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Commit 88d7fa57 authored by Cody Messick's avatar Cody Messick
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snglinspiraltable.c: Name COMPLEX8TimeSeries "snr" instead of

"*1_snr", matching what was done pre-itacac Create sub-threshold trigger to add to gracedb uploads if
we have snr from an instrument that didn't produce a trigger above peak
coincident with the candidate in question. Also, only upload one snr
time series per trigger (including the sub-threshold trigger), not an
snr time series for each ifo for each trigger. After this patch, gracedb
uploads should look almost identical to what they were before switching
to itacac
parent 2d600e36
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......@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@ from ligo.lw.utils import time_slide as ligolw_time_slide
import lal
from lal import LIGOTimeGPS
from lal import series as lalseries
from lalburst.snglcoinc import light_travel_time
from ligo import gracedb
......@@ -553,8 +554,6 @@ class GracedBWrapper(object):
# part way through.
if self.verbose:
print >>sys.stderr, "sending %s to gracedb ..." % filename
print >>sys.stderr, "sending %s to gracedb ..." % filename
message = StringIO.StringIO()
xmldoc = last_coincs[coinc_event.coinc_event_id]
......@@ -562,22 +561,124 @@ class GracedBWrapper(object):
# columns (attributes should all be
# populated). FIXME: ugly.
sngl_inspiral_table = lsctables.SnglInspiralTable.get_table(xmldoc)
process_params_table = lsctables.ProcessParamsTable.get_table(xmldoc)
for standard_column in ("process:process_id", "ifo", "search", "channel", "end_time", "end_time_ns", "end_time_gmst", "impulse_time", "impulse_time_ns", "template_duration", "event_duration", "amplitude", "eff_distance", "coa_phase", "mass1", "mass2", "mchirp", "mtotal", "eta", "kappa", "chi", "tau0", "tau2", "tau3", "tau4", "tau5", "ttotal", "psi0", "psi3", "alpha", "alpha1", "alpha2", "alpha3", "alpha4", "alpha5", "alpha6", "beta", "f_final", "snr", "chisq", "chisq_dof", "bank_chisq", "bank_chisq_dof", "cont_chisq", "cont_chisq_dof", "sigmasq", "rsqveto_duration", "Gamma0", "Gamma1", "Gamma2", "Gamma3", "Gamma4", "Gamma5", "Gamma6", "Gamma7", "Gamma8", "Gamma9", "spin1x", "spin1y", "spin1z", "spin2x", "spin2y", "spin2z", "event_id"):
except ValueError:
# already has it
# If we have snr time series for a detector that didn't
# produce a peak above threshold, create a trigger here
# for the highest peak that is coincident with all
# other triggers
event_ifos = [event.ifo for event in last_coincs.sngl_inspirals(coinc_event.coinc_event_id)]
triggerless_ifos = [ifo for ifo in self.instruments if ifo not in event_ifos]
subthreshold_events = []
# FIXME Add logic to take highest network snr set of triggers when more than 1 sub-threshold trigger
for ifo in triggerless_ifos:
trigger_time_list = sorted([(event.ifo, LIGOTimeGPS(event.end_time, event.end_time_ns), getattr(event, "%s_snr_time_series" % ifo)) for event in last_coincs.sngl_inspirals(coinc_event.coinc_event_id) if getattr(event, "%s_snr_time_series" % ifo) is not None], key = lambda t: t[1])
if not trigger_time_list:
# NOTE NOTE NOTE The coincidence finding algorithm has an extra fudge factor added to the light travel time that isn't used here
coinc_segment = ligolw_segments.segments.segment(ligolw_segments.segments.NegInfinity, ligolw_segments.segments.PosInfinity)
t0 = trigger_time_list[0][2].epoch
# NOTE This assumes all ifos have same sample rate
dt = trigger_time_list[0][2].deltaT
unit = trigger_time_list[0][2].sampleUnits
for (trigger_ifo, trigger_time, snr_time_series) in trigger_time_list:
coincidence_window = LIGOTimeGPS(light_travel_time(ifo, trigger_ifo))
coinc_segment &= ligolw_segments.segments.segment(trigger_time - coincidence_window, trigger_time + coincidence_window)
if snr_time_series.epoch == t0:
snr_time_series_array =
idx = int(round((t0 + (len(snr_time_series_array))*dt - snr_time_series.epoch) / dt))
snr_time_series_array = numpy.append(snr_time_series_array,[idx:])
if not snr_time_series_array.any():
# empty snr time series, detector wasn't on
# FIXME Need to fix itacac so that snr time series only created from a detector if there was science mode data, currently it'll just pass zeros
for (event, snr_time_series) in subthreshold_events:
coincidence_window = LIGOTimeGPS(light_travel_time(ifo, event.ifo))
trigger_time = LIGOTimeGPS(event.end_time, event.end_time_ns)
coinc_segment &= ligolw_segments.segments.segment(trigger_time - coincidence_window, trigger_time + coincidence_window)
tfinal = t0 + dt*(snr_time_series_array.shape[0] - 1)
# NOTE This will not work if the length of the
# snr time series (currently the
# autocorrelation length) is not large enough
# to cover all possible times that could be
# coincident with all of the existing triggers
if not ((t0 <= coinc_segment[0]) and (tfinal >= coinc_segment[1])):
# NOTE This should probably be an
# assert, but it's better to upload a
# candidate to gracedb without
# subthreshold triggers than to not
# upload anything
print >>sys.stderr, "something went wrong creating sub-threshold trigger for %s in gracedb upload" % ifo
idx0 = int((coinc_segment[0] - t0)/dt)
idxf = int(math.ceil((coinc_segment[1] - t0)/dt))
peak_snr = 0.
for idx in xrange(idx0, idxf + 1):
if abs(snr_time_series_array[idx]) > peak_snr:
peak_snr = abs(snr_time_series_array[idx])
peak_phase = math.atan2(snr_time_series_array[idx].imag, snr_time_series_array[idx].real)
peak_idx = idx
peak_t = idx*dt + t0
# NOTE Bayestar needs at least 26.3ms on either side of the snr peak, so only provide an snr time series if we have enough samples
min_num_samps = int(math.ceil(0.0263 / dt)) + 1
if peak_idx < min_num_samps or snr_time_series_array.shape[0] - peak_idx < min_num_samps:
print >>sys.stderr, "not enough samples to produce snr time series for sub-threshold trigger in %s" % ifo
# FIXME Ugly
for column in sngl_inspiral_table.columnnames:
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], column, getattr(sngl_inspiral_table[0], column))
# TODO Make sure end_time_gmst is not set
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "ifo", ifo)
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "end_time", peak_t.gpsSeconds)
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "end_time_ns", peak_t.gpsNanoSeconds)
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "end_time_gmst", lal.GreenwichMeanSiderealTime(peak_t))
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "snr", peak_snr)
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "coa_phase", peak_phase)
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "chisq", numpy.nan)
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "event_id", sngl_inspiral_table.get_next_id())
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "eff_distance", numpy.nan)
for row in process_params_table:
if row.param == "--state-channel-name" and row.value[:2] == ifo:
setattr(sngl_inspiral_table[-1], "channel", row.value[3:])
snr_time_series = lal.CreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries(
name = "snr",
epoch = peak_t - min_num_samps*dt,
f0 = 0.0,
deltaT = dt,
sampleUnits = unit,
length = 2*min_num_samps + 1
) = snr_time_series_array[(peak_idx - min_num_samps):(peak_idx + min_num_samps+1)]
subthreshold_events.append((sngl_inspiral_table[-1], snr_time_series))
# add SNR time series if available
# FIXME Probably only want one time series for each ifo
for event in last_coincs.sngl_inspirals(coinc_event.coinc_event_id):
for ifo in ("H1", "L1", "V1", "K1"):
snr_time_series = getattr(event, "%s_snr_time_series" % ifo)
if snr_time_series is not None:
snr_time_series_element = lalseries.build_COMPLEX8TimeSeries(snr_time_series)
snr_time_series_element.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue(u"event_id", event.event_id))
snr_time_series_element.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue(u"ifo", ifo))
snr_time_series = getattr(event, "%s_snr_time_series" % event.ifo)
if snr_time_series is not None:
snr_time_series_element = lalseries.build_COMPLEX8TimeSeries(snr_time_series)
snr_time_series_element.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue(u"event_id", event.event_id))
for (event, snr_time_series) in subthreshold_events:
snr_time_series_element = lalseries.build_COMPLEX8TimeSeries(snr_time_series)
snr_time_series_element.appendChild(ligolw_param.Param.from_pyvalue(u"event_id", event.event_id))
# translate IDs from integers to ilwd:char for
# backwards compatibility
......@@ -623,7 +623,7 @@ static PyObject *from_buffer(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "buffer overrun while copying H1 SNR time series");
return NULL;
COMPLEX8TimeSeries *series = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries("H1_snr", &gstlal_snglinspiral->epoch, 0., gstlal_snglinspiral->deltaT, &lalDimensionlessUnit, gstlal_snglinspiral->H1_length);
COMPLEX8TimeSeries *series = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries("snr", &gstlal_snglinspiral->epoch, 0., gstlal_snglinspiral->deltaT, &lalDimensionlessUnit, gstlal_snglinspiral->H1_length);
if (!series)
......@@ -650,7 +650,7 @@ static PyObject *from_buffer(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "buffer overrun while copying L1 SNR time series");
return NULL;
COMPLEX8TimeSeries *series = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries("L1_snr", &gstlal_snglinspiral->epoch, 0., gstlal_snglinspiral->deltaT, &lalDimensionlessUnit, gstlal_snglinspiral->L1_length);
COMPLEX8TimeSeries *series = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries("snr", &gstlal_snglinspiral->epoch, 0., gstlal_snglinspiral->deltaT, &lalDimensionlessUnit, gstlal_snglinspiral->L1_length);
if (!series)
......@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@ static PyObject *from_buffer(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args)
return NULL;
COMPLEX8TimeSeries *series = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries("V1_snr", &gstlal_snglinspiral->epoch, 0., gstlal_snglinspiral->deltaT, &lalDimensionlessUnit, gstlal_snglinspiral->V1_length);
COMPLEX8TimeSeries *series = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries("snr", &gstlal_snglinspiral->epoch, 0., gstlal_snglinspiral->deltaT, &lalDimensionlessUnit, gstlal_snglinspiral->V1_length);
if (!series)
......@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@ static PyObject *from_buffer(PyObject *cls, PyObject *args)
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "buffer overrun while copying SNR time series");
return NULL;
COMPLEX8TimeSeries *series = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries("K1_snr", &gstlal_snglinspiral->epoch, 0., gstlal_snglinspiral->deltaT, &lalDimensionlessUnit, gstlal_snglinspiral->K1_length);
COMPLEX8TimeSeries *series = XLALCreateCOMPLEX8TimeSeries("snr", &gstlal_snglinspiral->epoch, 0., gstlal_snglinspiral->deltaT, &lalDimensionlessUnit, gstlal_snglinspiral->K1_length);
if (!series)
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