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Commit 1d0805bd authored by Jonathan Hanks's avatar Jonathan Hanks
Browse files

Merge changes to remove local_dc functionality from omx_xmit

parents 1f6c08f7 1e04d696
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......@@ -4,24 +4,16 @@
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../drv/crc.c"
#include "../include/daqmap.h"
#include "../include/drv/fb.h"
#include "../include/daq_core.h"
#include "../drv/gpstime/gpstime.h"
#include "myriexpress.h"
#include "mx_extensions.h"
#include <pthread.h>
......@@ -46,7 +38,7 @@ MX_MUTEX_T stream_mutex;
#define DFLT_ITER 1000
#define NUM_RREQ 16 /* currently constrained by MX_MCP_RDMA_HANDLES_CNT*/
#define NUM_SREQ 256 /* currently constrained by MX_MCP_RDMA_HANDLES_CNT*/
#define MSG_BUF_SIZE 0x200000
#define MSG_BUF_SIZE sizeof(daq_dc_data_t)
#define DO_HANDSHAKE 0
#define MATCH_VAL_MAIN (1 << 31)
......@@ -54,9 +46,6 @@ MX_MUTEX_T stream_mutex;
#define __CDECL
static struct rmIpcStr *shmIpcPtr[128];
static char *shmDataPtr[128];
static struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *shmTpTable[128];
static const int header_size = sizeof(struct daq_multi_dcu_header_t);
static const int buf_size = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE * 2;
int modelrates[DAQ_TRANSIT_MAX_DCU];
......@@ -68,17 +57,14 @@ char *zbuffer;
extern void *findSharedMemory(char *);
extern void *findSharedMemorySize(char *,int);
char modelnames[DAQ_TRANSIT_MAX_DCU][64];
char *sysname;
int do_verbose = 0;
static volatile int keepRunning = 1;
char *ifo;
char *ifo_data;
size_t cycle_data_size;
char *ifo = 0;
char *ifo_data = 0;
size_t cycle_data_size = 0;
char msg_buffer[MSG_BUF_SIZE];
int symmetricom_fd = -1;
int daqStatBit[2];
......@@ -89,10 +75,9 @@ int daqStatBit[2];
void Usage()
fprintf(stderr,"Usage of mx_fe:\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Usage of omx_xmit:\n");
fprintf(stderr,"mx_fe -s <models> <OPTIONS>\n");
fprintf(stderr," -b <buffer> : Name of the mbuf to concentrate the data to locally (defaults to ifo)\n");
fprintf(stderr," -s <value> : Name of FE control models\n");
fprintf(stderr," -b <buffer> : Name of the mbuf to read local data from (defaults to local_dc)\n");
fprintf(stderr," -m <value> : Local memory buffer size in megabytes\n");
fprintf(stderr," -l <filename> : log file name\n");
fprintf(stderr," -v 1 : Enable verbose output\n");
......@@ -106,78 +91,40 @@ void Usage()
// **********************************************************************************************
/// Get current GPS time from the symmetricom IRIG-B card
unsigned long
symm_gps_time(unsigned long *frac, int *stt) {
unsigned long t[3];
ioctl (symmetricom_fd, IOCTL_SYMMETRICOM_TIME, &t);
t[1] *= 1000;
t[1] += t[2];
if (frac) *frac = t[1];
if (stt) *stt = 0;
return t[0];
* @brief Set the cycle counter to an invalid value.
* @param header pointer to the input block header
* @note Used to force a resync of the counter.
reset_cycle_counter( volatile daq_multi_cycle_header_t* header )
header->curCycle = 0x50505050;
// *******************************************************************************
/// See if the GPS card is locked.
* @brief wait until the data in the input shared mem buffer has the
* @param header pointer to the input block header
* requested cycle counter.
* @returns non-zero if it we timeout
symm_ok() {
unsigned long req = 0;
ioctl (symmetricom_fd, IOCTL_SYMMETRICOM_STATUS, &req);
fprintf(stderr,"Symmetricom status: %s\n", req? "LOCKED": "UNCLOCKED");
return req;
// *******************************************************************************
// Wait for data ready from FE models
// *******************************************************************************
waitNextCycle2( int nsys,
unsigned int cyclereq, // Cycle to wait for
int reset, // Request to reset model ipc shared memory
int dataRdy[],
struct rmIpcStr *ipcPtr[]) // Pointer to IOP IPC shared memory
wait_for_cycle( volatile daq_multi_cycle_header_t* header,
unsigned int requested_cycle )
int iopRunning = 0;
int ii;
int threads_rdy = 0;
int timeout = 0;
// if reset, want to set all models cycle counters to impossible number
// this takes care of uninitialized or stopped models
if (reset)
for (ii = 0; ii < nsys; ++ii)
ipcPtr[ii]->cycle = 50;
// Wait until received data from at least 1 FE or timeout
do {
if(ipcPtr[0]->cycle == cyclereq)
iopRunning = 1;
dataRdy[0] = 1;
timeout += 1;
}while(!iopRunning && timeout < 500);
int timeout = 0;
// Wait until data received from everyone or timeout
timeout = 0;
do {
for(ii=1;ii<nsys;ii++) {
if(ipcPtr[ii]->cycle == cyclereq && !dataRdy[ii]) threads_rdy ++;
if(ipcPtr[ii]->cycle == cyclereq) dataRdy[ii] = 1;
usleep( 2000 );
if ( header->curCycle == requested_cycle )
return 0;
timeout += 1;
}while(threads_rdy < nsys && timeout < 20);
} while ( timeout < 500 );
return 1;
// **********************************************************************************************
......@@ -192,9 +139,9 @@ void print_diags(int nsys, int lastCycle, int sendLength, daq_multi_dcu_data_t *
unsigned long sym_gps_sec = 0;
unsigned long sym_gps_nsec = 0;
sym_gps_sec = symm_gps_time(&sym_gps_nsec, 0);
// Print diags in verbose mode
fprintf(stderr,"\nTime = %d-%d size = %d\n",shmIpcPtr[0]->bp[lastCycle].timeSec,shmIpcPtr[0]->bp[lastCycle].timeNSec,sendLength);
fprintf(stderr,"\nTime = %d-%d size = %d\n",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[0].timeSec,
fprintf(stderr,"Sym gps = %d-%d (time received)\n", (int)sym_gps_sec, (int)sym_gps_nsec);
fprintf(stderr,"\tCycle = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) fprintf(stderr,"\t\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].cycle);
......@@ -209,178 +156,27 @@ void print_diags(int nsys, int lastCycle, int sendLength, daq_multi_dcu_data_t *
fprintf(stderr,"\n\tTPSize = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) fprintf(stderr,"\t\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].tpBlockSize);
fprintf(stderr,"\n\tXmitSize = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) fprintf(stderr,"\t\t%d",shmIpcPtr[ii]->dataBlockSize);
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) fprintf(stderr,"\t\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.fullDataBlockSize);
fprintf(stderr,"\n\n ");
// **********************************************************************************************
// Get control model loop rates from GDS param files
// Needed to properly size TP data into the data stream
int getmodelrate( int *rate, int *dcuid, char *modelname, char *gds_tp_dir) {
char gdsfile[128];
int ii = 0;
FILE *f = 0;
char *token = 0;
char *search = "=";
char line[80];
char *s = 0;
char *s1 = 0;
if (gds_tp_dir) {
sprintf(gdsfile, "%s/tpchn_%s.par", gds_tp_dir, modelname);
} else {
/// Need to get IFO and SITE info from environment variables.
s = getenv("IFO");
for (ii = 0; s[ii] != '\0'; ii++) {
if (isupper(s[ii])) s[ii] = (char) tolower(s[ii]);
s1 = getenv("SITE");
for (ii = 0; s1[ii] != '\0'; ii++) {
if (isupper(s1[ii])) s1[ii] = (char) tolower(s1[ii]);
sprintf(gdsfile, "/opt/rtcds/%s/%s/target/gds/param/tpchn_%s.par", s1, s, modelname);
f = fopen(gdsfile, "rt");
if (!f) return 0;
while(fgets(line,80,f) != NULL) {
line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0;
if (strstr(line, "datarate") != NULL) {
token = strtok(line, search);
token = strtok(NULL, search);
if (!token) continue;
while (*token && *token == ' ') {
*rate = atoi(token);
f = fopen(gdsfile, "rt");
if (!f) return 0;
while(fgets(line,80,f) != NULL) {
line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0;
if (strstr(line, "rmid") != NULL) {
token = strtok(line, search);
token = strtok(NULL, search);
if (!token) continue;
while (*token && *token == ' ') {
*dcuid = atoi(token);
return 0;
// **********************************************************************************************
int loadMessageBuffer( int nsys,
int lastCycle,
int status,
int dataRdy[]
int sendLength = 0;
int ii;
int dataXferSize;
char *dataBuff;
int myCrc = 0;
int crcLength = 0;
// Set pointer to 0MQ message data block
zbuffer = (char *)&ixDataBlock->dataBlock[0];
// Initialize data send length to size of message header
sendLength = header_size;
// Set number of FE models that have data in this message
ixDataBlock->header.fullDataBlockSize = 0;
int db = 0;
// Loop thru all FE models
for (ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) {
if(dataRdy[ii]) {
// Set heartbeat monitor for return to DAQ software
if (lastCycle == 0) shmIpcPtr[ii]->reqAck ^= daqStatBit[0];
// Set DCU ID in header
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dcuId = shmIpcPtr[ii]->dcuId;
// Set DAQ .ini file CRC checksum
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].fileCrc = shmIpcPtr[ii]->crc;
// Set 1/16Hz cycle number
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].cycle = shmIpcPtr[ii]->cycle;
// Set GPS seconds
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].timeSec = shmIpcPtr[ii]->bp[lastCycle].timeSec;
// Set GPS nanoseconds
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].timeNSec = shmIpcPtr[ii]->bp[lastCycle].timeNSec;
crcLength = shmIpcPtr[ii]->bp[lastCycle].crc;
// Set Status -- as running
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].status = 2;
// Indicate size of data block
// ********ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize = shmIpcPtr[ii]->dataBlockSize;
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize = crcLength;
// Prevent going beyond MAX allowed data size
if (ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize > DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE)
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE;
// Calculate TP data size
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpCount = (unsigned int)shmTpTable[ii]->count & 0xff;
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpBlockSize = sizeof(float) * modelrates[ii] * ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpCount / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
// Copy GDSTP table to xmission buffer header
// Set pointer to dcu data in shared memory
dataBuff = (char *)(shmDataPtr[ii] + lastCycle * buf_size);
// Copy data from shared memory into local buffer
dataXferSize = ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize + ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpBlockSize;
// if the dataXferSize is too large, something is wrong so return error message.
if(dataXferSize > DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE) return(-1);
memcpy((void *)zbuffer, dataBuff, dataXferSize);
// Calculate CRC on the data and add to header info
myCrc = 0;
myCrc = crc_ptr((char *)zbuffer, crcLength, 0);
myCrc = crc_len(crcLength, myCrc);
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataCrc = myCrc;
// Increment the 0mq data buffer pointer for next FE
zbuffer += dataXferSize;
// Increment the 0mq message size with size of FE data block
sendLength += dataXferSize;
// Increment the data block size for the message, this includes regular data + TP data
ixDataBlock->header.fullDataBlockSize += dataXferSize;
// Update heartbeat monitor to DAQ code
if (lastCycle == 0) shmIpcPtr[ii]->reqAck ^= daqStatBit[1];
db ++;
ixDataBlock->header.dcuTotalModels = db;
return sendLength;
// **********************************************************************************************
int send_to_local_memory(int nsys,
int xmitData,
int send_delay_ms,
mx_endpoint_t ep,
int64_t his_nic_id,
uint16_t his_eid,
int len,
uint32_t match_val,
uint16_t my_dcu)
uint32_t match_val)
int do_wait = 1;
char *nextData;
char *nextData = 0;
int ii;
int ii =0;
int lastCycle = 0;
unsigned int nextCycle = 0;
int sync2iop = 1;
int status = 0;
int dataRdy[10];
......@@ -391,43 +187,44 @@ int send_to_local_memory(int nsys,
uint32_t result;
mx_endpoint_addr_t dest;
uint32_t filter = FILTER;
int init_mx = 1;
for(ii=0;ii<10;ii++) dataRdy[ii] = 0;
int myErrorSignal = 1;
do {
mx_return_t conStat = mx_connect(ep, his_nic_id, his_eid, filter,
1000, &dest);
if (conStat != MX_SUCCESS)
myErrorSignal = 1;
myErrorSignal = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Connection Made\n");
mx_return_t ret = mx_set_request_timeout(ep, 0, 1); // Set one second timeout
if (ret != MX_SUCCESS)
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set request timeout %s\n", mx_strerror(ret));
if(init_mx && xmitData) {
mx_return_t conStat = mx_connect(ep, his_nic_id, his_eid, filter,
1000, &dest);
if (conStat != MX_SUCCESS) myErrorSignal = 1;
else {
myErrorSignal = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "Connection Made\n");
mx_return_t ret = mx_set_request_timeout(ep, 0, 1); // Set one second timeout
if (ret != MX_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to set request timeout %s\n", mx_strerror(ret));
init_mx = 0;
} while(myErrorSignal);
do {
myErrorSignal = 0;
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) dataRdy[ii] = 0;
status = waitNextCycle2(nsys,nextCycle,sync2iop,dataRdy,shmIpcPtr);
status = wait_for_cycle(ifo_header, nextCycle);
// status = waitNextCycle(nextCycle,sync2iop,shmIpcPtr[0]);
if(!status) {
if(status != 0) {
keepRunning = 0;;
else sync2iop = 0;
// IOP will be first model ready
// Need to wait for 2K models to reach end of their cycled
......@@ -437,47 +234,42 @@ int send_to_local_memory(int nsys,
nextData = (char *)ifo_data;
nextData += cycle_data_size * nextCycle;
ixDataBlock = (daq_multi_dcu_data_t *)nextData;
int sendLength = loadMessageBuffer(nsys, nextCycle, status,dataRdy);
int sendLength = ixDataBlock->header.fullDataBlockSize + sizeof(daq_multi_dcu_header_t);
if(sendLength == -1 || sendLength > MSG_BUF_SIZE) {
fprintf(stderr, "Message buffer overflow error\n");
// Print diags in verbose mode
if(nextCycle == 8 && do_verbose) print_diags(nsys,lastCycle,sendLength,ixDataBlock);
// Write header info
ifo_header->curCycle = nextCycle;
ifo_header->cycleDataSize = cycle_data_size;
ifo_header->maxCycle = DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
if(xmitData) {
// Copy data to 0mq message buffer
// Send Data
usleep(send_delay_ms * 1000);
seg.segment_ptr = &msg_buffer;
seg.segment_length = sendLength;
mx_return_t res = mx_isend(ep, &seg, 1, dest, match_val, NULL, &req[cur_req]);
if (res != MX_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "mx_isend failed ret=%d\n", res);
myErrorSignal = 1;
// Copy data to 0mq message buffer
// Send Data
usleep(send_delay_ms * 1000);
seg.segment_ptr = &msg_buffer;
seg.segment_length = sendLength;
mx_return_t res = mx_isend(ep, &seg, 1, dest, match_val, NULL, &req[cur_req]);
if (res != MX_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "mx_isend failed ret=%d\n", res);
myErrorSignal = 1;
res = mx_wait(ep, &req[cur_req], 50, &stat, &result);
if (res != MX_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "mx_cancel() failed with status %s\n", mx_strerror(res));
if (result == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "trying again \n");
goto again;
// myErrorSignal = 1;
if (stat.code != MX_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "isendxxx failed with status %s\n", mx_strstatus(stat.code));
myErrorSignal = 1;
res = mx_wait(ep, &req[cur_req], 50, &stat, &result);
if (res != MX_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "mx_cancel() failed with status %s\n", mx_strerror(res));
if (result == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "trying again \n");
goto again;
// myErrorSignal = 1;
if (stat.code != MX_STATUS_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "isendxxx failed with status %s\n", mx_strstatus(stat.code));
myErrorSignal = 1;
nextCycle = (nextCycle + 1) % 16;
......@@ -506,13 +298,7 @@ main(int argc,char *argv[])
int max_data_size_mb = 64;
int max_data_size = 0;
int error = 0;
int status = -1;
unsigned long gps_frac = 0;
int gps_stt = 0;
int gps_ok = 0;
unsigned long gps_time = 0;
int sendViaOmx = 0;
char *buffer_name = "ifo";
char *buffer_name = "local_dc";
int send_delay_ms = 0;
mx_endpoint_t ep;
......@@ -523,10 +309,6 @@ main(int argc,char *argv[])
uint16_t his_eid;
char *rem_host;
char *sysname;
int len;
int iter;
int do_wait;
int do_bothways;
extern char *optarg;
mx_return_t ret;
......@@ -537,10 +319,6 @@ main(int argc,char *argv[])
my_eid = DFLT_EID;
his_eid = DFLT_EID;
board_id = MX_ANY_NIC;
len = DFLT_LEN;
iter = DFLT_ITER;
do_wait = 0;
do_bothways = 0;
......@@ -554,14 +332,15 @@ main(int argc,char *argv[])
/* Get the parameters */
while ((counter = getopt(argc, argv, "b:e:m:h:v:s:r:t:d:l:D:")) != EOF)
while ((counter = getopt(argc, argv, "b:e:m:h:v:r:t:d:l:D:")) != EOF)
switch(counter) {
case 't':
rem_host = optarg;
sendViaOmx = 1;
case 'b':
buffer_name = optarg;
fprintf(stderr, "Buffer name = '%s'\n", buffer_name);
case 'm':
......@@ -576,10 +355,6 @@ main(int argc,char *argv[])
case 's':
sysname = optarg;
fprintf (stderr,"sysnames = %s\n",sysname);
case 'l':
if (0 == freopen(optarg, "w", stdout)) {
perror ("freopen");
......@@ -590,6 +365,7 @@ main(int argc,char *argv[])
case 'r':
his_eid = atoi(optarg);
fprintf (stderr, "remoteeid = %d\n", his_eid);
case 'v':
do_verbose = atoi(optarg);
......@@ -607,84 +383,30 @@ main(int argc,char *argv[])
case 'D':
send_delay_ms = atoi(optarg);
fprintf(stderr, "Not handling argument '%c'\n", counter);
max_data_size = max_data_size_mb * 1024*1024;
// If sending to DAQ via net enabled, ensure all options have been set
if (sendViaOmx) {
if(my_eid == DFLT_EID || his_eid == DFLT_EID){
if(my_eid == DFLT_EID || his_eid == DFLT_EID)
fprintf(stderr, "\n***ERROR\n***Must set both -e and -r options to send data to DAQ\n\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Writing DAQ data to local shared memory and sending out on Open-MX\n");
if(my_eid == 0) {
daqStatBit[0] = 1;
daqStatBit[1] = 2;
} else {
daqStatBit[0] = 4;
daqStatBit[1] = 8;
} else {
daqStatBit[0] = 1;
daqStatBit[1] = 2;
fprintf(stderr,"Writing DAQ data to local shared memory only \n");
// Parse the model names
if(sysname != NULL) {
fprintf(stderr,"System names: %s\n", sysname);
sprintf(modelnames[0],"%s",strtok(sysname, " "));
for(;;) {
char *s = strtok(0, " ");
if (!s) break;
dcuId[nsys] = 0;
fprintf(stderr,"Writing DAQ data to local shared memory and sending out on Open-MX\n");
if(my_eid == 0) {
daqStatBit[0] = 1;
daqStatBit[1] = 2;
} else {
// Open file descriptor for the gpstime driver
symmetricom_fd = open ("/dev/gpstime", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
if (symmetricom_fd < 0) {
gps_ok = symm_ok();
gps_time = symm_gps_time(&gps_frac, &gps_stt);
fprintf(stderr,"GPS TIME = %ld\tfrac = %ld\tstt = %d\n",gps_time,gps_frac,gps_stt);
// Find the shared memory locations for the various model names
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) {
char shmem_fname[128];
sprintf(shmem_fname, "%s_daq", modelnames[ii]);
void *dcu_addr = findSharedMemory(shmem_fname);
if (dcu_addr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't map shmem\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr," %s mapped at 0x%lx\n",modelnames[ii],(unsigned long)dcu_addr);
shmIpcPtr[ii] = (struct rmIpcStr *)((char *)dcu_addr + CDS_DAQ_NET_IPC_OFFSET);
shmDataPtr[ii] = ((char *)dcu_addr + CDS_DAQ_NET_DATA_OFFSET);
shmTpTable[ii] = (struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *)((char *)dcu_addr + CDS_DAQ_NET_GDS_TP_TABLE_OFFSET);
// Get model rates to get GDS TP data sizes.
for (ii = 0; ii < nsys; ii++) {
status = getmodelrate(&modelrates[ii],&dcuid[ii],modelnames[ii], gds_tp_dir);
fprintf(stderr,"Model %s rate = %d dcuid = %d\n",modelnames[ii],modelrates[ii],dcuid[ii]);
if (status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to determine the rate of %s\n", modelnames[ii]);
daqStatBit[0] = 4;
daqStatBit[1] = 8;
// Get pointers to local DAQ mbuf
......@@ -694,33 +416,36 @@ main(int argc,char *argv[])
cycle_data_size = (max_data_size - sizeof(daq_multi_cycle_header_t))/DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
cycle_data_size -= (cycle_data_size % 8);
fprintf(stderr, "ifo mapped to %p\n", ifo);
// Setup signal handler to catch Control C
if(sendViaOmx) {
// Open the NIC endpoint to send data
fprintf(stderr,"Open endpoint \n");
ret = mx_open_endpoint(board_id, my_eid, filter, NULL, 0, &ep);
if (ret != MX_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open endpoint %s\n", mx_strerror(ret));
mx_hostname_to_nic_id(rem_host, &his_nic_id);
// Open the NIC endpoint to send data
fprintf(stderr,"Open endpoint \n");
ret = mx_open_endpoint(board_id, my_eid, filter, NULL, 0, &ep);
if (ret != MX_SUCCESS) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to open endpoint %s\n", mx_strerror(ret));
mx_hostname_to_nic_id(rem_host, &his_nic_id);
// Enter infinite loop of reading control model data and writing to local shared memory
do {
error = send_to_local_memory(nsys, sendViaOmx, send_delay_ms,ep,his_nic_id,his_eid,len,MATCH_VAL_MAIN,my_eid);
error = send_to_local_memory(nsys, send_delay_ms,ep,his_nic_id,his_eid,MATCH_VAL_MAIN);
} while (error == 0 && keepRunning == 1);
// Cleanup Open-MX stuff
if(sendViaOmx) {
fprintf(stderr,"Closing out OpenMX and exiting\n");
fprintf(stderr,"Closing out OpenMX and exiting\n");
return 0;
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