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Ezekiel Dohmen authoredEzekiel Dohmen authored
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CDS_PARTS.mdl 311.60 KiB
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Simulink.ModelReferenceCC {
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Simulink.RTWCC {
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Simulink.CodeAppCC {
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Simulink.GRTTargetCC {
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SlCovCC.ConfigComp {
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CovDataFileName "$ModelName$_cvdata"
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CovBoundaryAbsTol 1e-05
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hdlcoderui.hdlcc {
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OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
NonVirtualBus off
Block {
BlockType BusSelector
Block {
BlockType Constant
Value "1"
VectorParams1D on
SamplingMode "Sample based"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit from 'Constant value'"
LockScale off
SampleTime "inf"
FramePeriod "inf"
PreserveConstantTs off
Block {
BlockType Demux
Outputs "4"
DisplayOption "none"
BusSelectionMode off
Block {
BlockType Fcn
Expr "sin(u[1])"
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType From
GotoTag "A"
IconDisplay "Tag"
TagVisibility "local"
Block {
BlockType Gain
Gain "1"
Multiplication "Element-wise(K.*u)"
ParamMin "[]"
ParamMax "[]"
ParamDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Floor"
SaturateOnIntegerOverflow on
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType Goto
GotoTag "A"
IconDisplay "Tag"
TagVisibility "local"
Block {
BlockType Ground
Block {
BlockType Inport
Port "1"
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OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
LockScale off
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Unit "inherit"
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VarSizeSig "Inherit"
SampleTime "-1"
SignalType "auto"
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BlockType Logic
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OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimization)"
SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType Math
Operator "exp"
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SampleTime "-1"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as first input"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Floor"
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IntermediateResultsDataTypeStr "Inherit: Inherit via internal rule"
AlgorithmType "Newton-Raphson"
Iterations "3"
Block {
BlockType Mux
Inputs "4"
DisplayOption "none"
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BusObject "BusObject"
NonVirtualBus off
Block {
BlockType Outport
Port "1"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: auto"
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BusOutputAsStruct off
Unit "inherit"
PortDimensions "-1"
VarSizeSig "Inherit"
SampleTime "-1"
SignalType "auto"
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BlockType Product
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Multiplication "Element-wise(.*)"
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CollapseDim "1"
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OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as first input"
LockScale off
RndMeth "Zero"
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SampleTime "-1"
Block {
BlockType RelationalOperator
Operator ">="
InputSameDT on
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Logical (see Configuration Parameters: Optimization)"
ZeroCross on
SampleTime "-1"
RndMeth "Nearest"
Block {
BlockType Saturate
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UpperLimit "0.5"
LowerLimitSource "Dialog"
LowerLimit "-0.5"
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ZeroCross on
SampleTime "-1"
OutMin "[]"
OutMax "[]"
OutDataTypeStr "Inherit: Same as input"
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BlockType Switch
Criteria "u2 >= Threshold"
Threshold "0"
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OutMax "[]"
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BlockType Terminator
Block {
BlockType UnitDelay
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Name "16x16-bit DACs"
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Position [350, 29, 385, 286]
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Position [440, 29, 475, 286]
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Position [530, 29, 565, 286]
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Position [620, 29, 655, 286]
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Name "2x20-bit DACs"
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Name "8x18-bit DACs"
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"CS binary (0 or 1) input channel to the FE realtime controls. \n "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is binary input (bi Epics record type).\n "
" \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS channel name. "
" "
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" \nCreate an EPICS input channel connection to the FE realtime controls. Allow "
" \nFE to control the value if Mask input is set to 1, in w"
"hich case the value becomes \nreally the output value and treat"
"ed by the EPICS CA as read only. \n "
" "
" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precision of"
" 3. Takes the mask and the values inputs from the FE.\nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS c"
"hannel name. "
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" \nOperation: "
" \nOutputs value from an EPICS ai record. Value is floating point with a precision of 3..\n "
" \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS channel name. "
" "
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Description "Purpose: \nOutput a FE signal to an EPICS channel. "
" \n \nOperation: \nTakes "
"input value and passes it to EPICS record. \n \nUsage: "
" \nName the part with the desired EPICS rrecord name."
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Description "Purpose: "
" "
" \nUsed to turn off a switch in another subsystem usin"
"g EPICS channel access. Typically, this is used as a remote interlock function. "
" \n "
" "
" "
" \nOperation: "
" "
" \nIf input is zero, send"
"s a zero to the specified EPICS channel name. Any other input value results in a NOOP. Input must be an integer. "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nUsage: Give the name of the EPICS channel"
" to be written to, including the subsystem. For example: SEI-HMY_ACT_SW. This function will also produce a local EP"
"ICS variable for monitoring. For example, the above would result in a local EPICS variable of IFO:SUBSYS-SEI_HMY_AC"
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" \n \nOperation: "
" \nUsing ezcaread() function to get Epics input from a remote IOC.\n "
" \nUsage: "
" \nGive the name of the EPICS channel to be read. "
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" \nOperation: \nUsing ezcawrite() output an Ep"
"ics channel. \n \nUsage: \nGive th"
"e name of the EPICS channel to write."
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Name "EPIC 1 pole / 1 zero"
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BlockType Reference
Name "IIR FM with control"
SID "47"
Tag "cdsFiltCtrl"
Description "cdsFiltCntrl is the standard IIR filter module (exactly the same as cdsFilt) but with added control"
" data output 'Ctrl'. Filter module digital signal output appears on the first output, which is called 'Val'. 'Ctrl'"
" output has a bit pattern encoding the state of filter's on/off switches (FM1 through FM10). The bit values are:\n "
" "
" "
" \nmodule hex dec "
" "
" "
" \n----------------------- "
" "
" "
" \nFM1 0x20 32 "
" "
" "
" \nFM2 0x80 128 "
" "
" "
" \nFM3 0x200 512 "
" "
" "
" \nFM4 0x800 2048 "
" "
" \nFM5 0"
"x2000 8192 "
" "
" \nFM6 0x8000 "
" 32768 "
" "
" \nFM7 0x20000 131072 "
" "
" "
" \nFM8 0x80000 524288 "
" "
" "
" \nFM9 0x200000 2097152 "
" "
" "
" \nFM10 0x800000 8388608 "
" "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nThis bit "
"data can be used to drive some other switches or it can be output using a binary I/O module. "
" "
" "
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"l data output 'Ctrl'. Filter module digital signal output appears on the first output, which is called 'Val'. 'Ctrl"
"' output has a bit pattern encoding the state of filter's on/off switches (FM1 through FM10). The bit values are:\n"
" "
" "
" \nmodule hex dec "
" "
" "
" \n----------------------- "
" "
" "
" \nFM1 0x20 32 "
" "
" "
" \nFM2 0x80 128 "
" "
" "
" \nFM3 0x200 512 "
" "
" "
" \nFM4 0x800 2048 "
" "
" "
" \nFM5 0x2000 8192 "
" "
" \nFM6 0x8000 "
" 32768 "
" "
" \nFM7 0x20000 13"
"1072 "
" "
" \nFM8 0x80000 524288 "
" "
" "
" \nFM9 0x200000 2097152 "
" "
" "
" \nFM10 0x800000 8388608 "
" "
" "
" \n "
" "
" "
" \nThis bit data can be used to drive some other switches or it can be output using a binary I/O module. "
" "
" "
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SID "49"
Tag "cdsFilt"
Description "Purpose: "
" "
" \nStandard CDS IIR filter module. "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nOperation: "
" "
" \nConsists of 10 second order section IIR filters, plus a ramped gain stage. "
"In FE code, also provides pre-defined test points and excitation channel inputs. The filter coefficients are define"
"d in the LIGO system using the 'foton' tool.\n "
" "
" \nUsage: "
" "
" \nName the part with the desired filter module name. "
" "
" "
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Name "PolyPhase FIR Filter"
SID "50"
Tag "cdsPPFIR"
Description "Purpose: "
" \nProvide a Polyphase FIR filter algorithm. This part is typically only used in HEPI or other seismic syst"
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"ication function for up to 8 input and 8 outputs."
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" \nMultiply 8 inputs by a common gain fac"
"tor. "
" \n "
" \nOperation: "
" "
" \nGenerates two epics records: partName and partName_TRAMP. All eight inputs are multip"
"lied by the EPICS partName input, ramped over a duration (in seconds) of the TRAMP input."
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Name "site=M1\nrate=32K\ndcuid=10\nhost=unknown\nspecific_cpu=2"
SID "202"
Tag "cdsParameters"
Description "Purpose: "
" "
" \nProvide system parameters to the FE code generator to properly configure the genera"
"ted EPICS names, rep rate of the FE controller, and the Data Acquisition node ID for proper storage of data from"
" this FE controller. \n "
" "
" \nUseage: "
" "
" \nThe part NAME field is used to identify the FE parame"
"ters. It must be of the form: "
" \nsite= "
" "
" \nrate= "
" "
" \ndcuid= "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \nWhe"
"re: "
" "
" \nsite= argument may be H1, H2, L1, M1, G1, either as a single argument or multiple, for example site=H1,H2"
". These are the only names allowed. These will become the first two characters of all EPICS and signal names (fo"
"r example G1:).\n "
" "
" \nrate= may be 2K, 16K, 32K, or 64K "
" "
" \n "
" "
" \ndcuid= is site specific ie it must be unique at each site. "
" "
" "
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Name "Note: \nIn V2.8 and later:\nBIQUAD IIR filter algorithm set \nas default.\nshmem_daq=1 set as defau"
"lt, so no\nlonger a required setting.\n"
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SID "345"
Name "One cdsParameters block is\nrequired per User Model.\nPart is shown with the 6\nrequired fields. Ad"
"ditional\noptions described in DOC block. "
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SID "346"
Name "Matlab Parts Library for Use with aLIGO Real-time Code Generator - V4\nDefault Matlab Version is no"
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"L(#8T:6XO-C1O=70@;6]D=6QE+\"!F;W5R(\"@T*2!P87)T<R!A<F4*<')O=FED960@:6X@=&AI<R!L:6)R87)Y+B!4:&5R92!A<F4@='=O+\" S,B"
"A;65S(&EN9&EC871E(&EN<'5T+PIO=71P=70@86YD('=H:6-H(&)I=',Z\"D9I<G-T('1H<F5E(&-H87)A8W1E<G,@:6YD:6-A=&4@='EP93H*(\" "
"@($-\"22 ](&)I;F%R>2!I;G!U= H@(\" @0T)/(#T@8FEN87)Y(&]U='!U= I.97AT('1H<F5E(&-H87)A8W1E<G,@:6YD:6-A=&4@8FET<SH*(\""
" @($PS,B ](&QO=R S,B!B:71S\"B @(\"!(,S(@/2!H:6=H(#,R(&)I=',@\"DQA<W0@='=O(&-H87)A8W1E<G,@:6YD:6-A=&4@8V%R9\"!N=6UB"
"97(@9F]R(&5X86UP;&4L($,P(#T@8V%R9\" P+@H*57-A9V4Z\"@HQ*2!0;&%C92!T:&4@87!P<F]P<FEA=&4@<&%R=\"!I;G1O('1H92!U<V5R(&U"
"8W0@96ET:&5R('1H92!I;G!U=\"!O<B!O=71P=70N( H*3D]413H@3W5T<'5T(&]F($-\"25](,S(@<&%R=\"!H87,@:&EG:\" S,B!B:71S(&]F(&"
"-A<F0@<F5A9\" ^/B S,B!B:71S(&%T( II=',@;W5T<'5T+B!#;VYV97)S96QY+\"!T:&4@0T)/7T@S,B!P87)T('1A:V5S('1H92!I;G!U=\"!W;"
"W)D(&%S(%5)3E0S,B!A;F0*<VAI9G1S(#P\\(#,R(&)I=',@=VAE;B!W<FET:6YG('1O('1H92!M;V1U;&4N\"B @(\" . , 8 "
" ( ! % \" $ # 0 0 , 5%A4 "
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"PX \"0 @ !@ @ $ 4 ( 0 %D\" ! ! !9 @ 0V]N=&5C-C0V-#H*/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T*\"E1("
"15-%($),3T-+4R!!4D4@24Y414Y$140@1D]2(%5312!/3DQ9($E.($E/4\"!-3T1%3%,N($9O<B!D969I;FET:6]N(&EN( IU<V5R(&%P<&QI8V%T:"
"6]N(&UO9&5L<RP@<V5E('1H92!D97-C<FEP=&EO;B!A8F]V92!T:&ES('!A<G0@:6X@=&AE( I#1%,@4$%25%,@;&EB<F%R>2X*\"E1H97-E(&%R92"
"!T:&4@<W1A;F1A<F0@<&%R=',@9F]R(&1E9FEN:6YG($-O;G1E8R!B:6YA<GD@22]/(&UO9'5L97,@=VET:\" *-C0@:6YP=71S(&%N9\" V-\"!O="
"71P=71S(&EN(&%N($E/4\"!-;V1E;\"X@( H*57-A9V4Z\"@I/;F4@0V]N=&5C-C0V-\"!S:&]U;&0@8F4@<&QA8V5D(&EN('1H92!)3U @;6]D96P"
"(&)E('-E<75E;F-I86PL\"G-T87)T:6YG('=I=&@@0T].5$5#-C0V-%\\P+\"!U<\"!T;R!T:&4@;6%X:6UU;2!O9B T(&-A<F1S+B!/;F-E(&EN('"
"1H92!)3U *;6]D96PL(&YO(&-O;FYE8W1I;VYS(&%R92!R97%U:7)E9\"!F;W(@=&AE(&EN<'5T+V]U='!U=\"!P;W)T<RX*(\" @( . "
" , 8 ( ! % \" $ # 0 0 , 5%A4 "
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"PX #P @ !@ @ $ 4 ( 0 +\\\" ! ! \"_ @ 8V1S0T1/,S(Z#0H]/3T]/3T]/3T-\"@T*5&A"
"I<R!M;V1U;&4@<')O=FED97,@22]/('-U<'!O<G0@9F]R('1H92!#;VYT96,@,S(@8FET+\"!00TEE(&)I;F%R>2!O=71P=70-\"FUO9'5L92X@( T"
"O<G0@<F]U=&EN97,@87)E.@T*(\" @,2D):6YT(&UA<$-O;G1E8S,R;W5T*\"DL(')E9VES=&5R(&%N9\"!I;FET:6%L:7IE(&UO9'5L92!F;W(@=7"
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"=64@<F5Q=65S=\"X-\"@ . , 8 ( ! % \" $ # 0 0 , 5%A4 "
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"VEO;@!C;VYT96YT &9O<FUA= #@ #@ & \" 8 !0 @ ! 0 $ \"0 @ S,S,S,S/S/"
"PX \"H P !@ @ $ 4 ( 0 '8# ! ! !V P 1$%#.@H]/3T]\"@I4:&4@4D-'('-U<'!O<G1S("
"'1W;R!T>7!E<R!O9B!$04,@36]D=6QE<SH*(\" @(#$I($=E;F5R86P@4W1A;F1A<F1S(#$V04\\Q-B H,38@8VAA;FYE;\"P@,38@8FET*0H@(\" "
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"185 "
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"PX ( P !@ @ $ 4 ( 0 -(\" ! ! #2 @ 041#(%-E;&5C=&]R.@T*/3T]/3T]/3T]/3T]/0"
"1H97(@4D-'(&UO9&5L(&)L;V-K<RX-\"@T*57-A9V4Z#0HM\"41R86<@86YD(&1R;W @=&AE('!A<G0@:6YT;R!T:&4@;6]D96P@=VEN9&]W+@T*+0"
":&4@9&5S:7)E9\"!S:6=N86QS(&9R;VT-\"B @(\"!T:&4@4VEM=6QI;FL@=VEN9&]W+@T*+0E#;VYN96-T('1H92!O=71P=71S('1O(&]T:&5R(%)"
"041#,2P@041#,@T*+2 @(%1H92!C87)D7VYU;3TC(&QI;F4@9&5T97)M:6YE<R!W:&EC:\"!!1$,@9&%T82!F<F]M('1H92!)3U @:7,@<')O=FED9"
"60@=&\\@=&AA=\"!P87)T+@T*+2 @(&-A<F1?;G5M/2,@;75S=\"!A;'-O(&)E(&EN(&EN8W)E87-I;F<@;W)D97(N#0H-\"D5X86UP;&4Z( T*#0I"
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"F1?;G5M/3,-\"D%$0S(L(&-A<F1?;G5M/34-\"B . , 8 ( ! % \" $ # 0 0"
" , 5%A4 "
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