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Commit c0c6ff38 authored by Rolf Bork's avatar Rolf Bork
Browse files

Added new file for IOP timing w/o IOC.

parent f8a162a2
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inline int
waitPcieTimingSignal( volatile TIMING_SIGNAL* timePtr, int cycle )
int loop = 0;
udelay( 1 );
} while ( timePtr->cycle != cycle && loop < 18 );
if ( loop >= 18 )
return ( 1 );
return ( 0 );
inline int
waitInternalTimingSignal( int cycle )
int loop = 0;
udelay( 14 );
return ( 0 );
inline unsigned int
sync2master( volatile TIMING_SIGNAL* timePtr )
int loop = 0;
int cycle = 65535;
printk("sync to master %d\n",timePtr->gps_time);
udelay( 5 );
} while ( timePtr->cycle != cycle && loop < 1000000 );
if ( loop >= 1000000 )
return ( -1 );
return ( timePtr->gps_time );
inline unsigned int
sync2cpuclock( )
struct timespec t;
extern struct timespec current_kernel_time( void );
unsigned long gpsoffset = 37;
t = current_kernel_time( );
t.tv_sec += gpsoffset;
t.tv_sec -= 315964819;
return t.tv_sec;
inline int
iop_adc_init( adcInfo_t* adcinfo )
volatile int* adcDummyData;
int status;
int ii, jj;
/// \> If IOP, Initialize the ADC modules
for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.adcCount; jj++ )
pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statAdc[ jj ] = 1;
// Reset Diag Info
adcinfo->adcRdTimeErr[ jj ] = 0;
adcinfo->adcChanErr[ jj ] = 0;
adcinfo->adcOF[ jj ] = 0;
for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_ADC_CHN_PER_MOD; ii++ )
adcinfo->overflowAdc[ jj ][ ii ] = 0;
adcinfo->adcHoldTime = 0;
adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMax = 0;
adcinfo->adcHoldTimeEverMax = 0;
adcinfo->adcHoldTimeEverMaxWhen = 0;
adcinfo->adcHoldTimeMin = 0xffff;
adcinfo->adcHoldTimeAvg = 0;
adcinfo->adcWait = 0;
adcinfo->chanHop = 0;
return 0;
inline int
iop_adc_read( adcInfo_t* adcinfo, int cpuClk[] )
int kk = 0;
volatile int* packedData;
int limit;
int mask;
unsigned int offset;
int num_outs;
int ioMemCntr = 0;
int adcStat = 0;
int card;
int chan;
int missedCycle;
int iocycle = 0;
// Read ADC data
missedCycle = waitPcieTimingSignal( pcieTimer, cycleNum );
timeSec = pcieTimer->gps_time;
missedCycle = waitInternalTimingSignal( cycleNum );
for ( card = 0; card < cdsPciModules.adcCount; card++ )
/// - ---- ADC DATA RDY is detected when last channel in memory no
/// longer contains the dummy variable written during initialization and
/// reset after the read.
packedData = (int*)cdsPciModules.pci_adc[ card ];
cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
adcinfo->adcWait =
( cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT ] - cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_RDY_ADC ] ) /
/// - ---- Added ADC timing diagnostics to verify timing consistent and
/// all rdy together.
if ( card == 0 )
adcinfo->adcRdTime[ card ] = ( cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_ADC_WAIT ] -
if ( adcinfo->adcRdTime[ card ] > 1000 )
adcStat = ADC_BUS_DELAY;
if ( adcinfo->adcRdTime[ card ] < 13 )
adcinfo->adcRdTime[ card ] = adcinfo->adcWait;
if ( adcinfo->adcRdTime[ card ] > adcinfo->adcRdTimeMax[ card ] )
adcinfo->adcRdTimeMax[ card ] = adcinfo->adcRdTime[ card ];
// if((card==0) && (adcinfo->adcRdTimeMax[card] > MAX_ADC_WAIT_CARD_0))
if ( ( card == 0 ) && ( adcinfo->adcRdTime[ card ] > 20 ) )
adcinfo->adcRdTimeErr[ card ]++;
if ( ( card != 0 ) &&
( adcinfo->adcRdTimeMax[ card ] > MAX_ADC_WAIT_CARD_S ) )
adcinfo->adcRdTimeErr[ card ]++;
/// - --------- If data not ready in time, abort.
/// Either the clock is missing or code is running too slow and ADC FIFO
/// is overflowing.
if ( adcinfo->adcWait >= MAX_ADC_WAIT )
// printk("timeout %d %d \n",jj,adcinfo->adcWait);
pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.stateWord = FE_ERROR_ADC;
pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.diagWord |= ADC_TIMEOUT_ERR;
pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.fe_status = ADC_TO_ERROR;
stop_working_threads = 1;
vmeDone = 1;
// return 0;
if ( card == 0 )
// Capture cpu clock for cpu meter diagnostics
cpuClk[ CPU_TIME_CYCLE_START ] = rdtsc_ordered( );
/// \> If first cycle of a new second, capture IRIG-B time. Standard
/// for aLIGO is TSYNC_RCVR.
if ( cycleNum == 0 )
// if SymCom type, just do write to lock current time and read
// later This save a couple three microseconds here
if ( cdsPciModules.gpsType == SYMCOM_RCVR )
lockGpsTime( );
if ( cdsPciModules.gpsType == TSYNC_RCVR )
/// - ---- Reading second info will lock the time register,
/// allowing nanoseconds to be read later (on next cycle).
/// Two step process used to save CPU time here, as each
/// read can take 2usec or more.
timeSec = getGpsSecTsync( );
/// \> Read adc data
packedData = (int*)cdsPciModules.pci_adc[ card ];
// Various ADC models have different number of channels/data bits
num_outs = GSAI_CHAN_COUNT;
/// - ---- Determine next ipc memory location to load ADC data
ioMemCntr = ( cycleNum % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS );
iocycle = ( cycleNum / ADC_MEMCPY_RATE );
/// - ---- Read adc data from PCI mapped memory into local variables
for ( kk = 0; kk < UNDERSAMPLE; kk++ )
for ( chan = 0; chan < num_outs; chan++ )
// adcData is the integer representation of the ADC data
adcinfo->adcData[ card ][ chan ] = *packedData;
// dWord is the double representation of the ADC data
// This is the value used by the rest of the code calculations.
dWord[ card ][ chan ][ kk ] = adcinfo->adcData[ card ][ chan ];
/// - ---- Load ADC value into ipc memory buffer
ioMemData->iodata[ card ][ ioMemCntr ].data[ chan ] =
adcinfo->adcData[ card ][ chan ];
/// - ---- Check for ADC overflows
if ( ( adcinfo->adcData[ card ][ chan ] > limit ) ||
( adcinfo->adcData[ card ][ chan ] < -limit ) )
adcinfo->overflowAdc[ card ][ chan ]++;
pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowAdcAcc[ card ][ chan ]++;
adcinfo->adcOF[ card ] = 1;
odcStateWord |= ODC_ADC_OVF;
/// - ---- Write GPS time and cycle count as indicator to control app that
/// adc data is ready
ioMemData->gpsSecond = timeSec;
ioMemData->iodata[ card ][ ioMemCntr ].timeSec = timeSec;
ioMemData->iodata[ card ][ ioMemCntr ].cycle = cycleNum;
iocycle %= 65536;
return adcStat;
inline int
iop_dac_init( int errorPend[] )
int ii, jj;
int status;
/// \> Zero out DAC outputs
for ( ii = 0; ii < MAX_DAC_MODULES; ii++ )
errorPend[ ii ] = 0;
for ( jj = 0; jj < 16; jj++ )
dacOut[ ii ][ jj ] = 0.0;
dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] = 0;
dacOutBufSize[ ii ] = 0;
// Zero out DAC channel map in the shared memory
// to be used to check on control apps' channel allocation
ioMemData->dacOutUsed[ ii ][ jj ] = 0;
for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.statDac[ jj ] = DAC_FOUND_BIT;
return 0;
inline int
iop_dac_write( void )
unsigned int* pDacData;
int ii, jj, mm;
int limit;
int num_outs;
int status = 0;
/// WRITE DAC OUTPUTS ***************************************** \n
/// Writing of DAC outputs is dependent on code compile option: \n
/// - -- IOP (IOP_MODEL) reads DAC output values from memory shared with
/// user apps and writes to DAC hardware. \n
/// - -- USER APP sends output values to memory shared with IOP.
/// \n
/// START OF IOP DAC WRITE ***************************************** \n
/// \> If DAC FIFO error, always output zero to DAC modules. \n
/// - -- Code will require restart to clear.
if ( dacTimingError )
iopDacEnable = 0;
// Write out data to DAC modules
/// \> Loop thru all DAC modules
for ( jj = 0; jj < cdsPciModules.dacCount; jj++ )
/// - -- locate the proper DAC memory block
mm = cdsPciModules.dacConfig[ jj ];
/// - -- Determine if memory block has been set with the correct cycle
/// count by control app.
if ( ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].cycle == ioClockDac )
dacEnable |= pBits[ jj ];
dacEnable &= ~( pBits[ jj ] );
dacChanErr[ jj ] += 1;
/// - -- Set overflow limits, data mask, and chan count based on DAC
/// type
num_outs = GSAO_16BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_18AO8 )
limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_18BIT; // 18 bit limit
num_outs = GSAO_18BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
if ( cdsPciModules.dacType[ jj ] == GSC_20AO8 )
limit = OVERFLOW_LIMIT_20BIT; // 20 bit limit
num_outs = GSAO_20BIT_CHAN_COUNT;
/// - -- Point to DAC memory buffer
pDacData = (unsigned int*)( cdsPciModules.pci_dac[ jj ] );
// Advance to the correct point in the one second memory buffer
//pDacData += num_outs * cycleNum;
/// - -- For each DAC channel
for ( ii = 0; ii < num_outs; ii++ )
/// - ---- Read DAC output value from shared memory and reset memory
/// to zero
if ( ( !dacChanErr[ jj ] ) && ( iopDacEnable ) )
dac_out = ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].data[ ii ];
/// - --------- Zero out data in case user app dies by next
/// cycle when two or more apps share same DAC module.
ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].data[ ii ] = 0;
dac_out = 0;
status = 1;
/// - ---- Check output values are within range of DAC \n
/// - --------- If overflow, clip at DAC limits and report errors
if ( dac_out > limit || dac_out < -limit )
overflowDac[ jj ][ ii ]++;
pLocalEpics->epicsOutput.overflowDacAcc[ jj ][ ii ]++;
dacOF[ jj ] = 1;
odcStateWord |= ODC_DAC_OVF;
if ( dac_out > limit )
dac_out = limit;
dac_out = -limit;
/// - ---- If DAQKILL tripped, set output to zero.
if ( !iopDacEnable )
dac_out = 0;
/// - ---- Load last values to EPICS channels for monitoring on
/// GDS_TP screen.
dacOutEpics[ jj ][ ii ] = dac_out;
/// - ---- Load DAC testpoints
floatDacOut[ 16 * jj + ii ] = dac_out;
/// - ---- Write to DAC local memory area, for later xmit to DAC
/// module
*pDacData = (unsigned int)( dac_out );
/// - -- Mark cycle count as having been used -1 \n
/// - --------- Forces control apps to mark this cycle or will not be used
/// again by Master
ioMemData->iodata[ mm ][ ioMemCntrDac ].cycle = -1;
/// - -- DMA Write data to DAC module
/// \> Increment DAC memory block pointers for next cycle
ioClockDac = ( ioClockDac + 1 ) % IOP_IO_RATE;
ioMemCntrDac = ( ioMemCntrDac + 1 ) % IO_MEMORY_SLOTS;
if ( dacWriteEnable < 10 )
return status;
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