parser.add_option("--out-path", metavar = "path", default = ".", help = "Write to this path. Default = .")
parser.add_option("--condor-scratch-dir", metavar = "path", help = "Scratch directory for Condor-based jobs, if launching via Condor")
parser.add_option("--description", metavar = "string", default = "GSTLAL_IDQ_TRIGGERS", help = "Set the filename description in which to save the output.")
parser.add_option("--cadence", type = "int", default = 32, help = "Rate at which to write trigger files to disk. Default = 32 seconds.")
parser.add_option("--disable-web-service", action = "store_true", help = "If set, disables web service that allows monitoring of PSDS of aux channels.")