## [1.1.2]
- No changes yet
## [1.1.1] - 2023-2-23
- Bump sklearn to v1.2.1. Retrain classifer
## [1.1.0] - 2023-1-11
- update dependencies due to pipelines failing: astropy, h5py, pandas (commit message mentions scipy, but
that is not affected)
## [1.1.0.dev1] - 2022-12-12
- add HasMassGap: em_bright.source_classification returns HasNS, HasRemnant, HasMassGap
- modify dag_writer to add mass_gap training workflow, add classifiers
- add HasMassGap unittests
- Update to sklearn v1.1.3
- add an EoS marginalization option to `source_classification_pe`. EoS
posterior draws are from Legred et al. (
- Update `source_classification_pe` to be compatible with bilby online
PE format. Deprecate previous LALInference format. This fixes
KeyError seen in emfollow/gwcelery#475.
- Use ThreadPoolExecutor to download data files in parallel.
## [1.0.3] - 2022-09-07
- Restrict scikit-learn to v1.1.1 due to model persistance
- Update links to classifiers because project is moved
- Add python 3.10 testing
- Bump sklearn version to 1.1. Retrain classifiers.
- Add `request_disk` to the condor submit file. Using 1GB as a start.
- Restrict astropy >= 5.1.
- Fix failing test v1.0.0.
- Add EoS marginalization to HasNS and HasRemnant. After this, the
package data will contain classifiers trained on several different
NS equations of state from literature. The HasNS and HasRemnant score
will be computed from each, and re-weighted based on the bayes factor
calculation done by Ghosh et. al. in
- Drop python 3.7 support since IGWN environments no longer support it.
## [0.1.5] - 2022-01-18
- implement fetching and caching package data using ``.
- Update dependencies meeting SCCB requirements.
- Re-implement dag writer using htcondor python bindings.
- Remove unnecessary configuration variables from conf.ini.
- Don't package the classifiers; they will be downloaded if not present.
- Add injected redshift to the categorization output.
- Remove pin for astropy.
- Handle hdf5 files using context manager.
- Minor bug fixes in handling arrays in `computeDiskMass` code.
## [0.1.1] - 2021-10-06
- Make `source_classification_pe` work for both aligned and precessing cases
- Relax h5py>=2.10.0
- Fix documentation
- Port over em-bright functionaility from p-astro SHA 0b9c8247
- Switch to poetry for dependency management and packaging
- Demote data directory from a package stage; use pathlib
- Trim DAG writing script to only em-bright training components
- Remove scikit-learn pin; use latest release
- Retrain and replace classifiers using scikit-learn==0.24.2