Consider adding additional criteria to RAVEN publishing conditions
Prior to O4, we should consider adding additional conditions to publish a coincidence via RAVEN with tasks.raven.trigger_raven_alert
. These include:
- For GW+GRB coincidences, only publish when sky localizations are available. This could be considered now since we have a reliable way to create GRB localizations and compare them with GW localizations. This policy would introduce an additional latency of the order of 30 secs (dominated by the delay in creating the GW localization) but could greatly reduce the number of false alarms. Note this policy is currently used for Swift GRB events.
For coincidences with CBCs, consider filtering out BBH events to only consider events with neutron stars. This could be done by considering either masses/chirp mass (would add almost no latency; very straightforward) or p-astro/embright values (could add latency if need to wait and download file(s); requires more thought to incorporate). -
If the overlap integral is available, only publish coincidences where this contributes positively to the significance of the joint FAR (i.e. I_Omega > 1) or some other cutoff limit. This would prevent obviously fake coincidences from being published.