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  • alexander.pace/server
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  • duncanmmacleod/gracedb
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  • tanner.prestegard/gracedb
  • leo-singer/gracedb
  • computing/gracedb/server
18 results
Show changes
with 730 additions and 421 deletions
......@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ in real life (from inside the Django shell)::
>>> u = User.objects.get(username='albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG')
>>> if p in u.user_permissions.all():
...: print "Albert can add events!"
...: print("Albert can add events!")
The Django ``User`` class has a convenience function ``has_perm`` to
make this easier::
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ make this easier::
>>> u = User.objects.get(username='albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG')
>>> if u.has_perm('events.add_event'):
...: print "Albert can add events!"
...: print("Albert can add events!")
Again, notice that the ``has_perm`` function needs the codename to be scoped by
the app to which the model belongs. Both are required to fully specify the model.
......@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ event data. Thus, we have added a custom ``view`` permission for the event model
>>> perms = Permission.objects.filter(codename__startswith='view')
>>> for p in perms:
...: print p.codename
...: print(p.codename)
......@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ can be done by adding the permission by hand::
>>> u = User.objects.get(username='albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG')
>>> u.user_permissions.add(p):
...: print "Albert can add events!"
...: print("Albert can add events!")
Granting permission to populate a pipeline
.highlight .err {
border: inherit;
box-sizing: inherit;
......@@ -102,16 +102,17 @@ h1.docnav {
#home #nav-home a,
#create #nav-create a,
#public #nav-public a,
#search #nav-search a,
#pipelines #nav-pipelines a,
#alerts #nav-alerts a,
#password #nav-password a,
#doc #nav-doc a,
#reports #nav-reports a,
#feeds #nav-feeds a,
#other #nav-other a,
#about #nav-about a,
#archive #nav-archive a,
#lab #nav-lab a,
#reviews #nav-reviews a,
#userprofile #nav-userprofile a,
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#create #nav-create a,
#public #nav-public a,
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#password #nav-password a,
#doc #nav-doc a,
#reports #nav-reports a,
#feeds #nav-feeds a,
#other #nav-other a,
#about #nav-about a:hover,
#archive #nav-archive a:hover,
#lab #nav-lab a:hover,
#reviews #nav-reviews a:hover,
#userprofile #nav-userprofile a:hover,
#latest #nav-latest a:hover,
#contact #nav-contact a:hover {
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{% extends "!layout.html" %}
{% block extrahead %}
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var getKeys = function(obj){
var keys = [];
for(var key in obj){
return keys;
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// id == 'content'?
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header_div.innerHTML = header_content;
function(error) {
console.log("failed to get navbar content.")
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......@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ GraceDB supports three different types of authentication methods depending on th
federated identities.
- **REST API**: The API has a single entry point which can handle the following types of authentication:
- **Shibboleth**
- **Scitokens**
- **X509**
- **Basic (password-based)**
Unauthenticated, read-only access is also available for both the web interface and the API.
Only a limited set of information is available to unauthenticated users.
......@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ After a user has successfully authenticated, GraceDB examines the user's
group memberships to determine whether the user is authorized to access
or modify a particular resource. These permissions apply at the level of
individual events. The relevant permissions are: ``view`` (which allows
viewing) and ``change`` (which allows annotation). In most cases, LVC
viewing) and ``change`` (which allows annotation). In most cases, LVK
users have both permissions on all events. By contrast, LV-EM members
(and, in the future,
other external users) have permissions only on events that have
......@@ -41,13 +41,14 @@ Creating new events in a *non-test* group (e.g., CBC or Burst) requires
a special ``populate`` permission on the relevant pipeline object. These
permissions are set at the user (rather than group) level and are
maintained by hand. Send email to the GraceDB maintainer
or the ``uwm-help`` queue if you need a new Pipeline or pipeline permission.
or the `IGWN Computing Helpdesk <>`__
if you need a new pipeline or pipeline permission.
Robot certificates
Access to the REST API through the X509 entry point requires a valid robot
certificate. (Note: This is only necessary for LVC users. LV-EM users can see
certificate. (Note: This is only necessary for LVK users. LV-EM users can see
:ref:`basic_auth_for_lvem` .) Instructions for obtaining a certificate are
`here <>`__. When you
......@@ -75,9 +76,9 @@ Shibbolized client as follows::
r =
except HTTPError, e:
print e.message
except HTTPError as e:
print "Response code: %d" % r.status
print "Response content: %s" % r.json()
print("Response code: %d" % r.status)
print("Response content: %s" % r.json())
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# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
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......@@ -50,17 +54,17 @@ master_doc = 'index'
# General information about the project.
project = u'GraceDB'
copyright = u'2015, Brian Moe, Branson Stephens, Patrick Brady'
author = u'Brian Moe, Branson Stephens, Patrick Brady'
copyright = u'2020, Tanner Prestegard, Alexander Pace, Brian Moe, Branson Stephens, Patrick Brady'
author = u'Tanner Prestegard, Alexander Pace, Brian Moe, Branson Stephens, Patrick Brady'
# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
# built documents.
# The short X.Y version.
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"created": "2018-09-19 18:28:46 UTC",
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"SingleInspiral": [
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"spin2z": 0.02086957
"submitter": "albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG",
"created": "2022-03-16 16:24:22 UTC",
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"instruments": "H1,L1",
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"offline": true,
"search": "AllSky",
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"far_is_upper_limit": false,
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"labels": [],
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"... S220316o dict excluded for clarity ..."
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"self": "",
"tags": ""
"created": "2018-09-19 18:29:20 UTC",
"graceid": "G194537",
"gpstime": 1216336200.66,
"pipeline": "oLIB",
"labels": [],
"group": "Burst",
"extra_attributes": {
"LalInferenceBurst": {
"bci": 1.111,
"bsn": 7.19,
"frequency_mean": 721.23,
"frequency_median": 718.03,
"hrss_mean": 8.12e-23,
"hrss_median": 2.19e-23,
"omicron_snr_H1": 4.98,
"omicron_snr_L1": 4.99,
"omicron_snr_V1": null,
"omicron_snr_network": 6.91,
"quality_mean": 15.2,
"quality_median": 15.1
"omicron_snr_H1": 4.98,
"omicron_snr_L1": 4.99,
"hrss_mean": 8.12e-23,
"frequency_median": 718.03,
"hrss_median": 2.19e-23,
"omicron_snr_network": 6.91,
"quality_mean": 15.2,
"bsn": 7.19,
"frequency_mean": 721.23,
"quality_median": 15.1,
"omicron_snr_V1": null,
"bci": 1.111
"far": 7.22e-06,
"far_is_upper_limit": false,
"gpstime": 1216336200.66,
"graceid": "T0144",
"group": "Test",
"instruments": "H1,L1",
"labels": [],
"likelihood": null,
"links": {
"emobservations": "",
"files": "",
"labels": "",
"log": "",
"neighbors": "",
"self": "",
"tags": ""
"nevents": 1,
"offline": false,
"pipeline": "oLIB",
"submitter": "albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG",
"superevent": null
"neighbors": "",
"files": "",
"log": "",
"tags": "",
"self": "",
"labels": "",
"emobservations": ""
"created": "2022-03-16 18:21:37 UTC",
"far": 7.22e-06,
"instruments": "H1,L1",
"warnings": [],
"search": "AllSky",
"nevents": 1,
"superevent": null,
"submitter": "albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG",
"superevent_neighbours": {},
"offline": false,
"likelihood": null,
"far_is_upper_limit": false
"category": "Test",
"created": "2018-09-19 18:28:54 UTC",
"em_events": [
"far": 0.0000342353,
"gw_events": [
"superevent_id": "S220316r",
"gw_id": null,
"category": "Production",
"created": "2022-03-16 18:30:10 UTC",
"submitter": "albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG",
"preferred_event": "G194542",
"em_type": null,
"t_start": 1331490616.298529,
"t_0": 1331490617.298529,
"t_end": 1331490618.89512,
"gw_events": [
"em_events": [],
"far": 9.652186314922026e-07,
"time_coinc_far": null,
"space_coinc_far": null,
"labels": [],
"links": {
"events": "",
"labels": "",
"logs": "",
"files": "",
"self": "",
"voevents": "",
"emobservations": ""
"preferred_event_data": {
"submitter": "albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG",
"created": "2022-03-16 18:30:00 UTC",
"group": "CBC",
"graceid": "G194542",
"pipeline": "gstlal",
"gpstime": 1331490617.298529,
"instruments": "H1,L1",
"nevents": 2,
"offline": true,
"search": "AllSky",
"far": 9.652186314922026e-07,
"far_is_upper_limit": false,
"likelihood": 7.102756279364618,
"labels": [
"gw_id": null,
"labels": [],
"extra_attributes": {},
"superevent": "S220316r",
"superevent_neighbours": {
"S220316r": {
"superevent_id": "S220316r",
"gw_events": [
"preferred_event": "G194542",
"preferred_event_data": {
"submitter": "albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG",
"created": "2022-03-16 18:30:00 UTC",
"group": "CBC",
"graceid": "G194542",
"pipeline": "gstlal",
"gpstime": 1331490617.298529,
"instruments": "H1,L1",
"nevents": 2,
"offline": true,
"search": "AllSky",
"far": 9.652186314922026e-07,
"far_is_upper_limit": false,
"likelihood": 7.102756279364618,
"labels": [
"extra_attributes": {}
"far": 9.652186314922026e-07,
"t_start": 1331490616.298529,
"t_0": 1331490617.298529,
"t_end": 1331490618.89512
"links": {
"emobservations": "",
"events": "",
"files": "",
"labels": "",
"logs": "",
"self": "",
"voevents": ""
"preferred_event": "T0133",
"submitter": "albert.einstein@LIGO.ORG",
"superevent_id": "TS170101z",
"t_0": 1167264018.0,
"t_end": 1167264025.0,
"t_start": 1167264014.0
"neighbors": "",
"log": "",
"emobservations": "",
"files": "",
"labels": "",
"self": "",
"tags": ""
......@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ GraceDB in context
GraceDB serves as a communications hub and as a database for storing and displaying
information about candidate gravitational-wave events and related electromagnetic events:
.. image:: images/annotations_flow_white.png
.. image:: images/data_flow_blue.png
The primary responsibilities of GraceDB are to:
- ingest and store information about events
- ingest and store information about candidate events
- expose that information to users and followup robots
- send alerts about each new piece of information
- send alerts about new information and state changes to users
As such, GraceDB curates content from many sources, but does not itself produce
any original scientific content. The service is mainly geared toward low latency
......@@ -22,42 +22,40 @@ data analysis
and electromagnetic followup, but need not be used exclusively for those
purposes. The diagram above depicts a typical sequence of events:
#. An LVC data analysis pipeline detects an interesting candidate
#. An LVK data analysis pipeline detects an interesting candidate
gravitational wave (GW) event and submits it to GraceDB.
#. GraceDB sends an LVAlert message which notifies LVC followup
#. GraceDB sends an igwn-alert message which notifies LVK followup
robots of the new event.
#. The followup robots perform analyses and report results back to
GraceDB. These results accumulate on the candidate event's page.
#. Eventually, a designated EM approval robot
#. Eventually, a designated `EM approval robot <>`__
forwards the event to `GCN/TAN <>`__.
#. Astronomers receive a GCN Notice for the new event, perform followup
observations, and report coordinates via GraceDB.
Overview of components
GraceDB consists of the server (` <>`__)
GraceDB consists of the server (e.g., ` <>`__)
and a set of client tools. Two user interfaces are available: the web interface
for browser access (i.e., the one you are using now), and the
for browser access, and the
`REST <>`__ API.
These interfaces represent the information in GraceDB in different ways:
the web interface naturally represents information as HTML pages, whereas
the web interface represents information as human-readable HTML pages, whereas
the REST interface delivers JSON-serialized data.
The client tools (available via ``pip``, SL6 or Debian packages, and source
build, see :ref:`installing_the_client`) provide a way to interact via the REST API.
These tools include a Python client class
with methods for all common GraceDB operations.
There is also a ``gracedb`` executable for the command line with much of
the same functionality.
The `ligo-gracedb client package <>`__ provides a convenient way to interact with the REST API.
This package includes a Python client class with methods for all common GraceDB operations.
There is also a ``gracedb`` executable for the command line with much of the same functionality.
The GraceDB API conforms to the RESTful principles of "uniform interface" and
"resource-oriented architecture".
Where can I go for help?
This documentation is not as great as it could be, but we are working on it.
This documentation is not as great as it could be, but
we are working on it. For help with issues not addressed here, please
send mail to
LIGO/Virgo/KAGRA users can join the `GraceDB channel <>`__ in the collaboration's Mattermost instance or email the Compsoft mailing list for help.
To report a problem, either `post an issue <>`__ or email the
`IGWN Computing Helpdesk <>`__.
Integration with LVAlert
igwn-alert notifications (LVK users only)
igwn-alert is a Kafka-based messaging platform used within the LVK.
This document will describe how GraceDB uses igwn-alert, which topics it manages and publishes to, and the content of igwn-alert messages sent by GraceDB. GraceDB uses `igwn-alert <>`__ to send alerts to listeners within the LVK when.
GraceDB uses `LVAlert <>`__ to send alerts to listeners within the LVC.
The content of the LVAlert message is designed to convey actionable information about a state change in GraceDB, whether it involves the creation of a new event, or the updating or labeling of an existing one.
Some helpful resources for installing and configuring igwn-alert are:
- Main `igwn-alert client <>`__
- igwn-alert `user guide <>`__
- `Tutorial <>`__ on setting up igwn-alert and configuring your listener.
igwn-alert and GraceDB
Generally speaking, GraceDB uses igwn-alert to send "push" notifications about different actions that may be taken on the service.
Users can subscribe to different topics (more below) to receive these notifications, filter their content, and optionally trigger follow-up processes, like data quality checks, parameter estimation, and more.
The content of an igwn-alert message is designed to convey actionable information about a state change in GraceDB, including event creation, annotation, and other actions.
.. NOTE::
An LVAlert message is sent out for *any* new event or annotation that arrives in the GraceDB database.
This means that message volumes may be very high under certain circumstances, and appropriate filtering is required in order for LVAlert to be useful.
An igwn-alert message is sent out for *any* new event or annotation that arrives in the GraceDB database.
This means that message volumes may be very high under certain circumstances, and listeners should be constructed to appropriately filter the messages.
igwn-alert topics managed by GraceDB
By running the ``igwn-alert`` command-line tool, you will receive messages over all **topics** to which you have a listen permission, analogous to a subscription.
There are two types of topics to which GraceDB broadcasts alerts: event topics and superevent topics.
Instance Groups
Listening to specific event streams
The following topic names are universal across each instance of GraceDB
(production, playground, test). However, each instance's topics names are
prepended by the instance name (gracedb, gracedb-playground, gracedb-test) and a
".". For example, the ``cbc_gstlal`` topic for GraceDB Playground is listed in
the subscription interface as:
By running ``lvalert_listen``, you will receive messages over all **nodes** to which you are subscribed.
There are two types of nodes to which GraceDB broadcasts alerts: event nodes and superevent nodes.
Event node names consist of at least two elements::
And can be evoked in the command line tool by specifying the instance with the
optional ``group`` flag as in the following command:
``igwn-alert -g gracedb-playground listen cbc_gstlal``
Event topics
Event topic names consist of at least two elements::
In other words, the (lower-cased) names of the Group and Pipeline separated by an underscore.
For example, the node ``burst_cwb`` would catch all messages relating to events in the Burst group from the cWB pipeline.
For example, the topic ``cbc_gstlal`` would catch all messages relating to events in the CBC group from the gstlal pipeline.
One can also specify the search name::
which has the effect of narrowing down the messages to only those related to a specific search.
For example, the node ``burst_cwb_allsky`` will contain messages relating to the AllSky search, but not the MDC search.
Note that GraceDB tries to send a message to all applicable nodes.
Thus, a message sent to the node ``burst_cwb_allsky`` will *also* be sent to the more generic node ``burst_cwb``.
This property allows the user to filter according to search by specifying different LVAlert processing scripts for different nodes.
For example, the topic ``cbc_gstlal_allsky`` will contain messages relating to the AllSky search, but not the MDC search.
It is important to note that GraceDB will send an igwn-alert to all topics which match the parameters of the event in question.
For example, the creation of a Burst-cWB-AllSky event will result in messages being sent to the ``burst_cwb_allsky`` topic, as well as the more generic ``burst_cwb`` topic.
This feature allows the user to filter according to search by specifying different igwn-alert processing scripts for different topics.
There are only three superevent nodes; one for each category of superevent:
Superevent topics
There are only three superevent topics; one for each category of superevent:
- ``superevent``
- ``test_superevent``
- ``mdc_superevent``
To see the names of all available nodes, simply execute::
lvalert_admin -a username -i
Most users will be interested in the ``superevent`` topic in order to receive igwn-alerts about real GW candidates.
For more information on how to receive and react to LVAlert messages, see :ref:`responding_to_lvalert`.
LVAlert message contents
GraceDB sends messages as a JSON-encoded dictionary.
Contents of igwn-alerts sent by GraceDB
GraceDB sends igwn-alert messages as a JSON-encoded dictionary.
This dictionary contains the following keys:
- ``alert_type``: short string representing the. Examples: ``new``, ``update``, ``label_added``, etc. All alert types are shown in the tables below.
- ``alert_type``: short string representing the action which triggered the alert. Examples: ``new``, ``update``, ``label_added``, etc. All alert types are shown in the tables below.
- ``data``: a dictionary representing the relevant object (label, log message, etc.)
- ``object``: a dictionary representing the corresponding "parent" object
- ``object``: a dictionary representing the corresponding "parent" object (i.e., the event or superevent which a log, label, etc. is attached to).
- ``uid``: the unique ID of the relevant event or superevent
Below, we describe the alert contents in more detail.
Examples of the various ``data``/``object`` dictionaries are available in :ref:`models`.
See :ref:`below<example_permissions_list>` for one additional example (list of permissions).
Event alerts
For alerts related to events, the following things are always true:
- ``uid`` is always the event's ``graceid`` (example: G123456).
- ``object`` is always a dictionary corresponding to the event which is affected by the label, log, VOEvent, etc.
The following table shows the ``alert_type`` and ``data`` for different actions:
......@@ -113,7 +144,6 @@ The following table shows the ``alert_type`` and ``data`` for different actions:
Superevent alerts
For alerts related to superevents, the following things are always true:
- ``uid`` is always the superevent's ``superevent_id`` (example: S800106D).
......@@ -162,14 +192,5 @@ The following table shows the ``alert_type`` and ``data`` for different actions:
Example: list of permission dictionaries
.. literalinclude:: dicts/permissions.list
:language: JSON
Further reading on LVAlert
Further information on using LVAlert can be found on the
`LVAlert Project Page <>`__
and the `LVAlert Howto <>`__.
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......@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@
You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
contain the root `toctree` directive.
Welcome to GraceDB's documentation!
GraceDB Documentation
......@@ -11,14 +12,9 @@ Contents:
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
Indices and tables
Documentation for the ligo-gracedb client package <>
LIGO/Virgo Public Alert Guide <>
Report a bug (LVK users) <>
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
This diff is collapsed.