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Commit 78528d12 authored by Rolf Bork's avatar Rolf Bork
Browse files

Added zmq_fe. Can be used on a standalone system, writing data to shared memory,

or, with the -e option, can send data via ZMQ.

git-svn-id: 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
parent 4503c148
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......@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ srcdir = .
#include ../
TARGETS=zmq_multi_stream zmq_multi_rcvr zmq_proxy zmq_proxy_client zmq_threads zmq_rcv_from_dc.c gpstp_test.c
TARGETS=zmq_multi_stream zmq_multi_rcvr zmq_proxy zmq_proxy_client zmq_threads zmq_rcv_from_dc.c gpstp_test.c zmqms zmq_fe
zmq_multi_stream: zmq_multi_stream.o rfm.o
zmqms: zmqms.o rfm.o
zmq_fe: zmq_fe.o rfm.o
gdstp_test: gdstp_test.o rfm.o
zmq_multi_rcvr: zmq_multi_rcvr.o
zmq_threads: zmq_threads.o rfm.o
......@@ -32,7 +34,7 @@ LDFLAGS = -L/usr/local/lib -lzmq -lpthread
.PHONY: clean
rm -r *.o zmq_multi_stream zmq_multi_rcvr
rm -r *.o zmq_multi_stream zmq_multi_rcvr zmqms zmq_fe
.PHONY: distclean
distclean: clean
///// @file fe_dc.c
///// @brief Front End data concentrator
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../drv/crc.c"
#include "../include/daqmap.h"
#include "../include/drv/fb.h"
// #include "../include/daq_core.h"
#include "../drv/gpstime/gpstime.h"
#include <zmq.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "zmq_daq.h"
#define __CDECL
static struct rmIpcStr *shmIpcPtr[128];
static char *shmDataPtr[128];
static struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *shmTpTable[128];
static const int header_size = sizeof(struct daq_multi_dcu_header_t);
static const int buf_size = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE * 2;
int modelrates[DAQ_TRANSIT_MAX_DCU];
daq_multi_dcu_data_t *ixDataBlock;
daq_multi_cycle_header_t *ifo_header;
char *zbuffer;
extern void *findSharedMemory(char *);
extern void *findSharedMemorySize(char *,int);
char modelnames[DAQ_TRANSIT_MAX_DCU][64];
char *sysname;
int do_verbose = 0;
// int sendLength = 0;
static volatile int keepRunning = 1;
char *ifo;
char *ifo_data;
size_t cycle_data_size;
// ZMQ defines
char msg_buffer[0x200000];
void *daq_context;
void *daq_publisher;
int symmetricom_fd = -1;
unsigned long window_start[16] = {63500,135000,197500,260000,322500,395000,447500,510000,572500,635000,697500,760000,822500,885000,947500,10000};
unsigned long window_stop[16] = {135000,197500,260000,322500,395000,447500,510000,572500,635000,697500,760000,822500,885000,947500,999990,63500};
/* U S A G E */
/* */
void Usage()
printf("Usage of ix_multi_stream:\n");
printf("fe_dc -s <models> -m <memory size> \n");
printf(" -s <value> : Name of FE control models\n");
printf(" -m <value> : Local memory buffer size in megabytes\n");
printf(" -h : This helpscreen\n");
void zmq_make_connection(char *eport)
char loc[20];
int rc;
// Set up the data publisher socket
daq_context = zmq_ctx_new();
daq_publisher = zmq_socket (daq_context,ZMQ_PUB);
// sprintf(loc,"%s%d","tcp://*:",DAQ_DATA_PORT);
rc = zmq_bind (daq_publisher, loc);
assert (rc == 0);
printf("sending data on %s\n",loc);
// **********************************************************************************************
/// Get current GPS time from the symmetricom IRIG-B card
unsigned long
symm_gps_time(unsigned long *frac, int *stt) {
unsigned long t[3];
ioctl (symmetricom_fd, IOCTL_SYMMETRICOM_TIME, &t);
t[1] *= 1000;
t[1] += t[2];
if (frac) *frac = t[1];
if (stt) *stt = 0;
return t[0];
// **********************************************************************************************
/// See if the GPS card is locked.
symm_ok() {
unsigned long req = 0;
ioctl (symmetricom_fd, IOCTL_SYMMETRICOM_STATUS, &req);
printf("Symmetricom status: %s\n", req? "LOCKED": "UNCLOCKED");
return req;
// **********************************************************************************************
// This function uses time from IRIG-B card
// Abandoned due to interference with IOP model reading same card
waitNextCycle( unsigned int cyclereq, // Cycle to wait for
int reset, // Request to reset model ipc shared memory
struct rmIpcStr *ipcPtr) // Pointer to IOP IPC shared memory
unsigned long gps_frac;
int gps_stt;
unsigned long gps_time;
int iopRunning = 0;
int runontimer = 0;
// if reset, want to set IOP cycle to impossible number
if(reset) ipcPtr->cycle = 50;
// Find cycle
do {
// Get GPS time from gpstime driver
gps_time = symm_gps_time(&gps_frac, &gps_stt);
// Convert nanoseconds to microseconds
gps_frac /= 1000;
// If requested cycle matches IOP shared memory cycle,
// then IOP is running and requested cycle is found
if(ipcPtr->cycle == cyclereq) iopRunning = 1;
// If GPS time is within window that requested cycle should be ready,
// then return on timer event.
if(gps_frac > window_start[cyclereq] && gps_frac < window_stop[cyclereq]) runontimer = 1;
}while(iopRunning == 0 && runontimer == 0 && keepRunning);
// Return iopRunning:
// - One (1) if synced to IOP
// - Zero (0) if synced by GPS time ie IOP not running.
// **********************************************************************************************
waitNextCycle2( int nsys,
unsigned int cyclereq, // Cycle to wait for
int reset, // Request to reset model ipc shared memory
int dataRdy[],
struct rmIpcStr *ipcPtr[]) // Pointer to IOP IPC shared memory
int iopRunning = 0;
int ii;
int threads_rdy = 0;
int timeout = 0;
// if reset, want to set IOP cycle to impossible number
if(reset) ipcPtr[0]->cycle = 50;
// Find cycle
// do {
// Wait until received data from at least 1 FE or timeout
do {
if(ipcPtr[0]->cycle == cyclereq)
iopRunning = 1;
dataRdy[0] = 1;
timeout += 1;
}while(!iopRunning && timeout < 500);
// Wait until data received from everyone or timeout
timeout = 0;
do {
for(ii=1;ii<nsys;ii++) {
if(ipcPtr[ii]->cycle == cyclereq && !dataRdy[ii]) threads_rdy ++;
if(ipcPtr[ii]->cycle == cyclereq) dataRdy[ii] = 1;
timeout += 1;
}while(threads_rdy < nsys && timeout < 20);
// }while(iopRunning == 0 && keepRunning);
// Return iopRunning:
// - One (1) if synced to IOP
// - Zero (0) if synced by GPS time ie IOP not running.
// **********************************************************************************************
// Capture SIGHALT from ControlC
void intHandler(int dummy) {
keepRunning = 0;
// **********************************************************************************************
void print_diags(int nsys, int lastCycle, int sendLength) {
int ii = 0;
// Print diags in verbose mode
printf("\nTime = %d-%d size = %d\n",shmIpcPtr[0]->bp[lastCycle].timeSec,shmIpcPtr[0]->bp[lastCycle].timeNSec,sendLength);
printf("\tCycle = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) printf("\t\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].cycle);
printf("\n\tTimeSec = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) printf("\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].timeSec);
printf("\n\tTimeNSec = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) printf("\t\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].timeNSec);
printf("\n\tDataSize = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) printf("\t\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].dataBlockSize);
printf("\n\tTPCount = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) printf("\t\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].tpCount);
printf("\n\tTPSize = ");
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) printf("\t\t%d",ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].tpBlockSize);
printf("\n\n ");
// **********************************************************************************************
// Get control model loop rates from GDS param files
// Needed to properly size TP data into the data stream
int getmodelrate( int *rate, int *dcuid, char *modelname, char *gds_tp_dir) {
char gdsfile[128];
int ii = 0;
FILE *f = 0;
char *token = 0;
char *search = "=";
char line[80];
char *s = 0;
char *s1 = 0;
if (gds_tp_dir) {
sprintf(gdsfile, "%s/tpchn_%s.par", gds_tp_dir, modelname);
} else {
/// Need to get IFO and SITE info from environment variables.
s = getenv("IFO");
for (ii = 0; s[ii] != '\0'; ii++) {
if (isupper(s[ii])) s[ii] = (char) tolower(s[ii]);
s1 = getenv("SITE");
for (ii = 0; s1[ii] != '\0'; ii++) {
if (isupper(s1[ii])) s1[ii] = (char) tolower(s1[ii]);
sprintf(gdsfile, "/opt/rtcds/%s/%s/target/gds/param/tpchn_%s.par", s1, s, modelname);
f = fopen(gdsfile, "rt");
if (!f) return 0;
while(fgets(line,80,f) != NULL) {
line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0;
if (strstr(line, "datarate") != NULL) {
token = strtok(line, search);
token = strtok(NULL, search);
if (!token) continue;
while (*token && *token == ' ') {
*rate = atoi(token);
f = fopen(gdsfile, "rt");
if (!f) return 0;
while(fgets(line,80,f) != NULL) {
line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0;
if (strstr(line, "rmid") != NULL) {
token = strtok(line, search);
token = strtok(NULL, search);
if (!token) continue;
while (*token && *token == ' ') {
*dcuid = atoi(token);
return 0;
// **********************************************************************************************
int loadMessageBuffer( int nsys,
int lastCycle,
int status,
int dataRdy[]
int sendLength = 0;
int ii;
int daqStatBit[2];
daqStatBit[0] = 1;
daqStatBit[1] = 2;
int dataTPLength;
char *dataBuff;
int myCrc = 0;
// Set pointer to 0MQ message data block
zbuffer = (char *)&ixDataBlock->dataBlock[0];
// Initialize data send length to size of message header
sendLength = header_size;
// Set number of FE models that have data in this message
ixDataBlock->header.dataBlockSize = 0;
int db = 0;
// Loop thru all FE models
for (ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) {
if(dataRdy[ii]) {
// Set heartbeat monitor for return to DAQ software
if (lastCycle == 0) shmIpcPtr[ii]->reqAck ^= daqStatBit[0];
// Set DCU ID in header
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dcuId = shmIpcPtr[ii]->dcuId;
// Set DAQ .ini file CRC checksum
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].fileCrc = shmIpcPtr[ii]->crc;
// Set 1/16Hz cycle number
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].cycle = shmIpcPtr[ii]->cycle;
// Set GPS seconds
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].timeSec = shmIpcPtr[ii]->bp[lastCycle].timeSec;
// Set GPS nanoseconds
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].timeNSec = shmIpcPtr[ii]->bp[lastCycle].timeNSec;
// Set Status -- as running
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].status = 2;
// Indicate size of data block
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize = shmIpcPtr[ii]->dataBlockSize;
// Prevent going beyond MAX allowed data size
if (ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize > DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE)
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE;
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpCount = (unsigned int)shmTpTable[ii]->count;
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpBlockSize = sizeof(float) * modelrates[ii] * ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[ii].tpCount;
// Prevent going beyond MAX allowed data size
if (ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpBlockSize > DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE)
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpBlockSize = DAQ_DCU_BLOCK_SIZE;
// Set pointer to dcu data in shared memory
dataBuff = (char *)(shmDataPtr[ii] + lastCycle * buf_size);
// Copy data from shared memory into local buffer
dataTPLength = ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize + ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].tpBlockSize;
memcpy((void *)zbuffer, dataBuff, dataTPLength);
// Calculate CRC on the data and add to header info
myCrc = 0;
myCrc = crc_ptr((char *)zbuffer, ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize, 0);
myCrc = crc_len(ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataBlockSize, myCrc);
ixDataBlock->header.dcuheader[db].dataCrc = myCrc;
// Increment the 0mq data buffer pointer for next FE
zbuffer += dataTPLength;
// Increment the 0mq message size with size of FE data block
sendLength += dataTPLength;
// Increment the data block size for the message
ixDataBlock->header.dataBlockSize += (unsigned int)dataTPLength;
// Update heartbeat monitor to DAQ code
if (lastCycle == 0) shmIpcPtr[ii]->reqAck ^= daqStatBit[1];
db ++;
ixDataBlock->header.dcuTotalModels = db;
return sendLength;
// **********************************************************************************************
int send_to_local_memory(int nsys, int xmitData)
int do_wait = 1;
int daqStatBit[2];
daqStatBit[0] = 1;
daqStatBit[1] = 2;
char *nextData;
int ii;
int lastCycle = 0;
unsigned int nextCycle = 0;
int sync2iop = 1;
int status = 0;
int dataRdy[10];
int msg_size;
for(ii=0;ii<10;ii++) dataRdy[ii] = 0;
do {
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) dataRdy[ii] = 0;
status = waitNextCycle2(nsys,nextCycle,sync2iop,dataRdy,shmIpcPtr);
// status = waitNextCycle(nextCycle,sync2iop,shmIpcPtr[0]);
if(!status) {
keepRunning = 0;;
else sync2iop = 0;
// IOP will be first model ready
// Need to wait for 2K models to reach end of their cycled
usleep((do_wait * 1000));
nextData = (char *)ifo_data;
nextData += cycle_data_size * nextCycle;
ixDataBlock = (daq_multi_dcu_data_t *)nextData;
int sendLength = loadMessageBuffer(nsys, nextCycle, status,dataRdy);
// Print diags in verbose mode
if(nextCycle == 0 && do_verbose) print_diags(nsys,lastCycle,sendLength);
// Write header info
ifo_header->curCycle = nextCycle;
ifo_header->cycleDataSize = cycle_data_size;
ifo_header->maxCycle = DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
if(xmitData) {
// Copy data to 0mq message buffer
// Send Data
msg_size = zmq_send(daq_publisher,msg_buffer,sendLength,0);
// printf("Sending data size = %d\n",msg_size);
nextCycle = (nextCycle + 1) % 16;
} while (keepRunning); /* do this until sighalt */
return 0;
/* M A I N */
/* */
int __CDECL
main(int argc,char *argv[])
int counter;
int nsys = 1;
int dcuId[10];
int ii;
char *gds_tp_dir = 0;
int max_data_size = 64;
int error = 0;
int status = -1;
unsigned long gps_frac;
int gps_stt;
int gps_ok;
unsigned long gps_time;
char *eport;
int sendViaZmq = 0;
printf("\n %s compiled %s : %s\n\n",argv[0],__DATE__,__TIME__);
if (argc<3) {
/* Get the parameters */
while ((counter = getopt(argc, argv, "r:n:e:l:s:m:h:a:v:")) != EOF)
switch(counter) {
case 'm':
max_data_size = atoi(optarg);
if (max_data_size < 20){
printf("Min data block size is 20 MB\n");
return -1;
if (max_data_size > 100){
printf("Max data block size is 100 MB\n");
return -1;
case 's':
sysname = optarg;
printf ("sysnames = %s\n",sysname);
case 'v':
do_verbose = atoi(optarg);
case 'e':
eport = optarg;
printf ("eport = %s\n",eport);
sendViaZmq = 1;
case 'h':
if (sendViaZmq) printf("Writing DAQ data to local shared memory and sending out on ZMQ\n");
else printf("Writing DAQ data to local shared memory only \n");
if(sysname != NULL) {
printf("System names: %s\n", sysname);
sprintf(modelnames[0],"%s",strtok(sysname, " "));
for(;;) {
char *s = strtok(0, " ");
if (!s) break;
dcuId[nsys] = 0;
} else {
if(sendViaZmq) zmq_make_connection(eport);
// Open file descriptor for the gpstime driver
symmetricom_fd = open ("/dev/gpstime", O_RDWR | O_SYNC);
if (symmetricom_fd < 0) {
gps_ok = symm_ok();
gps_time = symm_gps_time(&gps_frac, &gps_stt);
printf("GPS TIME = %ld\tfrac = %ld\tstt = %d\n",gps_time,gps_frac,gps_stt);
// Parse the model names from the command line entry
for(ii=0;ii<nsys;ii++) {
char shmem_fname[128];
sprintf(shmem_fname, "%s_daq", modelnames[ii]);
void *dcu_addr = findSharedMemory(shmem_fname);
if (dcu_addr == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't map shmem\n");
} else {
printf(" %s mapped at 0x%lx\n",modelnames[ii],(unsigned long)dcu_addr);
shmIpcPtr[ii] = (struct rmIpcStr *)((char *)dcu_addr + CDS_DAQ_NET_IPC_OFFSET);
shmDataPtr[ii] = ((char *)dcu_addr + CDS_DAQ_NET_DATA_OFFSET);
shmTpTable[ii] = (struct cdsDaqNetGdsTpNum *)((char *)dcu_addr + CDS_DAQ_NET_GDS_TP_TABLE_OFFSET);
// Get model rates to get GDS TP data sizes.
for (ii = 0; ii < nsys; ii++) {
status = getmodelrate(&modelrates[ii],&dcuid[ii],modelnames[ii], gds_tp_dir);
printf("Model %s rate = %d dcuid = %d\n",modelnames[ii],modelrates[ii],dcuid[ii]);
if (status != 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to determine the rate of %s\n", modelnames[ii]);
// Get pointers to local DAQ mbuf
ifo = (char *)findSharedMemorySize("ifo",max_data_size);
ifo_header = (daq_multi_cycle_header_t *)ifo;
ifo_data = (char *)ifo + sizeof(daq_multi_cycle_header_t);
cycle_data_size = (max_data_size - sizeof(daq_multi_cycle_header_t))/DAQ_NUM_DATA_BLOCKS_PER_SECOND;
cycle_data_size -= (cycle_data_size % 8);
// Enter infinite loop of reading control model data and writing to local shared memory
do {
error = send_to_local_memory(nsys,sendViaZmq);
} while (error == 0 && keepRunning == 1);
if(sendViaZmq) {
printf("Closing out ZMQ and exiting\n");
return 0;
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