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Commit 79829187 authored by Rolf Bork's avatar Rolf Bork
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Added driver code for General Standards 18AI32 ADC module.

parent b0e15281
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/// \file gsc16ai64.c
/// \brief File contains the initialization routine and various register read/write
///< operations for the General Standards 16bit, 32 channel ADC modules. \n
///< For board info, see
///< <a href="">GSC 16AI64SSC Manual</a>
#include "gsc18ai32.h"
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief Routine to initialize GSC 16bit, 32 channel ADC modules
/// @param[in,out] *pHardware Pointer to global data structure for storing I/O
///< register mapping information.
/// @param[in] *adcdev PCI address information passed by the mapping code in map.c
/// @return Status from board enable command.
// *****************************************************************************
int gsc18ai32Init(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, struct pci_dev *adcdev)
static unsigned int pci_io_addr; /// @param pci_io_addr Bus address of PCI card I/O register.
int devNum; /// @param devNum Index into CDS_HARDWARE struct for adding board info.
char *_adc_add; /// @param *_adc_add ADC register address space
int pedStatus; /// @param pedStatus Status return from call to enable device.
volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *adc18Ptr;
/// Get index into CDS_HARDWARE struct based on total number of ADC cards found by mapping routine
/// in map.c
devNum = pHardware->adcCount;
/// Enable the module.
pedStatus = pci_enable_device(adcdev);
/// Enable device to be DMA master.
/// Get the PLX chip address
printk("pci0 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
/// Map module DMA space directly to computer memory space.
_adc_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
/// Map the module DMA control registers via PLX chip registers
adcDma[devNum] = (PLX_9056_DMA *)_adc_add;
if(devNum == 0) plxIcr = (PLX_9056_INTCTRL *)_adc_add;
/// Get the ADC register address
printk("pci2 = 0x%x\n",pci_io_addr);
/// Map the module control register so local memory space.
_adc_add = ioremap_nocache((unsigned long)pci_io_addr, 0x200);
printk("ADC 18 I/O address=0x%x 0x%lx\n", pci_io_addr,(long)_adc_add);
/// Set global ptr to control register memory space.
adc18Ptr = (GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *)_adc_add;
adcPtr[devNum] = (GSA_ADC_REG *)_adc_add;
printk("ADC pointer init at 0x%lx\n",(long)adcPtr[devNum]);
printk("BCR = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->BCR);
/// Reset the ADC board
adc18Ptr->BCR |= GSAF_RESET;
}while((adc18Ptr->BCR & GSAF_RESET) != 0);
/// Write in a sync word
adc18Ptr->SMUW = 0x0000;
adc18Ptr->SMLW = 0x0000;
/// Set ADC to 64 channel = 32 differential channels
// Don't need this for this board
// This is for the external connector use
adc18Ptr->BCR |= (GSAF_ENABLE_X_SYNC); // 0x80
adc18Ptr->AUX_SIO |= 0x80;
/// Set sample rate close to 16384Hz
/// Unit runs with external clock, so this probably not necessary
adc18Ptr->RAG = 0x117D8;
printk("RAG = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->RAG);
printk("BCR = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->BCR);
adc18Ptr->RAG &= ~(GSAF_SAMPLE_START); // 0x10000
/// Initiate board calibration
adc18Ptr->BCR |= GSAF_AUTO_CAL;
/// Wait for internal calibration to complete.
do {
}while((adc18Ptr->BCR & GSAF_AUTO_CAL) != 0); // 0x2000
adc18Ptr->RAG |= GSAF_SAMPLE_START; // 0x10000
adc18Ptr->IDBC = (GSAF_CLEAR_BUFFER | GSAF_THRESHOLD); // 0x40000 | 0x001f
adc18Ptr->SSC = (GSAF_32_CHANNEL); // 0x5 Sets 32 channels and external clock
printk("SSC = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->SSC);
printk("IDBC = 0x%x\n",adc18Ptr->IDBC);
/// Fill in CDS_HARDWARE structure with ADC information.
pHardware->pci_adc[devNum] = (long) pci_alloc_consistent(adcdev,0x2000,&adc_dma_handle[devNum]);
pHardware->adcType[devNum] = GSC_18AI32SSC1M;
pHardware->adcConfig[devNum] = adc18Ptr->ASSC;
pHardware->adcCount ++;
/// Return board enable status.
SSC Register
- Byte 0 = Active channels + lower sample source bit
- 0x5
- Byte 1 = upper sample source + enable clocking + enable clock divider + burst busy
- 0x20
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief Function checks status of DMA DONE bit for an ADC module.
/// @param[in] module ID of ADC board to read.
/// @return Status of ADC module DMA DONE bit (0=not complete, 1= complete)
// *****************************************************************************
int gsc18ai32CheckDmaDone(int module)
// Return 0 if DMA not complete
if((adcDma[module]->DMA_CSR & GSAF_DMA_DONE) == 0) return(0);
// Return 1 if DMA is complete
else return(1);
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief Function if DMA from ADC module is complete.
///< Code will remain in loop until DMA is complete.
/// @param[in] module ID of ADC board to read.
/// @param[out] data Status of DMA DONE bit.
/// @return ADC DMA Status (0=not complete, 16=complete
/// Note: This function not presently used.
// *****************************************************************************
int gsc18ai32WaitDmaDone(int module, int *data)
}while((adcDma[module]->DMA_CSR & GSAF_DMA_DONE) == 0);
// First channel should be marked with an upper bit set
if (*data == 0) return 0; else return 16;
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief Function clears ADC buffer and starts acquisition via external clock.
///< Also sets up ADC for Demand DMA mode and set GO bit in DMA Mode Register.
///< NOTE: In normal operation, this code should only be called while the clocks from
///< the timing slave are turned OFF ie during initialization process.
/// @param[in] adcCount Total number of ADC modules to start DMA.
// *****************************************************************************
int gsc18ai32Enable(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware)
int ii;
volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *adc18Ptr;
if(pHardware->adcType[ii] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M)
adc18Ptr = (volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *) adcPtr[ii];
/// Enable demand DMA mode ie auto DMA data to computer memory when
///< GSAI_THRESHOLD data points in ADC FIFO.
/// Set DMA mode and direction in PLX controller chip on module.
adcDma[ii]->DMA0_MODE = GSAF_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR | 0x1000;
/// Enable DMA
/// Clear the FIFO and set demand DMA to start after all 32 channels have 1 sample
/// Enable sync via external clock input.
#if 0
// *****************************************************************************
int gsc18ai32Enable1PPS(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int ii)
/// Enable demand DMA mode ie auto DMA data to computer memory when
///< GSAI_THRESHOLD data points in ADC FIFO.
volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *adc18Ptr;
if(pHardware->adcType[ii] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M)
adc18Ptr = (volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *) adcPtr[ii];
/// Set DMA mode and direction in PLX controller chip on module.
adcDma->DMA0_MODE = GSAF_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR | 0x1000;
/// Enable DMA
/// Clear the FIFO and set demand DMA to start after all 32 channels have 1 sample
/// Enable sync via external clock input.
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief Function stops ADC acquisition by removing the clocking signal.
// *****************************************************************************
int gsc18ai32AdcStop()
adc18Ptr[0]->BCR &= ~(GSAF_ENABLE_X_SYNC);
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief Routine reads number of samples in ADC FIFO.
/// @param[in] numAdc The ID number of the ADC module to read.
/// @return The number of samples presently in the ADC FIFO.
// *****************************************************************************
int gsc18ai32CheckAdcBuffer(CDS_HARDWARE *pHardware, int numAdc)
volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *adc18Ptr;
int dataCount = 0;
if(pHardware->adcType[numAdc] == GSC_18AI32SSC1M)
adc18Ptr = (volatile GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG *) adcPtr[numAdc];
dataCount = adc18Ptr->BUF_SIZE;
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code initialization.
/// @param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
// *****************************************************************************
int gsc18ai32DmaSetup(int modNum)
/// Set DMA mode such that completion does not cause interrupt on bus.
/// Load PCI address (remapped local memory) to which data is to be delivered.
adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)adc_dma_handle[modNum];
/// Set the PCI address of board where data will be transferred from.
/// Set the number of bytes to be transferred.
/// Set the DMA direction ie ADC to computer memory.
adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_DESC = GSAF_DMA_TO_PCI;
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief This routine sets up the ADC DMA registers once on code initialization.
/// @param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
// *****************************************************************************
#if 0
int gsc18ai32DmaSetup32(int modNum)
/// Set DMA mode such that completion does not cause interrupt on bus.
/// Load PCI address (remapped local memory) to which data is to be delivered.
adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_PCI_ADD = (int)adc_dma_handle[modNum];
/// Set the PCI address of board where data will be transferred from.
/// Set the number of bytes to be transferred.
adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_BTC = 0x100;
/// Set the DMA direction ie ADC to computer memory.
adcDma[modNum]->DMA0_DESC = GSAF_DMA_TO_PCI;
// *****************************************************************************
/// \brief This routine starts an ADC DMA operation. It must first be setup by
///< the gsc16ai64DmaSetup routine.
/// @param[in] modNum The ID number of the ADC module to read.
// *****************************************************************************
void gsc18ai32DmaEnable(int modNum)
adcDma[modNum]->DMA_CSR = GSAF_DMA_START;
// \file gsc16ai64.h
/// \brief GSC 16bit, 32 channel ADC Module Definitions. See
///< <a href="">GSC 16AI64SSC Manual</a>
///< for more info on board registers.
#define ADC_18AI32_SS_ID 0x3431 ///< Subsystem ID to identify and locate module on PCI bus
int gsc18ai32Init(CDS_HARDWARE *, struct pci_dev *);
int gsc18ai32CheckDmaDone(int);
int gsc18ai32WaitDmaDone(int, int *);
int gsc18ai32Enable(CDS_HARDWARE *);
int gsc18ai32Enable1PPS(CDS_HARDWARE *,int);
// int gsc18ai32AdcStop(void);
/// Structure defining ADC module PCI register layout as per user manual
typedef struct GSA_ADC_18BIT_REG{
unsigned int BCR; ///< Board Control Register at 0x0
unsigned int INTCR; ///< Interrupt Control Register at 0x4
unsigned int IDB; ///< Input Data Buffer at 0x8
unsigned int IDBC; ///< Input Buffer Control at 0xc */
unsigned int RAG; ///< Rate A Generator at 0x10
unsigned int RBG; ///< Rate B Generator at 0x14
unsigned int BUF_SIZE; ///< Buffer Size at 0x18
unsigned int BRT_SIZE; ///< Burst Size at 0x1c
unsigned int SSC; ///< Scan and Sync Control at 0x20
unsigned int ACA; ///< Active Channel Assignment Register at 0x24
unsigned int ASSC; ///< Board Configuration Register at 0x28
unsigned int AC_VAL; ///< Autocal Values register at 0x2c
unsigned int AUX_RWR; ///< Auxillary Read/Write Register at 0x30
unsigned int AUX_SIO; ///< Auxillary Sync Control Register at 0x34
unsigned int SMUW; ///< Scan Marker Upper Word 0x38
unsigned int SMLW; ///< Scan Maker Lower Word at 0x3c
unsigned int TUR; ///< Test utility register at 0x40
unsigned int PTCL; ///< Pretrigger counter low at 0x44
unsigned int PTCH; ///< Pretrigger counter high at 0x48
unsigned int RSV1; ///< Reserved 1 at 0x4C
unsigned int RSV2; ///< Reserved 2 at 0x50
unsigned int ECD; ///< External Clock Divisor at 0x54
#define GSAF_64_CHANNEL 0x6
#define GSAF_32_CHANNEL 0x5
#define GSAF_8_CHANNEL 0x3
#define GSAF_8_OFFSET (8 * UNDERSAMPLE - 1)
#define GSAF_SOFT_TRIGGER 0x1000
#define GSAF_ENABLE_CLOCK 0x20
#define GSAF_RESET 0x8000
#define GSAF_DATA_PACKING 0x40000
#define GSAF_DMA_MODE_NO_INTR 0x10943
#define GSAF_DMA_MODE_INTR 0x10D43
#define GSAF_DMA_TO_PCI 0xA
#define GSAF_DMA_START 0x3
#define GSAF_DMA1_START 0x300
#define GSAF_DMA_DONE 0x10
// #define GSAF_DMA_BYTE_COUNT 0x80
// #define GSAF_DMA_BYTE_COUNT 0x100
#define GSAF_ISR_ON_SAMPLE 0x3
// #define PLX_INT_ENABLE 0x900
// #define PLX_INT_DISABLE 0x800
#define GSAF_SAMPLE_START 0x10000
#define GSAF_SET_2S_COMP 0x40
#define GSAF_ENABLE_X_SYNC 0x80
#define GSAF_CLEAR_BUFFER 0x40000
#define GSAF_THRESHOLD 0x001f
#define GSAF_AUTO_CAL 0x2000
#define GSAF_DMA_DEMAND_MODE 0x80000
#define GSAF_18BIT_DATA 0x100000
#define GSAF_DATA_CODE_OFFSET 0x8000
#define GSAF_DATA_MASK 0xffff
#define GSAF_CHAN_COUNT 32
#define GSAF_CHAN_COUNT_M1 31
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