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Software in this directory is used to build the FE computer code.

The RCG supports 2 basic Matlab model configurations:
1) IOP model: Purpose is to provide:
    a) FE synchronization to Timing Distribution System (TDS)
    b) Read data from ADC modules 
    c) Write data to DAC modules 
    d) Provide pointers to digial I/O and real-time IPC (Dolphin) network
2) User Application Models which provide the actual control algorithms

There are various configuration options to both of these model types. The
options are set using the Parameter Block settings in the Matlab file.
Secion I below describes the IOP options.
Section II below describes the User App options.

SECTION I: IOP Kernel Module Software ******************************************
    *** Required C Code Files:
    controllerIop.c   - Primary infinite control loop; controls I/O and timing
    moduleLoad.c      - Handles kernel module loading and unloading
    dolphin.c         - Provides setup and mapping of Dolphin network for IPCs
    map.c             - Used to map PCIe I/O modules
    include/drv/iop_adc_functions   - Handles ADC I/O
    include/drv/iop_dac_functions   - Handles DAC I/O
    include/drv/dac_info.c          - Provides DAC card status info
    include/drv/adc_info.c          - Provides ADC card status info
    The RCG uses model Parameter block entries to obtian compile options.
    REQUIRED Model Parameter Block Entries for all IOP configurations:
    ifo=IFO_DESIGNATOR eg L1,H1,X2
    NOTE: 'site' was the previous designator for this, but erroneously named. While
        following old site parameter is still recognized, in leau of ifo, it
        will soon be deprecated.
            site=IFO_DESIGNATOR eg L1,H1,X2
    rate=MODEL_CYCLE_RATE, standard 64K for production systems
    dcuid=DCUID, a system unique number for data acquisition
        - NOTE: 1 thru 6 and 14,15 are reserved for DAQ and may not be used
    iop_model=1 : Indicates this model is to be compiled as an IOP
    host=COMPUTER_HOST_NAME : Name of computer on which this code is to run
    Parameter Block Entries for Specific Use Cases::
    1) Standard LIGO Configuration (SLC)  **************************************
        This is defined as a FE computer that has an I/O chassis (IOC) connected,
        via a PCIe or short range fiber optic cable. The IOC contains all of 
        the following:
            a) LIGO timing receiver module connected to the LIGO
               Timing Distribution System (TDS).
            b) Contec1616 binary I/O (BIO) to control the timing receiver
            c) IRIG-B time code receiver connected to TDS IRIG timing 
            d) At least one ADC module 
            e) No more than combined total of ADC/DAC modules
        There are a number of compile options for the SLC:
            a) pciRfm=1: Used in most LIGO systems, indicates connection
               to the Dolphin network for real-time comms between FE
               FE code with use Dolphin Gen2 drivers. This option is set
               if Dolphin Gen1 is desired. 
            b) dolphin_time_xmit=1: This IOP will send GPS time (seconds) and 
               cycle count (0-65535). This is used to trigger IOP timing
               for FE computers that do not have IOC connected.

    2) Standard configuration EXCEPT no LIGO TDS  ******************************
        In this configuration, an ADC/DAC clocking signal is provided via a
        a non-LIGO TDS ie the clock for I/O modules is provided by some
        other method than via a LIGO timing receiver. Options here are:
        a) A 64K clock is provided to clock the I/O module and a 1PPS sync 
           signal is provided on the last channel of the first ADC. 
           No special Parameter block setting is required.  
           On IOP startup, if it does not find a Contec1616
           module to control the timing signal, it will fail over to 
           trying to sync to a 1PPS signal.
        b) A 64K clock is provided without 1PPS sync. This is the configuration
           commonly referred to as a Cymac. Any 65536Hz TTL clock can be used.
           For this confiuration, set the following Parameter:
            1) no_sync=1
            WARNING: If there are multiple ADC modules in the system, the IOP
                     may have issues getting all of them to start on the same
                     clock cycle. This would be noticed by long IOP cycle times.
                     An IOP restart may, or may not, correct this.

    3) FE computer without an IOC or I/O modules connected.  **********************
        There are 2 options for running an IOP on a FE withoutI/O modules:
            a) As an FE connected to a Dolphin network on a distributed system.
               In LIGO production systems, this is used on FE that use IPC
               inputs from other FE exclusively in performing their 
               calculations and only use IPCs to output control signals.
               Parameter block entries required for this use case:
                    1) pciRfm=1
                    2) dolphin_time_rime_rcvr=1
            b) As a "virtual" machine for testing on a standalone computer. 
               In this mode, the IOP will use the CPU time to control its
               Parameter block entries required for this use case:
                    1) virtualIOP=1
                    1) ADC input signals will be static. The value for each ADC
                       card input will equal its channel number eg chan 0 = 0, 
                       chan 1 = 1, etc. Ability to change ADC input values
                       dynaically is on the TODO list.
                    2) Any IPCs defined in the IOP model will be set to use
                        shared memory (SHM) type, regardless of type setting
                        in the .mdl file. Since there are no I/O cards, this
                        is the only option.

    4) Long Range IOP Configuration ********************************************
       When the IO chassis is connected over a long range fiber, such as mid
       station PEM:, set the following in the Parameter block:
            1) rate=64K
            2) clock_div=2
        In this configuration, the IOP waits for 2 adc samples/chan to begin
        a processing cycle, instead of the usual one sample. The code
        will run thru 2 complete cycles everytime it is triggered and
        continue to pass ADC data to user models at the standard 64K rate.  

    5) High Speed ADC Configuration (512KHz Clock) *****************************
        For a specific A+ application, a 1MS/sec ADC is clocked at 512KHz.
        The IOP gets triggered every 8 samples, processes data at 512K, and 
        passes data to user models at the standard 64K rate (no downsample 
        Necessary Parameter Block settings for this configuration.
            1) rate=512K
            2) clock_div=8
        NOTE: LIGO standard 16bit ADC modules can coexist with the high
              speed ADC cards. However, they must still be clocked at the
              LIGO standard 64KHz. Therefore, the IOC must be provided 
              with both a 512KHz clock for fast ADCs and 64K clocks for 
              standard ADCs.
    6) IOP running with a 128KHz ADC clock  ************************************
        The RCG now supports running an IOP with an ADC clock at 128KHz with
        the General Standards 16ai64 ADC module. This requires the Parameter
        block settings of:
            1) rate=128K
            2) adcclock=128
        The IOP will now pass data to/from user control models at this rate,
        so those models require a new Parameter setting to run with this IOP.

    7) Addional Optional IOP Parameter Block Settings **************************
        a) optimizeIO=1 : When set, the IOP will not preload the DAC FIFOs with
            the usual 2 samples at startup. This can provide for lower phase
            delay for 2 clock cycles, or 30 usec at the typical 64K IOP rate.
        b) requireIOcnt=1 : When set, IOP will not run unless it finds all of the
            I/O cards specified in the control model. This is provided as a
            safety factor for code running on production system.s
        c) rfm_delay=1 : Due to the long transmission delays between LIGO corner
            and end station computers, it may be desirable in some cases to
            allow extra IPC transmission time. The transmitting model will use
            this setting to provide 1 extra code cycle delay for IPC receivers.
            NOTE: This setting should be done in the IPC transmitter model.
        d) no_cpu_shutdown=1 : At runtime, code will be assigned to the CPU core
            specified in the Matlab model but the core will not be locked ie
            code installed as a typical kernel module. This is useful when
            testing a model on a computer that does not have the LIGO CDS realtime
            patch installed in the kernel.
        e) ipc_rate=x, where x is 2048,4096,8192,16384, or 32768 and <= 1/2 model
            rate set in the Parameter block.
            By default, a control model transmits its IPC signals at the same rate 
            as defined in the model rate parameter. If desired, the IPC send rate
            can be reduced by setting this parameter.  This may be useful in 
            reducing Dolphin network traffic where the receiver model does not
            require the signal at full rate. An example is the SUS IOP models
            sending watchdog signals to SEI IOP models at 64K, but signal is
            not acted on at anywhere near this rate.
            NOTE: If set, all IPC will be sent at this rate ie is not a per IPC 
            channel setting.

SECTION II: User Application Kernel Module Configurations ***********************
    *** This is the standard production configuration for non-IOP models 
    controllerApp.c         - Primary infinite control loop; controls I/O and timing
    moduleLoad.c            - Handles kernel module loading and unloading
    mapApp.c                - Used to map PCIe I/O modules
    drv/app_adc_read.c      - Handles ADC I/O
    drv/app_dac_functions.c - Handles DAC I/O
    drv/app_dio_routines.c  - Provides DIO card I/O

    The User App control model has 2 configurations:
        1) Standard: IOP passing data at 64KS/sec.
        2) Fast IOP: IOP passing data at > 64KS/sec
    The RCG uses model Parameter block entries to obtain compile options.
    REQUIRED Model Parameter Block Entries for all user app configurations:
    ifo=IFO_DESIGNATOR eg L1,H1,X2
    NOTE: 'site' was the previous designator for this, but erroneously named. While
        following old site parameter is still recognized, in leau of ifo, it
        will soon be deprecated.
            site=IFO_DESIGNATOR eg L1,H1,X2
    rate=MODEL_CYCLE_RATE, 2K, 4K, 16K, 32K, 64K
    dcuid=DCUID, a system unique number for data acquisition
        - NOTE: 1 thru 6 and 14,15 are reserved for DAQ and may not be used
    host=COMPUTER_HOST_NAME : Name of computer on which this code is to run
    For use with an IOP passing data at 128KS/sec, add the following option:
    Additional compile options intended for CDS code test systems:
        1) no_zero_pad=1 : In performing upsampling of DAC outputs to match IOP
            rate, the user app code using zero padding in its upsample filtering.
            If this option is set, zero padding is disabled.
        2) no_cpu_shutdown=1 : At runtime, code will be assigned to the CPU core
            specified in the Matlab model but the core will not be locked ie
            code installed as a typical kernel module. This is useful when
            testing a model on a computer that does not have the LIGO CDS realtime
            patch installed in the kernel.
        3) use_shm_ipc=1 : Regardless of IPC type definition in the Matlab model,
            the RCG will force all IPCs to be defined as SHMEM type. This can be
            useful in running a production system model, most of which use PCIe 
            type IPC, in a standlone system for testing. IPC receivers in
            the model still need to find the channels in your IFO.ipc file. A quick
            way to to this is:
                1) Copy over theproduction system IPC file 
                2) Use sed, or similar, to change all ipcType=SHMEM
                3) Use sed, or similar, to change all ipcHost="Your computer name"