*)(void*))producer1.frame_writer_static,
                             (void*)&producer1 ) )
        strerror_r( err_no, errmsgbuf, sizeof( errmsgbuf ) );
        pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
        system_log( 1, "producer pthread_create() err=%s", errmsgbuf );
        return 1;
    pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
    DEBUG( 2, cerr << "producer created; tid=" << producer1.tid << endl );
    return 0;

/// Start full resolution frame saving thread.
daqd_c::start_frame_saver( ostream* yyout, int science )
    assert( b1 );
    // error message buffer
    char errmsgbuf[ 80 ];
    int  cn = 0;
    if ( ( cn = b1->add_consumer( ) ) >= 0 )
        if ( science )
            sem_wait( &science_frame_saver_sem );
            sem_wait( &frame_saver_sem );

        pthread_attr_t attr;
        pthread_attr_init( &attr );
        pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr, daqd.thread_stack_size );
        pthread_attr_setscope( &attr, PTHREAD_SCOPE_SYSTEM );
        //      pthread_attr_setdetachstate (&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
        int err_no;
        if ( science )
            err_no =
                pthread_create( &consumer[ cnum ],
                                (void* (*)(void*))daqd.science_framer_static,
                                (void*)this );
            err_no = pthread_create( &consumer[ cnum ],
                                     (void* (*)(void*))daqd.framer_static,
                                     (void*)this );
        if ( err_no )
            strerror_r( err_no, errmsgbuf, sizeof( errmsgbuf ) );
            pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
            system_log( 1, "pthread_create() err=%s", errmsgbuf );
            return 1;

        pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
        if ( science )
            DEBUG( 2,
                   cerr << "science frame saver created; tid="
                        << consumer[ cnum ] << endl );
            science_frame_saver_tid = consumer[ cnum ];
            science_cnum = cn;
            DEBUG( 2,
                   cerr << "frame saver created; tid=" << consumer[ cnum ]
                        << endl );
            frame_saver_tid = consumer[ cnum ];
            cnum = cn;
        if ( science )
            *yyout << "start_science_frame_saver: too many consumers, saver "
                      "was not started"
                   << endl;
            *yyout << "start_frame_saver: too many consumers, saver was not "
                   << endl;
        return 1;
    return 0;

// Note: move_addr is currently only guaranteed to be properly filled out on the
// DAQD_SHMEM build
daqd_c::initialize_vmpic( unsigned char**   _move_buf,
                          int*              _vmic_pv_len,
                          put_dpvec*        vmic_pv,
                          dcu_move_address* move_addr )
    int              vmic_pv_len = 0;
    unsigned char*   move_buf = 0;
    dcu_move_address dummy_move_address;

    if ( !move_addr )
        move_addr = &dummy_move_address;
    locker mon( this );

    int s = daqd.block_size / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
    if ( s < 128 * 1024 )
        s = 128 * 1024;
    move_buf = (unsigned char*)malloc( s );
    if ( !move_buf )
        system_log( 1, "out of memory allocating move buffer" );
        exit( 1 );
    memset( move_buf, 255, s );
    printf( "Allocated move buffer size %d bytes\n", s );

    unsigned long status_ptr = block_size -
        17 * sizeof( int ) *
            num_channels; // Index to the start of signal status memory area

    int cur_dcu = -1;
    for ( int i = 0; i < num_channels + 1; i++ )
        int t = 0;
        if ( i == num_channels )
            t = 1;
            t = cur_dcu != -1 && cur_dcu != channels[ i ].dcu_id;

        // Finished with cur_dcu: channels sorted by dcu_id
        if ( IS_MYRINET_DCU( cur_dcu ) && t )
            // Add testpoints
            int rate = 4 * dcuRate[ 0 ][ cur_dcu ];
            int tp_size = rate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
            int n_add =
                ( 2 * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE - dcuDAQsize[ 0 ][ cur_dcu ] ) /
            if ( n_add > DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED )
                n_add = DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED;
            for ( int j = 0; j < n_add; j++ )
                vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_pvec_addr =
                    move_buf + dcuTPOffsetRmem[ 0 ][ cur_dcu ] + j * tp_size;
                vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].dest_vec_idx =
                    dcuTPOffset[ 0 ][ cur_dcu ] +
                    j * tp_size * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
                vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].dest_status_idx = 0xffffffff;
                static unsigned int zero = 0;
                vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_status_addr = &zero;
                vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].vec_len = rate / 16;
                DEBUG( 10, cerr << "Myrinet testpoint " << j << endl );
                DEBUG( 10,
                       cerr << "vmic_pv: " << hex
                            << (long int)vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_pvec_addr
                            << dec << "\t"
                            << vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].dest_vec_idx << "\t"
                            << vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].vec_len << endl );
        if ( i == num_channels )
        cur_dcu = channels[ i ].dcu_id;

        // Skip alias channels, they are not physical signals
        if ( channels[ i ].gds & 2 )

        vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_pvec_addr =
            move_buf + channels[ i ].rm_offset;
        vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].dest_vec_idx = channels[ i ].offset;
        vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].dest_status_idx =
            status_ptr + 17 * sizeof( int ) * i;

        if ( !move_addr->start[ cur_dcu ] )
            move_addr->start[ cur_dcu ] = vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_pvec_addr;

        if ( IS_EXC_DCU( channels[ i ].dcu_id ) )
            /* The AWG DCUs are using older data format with status word
             * included in front of the data */
            vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_status_addr =
                (unsigned int*)( vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_pvec_addr - 4 );
        else if ( IS_TP_DCU( channels[ i ].dcu_id ) )
            /* :TODO: need to pass real DCU status depending on the current test
             * point selection */
            static unsigned int zero = 0;
            vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_status_addr = &zero;
            vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_status_addr =
                dcuStatus[ channels[ i ].ifoid ] + channels[ i ].dcu_id;
        vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].vec_len = channels[ i ].bytes / 16;
        // Byteswap all Myrinet data on Sun
        vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].bsw = 0;
        DEBUG( 10, cerr << channels[ i ].name << endl );
        DEBUG( 10,
               cerr << "vmic_pv: " << hex
                    << (unsigned long)vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].src_pvec_addr
                    << dec << "\t" << vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].dest_vec_idx
                    << "\t" << vmic_pv[ vmic_pv_len ].vec_len << endl );
    *_move_buf = move_buf;
    *_vmic_pv_len = vmic_pv_len;

daqd_c::set_thread_priority( char* thread_name,
                             char* thread_abbrev,
                             int   rt_priority,
                             int   cpu_affinity )
    // get thread ID, thread label (limit to 16 characters)
    pid_t my_tid;
    char  my_thr_label[ 16 ];
    my_tid = (pid_t)syscall( SYS_gettid );
    strncpy( my_thr_label, thread_abbrev, 16 );
    // Name the thread
    prctl( PR_SET_NAME, my_thr_label, 0, 0, 0 );

    std::string affinity_key =
        std::string( thread_abbrev ) + std::string( "_cpu" );
    std::string priority_key =
        std::string( thread_abbrev ) + std::string( "_priority" );

    cpu_affinity = daqd.parameters( ).get< int >( affinity_key, cpu_affinity );
    rt_priority = daqd.parameters( ).get< int >( priority_key, rt_priority );

    system_log( 1,
                "%s thread - label %s pid=%d",
                (int)my_tid );
    // If priority is non-zero, add to the real-time scheduler at that priority

        int policy = SCHED_FIFO;
        if ( rt_priority <= 0 )
            rt_priority = 0;
            policy = SCHED_OTHER;

        struct sched_param my_sched_param = { rt_priority };
        int                set_stat;
        set_stat =
            pthread_setschedparam( pthread_self( ), policy, &my_sched_param );
        if ( set_stat != 0 )
            system_log( 1,
                        "%s thread priority error %s",
                        strerror( set_stat ) );
                1, "%s thread set to priority %d", thread_name, rt_priority );

    // set the affinity (if enough CPUs)
    // If set to 0, set allow thread on all CPUs
    //  If positive, count from 0, if negative, count from max
    // count CPUs
        int numCPU, cpuId;
        numCPU = sysconf( _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN );
        if ( cpu_affinity < 0 )
            cpuId = numCPU + cpu_affinity;
            cpuId = cpu_affinity;
        if ( numCPU > 1 && ( cpuId >= 0 && cpuId < numCPU ) )
            cpu_set_t my_cpu_set;
            CPU_ZERO( &my_cpu_set );
            if ( cpuId > 0 )
                CPU_SET( cpuId, &my_cpu_set );
                for ( int cur_cpu = 0; cur_cpu < numCPU; ++cur_cpu )
                    CPU_SET( cur_cpu, &my_cpu_set );
            int set_stat;
            set_stat = pthread_setaffinity_np(
                pthread_self( ), sizeof( cpu_set_t ), &my_cpu_set );
            if ( set_stat != 0 )
                system_log( 1,
                            "%s thread setaffinity error %s",
                            strerror( set_stat ) );
                system_log( 1, "%s thread put on CPU %d", thread_name, cpuId );

/// Print out usage message and exit
usage( int status )
    cerr << "CDS Data Acquisition Server, Frame Builder, version "
         << SERVER_VERSION << endl;
    cerr << "California Institute of Technology, LIGO Project" << endl;
    cerr << "Client communication protocol version " << DAQD_PROTOCOL_VERSION
         << "." << DAQD_PROTOCOL_REVISION << endl
         << endl;

    cerr << "Usage: \n\t" << programname << endl
         << "\t[-c <configuration file (default -- $HOME/.daqdrc)>]" << endl
         << endl;
    // cerr << "\t[-s <frame writer pause usec (default -- 1 sec)>]" << endl <<
    // endl;

    cerr << endl << "This executable compiled on:" << endl;
    cerr << "\t" << PRODUCTION_DATE << endl
         << "\t" << PRODUCTION_MACHINE << endl;

    exit( status );

/// Parse command line arguments.
parse_args( int argc, char* argv[] )
    int          c;
    extern char* optarg;
    extern int   optind;
    FILE*        file = 0;

    while ( ( c = getopt( argc, argv, "n2hHf:s:c:l:" ) ) != -1 )
        switch ( c )
        case 'H':
        case 'h':
            usage( 0 );
        case 'l':
            file = freopen( optarg, "w", stdout );
            setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0 );
            stderr = stdout;
        case 'f':
            strcpy( daqd.frame_fname, optarg );
        case 's':
            daqd.writer_sleep_usec = atoi( optarg );
        case 'c': // Config file location
            daqd.config_file_name = strdup( optarg );
        case '2': // Hanford
            daqd.data_feeds = 2;
        case 'n': // No Myrinet
            daqd.no_myrinet = 1;
            usage( 1 );
    return optind;

int main_exit_status;

/// Use gcore command to produce core on fatal signals.
/// This is done, so that the program can run suid on execution.
shandler( int a )
    char p[ 25 ];
    system_log( 1, "going down on signal %d", a );
    int ignored_value =
        seteuid( 0 ); // Try to switch to superuser effective uid
    sprintf( p, "/bin/gcore %d", getpid( ) );
    // Works on Gentoo this way:
    // sprintf (p,"gdb --pid=%d --batch -ex gcore", getpid());
    int error = system( p );

/// Server main function.
main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    int       farg;
    int       i;
    int       stf;
    pthread_t startup_iprt;
    char      startup_fname[ filesys_c::filename_max ];
    // error message buffer
    char errmsgbuf[ 80 ];

    // see if `/bin/gcore' command has setuid flag
    // give warning if it doesn't
    // `/bin/gcore' is used to generate core file, since core file is not
    // dumped, cause we run as setuid.
    // `/bin/gcore' will not work if it doesn't run with the superuser effective
    // uid
    if ( getuid( ) != geteuid( ) )
        // Prepare signals to call core dumping handler
        (void)signal( SIGQUIT, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGILL, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGTRAP, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGABRT, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGFPE, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGBUS, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGSEGV, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGSYS, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGXCPU, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGXFSZ, shandler );
        (void)signal( SIGSEGV, shandler );

        struct stat sbuf;
        if ( stat( "/bin/gcore", &sbuf ) )
            system_log( 1,
                        "can't stat /bin/gcore: if program crashes, core file "
                        "will not be generated" );
            if ( !( sbuf.st_mode & S_ISUID ) )
                system_log( 1,
                            "`/bin/gcore' has not SUID bit set: if program "
                            "crashes, core file will not be generated" );

    const int nice_val = -20;
    errno = 0;
    int set_nice = nice( nice_val );
    if ( errno != 0 )
        system_log( 1,
                    "Unable to set to nice %d -error %s\n",
                    strerror( errno ) );
            1, "Set daqd to nice %d returned %d\n", nice_val, set_nice );
    // Switch effective to real user ID -- can always switch back to saved
    // effective seteuid (getuid ());

#if defined( GPS_YMDHS_IN_FILENAME )
    // We want to keep it all in UTC
    putenv( "TZ=GMT" );
    system_log( 1, "time is reported in GMT" );

    /* Determine program name (strip filesystem path) */
    for ( programname = argv[ 0 ] + strlen( argv[ 0 ] ) - 1;
          programname != argv[ 0 ] && *programname != '/';
          programname-- )

    if ( *programname == '/' )

    farg = parse_args( argc, argv );

    DEBUG( 22, cerr << "entering main\n" );
        const struct rlimit lmt = { 1024, 1024 };
        setrlimit( RLIMIT_NOFILE, &lmt );
        const struct rlimit ulmt = { RLIM_INFINITY, RLIM_INFINITY };
        const struct rlimit small = { 536870912, 536870912 };
#ifndef NDEBUG
        // Want to dump unlimited core for debugging
        setrlimit( RLIMIT_CORE, &ulmt );

    signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );

    fflush( stderr );
    fflush( stdout );

    pthread_mutex_init( &framelib_lock, NULL );

    /* Process startup file */

    if ( daqd.config_file_name )
        strcpy( startup_fname, daqd.config_file_name );
        if ( getenv( "HOME" ) )
            strcat( strcpy( startup_fname, getenv( "HOME" ) ), "/.daqdrc" );
            strcpy( startup_fname, ".daqdrc" );

    if ( ( stf = open( startup_fname, O_RDONLY ) ) >= 0 )
        pthread_attr_t attr;
        pthread_attr_init( &attr );
        pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr, daqd.thread_stack_size );
        pthread_attr_setdetachstate( &attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED );
        /* change to long for 64-bit - KAT 2015-05-06 */
        long stderr_dup = dup( 2 );
        if ( stderr_dup < 0 )
            stderr_dup = 2;

        int err_no;
        if ( err_no = pthread_create( &startup_iprt,
                                      (void* (*)(void*))interpreter_no_prompt,
                                      (void*)( stderr_dup << 16 | stf ) ) )
            strerror_r( err_no, errmsgbuf, sizeof( errmsgbuf ) );
            pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
            system_log( 1,
                        "unable to spawn startup file interpreter: "
                        "pthread_create() err=%s",
                        errmsgbuf );
            exit( 1 );

        pthread_attr_destroy( &attr );
        DEBUG( 2,
               cerr << "startup file interpreter thread tid=" << startup_iprt
                    << endl );
        //      pthread_join (startup_iprt, NULL);
        system_log( 1, "Couldn't open configuration file `%s'", startup_fname );
        exit( 1 );

    sleep( 0xffffffff );

    main_exit_status = 0;
    pthread_exit( &main_exit_status );
    return 0;

/// Shutdown the daqd server, exit.
shutdown_server( )
    daqd.shutting_down = 1;
    DEBUG1( cerr << "shutting down\n" );

    _exit( 0 );

    //  pthread_cancel (daqd.producer1.tid);
    pthread_join( daqd.producer1.tid, NULL );

    struct sockaddr_in srvr_addr;
    int                sockfd;

    // error message buffer
    char errmsgbuf[ 80 ];

    // For each listener thread: cancel it then connect to
    // kick off the accept()
    for ( int i = 0; i < daqd.num_listeners; i++ )
        pthread_cancel( daqd.listeners[ i ].tid );
        //  close (daqd.listener.listenfd);

        srvr_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
        srvr_addr.sin_port = htons( daqd.listeners[ i ].listener_port );
        srvr_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( "" );
        if ( ( sockfd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ) < 0 )
            strerror_r( errno, errmsgbuf, sizeof( errmsgbuf ) );
            system_log( 1, "shutdown: socket(); %s", errmsgbuf );
            exit( 1 );
        connect( sockfd, (struct sockaddr*)&srvr_addr, sizeof( srvr_addr ) );
        pthread_join( daqd.listeners[ i ].tid, NULL );

    // FIXME: join trend framer here too
    if ( daqd.frame_saver_tid )
        pthread_join( daqd.frame_saver_tid, NULL );

    DEBUG1( cerr << "shut\n" );
    exit( 0 );
    return 0;

regerr( )
    abort( );
 * This is a funny way of doing this, as the target platforms for daqd currently
 * support regexp.h, but it is also being developed on systems that do not.
 * So for now the goal is to allow it to work with the old depricated (but
 * tested in production) code unless it cannot.

#define ESIZE 1024
char ipexpbuf[ ESIZE ];
char dec_num_expbuf[ ESIZE ];

char* cur_regexp = 0;
char* ipregexp = "^([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\.)\\{3\\}[0-9]\\{1,3\\}$";
char* dec_num_regexp = "^[0-9]\\{1,\\}$";

#define INIT register char* sp = cur_regexp;
#define GETC( ) ( *sp++ )
#define PEEKC( ) ( *sp )
#define UNGETC( c ) ( --sp )
#define RETURN( c ) ;
#define ERROR( c ) ;
#include <regexp.h>

// This was snatched from /usr/include/regexp.h on a redhat 8 system
// The reason for this was a signed/unsigned char C++ compile bug.

/* Get and compile the user supplied pattern up to end of line or
   string or until EOF is seen, whatever happens first.  The result is
   placed in the buffer starting at EXPBUF and delimited by ENDBUF.

   This function cannot be defined in the libc itself since it depends
   on the macros.  */
compile( char* __restrict instring,
         char* __restrict expbuf,
         __const char* __restrict endbuf,
         int eof )
    char*  __input_buffer = NULL;
    size_t __input_size = 0;
    size_t __current_size = 0;
    int    __ch;
    int    __error;

        /* Align the expression buffer according to the needs for an object
           of type `regex_t'.  Then check for minimum size of the buffer for
           the compiled regular expression.  */
        regex_t* __expr_ptr;
#if defined __GNUC__ && __GNUC__ >= 2
    const size_t __req = __alignof__( regex_t* );
    /* How shall we find out?  We simply guess it and can change it is
       this really proofs to be wrong.  */
    const size_t __req = 8;
    expbuf += __req;
    expbuf -= ( expbuf - ( (char*)0 ) ) % __req;
    if ( endbuf < expbuf + sizeof( regex_t ) )
        ERROR( 50 );
    __expr_ptr = (regex_t*)expbuf;
    /* The remaining space in the buffer can be used for the compiled
       pattern.  */
    __expr_ptr->buffer = (unsigned char*)expbuf + sizeof( regex_t );
    __expr_ptr->allocated = endbuf - (char*)__expr_ptr->buffer;

    while ( ( __ch = ( GETC( ) ) ) != eof )
        if ( __ch == '\0' || __ch == '\n' )
            UNGETC( __ch );

        if ( __current_size + 1 >= __input_size )
            size_t __new_size = __input_size ? 2 * __input_size : 128;
            char*  __new_room = (char*)alloca( __new_size );
            /* See whether we can use the old buffer.  */
            if ( __new_room + __new_size == __input_buffer )
                __input_size += __new_size;
                __input_buffer =
                    (char*)memcpy( __new_room, __input_buffer, __current_size );
            else if ( __input_buffer + __input_size == __new_room )
                __input_size += __new_size;
                __input_size = __new_size;
                __input_buffer =
                    (char*)memcpy( __new_room, __input_buffer, __current_size );
        __input_buffer[ __current_size++ ] = __ch;
    __input_buffer[ __current_size++ ] = '\0';

    /* Now compile the pattern.  */
    __error = regcomp( __expr_ptr, __input_buffer, REG_NEWLINE );
    if ( __error != 0 )
        /* Oh well, we have to translate POSIX error codes.  */
        switch ( __error )
        case REG_BADPAT:
        case REG_ECOLLATE:
        case REG_ECTYPE:
        case REG_EESCAPE:
        case REG_BADRPT:
        case REG_EEND:
        case REG_ERPAREN:
            /* There is no matching error code.  */
            RETURN( 36 );
        case REG_ESUBREG:
            RETURN( 25 );
        case REG_EBRACK:
            RETURN( 49 );
        case REG_EPAREN:
            RETURN( 42 );
        case REG_EBRACE:
            RETURN( 44 );
        case REG_BADBR:
            RETURN( 46 );
        case REG_ERANGE:
            RETURN( 11 );
        case REG_ESPACE:
        case REG_ESIZE:
            ERROR( 50 );

    /* Everything is ok.  */
    RETURN( (char*)( __expr_ptr->buffer + __expr_ptr->used ) );

daqd_c::compile_regexp( )
    cur_regexp = ipregexp;
    (void)compile( 0, ipexpbuf, &ipexpbuf[ ESIZE ], '\0' );
    cur_regexp = dec_num_regexp;
    (void)compile( 0, dec_num_expbuf, &dec_num_expbuf[ ESIZE ], '\0' );

/// See if the IP address is valid
daqd_c::is_valid_ip_address( char* str )
    return step( str, ipexpbuf );


/* this code replaces the depricated regexp.h code, but still needs to be tested

regex_t ip_regex;
// regex_t dec_num_regex;

char* ipregexp = "^([0-9]\\{1,3\\}\\.)\\{3\\}[0-9]\\{1,3\\}$";
// char *dec_num_regexp = "^[0-9]\\{1,\\}$";

daqd_c::compile_regexp( )
    (void)regcomp( &ip_regex, ipregexp, REG_NOSUB );
    //(void)regcomp(&dec_num_regex, dec_num_regexp, REG_NOSUB);

/// See if the IP address is valid
daqd_c::is_valid_ip_address( char* str )
    return regexec( &ip_regex, str, 0, NULL, 0 ) == 0;

#error Some form of regexp is still required, either <regexp.h> (depricated) or <regex.h>

daqd_c::is_valid_dec_number( char* str )
    // Somehow the regular expression stuff is broken on amd64 linux...
    char*    endptr;
    long int res = strtol( str, &endptr, 10 );
    return endptr == ( str + strlen( str ) );
    // return step (str, dec_num_expbuf);