- Nov 18, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
- Added creation of a diff file (Foton vs Loaded coeffs). - Added 'Diff' button on GDS_TP screen to present xterm with list of diffs. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4077 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Nov 17, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Moved the monitor.req file to be read from the SDF directory, so that it does not get deleted when the model is built and installed. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4076 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Jonathan Hanks authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4075 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Keith Thorne authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4074 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Nov 16, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
As part of the change CA SDF build now reads a BURT style .req file in SDF_DIR/../monitor.req Changes: * Added new tables to hold channel state and type information when channels connect. Connections and type changes happen after the SDF cycle has finished. - caConnTable - this hold information for all non-enum channels that connect. - caConnEnumTable - this hold information for enum channels that connect. - caEvid - this holds the subscription id for all the channels being monitored. * The new tables are synced to the cdTable at the end of each cycle. * Enums take special handling as not all enums have string values defined, so their type SDF_STR/SDF_NUM is not decided until the first data point arrives. * reworked the caTable type to hold an index value (chanIndex) which holds the index into cdTable & caTable of the current entry. * simplified the counting of disconnected channels. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4073 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Nov 11, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
Working on fixing Bug #894 and Bug #896 regarding coeff files. Change will be written up in TN, but basically: - Added new directory below chans area "tmp" - Code startup, coeff.txt files copied from chans area to tmp directory. - FE code now reads in the file from tmp area instead of chans area. - For a full coeff file reload, coeff file is copied from chans to tmp area, then read by FE. - For a single filter coeff reload, a new parser in fmReadCoeff.c does the following:: - Extracts all info on selected filter from chans coeff file (latest foton file). - Reads tmp area coeff file and replaces selected filter settings with new ones extracted from chans file. - fmReadCoeff is called to read in the new tmp file. To support this new method of loading, a few other changes were made: - New Coeff message (MSG2) added to GDSTP screens. - main.c now compares file in chans dir with one in tmp directoy. - If CRC checksums do not match, "Modified file" message appears. - If CRC checksums do match, message is an empty string. - skeleton.st now monitors this new message to set CFC bit in the stateword. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4072 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Jonathan Hanks authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4071 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 30, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Makefile.linux addes epics variables for the site and ifo. The generate start/kill scripts do not require sudo priviledges install-nort can work without a sequencer in the .cmd file, by reading the site and ifo from the epics variable list When using install-nort, models with a DCUID above 255 do not modify the testpoint.par. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4070 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 24, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Added a SDF_TABLE_CA.adl file that has channel access specific changes. This should be merged with SDF_TABLE.adl so that two almost identical files do not need to be kept in sync. Modified the RCG to accept a new parameter in the parser (casdf, 1 = the CA SDF), and the feCodeGen.pl and fmseq.pl files to build the database and sequencer. The database has two channels added and one extended. The sequencer is build with the USE_SYSTEM_TIME and CA_SDF defines. This is not complete. The generated .cmd file needs to be modified by hand at this point. First the .ini file that gives the list of channels to modify needs to be included, and second the sequencer must not be started as this is not intended to run on a front end with rfm, dolphins, ... and the sequencer code expects that environment. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4069 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 21, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Added a new table view to the CA_SDF build of the sequencer, it now will list disconnected channels. Fixed the disconnected channel count output as well. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4068 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 13, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
The CA build of the SDF code does not do a partial load, only a read only load the database at startup. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4067 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Jonathan Hanks authored
Added a call to getEpicsSettings to sync the state of the temp table cdTableP prior to calling createSortTableEntries. The comparision was invalid and causing crashes due to cdTableP being a copy of the .snap file contents as opposed to a copy of the EPICS data. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4066 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 12, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Improved the parsing and writting of sdf/snap files to be more compatible with BURT for string records. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4065 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 08, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Clean up, added explicit initializations to most variables [except for opaque types and items that it is provable that they are initialized before use] and removed some unused variables git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4064 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 07, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Initialized a local variable before use in generating the count of differences. We where seeing glitches in the difference count caused by using what was on the stack previously. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4063 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 06, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Fixed various use before initialization errors found via manual code review and running valgrind on the CA_SDF build of main.c. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4062 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Oct 05, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Improved string handling for the CA SDF build. Also added support for reading an ini file as a channel source list from INI_FILE epics environment variable. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4061 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Sep 25, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Integrating code to allow a EPICS CA based SDF system to be built off of the front ends EPICS sequencer. The code adds two preprossor defines CA_SDF & USE_SYSTEM_TIME. If both are set a stand-alone IOC can be built with the goal of providing monitoring for arbitrary CA channels. Notes: * This is committed as it goes through testing, and the CA_SDF code is not yet production ready. It needs among other things to not have a hardcoded file to read channels from. * The build system has not been modified to take advantage of this yet. For test purposes this has been built by hand. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4060 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Sep 14, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
When high precision edits where made to a field, the results where not getting properly saved. Writting 1e-12 to a field, accepting the change, and saving the SDF file would record the field as having a value of 0. This was due to the way that the SDF system cached values, it would hold a text copy in its internal structure. The value would be read from EPICS and printed into the text field with format string "%.10lf". When the SDF was written to disk it would read the text field converting the value from text to double, loosing any data more than 10 places right of the decimal point. The solution was to include a field that holds the value as a double. The text field is used for display. The new field is used to store the data at full precision. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4059 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Sep 03, 2015
Jonathan Hanks authored
Fix bug #910. The SDF table did not respect the freeze of the data when a revert, accept, or monitor button was active in FULL TABLE view. Guard the sdf change calculation function with a check to see if the table should be frozen. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4058 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Aug 20, 2015
Keith Thorne authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4057 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Keith Thorne authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4056 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Aug 13, 2015
Keith Thorne authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4055 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 22, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4054 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 21, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4051 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 17, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4047 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 16, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4044 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 15, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4043 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Jonathan Hanks authored
Fixing the last commit. This revision will apply better when doing updates if m4 is not in version control. Updating the bootstrap script to ensure a m4 directory is created. Moving the ax_check_compile_flag.m4 back to the config directory. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4040 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Jonathan Hanks authored
As part of the daqd bootstrap process aclocal needs an m4 directory. Moving the src/daqd/ax_check_compile_flag.m4 file to src/daqd/m4 as that is a better place for it and it ensures the directory exists. Creating a src/nds/m4 folder as well for the bootstrap process in src/nds. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4039 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 14, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4038 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 10, 2015
Keith Thorne authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4037 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 09, 2015
Keith Thorne authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4036 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Rolf Bork authored
as this would save a bogus number. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4035 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4034 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4033 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jul 01, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
This location was discussed at the July 1, 2015 CDS meeting. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4031 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
- Jun 30, 2015
Rolf Bork authored
part of the make, make-install process. - make command produces build/modelepics/config/adcListSorted.txt - make install-model produces a target/modelname/param/model_adclist.txt file. git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4030 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4029 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e
Rolf Bork authored
git-svn-id: https://redoubt.ligo-wa.caltech.edu/svn/advLigoRTS/trunk@4028 6dcd42c9-f523-4c6d-aada-af552506706e