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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • bug
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • confirmed
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • critical
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • Other labels

  • emfollow
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Related to EM follow-up
  • enhancement
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • events
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Issues related to events
  • feature proposal
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Issues that propose new features
  • feature request
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • feedback requested
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Feedback from users and developers is requested for this issue
  • gunicorn
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • help needed
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Help is requested on this issue
  • htcondor
    IGWN Computing and Software
    Related to the HTCondor Software Suite (HTCSS)
  • javascript
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • ligo-india
    IGWN Computing and Software
    Related to LIGO India Computing
  • long-term
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • lv-em
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Issues related to lv-em users, authorization, information display, etc.
  • migrations
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Related to database migrations
  • needs high-level input
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Needs input from LVC policy makers
  • new instance
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Related to standing up a new GraceDB instance
  • notifications
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Issues related to e-mail or phone notifications
  • osdf
    IGWN Computing and Software
    Related to the Open Science Data Federation, including origin and cache infrastructure, and data access.
  • performance
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
  • permissions
    IGWN Computing and Software / GraceDB / GraceDB Server
    Issues related to user or group permissions