Select Git revision
- Branches 20
- 232-adapt-mbuf-gpstime-kernel-modules-to-linux-5-x-in-debian-bullseye
- 655-daq-should-fail-to-start-if-there-are-duplicate-channel-names
- add_dev_package
- add_libawg
- add_testpoint_client
- advLigoRTS-2.0
- advLigoRTS-3.2-frs-9749-fix
- awg_cleanedup
- awg_ifdef_removal
- awg_rate_from_iop
- awgtest
- bigfix198
- branch-2.0
- branch-2.1
- branch-2.2
- branch-2.3
- branch-2.4
- branch-2.5
- branch-2.6
- branch-2.7
- Tags 20
- 5.3.1 protected
- debian/bullseye/5.4.0-1+deb12 protected
- debian/bullseye/5.4.0-1+deb11 protected
- debian/buster/5.4.0-1+deb10 protected
- 5.4.0 protected
- debian/bullseye/5.4.0_dev1-1+deb12 protected
- debian/bullseye/5.4.0_dev1-1+deb11 protected
- debian/buster/5.4.0_dev1-1+deb10 protected
- 5.4.0_dev1 protected
- 5.3.0_dac_fix protected
- debian/buster/5.3.0-2+deb11 protected
- debian/bullseye/5.3.0-1+deb11 protected
- debian/buster/5.3.0-1+deb10 protected
- 5.3.0 protected
- debian/buster/5.3.0_dev2-1+deb10 protected
- 5.3.0_dev2 protected
- debian/buster/5.3.0_dev1-2+deb10 protected
- debian/buster/5.3.0_dev1-1+deb10 protected
- 5.3.0_dev1 protected
- debian/bullseye/5.2.1_dev1-1+deb12 protected
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