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Prioritized labels

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Other labels

  • ligo-india
    IGWN Computing and Software
    Related to LIGO India Computing
  • osdf
    IGWN Computing and Software
    Related to the Open Science Data Federation, including origin and cache infrastructure, and data access.
  • osg
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing
  • ospool
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing
  • packaging
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing / IGWN HTCondor configurations
    Related to packaging
  • pipeline-rift
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing
  • potential-sprint-task
    IGWN Computing and Software
    This is a well-defined and narrowly-scoped task that doesn't require enormous preexisting knowledge or coordination across the organization, such that it could make a good potential student project, sprint goal, or targeted InfraOps contribution.
  • priorityhigh
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing
  • prioritylow
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing
  • prioritymed
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing
  • roadmap
    IGWN Computing and Software
    A label to define issues that are of broad interest to the collaboration, e.g., that establish changes to computing infrastructure that may impact many users.
  • role:centralmanager
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing / IGWN HTCondor configurations
    Related to configuration for central managers
  • role:execute
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing / IGWN HTCondor configurations
    Related to configuration for execute nodes
  • role:submit
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing / IGWN HTCondor configurations
    Related to configuration for access points (submit nodes)
  • scitokens
    IGWN Computing and Software
    Issue related to access to/use of SciTokens
  • security
    IGWN Computing and Software
    For the attention of the Security Committee
  • site-lho
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing
  • usability
    IGWN Computing and Software / Distributed Computing / IGWN HTCondor configurations