# The frequency at which to begin generating a template
# The frequency at which to stop generating a template
# The sample rate, note that this is usually exactly = 2 * HIGH_FREQUENCY_CUTOFF
# The number of templaes that go into each sub bank. The total number of templates in a file is given by NUM_SPLIT_TEMPLATES * NUMBANKS
# How many effective spin bins to use. If this is a nonspinning bank, then use
# 1. For a fully spinning bank 20 is a good number. In this example we have
# spin magnitudes up to 0.05 so we choose 3.
# This determines how many overlap tempates are used the boundaries of each sub
# bank. NOTE that the overlap templates are only used to help compute the SVD,
# they are discarded in the final single inspiral table. The analysis does not
# contain duplicate templates at the end.
# NOTE 1000 is used in place of "infinty" it is possible to specify additiona
# approximantes. The format is (chirp mass start):approximant:(chirp mass end)
# which allows the user to specify different chirp masses for each approximant
APPROXIMANT1= 0.00:1000:TaylorF2
# This determines how many sub banks go into each file. The interpretation is
# that the number of times you specify a given integer in this list will
# determin the frequency at which than number of sub banks is put into a file.
# The order matters, it goes from lowest to highest chirp mass. Examples:
# NUMBANKS = 3,4,5
# Approximately 1/3 of the files would contain 3 sub banks, 1/3 would contain 4 sub banks and 1/3 would contain 5 sub banks. The lowest mass templates would be grouped into 3 sub banks and the highest mass templates would be grouped into 5 sub banks.
# NUMBANKS = 3,4,4,5
# Here 1/4 would have 3 sub banks, 1/2 would have 4 and 1/4 would have 5. Again, the lowest mass templates would have three sub banks. The in-the-middle mass templates would have 4 and the highest mass templates would have 5.