Add hyper link from conda user guide discussion of condor to existing discussion of conda-run
If I go directly to these docs, then even though I am already on the 'Advanced Usage' section of the conda guide, I am told simply that there should be no need to set environment variables, and that if I do, I should consult the main condor docs.
I think it is both appropriate and important to modify this statement to clarify that as long as my software doesn't require the activations scripts, this is true. If it does require those scripts (something in the conda environment relies on environment variables to properly function), then we should point readers of this conda guide to the already very nice instructions about using conda run
written up in our condor guide here
Basically, cross-linking one very reasonable place that someone might look for an answer to a question to the other place (where they might also look) which has the more complete answer.
Steps to reproduce
Read the existing instructions, and conclude either that you will never need your conda environment's activation scripts when running under conda, or know that you do, and not know how to achieve that.