parser.add_option("--frame-cache",metavar="filename",help="Frame cache file to load as input data.")
parser.add_option("--reference-psd",metavar="filename",help="Reference psd files as input to obtain the template and SNR. Can be given for multiple detectors, but must be in one file. If None, the PSD will be measured on the fly, but there will be some burn-in time where the data will not be analyzed until the PSD converges.")
parser.add_option("--output",metavar="filename",help="Name of output xml file.")
parser.add_option("--segments-file",metavar="filename",help="Set the name of the LIGO Light-Weight XML file with segment lists that are science mode, for the trigger generator to know science-mode segments. See also --segments-name.")
parser.add_option("--segments-name",metavar="name",help="Set the name of the segment lists to retrieve from the segments file. See also --segments-file.")
parser.add_option("--injection-file",metavar="filename",help="Name of xml file with injections.")
parser.add_option("--time-slide-file",metavar="filename",help="Name of xml file with time slides for each detector.")
parser.add_option("--channel",metavar="channel",action="append",type="string",help="Name of channel. Can be given multiple inputs, but must be one for each detector.")