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Pin sphinx_automodapi to latest version 0.12

Duncan Macleod requested to merge pyup-pin-sphinx_automodapi-0.12 into master

Created by: pyup-bot

This PR pins sphinx_automodapi to the latest release 0.12.




- Fixed compatibility with Sphinx 2.0 and later. [86]

- Updated required version of Sphinx to 1.7 and later. [88]



- Added a global configuration option ``automodapi_inheritance_diagram`` to
control whether inheritance diagrams are shown by default. [75]

- Fix bug with smart_resolver when intersphinx inventory doesn't include
any py:class entries. [76]

- Fixed compatibility with Sphinx 2.0 and later. [79]



- Fixed compatibility with latest developer version of Sphinx. [61]



- Fix issue with ABC-derived classes (``abc`` and ```` modules)
having their members ignored in Python 3. This was only an issue when
``:inherited-members:`` was not in effect. [53]



- Fixed compatibility with Sphinx 1.8.x. [51]

- Make all extensions parallel-friendly. [44]



- Fix compatibility with Sphinx 1.7.x. [43]



- Fix encoding issues on platforms that default to e.g. ASCII encoding. [33]



- Fix a bug that caused the :inherited-members: option to apply to all subsequent
automodapi directives. [25]



- Fix compatibility with Sphinx 1.6 and 1.7. [22, 23]

- Introduce a new ``:include-all-objects:`` option to ``automodapi`` that will
include not just functions and classes in a module, but also all other
objects. To help this, introduce a new ``:variables-only:`` option for
``automodsumm``. [24]



- Fixed installation on Python 3.4. [21]



- Suppress warning about re-defining autoattribute in recent versions of
Sphinx. [8]

- Avoid hard-coding sphinx_automodapi module name in case this extension is
bundled into another package. [12]

- Fix use of automodapi when source files are inside a source directory. [16]

- Make sure generated rst is tidy and doesn't include extraneous whitespace. [18]



- Fixed a bug that caused the automodapi directive to not work properly when
the main module docstring was not included. [3]

- Fixed a bug that caused skipped classes in automodapi directives to still
be included in inheritance diagrams. [3]

- Original code taken out of astropy-helpers

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