The goal of this module is to implement the probability of getting a given set
of extrinsics parameters for each detector (snr, horizon distance, end time and
phase) assuming that the event is a gravitational wave signal, *s*, coming from
an isotropic distribution uniform in location, orientation and the volume of
space. The implementation of this in the calling code can be found in
of extrinsic parameters for a set of detectors parameterized by n-tuples of
trigger parameters: (snr, horizon distance, end time and phase) assuming that
the event is a gravitational wave signal, *s*, coming from an isotropic
distribution in location, orientation and the volume of space. The
implementation of this in the calling code can be found in
The probabilities are factored in the following way:
@@ -98,7 +99,7 @@ where:
* :math:`\\vec{\\rho}` denotes the vector of SNRs with one component from each detector
* :math:`\\vec{t}` denotes the vector of end time with one component from each detector
* :math:`\\vec{\phi}` denotes the vector of measured phases with one component from each detector
* :math:`\\vec{O}` denotes the vector of observing IFOs with one component from each detector
* :math:`\\vec{O}` denotes the vector of observing IFOs with one component from each detector. Strictly speaking this is just a label that desribes what detectors the components of the other vectors correspond to
* :math:`\\vec{D_H}` denotes the vector of horizon distances with one component from each detector
* :math:`s` denotes the signal hypothesis
@@ -117,7 +118,8 @@ Sanity Checks
The code here is new for O3. We compared the result to the O2 code on 100,000
seconds of data searching for binary neutron stars in H and L. The injection
set was identical.
set was identical. Although an improvement for an HL search was not expected,
in fact it appears that the reimplementation is a bit more sensitive.