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Commit 3b52a052 authored by Rolf Bork's avatar Rolf Bork
Browse files

Added two new functions to support DAQ config/reconfig:

	- daqConfig: Load DAQ info from shared memory.
	- loadLocalTable: Setup data pointers in local table based on config.
These two functions evolve from code previously in the daqWrite() function. 
Motivation for this was same/similar code for daq configuration was in two places
in daqWrite and had to be kept in sync for new changes, once on initialization and
once when a reconfig command was received. 

git-svn-id: 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
parent 59db5645
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/// @file daqLib.c
/// @brief This module provides the generic routines for: \n
///< - Writing DAQ, GDS TP and GDS EXC signals to the
///< Framebuilder. \n
///< - Reading GDS EXC signals from shmem and writing them
///< to the requested front end code exc channels.
/*! \file daqLib.c
* \brief File contains routines to support DAQ on realtime systems. \n
* \author R.Bork, A. Ivanov
volatile DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *pInfo; ///< Ptr to DAQ config in shmem.
extern volatile char *_epics_shm; ///< Ptr to EPICS shmem block
extern long daqBuffer; ///< Address of daqLib swing buffers.
extern char *_daq_shm; ///< Pointer to DAQ base address in shared memory.
struct rmIpcStr *dipc; ///< Pointer to DAQ IPC data in shared memory.
struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *tpPtr; ///< Pointer to TP table in shared memory.
char *mcPtr; ///< Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
float *testPtr; ///< Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
char *testPtrI; ///< Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
char *readPtrI;
char *lmPtr; ///< Pointer to current DAQ data in local memory data buffer.
char *daqShmPtr; ///< Pointer to DAQ data in shared memory.
int fillSize; ///< Amount of data to copy local to shared memory.
char *pEpicsIntData;
char *pEpicsDblData;
char *pEpicsIntData; ///< Pointer to EPICS integer type data in shared memory.
char *pEpicsDblData; ///< Pointer to EPICS double type data in shared memory.
unsigned int curDaqBlockSize; ///< Total DAQ data rate diag
// Added to get EPICS data for RCG V2.8
char *pEpicsInt; // Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
char *pEpicsInt1;
float *pEpicsFloat; // Pointer to current DAQ data in shared memory.
double *pEpicsDblData1;
unsigned int curDaqBlockSize;
/* ******************************************************************** */
/* Routine to connect and write to LIGO DAQ system */
/* ******************************************************************** */
/// @brief This function provides for reading GDS TP/EXC and writing DAQ data.
///< For DAQ data, this routine also provides all necessary decimation filtering.
/// For additional information in LIGO DCC, see
/// <a href="">T0900638 CDS Real-time DAQ Software</a>
/// @param[in] flag Initialization flag
/// @author R.Bork, A. Ivanov\n
/// @brief This function provides for reading GDS TP/EXC and writing DAQ data. \n
/// @detail For additional information in LIGO DCC, see <a href="">T0900638 CDS Real-time DAQ Software</a>
/// @param[in] flag Initialization flag (1=Init call, 0 = run)
/// @param[in] dcuId DAQ Data unit ID - unique within a control system
/// @param[in] daqRange Struct defining fron end valid test point and exc ranges.
/// @param[in] sysRate Data rate of the code / 16
......@@ -61,13 +57,9 @@ double dWord; /* Temp value for storage of DAQ values */
static int daqBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks DAQ block to write to. */
static int excBlockNum; /* 1-16, tracks EXC block to read from. */
static int excDataSize;
static int xferSize; /* Tracks remaining xfer size for crc */
static int xferSize1;
static int mnDaqSize;
static int xferLength;
static DAQ_XFER_INFO xferInfo;
static int xferDone;
static int crcLength; /* Number of bytes in 1/16 sec data */
static char *pDaqBuffer[2]; /* Pointers to local swing buffers. */
static char *pDaqBuffer[DAQ_NUM_SWING_BUFFERS]; /* Pointers to local swing buffers. */
static char *pWriteBuffer; /* Ptr to swing buff to write data */
......@@ -75,9 +67,6 @@ static char *pReadBuffer; /* Ptr to swing buff to xmit data to FB */
static int phase; /* 0-1, switches swing buffers. */
static int daqSlot; /* 0-sysRate, data slot to write data */
static int excSlot; /* 0-sysRate, slot to read exc data */
static int daqWaitCycle; /* If 0, write to FB (256Hz) */
static int daqWriteTime; /* Num daq cycles between writes. */
static int daqWriteCycle; /* Cycle count to xmit to FB. */
float *pFloat = 0; /* Temp ptr to write float data. */
short *pShort = 0; /* Temp ptr to write short data. */
unsigned int *pInteger = 0; /* Temp ptr to write unsigned int data. */
......@@ -85,11 +74,9 @@ char *bufPtr; /* Ptr to data for crc calculation. */
static unsigned int crcTest; /* Continuous calc of CRC. */
static unsigned int crcSend; /* CRC sent to FB. */
static DAQ_INFO_BLOCK dataInfo; /* Local DAQ config info buffer. */
static UINT32 fileCrc; /* .ini file CRC, sent to FB. */
int decSlot; /* Tracks decimated data positions. */
int offsetAccum; /* Used to set localTable.offset */
static int tpStart; /* Marks address of first TP data */
static volatile GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK *gdsPtr; /* Ptr to GDS table in shmem. */
static volatile GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK *gdsPtr; /* Ptr to shm to pass TP info to DAQ */
static volatile char *exciteDataPtr; /* Ptr to EXC data in shmem. */
static int validTp = 0; /* Number of valid GDS sigs selected. */
static int validTpNet = 0; /* Number of valid GDS sigs selected. */
......@@ -97,8 +84,6 @@ static int validEx; /* EXC signal set status indicator. */
static int tpNum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; /* TP/EXC selects to send to FB. */
static int tpNumNet[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; /* TP/EXC selects to send to FB. */
static int totalChans; /* DAQ + TP + EXC chans selected. */
static int totalSize; /* DAQ + TP + EXC chans size in bytes. */
static int totalSizeNet; /* DAQ + TP + EXC chans size in bytes sent to network driver. */
int *statusPtr;
volatile float *dataPtr; /* Ptr to excitation chan data. */
int exChanOffset; /* shmem offset to next EXC value. */
......@@ -110,7 +95,8 @@ unsigned int exc;
unsigned int tpn;
int slot;
int num_tps;
static int epicsIntXferSize;
unsigned int tpnum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; // Current TP nums
unsigned int excnum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; // Current EXC nums
// Decimation filter coefficient definitions.
......@@ -205,6 +191,7 @@ static double dHistory[DCU_MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_HISTRY];
// **************************************************************************************
/// If flag input is 1, then this is a startup initialization request from controller code.
if(flag == DAQ_CONNECT) /* Initialize DAQ connection */
......@@ -213,238 +200,53 @@ static double dHistory[DCU_MAX_CHANNELS][MAX_HISTRY];
daqBlockNum = (DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS - 1);
excBlockNum = 0;
/* Allocate memory for two local data swing buffers */
/// ** INITIALIZATION **************\n
/// \> Two local memory swing buffers will be used to store acquired data, each containing
/// 1/16 sec of data.\n
/// ---- One for writing ie copying/filtering data from shared memory on each cycle. \n
/// ---- One for reading data ie copying data from local memory to memory shared with
/// DAQ network communication software. \n
/// \> Buffers switch roles every 1/16 sec. \n
/// \> Introduces 1/16 sec delay on delivery of data to network. However, this is done for
/// performance reasons ie it takes too long to perform CRC checksum on full data set and
/// to get the data out. With this method, the computing load can be spread out on a per
/// per cycle basis. \n
/// \>\> Allocate memory for two local data swing buffers
pDaqBuffer[ii] = (char *)daqBuffer;
pDaqBuffer[ii] += DAQ_DCU_SIZE * ii;
// printf("DAQ buffer %d is at 0x%x\n",ii,(long long)pDaqBuffer[ii]);
// Clear the decimation filter histories
dHistory[ii][jj] = 0.0;
/* Set pointers to two swing buffers */
/// \>\> Set pointers to two swing buffers
pWriteBuffer = (char *)pDaqBuffer[phase^1];
pReadBuffer = (char *)pDaqBuffer[phase];
daqSlot = -1;
excSlot = 0;
/// \> CDS standard IIR filters will be used for decimation filtering from
/// the native application rate down to DAQ sample rate. \n
/// \>\> Need to clear the decimation filter histories.
dHistory[ii][jj] = 0.0;
/// \> Setup Pointers to the various shared memories:\n
/// ---- Assign Ptr to data shared memory to network driver (mx_stream) \n
daqShmPtr = _daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_DATA_OFFSET;
buf_size = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE*2;
/// ---- Setup Ptr to interprocess comms with network driver
dipc = (struct rmIpcStr *)(_daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_IPC_OFFSET);
/// ---- Setup Ptr to awgtpman shared memory (TP number table)
tpPtr = (struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *)(_daq_shm + CDS_DAQ_NET_GDS_TP_TABLE_OFFSET);
mcPtr = daqShmPtr;
lmPtr = pReadBuffer;
fillSize = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE / sysRate;
printf("DIRECT MEMORY MODE of size %d\n",fillSize);
mcPtr = daqShmPtr; // Set daq2net data ptr to start of daq2net shared memory.
lmPtr = pReadBuffer; // Set read buffer ptr to start of read buffer..
crcLength = 0;
printf("daqLib DCU_ID = %d\n",dcuId);
/* Set up pointer to DAQ configuration information in shmem */
// Set mem cpy size evenly over all code cycles.
fillSize = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE / sysRate;
/// ---- Set up pointer to DAQ configuration information in shmem */
pInfo = (DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *)(_epics_shm + DAQ_INFO_ADDRESS);
// Setup EPICS channel information/pointers
dataInfo.numEpicsInts = pInfo->numEpicsInts;
dataInfo.numEpicsFloats = pInfo->numEpicsFloats;
dataInfo.numEpicsFilts = pInfo->numEpicsFilts;
dataInfo.numEpicsTotal = pInfo->numEpicsTotal;
pEpicsIntData = pEpics;
epicsIntXferSize = dataInfo.numEpicsInts * 4;
dataInfo.epicsdblDataOffset = 0;
dataInfo.cpyepics2times = 0;
dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] = dataInfo.numEpicsInts * 4;
dataInfo.cpyIntSize[1] = 0;
ii = (sizeof(CDS_EPICS_OUT) / 4);
jj = dataInfo.numEpicsInts - ii;
printf("Have %d CDS epics integer and %d USR epics integer channels\n",ii,jj);
ii *= 4;
jj *= 4;
// Look for memory holes ie integer types not ending on 8 byte boundary.
// Need to check both standard CDS struct and User channels
// If either doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then a 4 byte hole will appear
// before the double type data in shared memory.
if((ii % 8) || (jj % 8)) {
printf("Have at least 1 int mem hole %d %d \n",ii,jj);
dataInfo.epicsdblDataOffset = 4;
if ((ii%8) &&(jj>0)) { // If standard CDS struct doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then
// Have 4 byte mem hole after CDS data
// This will require 2 memcpys of integer data to get 8 byte alignment for xfer to DAQ buffer..
dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] = ii;
dataInfo.cpyIntSize[1] = jj;
dataInfo.cpyepics2times = 1;
dataInfo.epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
printf("Have 2 mem holes %d %d \nNeet to cpy ints twice - size 1 = %d size 2 = %d \n",ii,jj,dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0],dataInfo.cpyIntSize[1]);
// Set the pointer to start of EPICS double type data in shared memory.
pEpicsDblData = (pEpicsIntData + epicsIntXferSize + dataInfo.epicsdblDataOffset);
// Send diags to dmesg
printf("DAQ DATA INFO is at 0x%x\n",(long)pInfo);
printf("DAQ EPICS INT DATA is at 0x%x with size %d\n",(long)pEpicsIntData,epicsIntXferSize);
printf("DAQ EPICS FLT DATA is at 0x%x\n",(long)pEpicsDblData);
/* Get the .INI file crc checksum to pass to DAQ Framebuilders for config checking */
fileCrc = pInfo->configFileCRC;
// Clear the reconfiguration flag in shmem.
pInfo->reconfig = 0;
/* Get the number of channels to be acquired */
dataInfo.numChans = pInfo->numChans;
printf("EPICS: Int = %d Flt = %d Filters = %d Total = %d Fast = %d\n",dataInfo.numEpicsInts,dataInfo.numEpicsFloats,dataInfo.numEpicsFilts, dataInfo.numEpicsTotal, dataInfo.numChans);
// Verify number of channels is legal
if((dataInfo.numChans < 1) || (dataInfo.numChans > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS))
printf("Invalid num daq chans = %d\n",dataInfo.numChans);
// Initialize CRC length with EPICS data size.
crcLength = 4 * dataInfo.numEpicsTotal;
printf("crc length epics = %d\n",crcLength);
/* Get the DAQ configuration information for all channels and calc a crc checksum length */
{[ii].tpnum = pInfo->tp[ii].tpnum;[ii].dataType = pInfo->tp[ii].dataType;[ii].dataRate = pInfo->tp[ii].dataRate;
if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT)
crcLength += 2 *[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
crcLength += 4 *[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
/* Calculate the number of bytes to xfer on each call, based on total number
of bytes to write each 1/16sec and the front end data rate (2048/16384Hz) */
// Note, this is left over from RFM net. Now used only to calc CRC
xferSize1 = crcLength/sysRate;
// mnDaqSize = crcLength/DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
mnDaqSize = crcLength;
// curDaqBlockSize = mnDaqSize * 256;
curDaqBlockSize = crcLength * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
totalSize = crcLength;
totalSizeNet = crcLength;
printf (" xfer sizes = %d %d %d %d \n",sysRate,xferSize1,totalSize,crcLength);
if (xferSize1 == 0) {
printf("DAQ size too small\n");
return -1;
/* if (xferSize1 == 0) xferSize1 = 8; ???? */
/* Maintain 8 byte data boundaries for writing data, particularly important
when DMA xfers are used on 5565 RFM modules. Note that this usually results
in data not being written on every 2048/16384 cycle and last data xfer
in a 1/16 sec block well may be shorter than the rest. */
xferSize1 = ((xferSize1/8) + 1) * 8;
printf("DAQ resized %d\n", xferSize1);
// Fill in the local lookup table for finding data.
// offsetAccum = 0;
offsetAccum = 4 * dataInfo.numEpicsTotal;
localTable[0].offset = offsetAccum;
printf("Fast data offset = %d \n",offsetAccum);
/* Need to develop a table of offset pointers to load data into swing buffers */
/* This is based on decimation factors and data size */
if (([ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS) > sysRate) {
/* Channel data rate is greater than system rate */
printf("Channels %d has bad data rate %d\n", ii,[ii].dataRate);
} else {
localTable[ii].decFactor = sysRate/([ii].dataRate / 16);
if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT)
offsetAccum += (sysRate/localTable[ii].decFactor * 2);
offsetAccum += (sysRate/localTable[ii].decFactor * 4);
localTable[ii+1].offset = offsetAccum;
/* Need to determine if data is from a filter module TP or non-FM TP */
if(([ii].tpnum >= daqRange.filtTpMin) &&
([ii].tpnum < daqRange.filtTpMax))
/* This is a filter module testpoint */
jj =[ii].tpnum - daqRange.filtTpMin;
/* Mark as coming from a filter module testpoint */
localTable[ii].type = 0;
/* Mark which system filter module is in */
localTable[ii].sysNum = jj / daqRange.filtTpSize;
jj -= localTable[ii].sysNum * daqRange.filtTpSize;
/* Mark which filter module within a system */
localTable[ii].fmNum = jj / 3;
/* Mark which of three testpoints to store */
localTable[ii].sigNum = jj % 3;
else if(([ii].tpnum >= daqRange.filtExMin) &&
([ii].tpnum < daqRange.filtExMax))
/* This is a filter module excitation input */
/* Mark as coming from a filter module excitation input */
localTable[ii].type = 2;
/* Mark filter module number */
localTable[ii].fmNum =[ii].tpnum - daqRange.filtExMin;
else if(([ii].tpnum >= daqRange.xTpMin) &&
([ii].tpnum < daqRange.xTpMax))
/* This testpoint is not part of a filter module */
jj =[ii].tpnum - daqRange.xTpMin;
/* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
localTable[ii].type = 1;
/* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
// :TODO: this is broken, needs some work to make extra EXC work.
else if(([ii].tpnum >= daqRange.xExMin) &&
([ii].tpnum < daqRange.xExMax))
/* This exc testpoint is not part of a filter module */
jj =[ii].tpnum - daqRange.xExMin;
/* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
localTable[ii].type = 3;
/* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
localTable[ii].fmNum = jj;
localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
printf("Invalid chan num found %d = %d\n",ii,[ii].tpnum);
// Set the start of TP data after DAQ data.
tpStart = offsetAccum;
totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
// Set pointer to GDS table in shmem
/// ---- Set pointer to shared mem to pass GDS info to DAQ
gdsPtr = (GDS_CNTRL_BLOCK *)(_epics_shm + DAQ_GDS_BLOCK_ADD);
// Clear out the GDS TP selections.
if (sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE) tpx = 3; else tpx = 2;
for (ii=0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++) gdsPtr->tp[tpx][0][ii] = 0;
if(sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE) tpx = 1; else tpx = 0;
for (ii=0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++) gdsPtr->tp[tpx][0][ii] = 0;
// Following can be uncommented for testing.
// gdsPtr->tp[3][0][0] = 31250;
// gdsPtr->tp[3][0][1] = 11002;
// gdsPtr->tp[0][0][0] = 5000;
// Set pointer to EXC data in shmem.
if(sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE)
......@@ -455,26 +257,29 @@ printf("Fast data offset = %d \n",offsetAccum);
excDataSize = 4 + 4 * sysRate;
// Following just sets in some dummy data for testing.
statusPtr = (int *)(exciteDataPtr + ii * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE);
*statusPtr = 0;
dataPtr = (float *)(exciteDataPtr + ii * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE + 4);
*dataPtr = (float)(ii * 1000 + jj);
dataPtr ++;
// Clear the reconfiguration flag in shmem.
pInfo->reconfig = 0;
// Configure data channels *****************************************************
// Return error if configuration is incorrect.
/// \> Load DAQ configuration info from memory shared with EPICS
if((xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig(&dataInfo,pInfo,pEpics)) == -1) return(-1);
// Initialize network variables.
daqWaitCycle = -1;
daqWriteCycle = 0;
daqWriteTime = sysRate / 16;
/// \> Load local table information with channel info
if((status = loadLocalTable(&xferInfo,localTable,sysRate,&dataInfo,&daqRange)) == -1) return(-1);
// Set the start of TP data after DAQ data.
tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
/// \> Clear out the GDS TP selections.
if (sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE) tpx = 3; else tpx = 2;
for (ii=0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++) gdsPtr->tp[tpx][0][ii] = 0;
if(sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE) tpx = 1; else tpx = 0;
for (ii=0; ii < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; ii++) gdsPtr->tp[tpx][0][ii] = 0;
/// \> Clear the GDS TP lookup table
for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
tpNum[i] = 0;
tpNumNet[i] = 0;
......@@ -483,42 +288,42 @@ printf("Fast data offset = %d \n",offsetAccum);
validTpNet = 0;
//printf("at connect TPnum[0]=%d\n", tpNum[0]);
} /* End DAQ CONNECT */
} /// End DAQ CONNECT INITIALIZATION ******************************
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/* Write Data to FB ******************************************* */
/* ******************************************************************************** */
/// If flag=0, data is to be acquired. This is called every code cycle by controller.c
/// ** Data Acquisition Mode ********************************************************
if(flag == DAQ_WRITE)
/* Calc data offset into swing buffer */
/// \> Calc data offset into current write swing buffer
daqSlot = (daqSlot + 1) % sysRate;
daqWaitCycle = (daqWaitCycle + 1) % daqWriteTime;
/* At start of 1/16 sec. data block, reset the xfer sizes and done bit */
/// \> At start of 1/16 sec. data block, reset the xfer sizes and done bit */
if(daqSlot == 0)
xferLength = crcLength;
xferSize = xferSize1;
xferInfo.xferLength = xferInfo.crcLength;
xferInfo.xferSize = xferInfo.xferSize1;
xferDone = 0;
//printf("TPnum[0]=%d\n", tpNum[0]);
/* If size of data remaining to be sent is less than calc xfer size, reduce xfer size
to that of data remaining and mark that data xfer is complete for this 1/16 sec block */
if((xferLength < xferSize1) && (!xferDone))
/// \> If size of data remaining to be sent is less than calc xfer size, reduce xfer size
/// to that of data remaining and mark that data xfer is complete for this 1/16 sec block
if((xferInfo.xferLength < xferInfo.xferSize1) && (!xferDone))
xferSize = xferLength;
if(xferSize <= 0) xferDone = 1;
xferInfo.xferSize = xferInfo.xferLength;
if(xferInfo.xferSize <= 0) xferDone = 1;
/* Write data into local swing buffer */
/// \> Write data into local swing buffer
dWord = 0;
/* Read in the data to a local variable, either from a FM TP or other TP */
/// \> Read data to a local variable, either from a FM TP or other TP */
if(localTable[ii].type == DAQ_SRC_FM_TP)
/* Data if from filter module testpoint */
......@@ -552,7 +357,7 @@ printf("Fast data offset = %d \n",offsetAccum);
dWord = excSignal[localTable[ii].fmNum];
// Perform decimation filtering, if required.
/// \> Perform decimation filtering, if required.
#define iir_filter iir_filter_biquad
......@@ -571,7 +376,7 @@ printf("Fast data offset = %d \n",offsetAccum);
#undef iir_filter
// Write the data into the swing buffer.
/// \> Write fast data into the swing buffer.
if ((daqSlot % localTable[ii].decFactor) == 0) {
if ([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT) {
// Write short data; (XOR 1) here provides sample swapping
......@@ -595,86 +400,92 @@ printf("Fast data offset = %d \n",offsetAccum);
} /* end swing buffer write loop */
// Copy data from read buffer to shared memory
mcPtr += fillSize;
lmPtr += fillSize;
/// \> Write EPICS data into swing buffer at 16Hz.
if(daqSlot == 0)
// Write EPICS integer values
/// \>\> On 16Hz boundary: \n
/// - ---- Write EPICS integer values to beginning of local write buffer
testPtrI = pWriteBuffer;
testPtrI += dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0];
readPtrI = pEpicsIntData + dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] + 4;
pEpicsInt = pWriteBuffer;
pEpicsInt += dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0];
pEpicsInt1 = pEpicsIntData + dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] + 4;
} else {
if(daqSlot == 0)
// Write EPICS double values as float values
/// - ---- Write EPICS double values as float values after EPICS integer type data.
pEpicsDblData1 = (double *)pEpicsDblData;
testPtr = (float *)pWriteBuffer;
testPtr += dataInfo.numEpicsInts;
pEpicsFloat = (float *)pWriteBuffer;
pEpicsFloat += dataInfo.numEpicsInts;
*testPtr = (float)*pEpicsDblData1;
testPtr ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)*pEpicsDblData1;
pEpicsFloat ++;
pEpicsDblData1 ++;
if(daqSlot == 1)
// Write filter module EPICS values as floats
/// \>\> On 16Hz boundary + 1 cycle: \n
/// - ---- Write filter module EPICS values as floats
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].offset;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].outgain;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].limiter;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].swReq;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].swMask;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].filterInput;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].exciteInput;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].output16Hz;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].output;;
testPtr ++;
*testPtr = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].swStatus;;
testPtr ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].offset;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].outgain;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].limiter;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].gain_ramp_time;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].swReq;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->inputs[ii].swMask;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].filterInput;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].exciteInput;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].output16Hz;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].output;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
*pEpicsFloat = (float)dspPtr->data[ii].swStatus;;
pEpicsFloat ++;
/// \> Copy data from read buffer to DAQ network shared memory on each code cycle.
/// - ---- Entire buffer is moved during 1/16sec period, in equal amounts each cycle, even though
/// entire buffer is not full of data.
mcPtr += fillSize;
lmPtr += fillSize;
/// - ---- Perform CRC checksum on data moved from read buffer to DAQ network shared memory.
/* Do CRC check sum calculation */
bufPtr = (char *)pReadBuffer + daqSlot * xferSize1;
if(daqSlot == 0) crcTest = crc_ptr(bufPtr, xferSize, 0);
else crcTest = crc_ptr(bufPtr, xferSize, crcTest);
xferLength -= xferSize;
bufPtr = (char *)pReadBuffer + daqSlot * xferInfo.xferSize1;
if(daqSlot == 0) crcTest = crc_ptr(bufPtr, xferInfo.xferSize, 0);
else crcTest = crc_ptr(bufPtr, xferInfo.xferSize, crcTest);
xferInfo.xferLength -= xferInfo.xferSize;
if(daqSlot == (sysRate - 1))
/* Done with 1/16 second data block */
/* Complete CRC checksum calc */
crcTest = crc_len(crcLength, crcTest);
crcTest = crc_len(xferInfo.crcLength, crcTest);
crcSend = crcTest;
// Read in any selected EXC signals.
/// \> Read in any selected EXC signals. \n
/// --- NOTE: EXC signals have to be read and loaded in advance by 1 cycle ie must be loaded and
/// available to the realtime application when the next code cycle is initiated.
excSlot = (excSlot + 1) % sysRate;
validEx = 0;
......@@ -683,7 +494,7 @@ if(daqSlot == 1)
// Do not pickup any testpoints (type 0 or 1)
if (localTable[ii].type < 2) continue;
if (localTable[ii].type < DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC) continue;
exChanOffset = localTable[ii].sigNum * excDataSize;
statusPtr = (int *)(exciteDataPtr + excBlockNum * DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE + exChanOffset);
......@@ -704,208 +515,80 @@ if(daqSlot == 1)
// Move to the next 1/16 EXC signal data block
if(excSlot == (sysRate - 1)) excBlockNum = (excBlockNum + 1) % 16;
/// \> Move to the next 1/16 EXC signal data block if end of 16Hz block
if(excSlot == (sysRate - 1)) excBlockNum = (excBlockNum + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
/// \> If last cycle of a 16Hz block:
if(daqSlot == (sysRate - 1))
/* Done with 1/16 second DAQ data block */
/* Swap swing buffers */
phase = (phase + 1) % 2;
/// - -- Swap swing buffers
phase = (phase + 1) % DAQ_NUM_SWING_BUFFERS;
pReadBuffer = (char *)pDaqBuffer[phase];
pWriteBuffer = (char *)pDaqBuffer[(phase^1)];
// Assign global parameters
dipc->dcuId = dcuId; // DCU id of this system
dipc->crc = fileCrc; // Checksum of the configuration file
// dipc->dataBlockSize = crcLength; // actual data size
dipc->dataBlockSize = totalSizeNet * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND; // actual data size
// Assign current block parameters
/// - -- Fill in the IPC table for DAQ network driver (mx_stream) \n
dipc->dcuId = dcuId; /// - ------ DCU id of this system
dipc->crc = xferInfo.fileCrc; /// - ------ Checksum of the configuration file
dipc->dataBlockSize = xferInfo.totalSizeNet * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND; /// - ------ Actual data size
/// - ------ Data block number
dipc->bp[daqBlockNum].cycle = daqBlockNum;
/// - ------ Data block CRC
dipc->bp[daqBlockNum].crc = crcSend;
//ipc->bp[daqBlockNum].status = 0;
/// - ------ Timestamp GPS Second
if (daqBlockNum == DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND - 1) {
dipc->bp[daqBlockNum].timeSec = ((unsigned int) cycle_gps_time - 1);
} else {
dipc->bp[daqBlockNum].timeSec = (unsigned int) cycle_gps_time;
/// - ------ Timestamp GPS nanoSecond
dipc->bp[daqBlockNum].timeNSec = (unsigned int)daqBlockNum;
// Assign the test points table
/// - ------ Write test point info to DAQ net shared memory
tpPtr->count = validTpNet | validEx;
memcpy(tpPtr->tpNum, tpNumNet, sizeof(tpNumNet[0]) * validTp);
// As the last step set the cycle counter
// Frame builder is looking for cycle change
/// - ------ Write IPC cycle number. This will trigger DAQ network driver to send data to DAQ
dipc->cycle =daqBlockNum; // Ready cycle (16 Hz)
/* Increment the 1/16 sec block counter */
/// - -- Increment the 1/16 sec block counter
daqBlockNum = (daqBlockNum + 1) % DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
/// - -- Reset pointers to DAQ net shared memory and local read buffer.
mcPtr = daqShmPtr;
mcPtr += buf_size * daqBlockNum;
lmPtr = pReadBuffer;
// Check for reconfig request at start of each second
/// - -- Check for reconfig request at start of each second
if((pInfo->reconfig == 1) && (daqBlockNum == 0))
printf("New daq config\n");
status = pInfo->numChans;
pInfo->reconfig = 0;
if((status > 0) && (status <= DCU_MAX_CHANNELS))
// Configure EPICS data channels
xferInfo.crcLength = daqConfig(&dataInfo,pInfo,pEpics);
/* Get the .INI file crc checksum to pass to DAQ Framebuilders for config checking */
fileCrc = pInfo->configFileCRC;
/* Get the number of channels to be acquired */
dataInfo.numChans = pInfo->numChans;
crcLength = 0;
// Setup EPICS channel information/pointers
dataInfo.numEpicsInts = pInfo->numEpicsInts;
dataInfo.numEpicsFloats = pInfo->numEpicsFloats;
dataInfo.numEpicsFilts = pInfo->numEpicsFilts;
dataInfo.numEpicsTotal = pInfo->numEpicsTotal;
pEpicsIntData = pEpics;
epicsIntXferSize = dataInfo.numEpicsInts * 4;
dataInfo.epicsdblDataOffset = 0;
dataInfo.cpyepics2times = 0;
dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] = dataInfo.numEpicsInts * 4;
dataInfo.cpyIntSize[1] = 0;
ii = (sizeof(CDS_EPICS_OUT) / 4);
jj = dataInfo.numEpicsInts - ii;
printf("Have %d CDS epics integer and %d USR epics integer channels\n",ii,jj);
ii *= 4;
jj *= 4;
// Look for memory holes ie integer types not ending on 8 byte boundary.
// Need to check both standard CDS struct and User channels
// If either doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then a 4 byte hole will appear
// before the double type data in shared memory.
if((ii%8) || (jj%8)) {
printf("Have at least 1 int mem hole %d %d \n",ii,jj);
dataInfo.epicsdblDataOffset = 4;
if ((ii%8) &&(jj>0)) {
// Have 4 byte mem hole after CDS data
// This will require 2 memcpys of integer data.
dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] = ii;
dataInfo.cpyIntSize[1] = jj;
dataInfo.cpyepics2times = 1;
dataInfo.epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
printf("Have 2 mem holes %d %d \nNeet to cpy ints twice - size 1 = %d size 2 = %d \n",ii,jj,dataInfo.cpyIntSize[0] ,dataInfo.cpyIntSize[1]);
// Set the pointer to start of EPICS double type data in shared memory.
pEpicsDblData = (pEpicsIntData + epicsIntXferSize + dataInfo.epicsdblDataOffset);
printf("DAQ DATA INFO is at 0x%x\n",(long)pInfo);
printf("DAQ EPICS INT DATA is at 0x%x with size %d\n",(long)pEpicsIntData,epicsIntXferSize);
printf("DAQ EPICS FLT DATA is at 0x%x\n",(long)pEpicsDblData);
printf("EPICS: Int = %d Flt = %d Filters = %d Total = %d Fast = %d\n",dataInfo.numEpicsInts,dataInfo.numEpicsFloats,dataInfo.numEpicsFilts, dataInfo.numEpicsTotal, dataInfo.numChans);
// Initialize CRC length with EPICS data size.
crcLength = 4 * dataInfo.numEpicsTotal;
printf("crc length epics = %d\n",crcLength);
/* Get the DAQ configuration information for all channels and calc a crc checksum length */
{[ii].tpnum = pInfo->tp[ii].tpnum;[ii].dataType = pInfo->tp[ii].dataType;[ii].dataRate = pInfo->tp[ii].dataRate;
if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT)
crcLength += 2 *[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
crcLength += 4 *[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT) printf("Found int32 type \n");
/* Calculate the number of bytes to xfer on each call, based on total number
of bytes to write each 1/16sec and the front end data rate (2048/16384Hz) */
xferSize1 = crcLength/sysRate;
// mnDaqSize = crcLength/16;
mnDaqSize = crcLength;
totalSize = crcLength;
/* Maintain 8 byte data boundaries for writing data, particularly important
when DMA xfers are used on 5565 RFM modules. Note that this usually results
in data not being written on every 2048/16384 cycle and last data xfer
in a 1/16 sec block well may be shorter than the rest. */
xferSize1 = ((xferSize1/8) + 1) * 8;
offsetAccum = 4 * pInfo->numEpicsTotal;
localTable[0].offset = offsetAccum;
status = loadLocalTable(&xferInfo,localTable,sysRate,&dataInfo,&daqRange);
// Clear decimation filter history
/* Need to develop a table of offset pointers to load data into swing buffers */
/* This is based on decimation factors and data size */
localTable[ii].decFactor = sysRate/([ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND);
if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT)
offsetAccum += (sysRate/localTable[ii].decFactor * 2);
offsetAccum += (sysRate/localTable[ii].decFactor * 4);
localTable[ii+1].offset = offsetAccum;
/* Need to determine if data is from a filter module TP or non-FM TP */
if(([ii].tpnum >= daqRange.filtTpMin) &&
([ii].tpnum < daqRange.filtTpMax))
/* This is a filter module testpoint */
jj =[ii].tpnum - daqRange.filtTpMin;
/* Mark as coming from a filter module testpoint */
localTable[ii].type = 0;
/* Mark which system filter module is in */
localTable[ii].sysNum = jj / daqRange.filtTpSize;
jj -= localTable[ii].sysNum * daqRange.filtTpSize;
/* Mark which filter module within a system */
localTable[ii].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
/* Mark which of three testpoints to store */
localTable[ii].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
else if(([ii].tpnum >= daqRange.filtExMin) &&
([ii].tpnum < daqRange.filtExMax))
/* This is a filter module excitation input */
/* Mark as coming from a filter module excitation input */
localTable[ii].type = 2;
/* Mark filter module number */
localTable[ii].fmNum =[ii].tpnum - daqRange.filtExMin;
else if(([ii].tpnum >= daqRange.xTpMin) &&
([ii].tpnum < daqRange.xTpMax))
/* This testpoint is not part of a filter module */
jj =[ii].tpnum - daqRange.xTpMin;
/* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
localTable[ii].type = 1;
/* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
printf("Invalid chan num found %d = %d\n",ii,[ii].tpnum);
for(jj=0;jj<MAX_HISTRY;jj++) dHistory[ii][jj] = 0.0;
tpStart = offsetAccum;
tpStart = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
totalChans = dataInfo.numChans;
// Check for new TP
/// - -- If last cycle of 1 sec time frame, check for new TP and load info.
// This will cause new TP to be written to local memory at start of 1 sec block.
if(daqBlockNum == 15)
unsigned int tpnum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; // Current TP nums
unsigned int excnum[DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED]; // Current EXC nums
// Offset by one into the TP/EXC tables for the 2K systems
unsigned int _2k_sys_offs = sysRate < DAQ_16K_SAMPLE_SIZE;
......@@ -938,11 +621,7 @@ if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT) printf("Found int32 type
memcpy(excnum, (const void *)(gdsPtr->tp[_2k_sys_offs][0]), sizeof(excnum));
memcpy(tpnum, (const void *)(gdsPtr->tp[2 + _2k_sys_offs][0]), sizeof(tpnum));
//printf("TPnum[0]=%d\n", tpNum[0]);
//printf("excnum[0]=%d\n", excnum[0]);
//printf("tpnum[0]=%d\n", tpnum[0]);
// Search and clear deselected test points
/// - ------ Search and clear deselected test points
for (i = 0; i < DAQ_GDS_MAX_TP_ALLOWED; i++) {
if (tpNum[i] == 0) continue;
if (!in_the_lists(tpNum[i], i)) {
......@@ -1005,10 +684,6 @@ if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT) printf("Found int32 type
localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;[ltSlot].dataType = DAQ_DATATYPE_FLOAT;
// Need to recalculate offsets later
//offsetAccum += sysRate * 4;
//localTable[totalChans+1].offset = offsetAccum;
//if (slot < 24) gdsMonitor[slot] = tpn;
gdsPtr->tp[2 + _2k_sys_offs][1][slot] = 0;
tpNum[slot] = tpn;
......@@ -1047,8 +722,6 @@ if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT) printf("Found int32 type
localTable[ltSlot].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
localTable[ltSlot].fmNum = jj;
localTable[ltSlot].sigNum = slot;
//offsetAccum += sysRate * 4;
//localTable[totalChans+1].offset = offsetAccum;
localTable[ltSlot].decFactor = 1;
excTable[slot].sigNum = tpn;
excTable[slot].sysNum = localTable[ltSlot].sysNum;
......@@ -1061,10 +734,9 @@ if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT) printf("Found int32 type
// Calculate total number of test points to transmit
/// - ------ Calculate total number of test points to transmit
totalChans = dataInfo.numChans; // Set to the DAQ channels number
validTp = 0;
// totalSize = mnDaqSize;
num_tps = 0;
// Skip empty slots at the end
......@@ -1077,18 +749,15 @@ if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT) printf("Found int32 type
totalChans += num_tps;
validTp = num_tps;
curDaqBlockSize = crcLength * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
// Calculate the total transmission size
totalSize = crcLength + validTp * sysRate * 4;
/// - ------ Calculate the total transmission size (DAQ +TP)
xferInfo.totalSize = xferInfo.crcLength + validTp * sysRate * 4;
//printf("totalSize=%d; totalChans=%d; validTp=%d\n", totalSize, totalChans, validTp);
// Assign offsets into the localTable
offsetAccum = tpStart;
xferInfo.offsetAccum = tpStart;
for (i = 0; i < validTp; i++) {
localTable[dataInfo.numChans + i].offset = offsetAccum;
offsetAccum += sysRate * 4;
localTable[dataInfo.numChans + i].offset = xferInfo.offsetAccum;
xferInfo.offsetAccum += sysRate * 4;
if (i < 32) gdsMonitor[i] = tpNum[i];
......@@ -1102,14 +771,239 @@ if([ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_32BIT_INT) printf("Found int32 type
tpNumNet[ii] = tpNum[ii];
validTpNet = validTp;
totalSizeNet = totalSize;
xferInfo.totalSizeNet = xferInfo.totalSize;
} /* End done 16Hz Cycle */
} /* End case write */
/* Return the FE total DAQ data rate */
/// \> Return the FE total DAQ data rate */
// **************************************************************************************
/// @author R.Bork\n
/// @brief This function updates the DAQ configuration from information
///< loaded from EPICS by the RCG EPICS sequencer.\n
/// @param[out] dataInfo Pointer to DAQ local configuration table
/// @param[in] pInfo Pointer to DAQ config info in shared memory
/// @param[in] pEpics Pointer to beginning of EPICS data.
/// @return Size, in bytes, of DAQ data.
// **************************************************************************************
int daqConfig( DAQ_INFO_BLOCK *dataInfo,
char *pEpics
int ii,jj; // Loop counters
int epicsIntXferSize = 0; // Size, in bytes, of EPICS integer type data.
int dataLength = 0; // Total size, in bytes, of data to be sent
int status = 0;
/// \> Verify correct channel count before proceeding. \n
/// - ---- Required to be at least one and not more than DCU_MAX_CHANNELS.
status = pInfo->numChans;
if((status < 1) || (status > DCU_MAX_CHANNELS))
printf("Invalid num daq chans = %d\n",status);
/// \> Get the number of fast channels to be acquired
dataInfo->numChans = pInfo->numChans;
/// \> Setup EPICS channel information/pointers
dataInfo->numEpicsInts = pInfo->numEpicsInts;
dataInfo->numEpicsFloats = pInfo->numEpicsFloats;
dataInfo->numEpicsFilts = pInfo->numEpicsFilts;
dataInfo->numEpicsTotal = pInfo->numEpicsTotal;
pEpicsIntData = pEpics;
epicsIntXferSize = dataInfo->numEpicsInts * 4;
dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset = 0;
dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 0;
dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0] = dataInfo->numEpicsInts * 4;
dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1] = 0;
ii = (sizeof(CDS_EPICS_OUT) / 4);
jj = dataInfo->numEpicsInts - ii;
printf("Have %d CDS epics integer and %d USR epics integer channels\n",ii,jj);
ii *= 4;
jj *= 4;
/// \> Look for memory holes ie integer types not ending on 8 byte boundary.
/// Need to check both standard CDS struct and User channels
/// - ---- If either doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then a 4 byte hole will appear
/// before the double type data in shared memory.
if((ii % 8) || (jj % 8)) {
printf("Have at least 1 int mem hole %d %d \n",ii,jj);
dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset = 4;
if ((ii%8) &&(jj>0)) {
/// - ---- If standard CDS struct doesn't end on 8 byte boundary, then
/// have 4 byte mem hole after CDS data
/// This will require 2 memcpys of integer data to get 8 byte alignment for xfer to DAQ buffer..
dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0] = ii;
dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1] = jj;
dataInfo->cpyepics2times = 1;
dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset += 4;
printf("Have 2 mem holes %d %d \nNeet to cpy ints twice - size 1 = %d size 2 = %d \n",ii,jj,dataInfo->cpyIntSize[0],dataInfo->cpyIntSize[1]);
/// \> Set the pointer to start of EPICS double type data in shared memory. \n
/// - ---- Ptr to double type data is at EPICS integer start + EPICS integer size + Memory holes
pEpicsDblData = (pEpicsIntData + epicsIntXferSize + dataInfo->epicsdblDataOffset);
// Send EPICS data diags to dmesg
printf("DAQ EPICS INT DATA is at 0x%x with size %d\n",(long)pEpicsIntData,epicsIntXferSize);
printf("DAQ EPICS FLT DATA is at 0x%x\n",(long)pEpicsDblData);
printf("DAQ EPICS: Int = %d Flt = %d Filters = %d Total = %d Fast = %d\n",dataInfo->numEpicsInts,dataInfo->numEpicsFloats,dataInfo->numEpicsFilts, dataInfo->numEpicsTotal, dataInfo->numChans);
/// \> Initialize CRC length with EPICS data size.
dataLength = 4 * dataInfo->numEpicsTotal;
printf("crc length epics = %d\n",dataLength);
/// \> Get the DAQ configuration information for all fast DAQ channels and calc a crc checksum length
dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum = pInfo->tp[ii].tpnum;
dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType = pInfo->tp[ii].dataType;
dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate = pInfo->tp[ii].dataRate;
if(dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT)
dataLength += 2 * dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
dataLength += 4 * dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS;
/// \> Set DAQ bytes/sec global, which is output to EPICS by controller.c
curDaqBlockSize = dataLength * DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
/// \> RETURN dataLength, used in other code for CRC checksum byte count
// **************************************************************************************
/// @author R.Bork\n
/// @brief This function populates the local DAQ/TP tables.
/// @param *pDxi Pointer to struct with data transfer size information.
/// @param localTable[] Table to be populated with data pointer information
/// @param sysRate Number of code cycles in 1/16 second.
/// @param *dataInfo DAQ configuration information
/// @param *daqRange Info on GDS TP number ranges which provides type information
/// @return 0=OK or -1=FAIL
// **************************************************************************************
int loadLocalTable(DAQ_XFER_INFO *pDxi,
DAQ_LKUP_TABLE localTable[],
int sysRate,
DAQ_RANGE *daqRange
int ii,jj;
/// \> Get the .INI file crc checksum to pass to DAQ Framebuilders for config checking */
pDxi->fileCrc = pInfo->configFileCRC;
/// \> Calculate the number of bytes to xfer on each call, based on total number
/// of bytes to write each 1/16sec and the front end data rate (2048/16384Hz)
pDxi->xferSize1 = pDxi->crcLength/sysRate;
pDxi->totalSize = pDxi->crcLength;
pDxi->totalSizeNet = pDxi->crcLength;
printf (" xfer sizes = %d %d %d %d \n",sysRate,pDxi->xferSize1,pDxi->totalSize,pDxi->crcLength);
if (pDxi->xferSize1 == 0) {
printf("DAQ size too small\n");
return -1;
/// \> Maintain 8 byte data boundaries for writing data, particularly important
/// when DMA xfers are used on 5565 RFM modules. Note that this usually results
/// in data not being written on every 2048/16384 cycle and last data xfer
/// in a 1/16 sec block well may be shorter than the rest.
pDxi->xferSize1 = ((pDxi->xferSize1/8) + 1) * 8;
printf("DAQ resized %d\n", pDxi->xferSize1);
/// \> Find first memory location for fast data in read/write swing buffers.
pDxi->offsetAccum = 4 * dataInfo->numEpicsTotal;
localTable[0].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
/// \> Fill in the local lookup table for finding data.
/// - (Need to develop a table of offset pointers to load data into swing buffers) \n
/// - (This is based on decimation factors and data size.)
if ((dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS) > sysRate) {
/* Channel data rate is greater than system rate */
printf("Channels %d has bad data rate %d\n", ii, dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate);
} else {
/// - ---- Load decimation factor
localTable[ii].decFactor = sysRate/(dataInfo->tp[ii].dataRate / DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS);
/// - ---- Calc offset into swing buffer for writing data
if(dataInfo->tp[ii].dataType == DAQ_DATATYPE_16BIT_INT)
pDxi->offsetAccum += (sysRate/localTable[ii].decFactor * 2);
pDxi->offsetAccum += (sysRate/localTable[ii].decFactor * 4);
localTable[ii+1].offset = pDxi->offsetAccum;
/// - ---- Need to determine if data is from a filter module TP or non-FM TP and tag accordingly
if((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->filtTpMin) &&
(dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->filtTpMax))
/* This is a filter module testpoint */
jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->filtTpMin;
/* Mark as coming from a filter module testpoint */
localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_TP;
/* Mark which system filter module is in */
localTable[ii].sysNum = jj / daqRange->filtTpSize;
jj -= localTable[ii].sysNum * daqRange->filtTpSize;
/* Mark which filter module within a system */
localTable[ii].fmNum = jj / DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
/* Mark which of three testpoints to store */
localTable[ii].sigNum = jj % DAQ_NUM_FM_TP;
else if((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->filtExMin) &&
(dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->filtExMax))
/* This is a filter module excitation input */
/* Mark as coming from a filter module excitation input */
localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_FM_EXC;
/* Mark filter module number */
localTable[ii].fmNum = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->filtExMin;
else if((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->xTpMin) &&
(dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->xTpMax))
/* This testpoint is not part of a filter module */
jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->xTpMin;
/* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_TP;
/* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
// :TODO: this is broken, needs some work to make extra EXC work.
else if((dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum >= daqRange->xExMin) &&
(dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum < daqRange->xExMax))
/* This exc testpoint is not part of a filter module */
jj = dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum - daqRange->xExMin;
/* Mark as a non filter module testpoint */
localTable[ii].type = DAQ_SRC_NFM_EXC;
/* Mark the offset into the local data buffer */
localTable[ii].fmNum = jj;
localTable[ii].sigNum = jj;
printf("Invalid chan num found %d = %d\n",ii,dataInfo->tp[ii].tpnum);
/// \> RETURN 0=OK or -1=FAIL
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