RCG: avx demod parts added
Add 8- and 16-input demodulation_decimation parts library to the RCG.
These parts do I and Q demodulation and automatic 8x decimation without the overhead of a filter module. Decimation coefficients are hard coded. Output is suitable for an RPC of 1/8th speed of the model.
Frequency inputs are in units of Hertz.
Included parts:
- 8 signal inputs, one frequency input. Each signal is demodulated against the frequency input, producing 8 separate I and 8 separate Q outputs.
- A corresponding 16 signal input part with one frequency input.
- 8 frequency inputs, one signal input. The signal is demodulated against all 8 frequencies, producing 8 separate I and 8 separate Q outputs.
- A corresponding 16 frequency input part with one signal input.
Edited by Erik von Reis